Loving the cursed moon ๐ŸŒ™ (Se...

By AndromedaDreams1576

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Selena and her siblings are cursed by the Sureme Deity and the Demon King, and have been since birth. When Se... More

my ocs explained as best I can๐Ÿ˜… as well as random facts
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 13

26 1 0
By AndromedaDreams1576

Zeldris and Selena were back at the hideout. Selena lay in Zeldris's bed as the two cuddled. Selena was fast asleep but Zeldris was still awake, he didn't know why but he felt like she would be safer if he stayed awake for a bit. 'Maybe someone from a nearby village is trying something stupid?' he thought as he ran his fingers through Selena's hair. He was always surprised by how soft her hair was but just chalked it up to Selena being what she had once called a 'half-breed'. Selena had never fully explained what her parents were but he knew they weren't human, or even weak demons, like he originally suspected when he saw that she had some demon abilities. Zeldris shook his head slightly to clear his head, not wanting to wake Selena he had decided against moving too much. He looked down at the girl in his arms. Something about her seemed familiar but he couldn't remember why. He would have remembered a girl as beautiful looking as the one asleep in his arms. She was a very interesting person but she tended to not talk about herself much, he suspected that the reasons for this were personal so he didn't want to pressure her. 'Maybe Gloxinia and Drole could tell me more about her parents. They did know them before the war after all.' Zeldris thought to himself as he heard a soft noise from Selena and decided that maybe it was time for him to rest as well.

In the morning Zeldris woke up to the sounds of the bath his mate had drawn for herself and Selena singing, this time he understood the words, so he sat at the desk in his room trying to figure out why he had felt so on edge the night before while listening to the sound of his mate's voice. All while Selena sang to her heart's content while getting ready for her day. "Where the North wind meets the sea there's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound. For in this river, all is found. In her waters, deep and true lie the answers and a path for you. Dive down deep into her sound, But not too far or you'll be drowned. Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear. And in her song, all magic flows. But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows? Where the North wind meets the sea there's a mother full of memory. Come, my darling, homeward bound. When all is lost, then all is found." Selena let out a happy sigh as she put on her outfit for the day, instead of her regular outfit she wore a red tank top, dark jeans and a black coat with fur lining the edges, hopefully keeping her warmer than her other jacket. all her jewelry was still there since she was so used to wearing them. She thought Zeldris might still be sleeping since he had been pretty much a rock when she woke up. But she was surprised to see Zeldris at his desk looking annoyed. "Love? Is something the matter? You look upset." she asked as she walked up to Zeldris. He shook his head and let out a sigh of annoyance. "No, I'm alright firefly. It's just that I sensed something, or someone, last night that felt dangerous and I can't figure out why." Selena gently grabbed Zeldris's hand in her own. "It's ok Zeldy. As long as I have you by my side, I'm not afraid." Zeldris let out a small chuckle. "Even if my father found out and tried to keep us apart, I would fight him to stay with you." Selena sighed as she nuzzled Zeldris's shoulder. "I love you Zeldy." Selena said happily. At this Zeldris smiled and began to nuzzle the top of Selena's head, "I love you too my firefly." he replied lovingly.

In an abandoned town the three archangels were figuring out the details of how they would find "Azura's spawn" and get rid of them, as they were ordered to. "Azura hasn't been seen for years, how do we know her or her spawns are even alive?" Sariel asked as he laid on the roof of one of the abandoned houses. Ludociel rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Her half breed abominations should be easy to find, but if their parents are still alive that could be a problem. But for now just try to find them and observe them before attempting to eradicate them." The two other archangels nodded and flew off, leaving Ludociel by himself.

