Fragmented Dreams

By tateufel

590 108 3

Plagued by never-ending nightmares and cursed with a mysterious ability to sense others' emotions, 19-year-ol... More

Chapter 1: Just a Dream
Chapter 2: Small Mountain Town
Chapter 3: School Days
Chapter 4: The New Boy
Chapter 5: Bully for You
Chapter 6: Zachary the Jerk
Chapter 7: After School Activities
Chapter 8: Welcome to the Farm
Chapter 9: Stranger Danger
Chapter 10: The Morning After
Chapter 11: Shopping Trip
Chapter 12: Farmers Market
Chapter 13: Coffee with Friends
Chapter 13.5: Movie Night
Chapter 14: Zach Attack
Chapter 15: Open House
Chapter 16: Parent-Teacher Conference
Chapter 17: Please Explain
Chapter 18: Runaway
Chapter 19: World of Terra
Chapter 20: I Dream of You
Chapter 21: Chat with Casimir
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Team
Chapter 23: New Kids in School
Chapter 24: Much Ado About Dating
Chapter 25: On the Case
Chapter 26: Diana Loses her Temper
Chapter 27: Guardian Grandpa
Chapter 28: Dreams of Young Love
Chapter 29: Girls Night In
Chapter 30: Nightclub
Chapter 32: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 33: Grounded
Chapter 34: Apologies
Chapter 35: Happy Birthday
Chapter 36: The Missing Mr. Burke
Chapter 37: Frame Job
Chapter 38: Plan of Action
Chapter 39: Follow the Clues
Chapter 40: Battle at the Crescent Club
Chapter 41: I Will Be Reborn

Chapter 31: Mysterious Savior

14 2 0
By tateufel

No alarms went off as I trotted past the doorway and into the cold darkness of the ally. The delightful smell of garbage and urine greeted me and I gagged slightly. I raised my hand to cover my eyes in an attempt to protect them from the harsh glare of the security lights. I was happy to be out of the hallway, although not thrilled with my current situation. Two men, apparently on a break from working the club, paused in their conversation to look up at me. I could feel that they were slightly confused, probably because they didn't recognize me as an employee. My face broke out into a large smile in an attempt to ease their worries. I didn't stay to chat, tucking my hands under my arms to keep warm as I turned to stalk out of the alleyway. I breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't follow me or ask any questions, then shivered as an icy breeze ran across my bare legs.

"Damnit Diana," I grumbled. I promptly glanced around, taking out my phone to text Zola and let her know I had gone outside. I wasn't about to get murdered in an alley because no one knew where I was. I was still worrying about Sunita as I got to the end of the alley, pausing when I noticed a large black car was blocking my path. It was definitely some sort of celebrity or rich dignitary car as the windows were tinted black and it looked important. I was betting it was bulletproof and had armor plating.

There was a young woman at the corner of the alley, smoking a cigarette, looking bored as she was trying to keep warm. I groaned internally when I realized that would have to squeeze past her to make it onto the sidewalk since the car was blocking the other side. As I approached she smiled at me in a knowing way and I nodded my head, smiling back.

"Hey hun, looking to party?" she asked, looking me up and down. I stopped in my tracks, confused for a moment before realizing she was probably offering to sell me drugs.

"I'm sorry, no cash on me," I blurted out. I was still holding onto my arms, trying not to shiver. The drug pusher was skinny, except for her round face. Around her head was a cascade of ringlets that must have taken her hours to style. Her coat was short but appeared warm, even though her long legs were exposed, covered only in a pair of fishnet stockings.

The young woman smiled as she took in my appearance. "Oh, a cutie like you can have the first one free."

She pulled out a tiny bag and inside was a bright yellow pill. I wondered if this was the drug Casimir was looking for as my hand automatically reached out to take the bag. Our fingers brushed and I felt a deep churning of emotions, the rush almost made me feel sick.

This woman was possessed by a shadow wraith.

I'm sure I made an unpleasant face but the drug dealer took no notice, grabbing suddenly at me as she took a big whiff of air. She pulled my hand towards her, smelling it deeply and I was sufficiently creeped out.

