ONE WISH - [성훈]

By ksndrafts

342K 25.2K 26.8K

" 𝗛𝗲𝘆 , 𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 . 𝗗𝗶𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺 ? " The girl nodded an... More

1 | origami
2 | her unique charm
3 | unexpected incident
4 | ice rink
5 | famous cafe
6 | protecting for goods
7 | a spice of drama
8 | rain of memories
9 | exchanged gifts
10 | magic soul
11 | left or right
12 | airplanes
13 | red disease
14 | a work of vain
16 | jealousy incarnate
17 | tearing past
18 | a fairytale story
19 | sudden recognation
20 | cherry blossoms tree
21 | a bucket of memories
22 | treasure capsule
23 | love formula
24 | rainy day
25 | selfess love
26 | a wide field
27 | dying self
28 | late decision & wrong timing
29 | living underwater
30 | hardest endgame

15 | last minute participation

9.5K 760 705
By ksndrafts

One week went by so fast, today was a field day for their school . All students are busy preparing for the events that will be competed .

Hanee helps her teammates to lift stuff . The sun that morning was not too hot so they were all comfortable .

"Hanee , can you get the banner ?"
The teacher asked as Hanee nodded .

Hanee ran to her class to take the banner . "Here you go" she smiles widely , holding the roll .

Hanee noticed there is somebody that put a box of banana milk on her desk .

'I will beat your team today, dummy'

written on the sticky note attached to the box. Giggling, Hanee would definitely know who is the sender .

"Sure , Park Sunghoon"
Hanee uttered , she quickly took the milk and poked a straw inside the hole .

Hanee walked out of class as she sipped the banana milk . When she walked past the school gym, Hanee heard the shouts. She walks towards the school gym to check what is happening .

Her team’s cheerleaders are practicing doing a variety of exciting movements.  This is Hanee's first time watching their performances and Hanee is very impressed .

Hanee let out a small scream when she saw someone running and jumping three hundred and sixty degrees.  They also do the shape of a pyramid by standing on top of each other .

Hanee clapped her hands excitedly , at this point their team will probably win in the best cheerleading team competition .

Unbeknownst to her , one of the cheerleading member slipped while trying to get down from the pyramid shape.  The poor girl named Yura fell and screamed loudly .

"Yuraaa !!"
All the cheerleading team included Hanee rushed to the girl .

Yura curled up into a ball while trying to hold back her pain . "It's hurt !"

One of the cheerleading team members who holds the title of captain, Minju , immediately checked on her team member .

She sighed when Yura's ankle sprained.  It is swollen and red at a severe rate .

"Yura, you can't continue the performance with this state"
Minju announced .

"What should we do then ? We need enough members to do every movement ” One of the members expressed their nervousness .

They practice day and night non -stop, their performances can't be canceled .

"Send her to the infirmary first"
Minju ordered as some girls lifted Yura and dragged her to the exit door .

Minju annoyingly rubbed her forehead , She doesn't know who can replace Yura at this critical time .

"You all have to be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt" Hanee uttered before getting up and wanting to heads out .

Minju blinks her eyes several times ,
"Wait , Jung Hanee"

Hanee stopped her track and look at Minju as Minju is observing her .
"You have the perfect body and height to be a cheerleader"

Hanee gulped , slowly covered her chest with her both hands .
"I'm straight"

Then her gaze changed to Hanee's face , "You're pretty and smart too"

"Can you replace Yura?  We really need a fast learner now "

Hanee's eyes widened , she pointed her finger towards herself in shocked ,
"Me ? You want me to replace Yura ?"

"Please Hanee ! We practiced for a week, we didn’t want our efforts to be in vain" someone uttered .

Hanee let out a deep sigh , she just stopped by to watch their practice , She didn't realize that something unfortunate like this would happen .

Hanee just wanted to decline their invitation but all the members of the cheerleading team looked at her with puppies eyes, they put their hopes in her .

"Look , I'm not good at dancing.  What if our team loses because of me? "
Hanee said causing all the cheerleaders to sigh .

Minju approached Hanee and hold her shoulder ,
"Hanee , please . Do this for us"

"Yura's part is very easy, you won't get hurt when you do it" Minju tried to convince Hanee .

Hanee send her a 'are you serious look' , judging the leader from up to down .
"Uh i guess she just got hurt earlier ?"

"Her part has to sit crawling down as the others climb up to form a pyramid"

"Do you want my bones to bend?  I'm too young to crouch "

Minju face palming herself ,
"Hanee , i'm begging"

Hanee fidgeted with her fingers , she's in dilemma . She doesn't want to be a member of the cheerleading team but at the same time she can't leave them all without a solution .

