Magnus Academy: The Cursed Bl...

By WideDreamer

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Magnus Academy: The Cursed Blood Continuance As the title suggests, due to unforseen circumstances of that ce... More

Magnus Academy: Continuance
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Epilogue: Eternal Happiness
Redemption: Act I
Redemption: Act II
Redemption: Act III
Special Interlude Act
Redemption: Act IV
Redemption: Act V
Redemption: Final Act
•Author's Note•
Life After: First Scene
Life After: Second Scene

Chapter Seventy-Two

249 18 2
By WideDreamer

Yearning of That One Who Wishes Silence

Sometimes, I wonder if these people crave death and lust for blood in the same manner that I do, so much that they were all so willing to head straight to their ends, meeting the edge of my sword without a single care. Or perhaps they did care, they were scared too, but that fear wasn't enough to hold them back. What awaited that determination in the end is their own corpse leaving a trail of history on the ground, and here I am anyway, stepping on their slowly decomposing bodies.

Rotting skins, dull blades, the hazy wind, and that familiar stench of blood progressing around me almost in a continuous motion. I'm tired of this. Tired of seeing people die, tired of the contempt they had before their final breath, tired of the sadness their gazes were filled at the realization they could no longer live for another day. I'm tired of it all, and every time I feel this way--I can't help but wonder when will this all stop.

Then there would be those people taking revenge, the cycle of hate never ending unless the source itself disappears. Before, I wouldn't have minded dying myself, to disappear without a trace. But I have my own people now, those ones willing to wait for my return. It's truly a burden to have them, these emotions preventing me from leaving them behind.

Another fell, my sword being imprinted on the warrior's chest as his body became one of the many that last contacted with my blade. Too many, there have been too many of them. But how much more blood do I need to take from my enemies before I finish my tasks? How much more families and friends must suffer under the loss that resulted from this power? I'm tired, exhausted of the fact that this will never truly end unless I die.

"Surrender." I demanded, my nether energy marking in every incoming opponents as they one by one fell on their knees, clutching their necks as though it would help regain back the lost oxygen.

"N-never!" One screamed, followed by another and that brought back the determination they had that they suddenly cast multiple magic circles in the air.

"Please." I whispered, raising my hand that summoned a layer of barrier in front of me, blocking the barrage of their attacks. "Surrender." It was almost a plead now, but the relentless will that fuelled their determinations did not stop.

Do they love death so much that they aren't willing to surrender? Are they like me? No, I don't think so. Whatever reason they have for fighting, it will all end the moment they block my path. Thus, with a flick of a finger, my dual blades floated around me, following the motions of my hand as they decapitated their heads off. The sight of blood raining like fountains around me was as unsightly as ever, but I've gotten too used to it that it hardly fazes me now.

I sighed, sitting over a rock as I rested my leg atop another, still motioning my swords around me. Scanning my surroundings, the city has become a barren land, bricks and boulders from buildings scattering around. Fire coiled through houses and trees, the heat crashing in against the cold of a passing spring. I've seen bodies of soldiers, but there were also signs of innocent people along the crowd of corpses underneath me.

It's a bit of a lost, seeing dozens of innocent lives perishing just because of a war that would never end until nothing is left. This country was under the rule of Black Clan, their last line of defence after I've been constantly annihilating their headquarters for the last few months along with my people from the Sect. Iyana with her Legion Army should be smoothly advancing inside the range of Magnus along with Exodus gaining momentum against the World's Organization led by Andrea.

It had been three months now since we've last seen one another. Andrea was last seen heading straight to attack the frontline forces of Magnus while Iyana attacking the rear forces of the Organization. There are eight countries in total that is surrounding Magnus, and all of those countries have been taken over.

After they successfully took down one of those eight, Exodus closed inside to give Magnus relentless attacks that would prevent their forces from stepping out of the country while the Legion Army was slowly taking over the other seven countries without giving the Organization any chance of backing away if this plan does succeed. I've already contacted my people in Magnus thanks to Celeztie and Brother's help.

They know what to do and at this point, all we're waiting is for Iyana's forces to successfully surround the entirety of the eight countries to finally meet up with Exodus' frontal forces. That way, the World's Organization will be forced on defence and with that, their actions and range of attacks will be limited. The process should have all taken much longer because of the magic circles that prevent any energy from being generated and all those eight countries have them, including Magnus.