Selena woke up from her nap to see her friends and siblings hanging with the commandments. Selena notices Zeldris in a corner by himself and walked over, pulling him into a hug and nuzzling his neck and shoulder. The two stayed and cuddled until Selena felt red hot pain surge throughout her body, causing her to flinch and cry out. "Selena?! What's wrong?" Zeldris asked frantically. Selena tried to look up but all she could do was cry out and groan in pain. Zeldris looked over to the others, who by now had noticed that something was wrong. While Zeldris tried to calm Selena down the others turned to Merlin, "What happened? Is she ok?" Elizabeth asked worriedly. Merlin sighed "She should be, but we need to get her out of pain or she won't be able to explain what happened." Zeldris nodded then began using his magic to calm Selena and soothe her pain. Once she was calm Selena explained, as best she could, the same thing her mother had told her all those years ago. The others were shocked that the Supreme Deity could do something so heartless to someone so kind and innocent. Zeldris looked up at Merlin, "Is there anything you can do to give us time to stop the curse?" he asked, Merlin nodded slightly. "Yes, I can stop the curse from killing her in a few months but that's all I can do. The rest of the curse will be unaffected, unfortunately." Zeldris sighed, "As long as we can help her, besides this just means we need to break the curse sooner rather than later." he said as he held her closer to him. The others nodded their agreement. The sins soon went back to the boar hut, leaving the commandments to themselves. Derieri sat up and looked out the window, into the night sky and towards the forest. Monspeet noticed and tilted his head in confusion, "Derieri? What's wrong?" Derieri let out a sigh. "I don't know, I keep sensing someone out there but something doesn't feel right." she flopped down on the pillow Monspeet was already on. Monspeet nodded as he looked over to where Selena and Zeldris sat. Selena looked almost frail, like she would break at the slightest touch. Her skin looked pale as a sheet, her hair had lost it's usual luster it gained every night, though it still reflected the night sky above, and it looked as though she had been crying in her sleep. Zeldris held her against him, trying his best to help her as much as he could, though he couldn't do much. He himself didn't look much better than the girl in his arms, his eyes looked vacant, he refused to speak unless it was to Selena, and not even Estarossa could pull his brother back, all they got was Zeldris growling or simply telling them to go away when they tried to get close to the couple. Eventually Zeldris took Selena to his room and gave the others a quick goodbye.

Zeldris felt like his heart was being torn from his chest. How could his father do something like this, 'Then again father is ruthless when it comes to those who disobey him.' he thought as he sighed softly and laid Selena down on her side of the bed. He looked down at her as he climbed into his side of the bed. Zeldris held Selena against his chest as she slept, though it didn't sound like a very pleasant dream. Zeldris saw this and began to sing the song Aurora had taught him to help Selena calm down when she was upset. "Now it is time to forget your burdens and fears. Let go of the things weighing you down. Instead look towards the sky, that's where I'll be. Sun and moon.., weep not little ones for I am here, your worries become another wave, in the sea, So wash away, close your eyes, and sleep.. Precious ones, So small.. Soooo sweet, straight from, the brightest star. What a miracle, you truly are. I am blessed that you're here."" as the song came to an end Zeldris felt Selena relax in his arms and her breathing calmed. A few minutes later the couple was asleep in each others arms.

Selena looked up at the sky above her and let out a sigh. "Why mama? Why did I have to be cursed like this? Not only will this curse destroy me, but everyone I love as well. Zeldris is so kind and sweet to me, but because of the curse... I don't know if he will ever be able to get over my passing." At these words, Selena felt herself begin to cry. Soon she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her, she looked behind her and saw Zeldris, and he looked upset as well. "Zeldy? What's wrong?" she asked. Zeldris sighed, "Nothing firefly, I'm just worried about you." Selena cuddled closer to him and began nuzzling his neck in an attempt to comfort him. "Try not to worry love, I know we will find a way to stop this curse." Zeldris hugged Selena closer to him and let out a soft sigh. "I know, but that's not the only thing I'm worried about." Zeldris lifted his head and looked down at Selena. "Firefly? Did your parents ever tell you how they met and why they left their families?" he asked. Selena froze and couldn't think of what to say, Zeldris saw this and began to comfort her as best he could. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it but it might help us know how to break the curse." he said as calmly as he could. Selena let out a soft sigh, "Ok Zeldy, just promise you won't hate me when I tell you." Zeldris was surprised at the request but nodded nonetheless. "Of course firefly, you have my word." he said as he kissed Selena and then rested his cheek against her forehead. With a shaky breath Selena began to tell the story her parents had told her of how they met, taking a breath before she told the story of her parents first meeting. What she told him was not the full story however, though she remembered the story well as it was one of the treasured memories of her parents. The first time, though, they told their children the story many times. Though Selena couldn't bring herself to tell all of it, she told him what she thought he needed to know for now. That her parents had abandoned their clans for love, and when the Demon King and Supreme Deity found out they were furious and cast a curse on them and their future children. But she couldn't help remembering the story herself, especially after so many years without them.

