The Sons of Anarchy Saved Me

By HalleyOwens7

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My final SOA fan-fic, I hope you enjoy. More

~The Party~
~Salary Meeting & Door Notes~
~Party Till I Drop~
~2 Weeks Later~
~Surprises, Proposals, & Ex Troubles~
~Ex-Wives, Daughter & Saving~
~Waking Up~
~Day with Kerri, Taken~
~The Call~
~Let's End This~
~Waking Up~
~Leaving the Hospital & Bars~
~1 Month Later~
~Wedding Day~
~Tattoos' & Tagalongs~
~Family Surprises~
~Quitting Jobs~
~My Husbands Family~
~Almost Painting & Sambel~
~Goodbye Chibs & Painting~
~Finish Painting, Online Shopping & Cooking~
~2 Days Later & Shipments~
~1 Week Later, Designing Bathroom & Paddys' Room~
~Going Home~
~Home, Parties & Transfers~
~2 Months Later~
~1 Month Later, Wedding~
~2 Months Later, Day with the Ex-Wife~
~6 Months~
~8 Months Pregnant~
~Waking Up~
~2 Months Later & Plans~
~Goodbye Jimmy~
~Moving Day~
~1 Year Later~
~1 Year Later~
~2 Years Later~
~2 Months Later~
~2 Years Later~
~Day Off~
~2 Days Later~
~School Problems & Telling Everyone~
~Wedding Day~
~13 Years Later~
~2 Years Later-Epilogue~

~Paint Shopping & Painting~

33 1 0
By HalleyOwens7

~Adinas' POV~

I woke up today feeling excited about picking out the colors for the house, I already have an idea of what I'm looking for. I didn't want to wake Chibs up yet, so I got up changing Vis' diaper before getting her dressed for the day. I put her in a white ruffled short sleeved onesie with a bow headband, the outfit was covered in red and pink roses, with green leaves. 

When she was dressed I woke up Chibs giving him a small kiss, I sat back watching his eyes open.

"Good morning."

He smiled.

"Mornin lass."

"We need to start getting ready, Vi's already dressed, and changed, so get up we'll get ready and then shop for what we need."

He nodded his head.

"Alrigh', do ye wan' coffee?"

"No I'm fine, just please stay with Vi, I hate leaving her in the room alone, I'll get her a bounce chair or a play pen for when we start painting so she'll be fine."

"Alrigh' sounds good, I'll get dressed in here while ye take the bathroom."

I nodded my head laying out my clothes before going to the bathroom doing my morning things, starting my make-up. I decided to do a thin layer of black eye liner and mascara, with light gray and black eyeshadow, I finished my make-up with a nude pink lipstick. When that was done I decided not to wear my contacts, I put on my glasses before pulling on a loose fitting short sleeved gray tied shirt. I then slipped into a pair of leggings and gray double buckle sandals, I grabbed my water bottle filling it. I sighed going into the bedroom to see Chibs already dressed and ready to go in a pair of dark wash jeans, and white t-shirt under his cutt. 

I grabbed my bag and the diaper bag before picking up Vi, we walked through the main room out to the car. I got Vi situated before getting in with Chibs taking the passenger seat, I drove to the hardware store putting Vi in the cart while keeping her in her car seat. We bought plenty of tape, paint trays, and about twenty or so brushes, and rollers knowing we'd need them. After that we went to the paint and I smiled, finding the perfect colors, for every room, we bought two cans of each color. By the time we had found everything we needed, and paid we spent way more than we planned to but at least it's something. After we got everything put into the car we decided that we would go to the baby store down the street. We bought a play pen, and bouncer seat for Vi so when we start painting we can keep her occupied while we work. Chibs decided that he would call the guys in sending them the address to the new house so we could get to work. Chibs wants to be in the new house by the end of the week, and if I'm being honest I don't know if that's going to happen or not. We drove to the new house grabbing Vis' bouncer seat, we set it up putting her in it while we went outside bringing everything in. The guys started showing up with their girls one by one, I put each paint bucket in the rooms that I wanted it in with two brushes, rollers and trays. I set the guys up in each room before going upstairs, getting to work on Vis' room first knowing she's more important than the rest of the house. For her room we decided to paint three of the walls the color Sweet Pea, and the other one the color Deep Rose, we had Vi out in the hall bouncing in her seat just having a good old time. 

When her room was done we took her closer to Chibs and I's room so we could start painting that one. We decided to paint the three main walls Blue Regent and then the wall where the bathroom door is, we painted the color Wing Commander. 

When we moved onto the bathroom we decided to paint it the color Hindsight, the bathroom was really nice and the color made it stand out quite a bit. 

Chibs and I decided that we wanted to get the whole upstairs done today, we went to what is going to be the main guest room with all the furniture, from the old house. We painted the walls a light coffee brown, while the other is a dark coffee brown almost exactly like the guest room in the old house. 

When all of that was painted we took Vi back out near the main hall putting her between the last two bedrooms that needed to be painted aside from the bathroom in the hallway. Chibs painted the one bedroom that I wanted the same color I used in Ireland for Chibs sisters attic. It was the color Banana Frappe, while I worked on the other bedroom that was painted a light pale green, and a darker almost olive drab green. 

When we were both finished with our rooms I went to the hall bathroom painting it the same color as Chibs and Is' ensuit bathroom. When everything upstairs was done and taken care of I carried Vi down stairs seeing the house come together. I went to the kitchen first and sun room first, I had the guys paint these rooms Primrose yellow, which is a very bright yellow. The room turned out to be quite gorgeous, it's very bright, and just gives off the air of happiness, it's gorgeous. 

After I finished looking at those rooms I went into the very large living room, the long wall where the fireplace was a dark brown called Coconut husk. The other two or so walls were painted a lighter shade of brown called Steady Brown making the room pop. 

I smiled before going across the hall to the study, I knew that for this room I would have to buy a very large book shelf for the one wall. However I was extremely surprised when I saw how amazing the color in the room came out. For this room I chose the color Roycroft Copper Red, and this really made the room pop, and come to life. 

The utility room, and small downstairs bathroom were all painted the same color as the bathrooms upstairs. We went with the color Hindsight, I didn't really care about those rooms all that much simply because no one is really going to use the utility room. Not unless they were going into the garage, the whole hallway was painted a really light gray, I decided that the color Accessible Beige would best fit the area. 

I sighed walking around a bit looking at the house before taking Vi back upstairs, however I noticed the walls up here were still white. I hollered down to the guys having them bring the beige paint used for the hallway upstairs so we could paint the walls in that color. I had them paint all of the walls that were visibly white from the stairs, as well as the hallway around the stairs. 

When all of the painting was finished, we all headed out to the club to have the nightly party, however I planned on purchasing furniture for the house. Luckily Chibs and I get to keep our mattress but we need everything else for the house, living room, kitchen, dining room, all of it. The study needs a long table, all of the windows need curtain rods and curtains, and the bathrooms need blinds, we have a lot that we need to get in order to make that house a home. I sighed as I filled my online cart, before putting in my card information ordering everything that I needed. When I finished my shopping Chibs and I sat at the bar while the rest of the ol' ladies fawned over Vi, he and I sat there drinking a beer. When I finally got tired I went over getting Vi, heading down the hall to Chibs dorm room, I changed her into a plain white onesie before changing my clothes. I slipped into one of Chibs shirts before laying down, with my flower from the sky, I kissed her forehead before falling asleep. I soon felt the bed dip slightly as Chibs crawled in next to me holding me close and making me feel safe.

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a very romantic and full of adventures fanfic having some realistic situations i hope you all enjoy reading it
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