But it seems I have underestimated Exodus and the Legion Army. To think they've conquered anything on their way without the use of magic or abilities is amazing. But with both organizations' technologies, that shouldn't have been a surprised. Things are going this well because we've caught the Organization off guard, I'm willing to bet they didn't expect us to even form an Alliance or would be this proactive in attacking them head-on.

Their best weapon should have been the Endseeker Daeva, but with the lack of energy, it's still hibernating even now. The only reason why I wasn't there to join them was because I tasked myself with destroying the Black Clan once and for all. Them joining the upcoming final war would be too much of a trouble for us to handle. Moreover, there's someone I've been looking for so long now and just the thought of him fills me with so much nostalgia it's almost sickly saddening.

"Mistress, some of the Blacks are trying to run away from the country." A voice spoke, amusement hinting from his tone as he walked out of a burning building. "Must be high-ranking officials. If we let them get away now, Black Clan might just resurface after another few years to bring you trouble. This was why I warned you beforehand to set a barrier around the country."

"Have some follow them." I ordered, crossing my arms as I looked above to see the afternoon skies darkening a bit brought by smokes from the rushing fire. "They're regrouping somewhere."

"But their main forces here are already losing."

"Black Clan is also a home. There are those who fight, while there are those who live peacefully."

"Are you saying they might be possibly going back to their...home?"

My gaze lowered, meeting his calculating look. "Is my order that difficult to comprehend, Azto?"

"Certainly not, Mistress. I will have people follow closely behind." He averted his eyes, bowing his head slightly with a fearful smile. "What should we do with them?"

"They will come to hate me, take up a weapon, and use it threaten my life. I will not have those I'll eventually leave behind deal with their hatred and act of revenge." I sighed, noticing another dozen of blacks heading for us on their horses. "Leave not a single soul live."

"As you will it be, Mistress." He backed away, meeting up with a group of men wearing black robes and veils.

I have only brought a few group of people coming here, but we haven't had any casualties on our side. It was mostly due to the reason they didn't really need to do anything with me leading the front, but at the same time, the people on our Sect aren't to be underestimated. Thus I stood up, my swords disappearing in an instant as I turned my backs away from the rumbles coming from far ahead.

"Deal with them." I ordered, the group bowing before my presence as I past by them.

"What should we do with the survivors, Mistress?" An unknown figure member asked, it belonged to a woman.

I looked around, noticing to what she was referring. It was already a given order to kill those who choose to draw their weapons against us, but I seemed to have forgotten about the innocent people doing their best to survive by hiding behind ruined buildings and other run-down shelters just to avoid getting caught in the battle. It could have riddled me with guilt had I been the same person as I was in the past, but now...I can only look at those people indifferently.

"Do whatever you see fit." I closed my eyes briefly, inhaling that still lingering scent of fresh coppery iron, the sound of clashing weapons and magical explosions intensifying the smell more.

"Mistress!" I was about to walk away when I stopped myself, glancing my head around after one more man called for me. "I have received a telegram from the headquarter back at Romain Kingdom."

"So suddenly?"

"The Second Mistress Christia asks of you to return to the Sect as soon as possible."

I frowned, looking at Azto who looked at me back with the same confusion. I tapped my fingers lightly under my chin, my vision taking in the on-going battle on a near distance, my people holding themselves extremely well against the Blacks despite most of them not being capable of generating spiritual energy at all.

There are different group of officials in our Sect; the servants who handle both internal and external chores, the advisers who specify in handling regulations and orders, the pawns who take over missions and battles like this. Although we have a few headquarters around the world, all our temples and churches spread in different countries have the same classes of divisions which is why the Grimhouse Sect has survived through this day.

The third highest command belongs to the group of nobles and other authoritative figures who maintain the equilibrium and balance within the Sect. They handle finance, the secrecy of this sacred organization, and other political works. The second highest command obviously are the Apprentices who have rights in succeeding over their Masters and Mistresses which hold the first highest command.

