Remnant's new rulers(Godzilla...

By Dragonflyer8654

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(Y/N) and his best friend Jack are huge fans of kaiju and the internet show of RWBY.So what would happen if t... More Remnant
Learning about yourself
Team STRQ and a new home
Hollow Earth discoveries
Welcome to Beacon
First day
Stepping up
A date with a sun dragon
Hanging out with the cookie monster
Field trip
The arrival
Transformations and a reveal
Finding out about Earth and Remnant's past

The emerging of the queen

1.4K 33 37
By Dragonflyer8654

Y/N, Jack, Glynda, Ozpin, JNPR, STRQ, and WBY were all standing right next to the waterfall looking at Ruby's cocoon.

Summer:Jack wasn't lying about you surprising me more than when I found out you could transform Y/N.....

Y/N:Actually didn't plan on turning Yang and Ruby in the first place. I guess I just got lucky.

Jack:Lucky as in transforming two girls into titans when it's not even been a semester yet?

Y/N:Ok shut up now. Didn't need to be reminded of how quick we're doing this. Although I didn't expect her cocoon to be... this big..

Yang:Yeah... she entered the cocoon with her being smaller than me, but now the cocoon is about 42 feet taller than most of us.

Summer:Wait what?..Isn't she supposed to be around 100 feet tall or six feet tall?

Jack: That's only for me and Y/N.

Y/N:As much as Mothra and Rodan are titans, they're not as large as us. You might've seen how big Rodan and Anguirus were during the Vacuo awakening right?

Raven:They were big, just not as big as you.

Y/N:Exactly, you can tell how big their maximum size is by that. Mothra may be a titan, but she's still just a moth, which limits her size quite a bit. I would assume she'd be around 50 feet tall at full height.

Blake:That seems small...

Jack:That's not including the additional 400 feet that her wings add to her height.

Everyone's mouths dropped at that.

Weiss:You're telling me her wings are literally 8 times bigger than her actual body?!

Y/N:Yup, in fact her wingspan is about 803 feet wide. Oh and don't worry, Yang is even larger.

Everyone in team STRQ's mouths dropped, Weiss and Blake just shook their heads in confusion, JNPR just looked dumbfounded, while Yang looked intrigued.

Yang: I'm even bigger?

Y/N: For context, you're 104 feet taller than her, and your wingspan is about 68 feet wider than hers, basically 871 foot wingspan with a height of 154 feet.

Now even Yang look shocked.

Y/N: And believe it or not, there's bigger flying things here than you Yang.


Y/N:Can't guarantee that.

Raven:Summer, you of all people should know they will never stop.

Summer: Yeah fair enough...

For Yang, Jack, and Y/N(and secretly Blake), a rumble rang out, which caused them all to look at Ruby's cocoon. Everyone else quickly knew what it meant and looked over to the cocoon. During the night and with Godzilla's fight with the MUTOs, Mothra's cocoon stopped producing light, however now, the light was back, albeit in small amounts. The thing that stood out to everyone though was that is wasn't the light blue it was before, instead it was a dark crimson red, very reminiscent of Ruby's aura.

Tai:Y/N.... What does this mean.

Y/N: Don't know much, I would assume it means she's going to be ready to come out soon.

Tai:Soon as in....?

Jack: Probably going to be emerging either today or tonight.

Weiss:The sooner we see her, the better.

Everyone nodded and started to set up around the waterfall.

10 hours later


Nora, Pyrhha, Jane, and Rin are seen on Kong's head riding him around while he swings around on the nearby cliffs and trees. Nora being the only one to actually not be nervous and even lift her hand off like she was an actual rodeo rider while the rest were clinging onto him for dear life.


Pyrrha:I DON'T KNOW!

Suddenly, Kong grabbed onto the cliff that they were swinging and climbing on and just stood still.

Rin:...did he stop....

Kong smirked before jumping off the cliff towards the pool and waterfall that Ruby was in. Everyone in JNPR started to scream (Nora's scream was more from excitement) as he descended towards the ground and landed on all 4 limbs. When he looked ahead he saw Y/N, Weiss, Blake, and Yang smiling at them, with Raven and Glynda looking at them unamused. Meanwhile Tai,Qrow,and Summer all looked like they wanted a ride, while Ozpin looked at them with a sincere smile. Kong smiled, before laying on his back and putting his head on the ground, allowing JNPR to (shakily) get off him. After they all got off him, Kong transformed back into Jack.