"I'll take my hand back now," I said flatly.

"You smell amazing, almost like..."

I was pulling harder now, still failing to get my hand out of her grasp. "Yeah, it's a new body spray, smells like-" I felt a sharp tug and was suddenly thrown up against the wall of the alley. I cried out in pain. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Just one taste," the woman groaned, holding me now at the shoulders as I struggled to get away.

"Back off creep!" I screamed. Her hands moved to choke me and I flew into defense mode. I pushed her head away and hammered at her wrists, twisting to get out of her hold as she stumbled to the side. I darted away but she was fast, snarling as she lunged at me again. I had chosen the wrong direction to escape, the black car blocking my quick exit to the street. I was about to yell again when a voice rang out from the car.

"Stop that immediately or I will call the authorities!" a voice boomed. I shivered when I heard it, a strange calmness coming over me. The woman attacking me halted, fear clouding her face. She glanced over at the open window, a whimper escaping her lips. The man in the car spoke again. "Get out of here, now."

The wraith-possessed woman took one last longing look at me before bolting from the alley, and off into the crowds towards the front of the nightclub.

I glanced over at the open window, rubbing at my neck as I inched forward. "Thanks for that. I'm not sure what set her off."

I stopped at the edge of the door, nervous of a man who could inspire such terror with so few words. I wondered if the woman knew him, otherwise, how could you explain the fear he elicited.

He was younger than I expected, in his mid-twenties if I had to guess. He was also beautiful. I couldn't help but stare as I examined the sharp line of his chin, high cheekbones, perfect nose, and the slightly gaunt appearance of his face. His hair was dark brown and styled so the left side tucked back behind his ear, while the other side covered the entirety of his right eye. The single eye that I could see was narrow, the iris so dark that it appeared black to me. He was wearing a large brown fur coat, with a fancy logo shirt under it, and a pair of leather pants. As I stared at him I knew I had seen him from somewhere and wondered if he was a famous model or actor, whose name I just forgot. I would have to describe him to Zola later.

As I was looking at him, he was also blankly taking in my appearance. "Are you alright? Do you need further assistance?" His voice was cold, monotone.

"Oh no, thank you," I replied nervously. I could sense his feelings just faintly, he was curious and annoyed, I hoped not with me. I glanced over at the front of the building. "Thank you very much for stopping that woman. I'll just go back inside and find my friend."

"Yes, it's dangerous out here, especially alone," he said in a bored sort of way, looking out the window at the other side of the street. He glanced back at me, his eyes narrowed as he stared, almost like he found me familiar also. I was about to excuse myself again when he raised his finger slowly, pointing at my head. I reached up to touch the area where he was pointing, realizing my wig was dangerously askew.

"Oh jeez," I muttered, grabbing at my head. I sighed and pulled the wig off, admitting defeat. I was done being in disguise. After my encounter with the wraith-possessed woman, I wanted to find my friends and get the heck out of there, especially if those detectives were lurking around. I was running my fingers through my hair, trying to undo the braids and fix my bangs when I noticed the man in the car leaning forward, his gaze focused on me. I realized I was using his mirrored windows to fix my appearance and I was suddenly embarrassed.


"I'm sorry, I didn't... I mean," I babbled, waving my hands as I stepped away. "I'll just go now."

"Halt," he commanded and I stopped, stunned by his words. The man stepped out of the car, rising to his full height. I found myself staring at his long legs and slender body. This guy has to be a fashion model, I decided. My best guess was that he was at least six feet tall.

"Is there something else?" I asked, confused by his sudden need to get out of the car. He took a step closer to me and I wasn't fond of the way he was looking at me. Warning bells were going off in the back of my head, closely followed by the loud ringing of my phone. I juggled the wig in my hand as I opened up my purse to grab the phone, seeing it was Zola calling. "I'm sorry it's my friend, thanks again for your help." I backed up rapidly and my handsome rescuer's face narrowed into a glare. "Zola hello?" I had the phone up to my ear as I sprinted away, heading for the front door of the club.