What I'm saying is, the chain of command will never be broken as long as we have the Grimhouse law and order. However, me--the first Mistress--being asked to return in the middle of my excursion either means that the chain of command is shaking and they need my presence alleviate the situation, especially that I haven't returned for almost half a year now. The other reason is that... something more sinister is going on which they cannot discuss in a mere telegram.

"The former First Master Clerix along with the Second Mistress should be handling the internal affairs of the Sect while I am gone." I finally replied, crossing my arms. "How urgent is this matter enough to interrupt me in my current dealings?"

"...urgent enough to ask of you to retreat from this Alliance and return back to Romain Kingdom." Azto answered, his face was grim looking at the letter on his hand. He spared no more glance on it as he handed me the parchment, my eyes following the words carefully.

My dearest Ke'ala, or is it that you are using the identity of yours as Caelesti of the Unknown at the moment? No matter, there are much greater things you must attend to than answer that question. I cannot explain everything in details, but I can only give you pieces of information.

Abandon the Alliance.

Halt your plans.

Do not activate the towers.

Lift the magic circles in those countries.

I believe you have been to hasty on your direct confrontation against the World's Organization that you have failed to notice another lingering factor that could spell doom  to the things you have worked until now. While we have no evidence to support this claim currently, it is never better to take an unknown risk.

I truly urge of you to return as soon as possible to discuss this mess, dear.

Just from the tone of the message, I could already tell this came from Clerix himself, and it sounded too dire and serious compared to his normal overbearingly playful self. I do respect that man a lot, he had taught a lot of things in my stay in the Sect and if there's one thing he's absolutely best at, it's his senses.

The reason the Grimhouse Sect, or once called Grimhouse Four until I slaughtered the other two Masters, thrived for a change under his leadership was because of his presumptuous and obnoxious methods. He knew whether something is bad or good and he knew when to take certain decisive actions that would let him succeed in everything.

And if that same man is telling all these things, he knew what he's doing and he knew our actions right now as an Alliance will result to an unknown risk or possibly, a failure. Which is why he's telling me to abandon the Alliance, to stop my plans, to not activate my best weapon against the Organization, and to even lift the seal of those countries.

However, abandoning the Alliance means leaving the Exodus and the Legion Army open for the Organization to no longer hold back. They have been on a successful run against the enemy because the World is being defensive, wary of the fact that I'm backing the two organizations.

Even if I stop my plans, it would already be too late knowing those two already know everything there is about what I'm going to do and not activating the towers would mean letting the Organization take advantage of Exodus and Legion's failure enough to destroy the two completely.

Most of all, unsealing those countries would mean people there will be able to generate mana that would catch Iyana's army and Exodus' off guard that could possibly damage their forces. Especially that the Endseeker will be on the risk of waking up to destroy another half of the world, knowing the Organization has total control over it.

But if I were to be honest, following Clerix' orders would mean betraying those two--which is obviously something I'm not going to do. If they hadn't convinced me, I wouldn't have come here in the first place or wouldn't even have done these troublesome things.

I've stopped caring about anything else anymore, I had decided to just laze around and disappear somewhere after I found out that everything I've been doing so far is not for those damn Progenitors, but because of the fact that I might just be one.

It is not a mission but all along, those tasks, those killings, those deaths, sacrifices--and all the pain I've been through was all because of that fear masked underneath that sense of responsibility. Fear that something in this world exists that could banish my soul, fear for the rest of the Progenitors being under the threat of the Grimoire. My soul has been alive for around four hundred years already, created through the countless Cycle of Rebirth and Destruction.

Unknowingly, I was born a potential Progenitor in a human vessel which gave me an access to this world's Cycle. Unconsciously, my soul had already made it as a responsibility to deal with this Book that as my fate slowly unveiled the more journey I uncovered, the more I was brought closer to my true existence.

However, no matter what I appear to be, I am still a human.

A soul is just but a soul, incapable of nothing more than to simply exist. The difference between me and other Progenitors is that, I am a human no matter how I appear to them. Being a human gave me variety of emotions, made me experience a lot of memories. In being a human, I've come to realized that living and existing are two different things. Progenitors exist, but I live. Living shaped my soul into vulnerabilities such as love. I am different simply because I am human and they are not.