Jack:So how was the ride?!


Jane:....I'm never doing it again.

Pyrrha:I.....liked it!.....

Y/N:(curse you Pyrrha for being too kind!)


Yang:Yup I'm definitely going to like it.

Tai:You and me both Yang.

Summer:ME TOO!

Jack:Ok I'm just gonna take that as a 5 out of 5 rating...Alright, so does anyone else want to ride?


Blake:Come on Y/N... why aren't you riding him?

Y/N:Because we did a whole lot more crazier stuff before, and this pales in comparison.

Weiss:Even crazier stuff?


Godzilla is seen in a violent ocean in the Hollow Earth with Kong standing on his back like a surfer.


Kong:Hell Yeah!

Godzilla spun around extremely quickly in the water causing colossal waves to form. Y/N and Jack looked around, until their eyes landed on a 600 foot wave.

Godzilla:Here we go!!

Godzilla slowly merged onto the wave as it started to crash down with Kong


End of flashback

Y/N:.....Way crazier stuff

Jack:Best stuff we did in our life though!

Y/N:Oh most definitely.Anyway, about one more ride, because I think Ruby's about to come out soon.

Yang:Why don't we ride you for a change~

Weiss and Blake literally turned into tomatoes at that as they looked at Y/N.


Raven:(she's definitely my daughter!)

Y/N:Not in the mood to let someone ride me right now,and most certainly not in that way yet. Remember I literally just got out of a fight that knocked me out cold and covered me in wounds. That and I have a lot to think about.

Weiss: You don't have any wounds on you though?

Y/N suddenly transformed into his human size kaiju form and pointed towards parts of his body. On those parts were more grey spots, showing that he was still recovering from the attacks by the MUTOs. He then transformed back into his human form.

Tai: Dude your fight was crazy, especially when we saw the Male MUTO's corpse, you really did a number on them.

Y/N:Thanks! I think?

Y/N then turned to Ruby's cocoon and started to walk to it.

Y/N:Wait....she's coming out soon!!

Everyone's attention was immediately brought to the cocoon. The cocoon was glowing a whole lot more red and it was getting to the point where the waterfall was turning red from the light, and the cocoon was starting to glow a faint silver.

Jack:About one more hour and she should be out.

Blake:When you said "soon" I didn't expect it to mean an entire day....ugh

Y/N: Sorry Blake, but we want to make sure you guys aren't bored out of your mind by the time she comes out, believe me, this will be the most beautiful thing you'll see in your life.

Nora:That just means more time with my new monkey steed!

Jack and Y/N: It's Monké

Timeskip for one hour, brought to you by chibi Y/N accidentally burning all of the food with his atomic breath.

Team WBY and JNPR are seen in a large tent (don't ask) sitting in a circle doing several different things. Weiss was currently checking in with her sister through her scroll. Blake, Pyrrha and Jane were all reading their own books. Yang was looking in the direction of the waterfall, while Rin was trying to calm down Nora who was currently running around the tent. Weiss was the first one to speak.

Weiss:Oh cmon! It's been an hour, when is Ruby coming out!

Blake:Be patient Weiss, let Ruby take her time.

Weiss:You only said that because Y/N caught you 7 tuna for tonight's meal!

Blake:So? Doesn't mean we shouldn't be patient.

Rin:You were literally about to kill someone before he came by,although to be fair the same could be said for Nora.

Nora:Hey I was just hungry for pancakes!

Suddenly Team STRQ, Glynda and Ozpin walked into the tent

Ozpin:Hello students

Pyrrha:Hello Professor Ozpin!

Ozpin:How's everyone fairing now?

Weiss:Bored out of our minds!

Summer: You're telling me, I'm literally waiting to see my little cookie monster who I just discovered is turning into a goddess!

Raven:Summer... calm down.

Glynda:According to-

A rumble rang out from nearby the waterfall that only Yang and Blake can hear. Yang couldn't understand it yet, however what she sensed was more than enough confirmation. A spike in bioacoustics that was way larger than anything she sensed before right next to her.


Everyone immediately stiffened and booked it out of the tent towards the waterfall.

Weiss:WAIT! Where's-

The group of people stopped in front of the waterfall, where they saw Y/N and Jack in front of the cocoon. When they stood still for a second they realized just how different the cocoon looked. The cocoon was practically entirely silver,while the reddish hue on the rest of the waterfall was even brighter.

Y/N and Jack looked to the side to see tons of red bioluminescent bugs flying towards the waterfall and the water around the waterfall started to spin around the cocoon. The cocoon started to flash in waves of silver before a bashing sound was heard from it. A cracking sound was heard about 3 seconds later followed by a claw-like ligament coming out of the cocoon. Right after that 3 more legs, a body and a head came out as Mothra came crawling out from her slumber location. However, unlike the normal Mothra, this one was a jet black and instead of blue eyes, they were a bright silver. Everyone's mouths dropped as they realized just how large she was, even if was just 50 feet tall and if that didn't put them in enough awe, a second later, her wings rose up to their full wingspan, revealing an elaborate pattern of red and black on them with 2 pairs of silver eyes on the edge of her wings. Mothra then stretched her legs out and then unleashed her roar, her silver eyes lighting up along with the red plate on Y/N's back.


Ozpin:Mothra... Queen of the Monsters.

Weiss:Y/N wasn't lying by this being the most beautiful thing we'll see in our lives...


Y/N:Yang, this is your sister's kaiju form

Tai:That's my daughter?!


Mothra turned to look at Y/N and then chirped happily, to which Y/N responded by transforming to his 100 foot height and rumbling gently to her.

Mothra(K/L):Ah it's been forever since I was in this form! Thank you for letting me do this my king!

Godzilla(K/L): The pleasure is mine my queen.

Mothra(K/L):That's not how's it's supposed to work! I'm supposed to call you that, not the other way around!

Godzilla(K/L): That's the only time I'll probably be addressing you like that so don't get used to it.

Mothra walked up to Godzilla and inspected him, once her eyes landed on a gray spot, they widened.

Mothra:Did you have to fight a MUTO?

Godzilla: 2 actually, a male and a female. Did quite a number on me, but I was able to take them down.

Mothra:Well thank you for doing so much for me my king, maybe I should reward you in some way~

Mothra climbed up onto Godzilla's back, her wings dropped behind him so that they looked like a robe on him.

Godzilla(K/L):I'd rather not get wrapped up in silk thank you very much.

Mothra(K/L):You're no fun...

Godzilla(K/L):Well...there's a girl inside you that would love to see her family and team again. You mind giving her control?

Mothra(K/L):Sure, I don't mind, but I will take control whenever I see fit.

Godzilla(K/L):Fair enough.

Mothra's eyes flickered for about a second before they returned to their normal silver color.

Mothra?(K/L):Huh...what's happening?

Godzilla(K/L): Hey Ruby!

Mothra(K/L): Y/N!?

Godzilla(K/L): That's me alright!

Mothra(K/L):But I can're talking in English!

Godzilla(K/L):Look at yourself and you'll find out why.


Godzilla(K/L):No problem Ruby!Now... do you want to transform back to your human form?

Mothra(K/L): I don't want to, but I feel like you're going to make me...

Godzilla(K/L): Yup. Anyway, to transform back to your human form, just think about yourself as a human and close your eyes.

Mothra(K/L):Ok then....

Mothra and Godzilla both closed their eyes as a red and blue glow covered their respective hosts. The light shrunk and shrunk until Y/N and Ruby were visible standing next to each other in the waterfall. Ruby was hugging Y/N from behind, but if you looked at her, you'd find two pairs of wings on her back. Ruby opened up her eyes and smiled at Y/N before nuzzling into his neck. Y/N pointed at her family, to which Ruby responded with opening her eyes and looking in the direction Y/N pointed. Ruby saw Yang,who waved at her, and used her semblance to rush over to her sister, nearly tackling her when she collided with the blonde. They immediately embraced and wrapped their wings around each other. The hug lasted for about a minute before they let each other go, Ruby then saw Team STRQ and you could literally see the stars in her eyes as she rushed over to her family and hugged them all. To which Y/N and Jack smiled somberly at, sure they may have been transported to Remnant, but the families they had before were left behind.

Y/N pulled out his phone he received from the brother gods and went through his photos, his scrolling ending when he came across an image of them all a week before he was transported to Remnant. Jack saw this and his eyes widened immediately.

Jack:Where did you get that?

Y/N:Let's just say Light and Darkness paid me a visit when I was passed out and offered me this to help RWBY believe I'm from Earth. They also gave me your phone as well.

Jack:Can I have it then?

Y/N yeeted Jack's phone towards him to which he caught and was able to find photos of his family as well.

Y/N:The gods also told me some other things, but I think I should wait a bit more before I tell you.

Jack:Alright then.


Y/N:Yeah Ruby?

Y/N suddenly felt a weight on his back and saw Ruby hugging him from behind. He smiled before hugging her back. Her wings wrapped around him, so in response he wrapped his tail around her waist.

Ruby:Thank you for protecting me from the MUTOs and giving me wings, truly thank you. Yang,Weiss, Blake, and my family all told me how bad they hurt you... I'm sorry I caused that.

Y/N:Hey, I did it all willingly for you. I said this once to the other girls when you were in your cocoon and I'll say it again, you girls are the best thing that has come into me and Jack's life. It doesn't matter how much we get hurt, as long as you come out unharmed we'll do it.

Ruby:And that's why we all love you!

Yang:We sure do~

Weiss:I guess I do you dolt....

Blake:R-Ruby! You weren't supposed to tell him!

Ruby:You live with him Blake, he would find out at one point or another.

Blake, embarrassed, tried to block her face with her hair only for Y/N to wrap his tail around her, which resulted in steam coming out of her ears and her becoming a dark red.

Y/N:Then you'll be happy to hear....

All of RWBY tensed up

Y/N:I love you girls too!

They all relaxed and rushed over to him and tackled him to the ground to all hug him and cover him in kisses. When they got off him, he blinked twice before standing up again.

Y/N:...I'm going to have to get used to that...

Yang:You definitely will my king~

Y/N:Please don't tell me Ruby told you guys that's what Mothra calls me....


Y/N facepalmed before ultimately just admitting defeat and the fact that this probably means that his virginity will be taken before the end of the year.


Y/N:(Guess I'll die) y-yes Tai?

Tai:I see my daughters have seemed to take a liking to you...

Y/N: yes...?

Tai:Knowing you Y/N, I know you're a great guy for them, so I approve. How about you Summer? Raven? Qrow?

Summer: Oh most definitely, I mean he literally risked his life for Ruby! How can I not approve?

Raven:Well, knowing Y/N from the training I did with him, I will also approve.

Qrow just smiled at Y/N

Qrow:You're passing in my books kid, just don't hurt them, or I WILL come for you.

Y/N:Sheesh Qrow, I understand.Still a far cry from the team STRQ we met up in the Forever Fall forest 4 years ago.

Raven:Oh shut up.

Y/N:I'll certainly try.

Y/N smiled at STRQ before turning back to RWBY and continuing to talk with them.

Y/N:Alright, we've been in the Hollow Earth long enough, why don't we head back to Beacon.


Blake:That I can agree on.

Yang:I'm tired, so yes let's do that.

Y/N:Alright then Jack?

Jack:I mean Team JNPR got in a HEAV a long time ago, cmon now!

RWBY dragged Y/N into the HEAV while Jack followed them with a happy smile. The doors shut and the HEAV took off in the direction of Beacon.

(Another chapter done and dusted! I know the romance in this is complete trash, but I kinda wanted to include it nonetheless. I'll probably be focused on more of the alpha status thing after the chapters with Weiss and Blake pass so be relieved if romance isn't really your thing. Anyway, how's everyone liking the story so far? This is my first story(er, fan-fiction) I ever made so I would like to hear what you guys think. Also another thing to note now is that school is starting for me in literally like a week, and since it's high school, I doubt I'll have much time to update this story, well not nearly as much anyway. Anyway, I'll try to update this somewhat regularly as I'm actually enjoying where the story is going now. I hope you guys have a fantastic day or good night if you're reading this at night, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter).

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