"Diana where-"

The phone cut out and I looked down at the dropped call. When I glanced behind to see if the man was following me, I was relieved to see that he wasn't. Instead, the car was driving off down the street. I breathed a sigh of relief, stopping my sprint in killer heels, groaning as the pain in my ankles and toes returned. I was leaning over slightly trying to catch my breath when I heard a familiar voice call out.


My head flipped up and there was Casimir, his expression furious as he made a beeline towards me. Zola was close on his heels but her face was a lot more friendly.

"You found me," I called out, grimacing in pain. I debated taking off my shoes to walk barefoot, except I knew my toes would freeze.

"Diana, you're okay! I panicked when I couldn't find you," Zola said, pushing past Casimir to hug me. "Why did you take off your wig?"

"I may have gotten in a small altercation," I admitted, quickly wishing I had lied when I saw the looks on both my friend's faces.

"A what?"

"Are you kidding me, Massey?!"

I threw my hands up, hanging my head in shame. "I'm sorry, really sorry. It's a long story but I really would love to get my coat first and get out of here."

"I have the ticket," Zola said. "Wait here for me I'll be right back."

I watched Zola scamper away, sweet-talking her way back inside to grab our coats. Casimir was still glaring at me, channeling an expression that looked eerily like my grandfather.

"Look, she'll be back soon and I have to tell you I was attacked by a woman who was selling drugs," I whispered, glancing around as I spoke. Casimir's scowl deepened as I continued. "She gave me a pill but I dropped it in the scuffle we had, back over there in the alley." I pointed down the road and Casimir nodded. "Also, she might... no, she definitely was possessed by a wraith so be on the lookout."

"What did she look like?"

"Skinny, dirty blonde hair with ringlets, short red coat, and fishnet stockings," I said as I spat out her description, rapid-fire.

"Did she get any blood?"

"No, I slipped away and some guy in a fancy car stopped her before she could really do anything," I said.

At that moment I was thankful to Grandpa for the self-defense moves he had taught me long ago. Although as I took in Casimir's expression I wasn't sure I should mention that part of my story just yet.

"I just can't believe that you would disregard our instructions, our warnings, and come here," Casimir huffed. "So much could have gone wrong." He began mumbling in Terrarish, rubbing at the bridge of his nose as he spoke.

Here it is, the beginning of my lecture, I thought.

"Before you go on, and rightfully so," I added, my hand raised. "I think you were right and there might have been some of the Prince's minions here tonight."

Casimir gritted his teeth as he spoke. "I know that because I saw two of them myself," he grumbled.

"Oh, well good, you know," I replied, flushing red. I hated that Casimir was mad at me and wanted to apologize better this time, but Zola arrived with my coat in her arms.

"I called the cab," she said, shoving my coat back in my hands. I took it happily, surrounding myself with its warmth.

We waited in awkward silence for the cab to arrive. Once it got here Casimir opened the door, letting us both get in before climbing into the front seat himself. I opened my mouth to protest him coming along but thought better of it. Zola eyed me, her eyebrows arched in confusion. I was nervously petting the wig in my hands, wondering what Elizabeth thought of Casimir abandoning her at the club. Just before we reached the dorm an idea caught up with me and I sat up straight in my seat.

"Oh god, I forgot!" I called out.

"What?" Zola asked. She was relieved the silence was finally broken.

I turned to look at her as I replied. "I saw Sunita at the club, with some older guy!"

"What, no way!" Zola protested, scoffing at me openly.

"I swear it was her," I said, glancing at Casimir in the rearview mirror. His eyes were locked on me. "I saw her go into the staff room, past the bathroom. It was an older man with a mustache."

"There is just no way," Zola said as she shook her head. We pulled up to the front of the dorms and clambered out of the backseat in our too-high heels and short dresses. Casimir had gotten out to open the door, asking the cab to wait for him as he walked us to the front of the building.

Before we stepped inside I placed my hand on Casimir's arm, causing him to look at me. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Casimir stared at me for a beat before stepping back to let me pass.

"Good night," he said simply and he turned to leave.

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