When I realized that fact for the first time, I felt as though I had been played that I was so furious. The realization that I have no fate, that I simply followed a path I believed as a Progenitor and the realization that the reason I've been suffering is because these two identities were constantly fighting against another. A part of me couldn't accept this power that brought me nothing but agony while the other part of me wanted this power that brought me courage and strength.

I was distraught at first, not knowing what to do or which direction to go anymore that I was overjoyed when those two asked me to help them--to do anything for their sake and not for those responsibilities I was under the delusions of. I felt like dying when I found out that there was no reason for me at all to suffer, there was no reason for me to become a villain--no damn reason for me to go through all those mess.

I was despised, suppressed, seen as a monster because I thought it was necessary. But it wasn't, all those talks about finishing my purpose is just a stupid whim at the back of my subconsciousness because my soul was originally supposed to become a Progenitor.

Being a human liberated me from those shackles and was supposed to be free, but I was too blinded by the pain of having nobody to cling onto when I was at my weakest state that I embraced the despair that overshadowed my heart, thinking that I could finally be free when I finish my reason of existing that I didn't realized I've been a free person all along, there was no way of knowing anyway.

Everybody around me constantly made me feel like I was different, that I am more powerful than them, that I am special. However, I am not powerful at all, I am no different from other people, I am nothing special. I'm just one of the many people who in the world who still hasn't found their own happiness, the reason to keep going.

But it's already too late for me. Even if I want to grasp happiness and live in peace now, I can't just turn my back of the things I've done. My conscience will never let me do that. The only reason why I can keep on going like this is because of Iyana and Andrea, that's why abandoning them would equate to me abandoning the only way for me to move forward. They are the only ones I can cling to, the only ones who can hold me to stay on my feet.

And I am willing to sacrifice everything if it would mean bringing to the top with me. It's ironic, we've always been battling with each other to surpass and race to the top that we've never considered the possibility of rising together as a team. That moment on the beach with them was the most memorable day of my life, it was same day that we decided to to watch this era end together.

The next era will be the beginning of order, innovation, equality, and an era that prioritizes peace above all else. None will be discriminated, no one will end up hiding in the shadows, an era where there is no need to conceal who you are. We're tired of wars, of constant fightings, of blood, that's why we have no fear of tainting our hands now if it's all for the sake of that era. We can only achieve that if the World's Organization disappears and other hidden organizations who still bother with world domination.

It's our version of New World's Order, one we're going to make sure will happen--even if none of us three will be there to be a part of it.

"Mistress?" Azto inquired, realizing I've been staring silently at the letter for quite a few moments now.

I smiled, crumpling the letter before throwing it into a nearby fire. "Send a reply back." I said, referring to the man who brought us the telegram.

"Certainly. What should I tell them?" The man carefully asked.

"I will never yield." I said, turning around as I continued to walk away.

I was told the streets of Plakka--this city's name--was known for its gorgeous flying lanterns every night. There would be many booths and stands opened up 'till morning, children wearing masks as they shoot around water from toy guns. It always looked as though there were festivals every night, people living their lives happily. That only changed when the Black Clan took over three years ago, limiting the citizens of their daily festivities and forcing others to work with farmlands or make weapons.

Although the once beautiful city now appeared like an after-effect of an apocalyptic destruction, I could still see the faded luster of once tall buildings and well-designed houses brought into their fall as I continued my walk, slowly taking in the sight around me. The war has forced everything to be this way and while it was I that should be blamed for what resulted here--the Black Clan would have still destroyed everything either way.

The difference is that they would have done it slowly but surely while I did mine in one go, not caring whether people would live through this destruction or not. The Black Clan merely wanted a place where they can do their operations and people who would supply them food and armaments. Before we came to attack this small country as big as a small tribal island, it was clear people weren't harmed only that their movements were constricted and constantly under observation.

Now that I think of it, it's kind of amazing how I easily ruin people's lives just so I could destroy my enemies. They were simply caught up in this battle, and this place would have been doomed even if my Sect didn't attack it. I have come to learn at a young age that this world is naturally unfair to those who do not hold enough power to lift themselves up. Without power, one can only despair. I know that, but I still can't help but feel that if I had another chance, I wouldn't want to have this kind of power at all.