After a few minutes of thinking, Hanee finally made up her mind .
"Okay , i will replace Yura"

All the members of the cheerleading team cheered happily, they ran towards Hanee and hugged the girl .

"Hanee , you're the best !"
Minju said .

"You have to change now , you can wear Yura's uniform"
Minju added making Hanee's eyes widened .

"I need to wear that skirt !?"
Hanee pointed her fingers at Minju's red and white skirt. 

Minju immediately nodded
"Of course, have you ever seen a member of the cheerleading team wear pants?"

Hanee doomed . She didn't remember what kind of uniform the cheerleaders will wear before making the decision .

"Oh , look !"
Hanee pointed at a side of their back .

She yelled .

As everyone look at their back , Hanee took this opportunity to run , she needs to escape .

But Minju firstly hold her sleeve and dragged her inside .

"Jung Hanee ! You can't leave that easy !!"




Minju asked the others to helps her holding Hanee .
"Hanee , please !"



Sunghoon did a brief stretching exercise before the event started . He didn't want to get hurt while running .

"Why are you ready now?  The 400 meter run hasn’t started yet ”
Jay nudges Sunghoon’s arm .

“Now is the time for the cheerleading teams to perform”
Jay added but Sunghoon didn’t reply to his statement .

He's busy looking around the wide field, looking for where Hanee is.  It's sucks not to be on the same team as Hanee .

"Where is that girl ?"

"She's short enough , i can't find her"
He muttered .

The sound of thunderous applause filled the field space as members of the red team cheerleaders entered the field area .

Jay clapped his hands excitedly , looking forward for their performance .

But his eyes got wide when he saw a familiar face who is standing shyly with the other cheerleaders .

"Wait , isn't that—"

"Sunghoon , look !"
Jay patted Sunghoon's shoulder.

Sunghoon hissed in annoyance ,
"Shut up Jay , i'm looking for someone"

"Man , i said look ! Look at that cheerleader" Jay uttered .

Sunghoon scoffed ,
"I’m not interested in seeing them perform"

Jay annoyingly rolled his eyes , he grabbed Sunghoon's sleeve and forced him to look at the cheerleaders .

"Argh , Jay ! What are you— EH !?"
He shocked when looking at Hanee, in white and red skirt or basically cheerleaders's uniform .

She tied her hair into a messy and elegant ponytail using a white scarf that matched their uniform colour .

Sunghoon can see Hanee's face that is red with embarrassment but her cute  looks make Sunghoon's heart beat fast .

"What is she doing there ? Not going to lie , Hanee looks so damn pretty "
Jay laugh as he nudged Sunghoon's arm .

"Right , Hoon— eh ??!! Why is your face turning red? "

Jay looked up to the sky ,
"The sun isn't too hot, what's your problem?"

Sunghoon cleared his throat and looked at Jay seriously , he hold his chest tightly ,
"I think I'm sick"

"My heart kept beating so hard, it almost exploded "
Sunghoon wondered why . He worries if he faints because of this abnormality .

When the red team cheers sound, they focus back on their performance .

Sunghoon watched Hanee with worriedly , he was worried if the girl stumbled or fell while performing . After all, all movements require Hanee to run, jump and various .

But his worries disappeared when Hanee did just fine.  She did everything perfectly.  Sunghoon smiled proudly .
"Look at her, she looks so happy"

Hanee looked very cute and energetic throughout the performance .  They managed to end their show by forming a pyramid .

Sunghoon clapped his hands harder than members of the red team . Hanee smiled happily, she's panting but hearing Sunghoon's screams cheering for her made Hanee excited .

After finishing, they all bowed politely and came out of the middle of the field, giving spaces for the blue team cheerleaders to shine .

"Great job everyone !!"
Minju cheered happily , all of them do a group hugged , they congratulated each other .

"Hanee , i knew you can pull this"
Minju hugged Hanee , she's really thankful to has her .

Hanee chuckled ,
"Thank you to all of you . You taught me until I understood "

"Yeah even you tried several times to escape" Seori exclaimed and they all laughed .

"Look , an alien ! Look , a flying kitten !" Minju copied what Hanee said earlier during practice as she tried to run away .

Hanee covered her face in embarrasment as the others laugh , having fun teasing Hanee .

Seori called her as Hanee shook her head .

"Nah , stop teasing me"

"No , Hanee . Someone wants to see you" Minju pulled Hanee's hands from keep on covering her face .

"Who ?"
She asked Minju curiously as Minju pursed her lips behind Hanee , pointing at someone .

As Hanee turned her back , she beamed happily as she saw Sunghoon .

"Ayy , what's you doing here Penguin?" Hanee joked , punching Sunghoon's shoulder .

Minju laugh , she could see their chemistry together . She cleared her throat ,
"Park Sunghoon , Isn't this your opposing team ?"

Sunghoon chuckled as he awkwardly rubbed his nape ,
"If you don't mind, I want to borrow Hanee for a while "

Minju smirked , nudging Seori's arm .
"Sure but please send her as soon as possible. We want to take group photos "

Smiling , Sunghoon quickly pulled Hanee with him , heading towards an area that isn't crowded .

Hanee stood, waiting for Sunghoon who asked her to stay here . Moments later, Sunghoon came with two ice creams.

He gives vanilla -flavored ice cream to Hanee "A gift because you did a good job"

Hanee smiles happily , she took ice cream from Sunghoon and licked it
"Hmm, this is why I like field day"

Sunghoon chuckled , he patted Hanee's head . Seeing the girl happy with his small gift made Sunghoon feel appreciated .

"Wait , look over there"

"Isn't that Jung Hanee ?"

"Gosh , she is ! Damn , she looks stunning"

"Look at her thighs , whiter than my teeth"

Sunghoon heard whispers from a few male students near them . He sighed, Hanee's skirt is long enough , she even wore white stockings that were knee -length but some boys still looked at things indecently.

Hanee is too engrossed with her ice cream and unaware of the dirty looks from some male students.

A protection mode is activated, Sunghoon grabs Hanee's shoulder and stands next to her , blocking the view of the male students from continuing to look at Hanee .

He stood up straight, making sure they couldn't see Hanee.  Sunghoon glared backwards as the boys showed an irriated face towards Sunghoon .

"Change into your sportswear quick , those stupid boys keep ok staring at you" Sunghoon muttered .

"Let them stares at me , i'm pretty that's why they did so"
Hanee answered confidently making Sunghoon flicked her forehead .

"This girl , i swear—"

Hanee pouted , rubbing her forehead .
"I'm just joking , gosh"

Sunghoon cleared his throat ,
"But you're right . You look pretty , really pretty"

He blushed after said that , Sunghoon changed his gaze , didn't dare to look straight into Hanee's eyes .

Hanee laugh ,
"I know , thank you for reminding me"

Sunghoon chuckled , he tucked Hanee's hair behind her ears .

They enjoy ice cream together while teases each other as usual.  Their situation was chaotic, Sunghoon was busy protecting Hanee from being seen by every boy and scolded her , asking Hanee to change sportswear quickly.  Hanee chuckled, enjoying Sunghoon's freaked out face .

"Origami girl , i'm serious"
Sunghoon sulked when Hanee keeps on making fun of him .

Hanee giggled ,
"Sorry , i just love seeing your mad face"

"Talking about origami , do you want to know something ?" Sunghoon asked as Hanee nodded excitedly .

"What ?"

Sunghoon grinned ,
"Since the beginning of last year, someone has always put origami under my desk"

"But now, the sender doesn't put it down anymore " Sunghoon's voice sound a bit sad .

Hanee but her bottom lips , she silently dug her nail on her skin . She is the sender , she is the one who sent those origami to Sunghoon .

"Oh , Aren't you relieved that the sender hasn't sent it anymore ? "
Hanee asked curiously .

Sunghoon's lips formed into a thin line , "At first , it's irritating me . But over time , I think it's very cute"

"I was a little sad when the sender stopped putting origami under my desk "

Hanee hummed , rubbing her both arms awkwardly . It's great to hear Sunghoon's views on her origami straight from him .

"Are you the one who put the origami, origami girl? "

Hanee could feel shivered down to her spine because of Sunghoon's question .

"N-no ? Why would i ..."

"I'm not the only one who knows how to fold origami "
She muttered .

Sunghoon let out a deep breath ,
"Ah , i was hoping it's you"

"I would be really happy if it's you"
Sunghoon said softly .

Hanee frowned , she's confused with what Sunghoon just said .
"What do you mean—"

"Sunghoon ! Here you are !"
Jay bugged in their conversation .  The boy is panting hard , he's looking for Sunghoon around the field for minutes .

"Idiot , the 400 meter run event and the relay run are about to begin!  You need to be ready now "
Jay said as Sunghoon quickly stood up .

"Oh shit how can i forgot that"

He looked at Hanee who is staring at him , "i'll go first , Hanee . I'm sorry"

Hanee just give him a warm smile ,
"It's okay , make sure you win all that" Hanee encouraged Sunghoon .

Sunghoon showed her a thumb up before running away with Jay , leaving her alone .

Hanee hugged her both knees , thinking bout what Sunghoon just said earlier .

"S-should i admit that i'm the sender ?"

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