Azura had been called upon by the Supreme Deity to find and retrieve a very powerful and dangerous relic, the celestial gem, while Desmos had been told by the Demon King to find and bring him the same relic. Azura wasn't too far from where the relic had last been seen. When she got there she was surprised by how easy it had been to grab, a few minutes later she stepped out of the ruined temple and looked towards the sky. Azura let out a soft sigh of annoyance. "It's getting too dark, I'll have to stay here until sunrise.'" she said more to herself than anyone else, what Azura didn't know yet was that she wasn't alone. Desmos looked at the young goddess in front of the temple from his hiding place. He was surprised by how pretty she was. Her hair changed from the brilliant auburn color it had been just hours before and darkened into a deep purple that reflected the beauty of the night above them, her wings went from golden color over most of the wing with blue tipped feathers at the ends to the same shade as her hair. The wings now reflected the heavens above as well. He shook his head , attempting to rid the intrusive thoughts of the lovely goddess, and thought of a new plan. Once Azura had gotten a fire going she began to cook some food for both her and her companion, Artemis. Soon she felt the presence of a powerful demon, "Wonder what one as powerful as this one would be doing out here, no matter. As long as they don't try to attack me we won't have an issue." she muttered under her breath. Desmos was so close to getting the relic, all he had to do was knock out the goddess, grab the relic, and run. When he got close enough he attempted to knock her out , but she had been expecting him to do something like that, and using her magic she summoned a small ball of light bright enough to blind the demon temporarily. A few minutes of fighting later, Azura was pinned to the ground, but while Desmos had been distracted she grabbed some ash from the fire and threw it at his face. He yelled in pain and anger.

Azura was about to fly away but something in her told her not to fly away just yet. So she got up and began to attempt to get close enough to heal him. "Stay away from me, I don't need the help of some heartless goddess." he said. Azura rolled her eyes at the demon. " I'm trying to help you, um-" Desmos stopped struggling as he answered her implied question, "Desmos. What's a pretty thing like you doing out here? Wouldn't someone like you be better suited for healing back at a base or something?" he asked. Azura sighed, "Unfortunately my brothers, Mael and Ludociel, don't want me anywhere near a battle. So I end up doing the tasks none of the others will take. It doesn't help that most of the others are afraid of me." Desmos looked shocked at this. "How could anyone be afraid of you, I mean as far as I've seen you're nothing but kind and sweet, um-" Desmos rubbed the back of his neck and blushed in embarrassment, "Sorry, I forgot to ask your name." he said nervously. Azura laughed, a soft and soothing sound, "It's Azura, or Azzie as my siblings call me. And there are lots of reasons the others don't like me, mainly that my abilities are...darker than anyone else in the goddess clan has ever seen." she replied. The two stayed and talked until sunrise. When the two were about to leave they realised one of them would go back empty handed. Seeing as Azura needed the relic more than he did, Desmos insisted she take it. "But what about you? The Demon King-" Azura was cut off by Desmos laughing slightly, "He may be strong, but so am I. Besides, one 'failed' mission won't get me killed." This time Azura let out a laugh and gave Desmos a kiss on his cheek. "Who would have thought a demon could be such a gentleman." she joked. The two agreed to meet again soon. A few centuries later the two decided to abandon their clans and be together, they knew what they were doing could get them killed but they didn't care as long as they had each other.

"And when the Demon King and Supreme Deity found out they cursed our parents, and us." Selena said as tears ran down her cheeks. Zeldris held her as close to him as he was able and gently wiped her tears away. "That's awful that they did that to your parents, and you. Especially since you and your siblings hadn't been born yet" Zeldris said as he held her close. Selena could only nod in agreement.

Selena awoke and looked down at the photo of her family, before her parents had left. 'We were so happy back then.' Selena thought to herself as she let out a soft sigh. She felt a shiver run up her spine. "Brrr, it must be getting cold or something." she said, more to herself than anyone else. She grabbed some tights, a pair of jeans and black top, as well as her favorite sweatshirt. As she put on her favorite black sweatshirt with a crescent moon, she felt Zeldris wrap his arms around her again and lay his head on her shoulder. "Something wrong, my queen?" he asked, sounding as though he was still half asleep. Selena brought her hand to his head and proceeded to play with his hair as she began to nuzzle the top of his head. "Sort of, I don't know why but I feel like we're being watched, and I suddenly got a chill up my back so I thought I might be cold ." Selena shook her head slightly and sighed, "But it's probably just me being paranoid again." Zeldris turned Selena so they were face to face. "Selena, if you say something doesn't feel right then I'll believe you. Besides, I've been getting a similar feeling for the past few days. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare you." Zeldris said. Selena leaned into Zeldris and gave him a loving kiss. "Thank you Zeldris, I'm just glad I'm not going crazy." Zeldris looked down at her and smiled, "I would love you even if you were crazy.'' Selena began to chuckle. "And I would too. I love you Zeldy, with all my heart." Selena cuddled against his chest as Zeldris smiled and gave her a gentle, yet passionate, kiss. "I love you too, my firefly." he said as he pulled her closer to him. A few minutes later they were in the main room with the other commandments. After a bit Selena fell asleep again in Zeldris's arms. A few minutes later the sins and everyone else came by for a visit and to talk about what to do about the archangels and how to get rid of them. 

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