I was naive back then, thinking that if I had the power, I wouldn't feel so miserable. However, even though having it now should have made me feel a little better--why do I still feel trapped? Why do I still feel miserable? I feel nothing looking at the sight of innocent blood, I feel nothing looking at my own reflection hinting the coldness of my own eyes, and I feel nothing even at the threat present against my life.

I can only move forward without looking back, not minding people's hatred, their anger, bloodshed--unbothered whether they die or survive, never counting how many lives have disappeared under me. I have long been out of my sanity, I am not a good person as I am from being kind. But if people ask me why do I seek an era of peace despite saying these things--the answer is simple, something that has already been laid obviously.

I have enough of the world being like this.

I have accepted everything that this world threw upon me, I have lived through all of it. But that ends now for this time, I will force everything to accept my own conditions and in this new chance, it is the world that's going to go through hell. Only then everything will truly change, and I cannot help but look forward to that new era.

If I were to survive, if I were in another life...I wonder if he would still consider being with me, if he can forgive me for the words that have greatly pained him and for the actions that pushed him away. If I were to choose him all over again, would he ever choose me in the same manner that he would always do so before we fell apart?

Would I still be loved even after all of that?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something hard being thrown just behind my scalp. I could have caught it or even dodge it without much of a trouble, but as though it would force me out of these thoughts, I simply let it be. The pain registered a few seconds too late, brought by my condition from a couple of months back. Although I can freely release my nether energy now, it still doesn't change the fact that it damages my body the more I use it and thus, my senses are still seconds later than normal.

By the time the second rock was thrown, it was only then I finally decided to turn around, sighing at the sight of a small girl trembling on the ground. She was full of bruises, her left leg bleeding and if those weren't awkward yet, she's even crying. I sighed when I noticed some more enemy figures around us, waiting for the chance to attack.

"If they think I'd hesitate killing a child as a distraction for them to attack," I lifted the child through her collar, her tattered clothes with red taints on them becoming even more visible as she wailed more loudly. "Pity that they're wrong."

I spread my nether energy around, the arrows made of their own spiritual energy beginning to crumble midair. Nether energy drowns all other energies, although compared to the widening nether energy that had already destroyed most of the southern countries years ago, mine may dim in comparison but it certainly works well against weaker spiritual energies like they have.

With their sneak attack ending in failure, they all ran out of their hiding spots, attacking directly. I looked at the small girl I was still holding, still trying to get my grip off her. Seeing those who defy me writhe in agony used to bring me pleasure, that kind that would drive me to make them suffer more. Their expressions twisting in wonderful picture of misery and pain, I used to love witnessing such.

I wonder when did I change my perceptive of other people. It must have been that time when I failed to die, that time I expected myself to finally end... then came the realization I survived, that assumption that I'd finally be given peace. The result, however, was beyond disappointing. There was also that time I found out the truth about my identity, that I was originally another being but for some damn reason, I was born as a human.

It broke everything inside me, numbing all the things that used to excite, things that used to bring me even just the tiniest of joy. A jaded person like me is incapable of having a heart that sympathizes with others, ironic given my ability to feel emotions. But perhaps the only reason I found excitement in others' agonizing expressions is for the fact that I couldn't show something so honest on my face myself. Perhaps I was envious all along, envious of them freely expressing every emotion while I can only bottle all of mine in fear they would see my vulnerabilities.

Why? Why couldn't I just be an unknown spectator instead? Why must I suffer being something I'm originally isn't? Fate? I had the power to surpass even fate itself but I didn't even realize it until it was too late. Perhaps I deserved this, after all.

By the time I came back to my senses, all nine men in black cloaks have already fallen, their blood creating puddles underneath where their bodies were left to rot. I didn't even realize that my nether had already thickened to the point the surrounding plants died along with those who were nearing my original five-meter range. I dropped the girl, the blood from her mouth and eyes oozed through my fingers.

I wonder what her name was, or if she had any family members. It was truly a pity for her to die at such a young age. If I continue to go down this path, there would be more children following her example, more innocent people dying because of these filthy hands. But are they really all innocent at this point? Seems like I've played as a villain far too long that I've deluded myself in thinking I'm the only one in this world capable of something so evil.


Appearing in front of me in a blink of an eye was my precious little relic, