Slytherin Queen

Par IsabellaMargaretLGas

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Lily Potter is just an ordinary girl, living a normal life with her brother. Though she lives with people she... Plus

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271 2 0
Par IsabellaMargaretLGas

I had a feeling someone was staring at me. I look up and look behind me, no one is watching. Then I slowly turned my head to the right and met eyes with Draco. He quickly looked away and I did as well. I smiled a bit to myself, it didn't bother me at all. But there is something that is bothering me... what does half-blood mean?

After class, as I was walking out, Parkinson pushed pass me causing all my books to fall on the floor. She gave me an evil look before walking off with her friends. I huffed and got down and started gathering all my books. As I was about to grab the last book, a hand touches mine. I look up to see Fred, this is very cliché. I realize our hands were still touching and I think he noticed as well.

We both looked at each other and we both blushed. Wait... I'm blushing to Fred Weasley.? He got up and extended a hand and I took it. I stood up and quickly took my hand from his. "Oh, uh, you dropped this." Fred said, handing me my book. "T-Thanks" I said, stuttering. I look behind Fred to see Draco. Fred looks behind him as well. "Oh um I think I need to go. See you around Lily." Fred said, leaving. 

I then heard Draco say behind me, "Hey, wanna walk to class together?" He asks, like he didn't just see Fred. "I would love to-" "Lilianne!" I hear. Harry came up to me with Ron and Hermione. "Come on, we are going to be late for our next class." He said. "Yes, I know that, I was going to go with Dra-" "No, you're not." Harry hissed. "Come on, let's go." He said, grabbing my arm, once again, and dragged me away. I look back at Draco. 'I'm sorry' I mouth to him. 'It's okay. Maybe next time.' He assured. I gave him one last smile before I went around the corner, out of his sight.


I was walking with the trio to potions class."Oh, Lily, I forgot to ask, did you have any memory dreams?" Harry asks. "Memory dreams?" Hermione questioned. "I tend to have these dreams, they are like flashbacks of my memories of when I was a baby, and yes I did." I respond, cheerfully.

"What was it about?" Ron questioned. "It was our parents. Harry and I were playing with their wands. Then dad promised that no matter what house we get into, that he would love us no matter what." I smiled as I finish.

Harry smiles at me, "Dad called me princess." I tell him. "Then I'll call you princess from now on." Harry declared and smiled. "Hi Lily." I turned to see Isabella walking up to walk next to me. "Hey, do you have potions?" I ask. "Yeah. Professor Snape teaches that class, from what I hear, he favors the Slytherins because he is the head of the house." "Well, lucky us then." I joke and we both giggled.

I walk into the classroom and saw Draco. He turned when he heard me walk in and smiled at me which I gladly return. He pats a seat next to him, signaling me to sit next to him. I went and sat down. "Hey." I greeted.  "Hi" He greeted back. "Sorry about Harry this morning. I have no idea what his problem is." I apologized.

"It's fine, he was just being protective. I respect that." Draco said. The professor Snape came bursting through the door. " There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class." He said, walking up to the front of the class. 

I got out my notebook and an old fashioned pen, similar to what I got Harry. I got to buy it with the left over money from when I bought Harry's gift. It seemed like the better option other than dipping the quill in ink everyone 5 seconds. The only difference is the color and I don't need a big container of ink.

The professor continued, ". As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few," He stopped for a moment to look at Draco, who smirked. "who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." 

He stopped again and looked at Harry, who was writing something in his notebook, not even paying attention. " Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to" Snape spat.

Hermione nudged Harry in the ribs. He looked up and turned his attention to the professor. "Mr. Potter. Your sister is a Slytherin. She's in this class, correct?" "Yes, I am professor." I spoke up. "Ms. Potter, our other, celebrity. Clearly some blood lines are stronger than others." He said and turned to Harry. "Tell me Mr. Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry shrugs and Hermione's hand shot up. " You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Hermione's hand shot up again.

"I don't know sir."  "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?" "I don't know sir." " Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter." Professor Snape said.  I looked at Harry, who looked down at his desk. "Can you answer the first question, Ms. Potter." Snape asks. I answer him, "You would get a sleeping potion known as the draught of living death." "The second?" "Bezoar is a stone taken from the belly of a goat, which can save you from most poisons." "The third?" "The are the same plant, professor, that also goes by the name of aconite." I finished answering. "At least one of you had the audacity to pick up a book before coming to school. Why aren't you all copying that down." Snape spat. "Not bad." Draco whispers. I couldn't help but smirk and write down the answers in my notebook.

A moment later in class, Draco passed me a note that said, 'So what was the flashback you were talking about earlier?" I smiled and wrote down what I told Harry and passed it back to him. He wrote something down and passed it back to me. 'That's amazing.' it said. Then i decided to ask something that has been bothering me all day. 'What does half-blood mean?' I write down and passed it back.

Draco quickly writes something down and passed it back to me. 'It means one of your parents is a wizard and the other is a muggle or muggle born. Your mum was a muggle born and your dad was a pure blood.' It said.

I wrote, 'Does it make a difference to be a half-blood?' and passed it back to him. It took a few seconds for him to respond, which made me worry a little. I then got the note back, it said 'no'. I smiled at Draco and he smiled back.

We then heard a bang on our desk and looked up to see Professor Snape glaring at the both of us. "Passing notes in my class, I expected better from you two." he said, snatching the paper from my desk. He reads it and his expression surprisingly, softens. I turn to see Harry and Ron glaring at Draco.

"Detention, both of you after classes." he said, calmly. Draco and I sighed. "But sir, I'm pretty sure Malfoy was the one who started it." Ron spoke up. Draco and I glare at him. "Speaking out of turn Weasley, detention for you as well." Ron seemed to have lightly smiled. "Alone." Snape finishes and Ron's face turns disappointed.

Class finally ends and I am gathering my books. "I'm really sorry." Draco said. "It's not your fault, we were both passing notes." I replied. "But don't you think it's odd that Professor Snape gave Ron detention by himself instead of us? It's like he's trying to get us alone together." Draco thought of it for a moment.

"He probably just wanted to separate the houses. Probably doesn't want us Slytherins to be with a Gryffindork. Draco said and I giggled. "Gryffindork. That's hilarious, I might use it sometimes." "Mr. Malfoy, may I have a word with you for a moment?" Snape spoke. "Yes, professor." Draco said. "I'll see you later." I said and left.

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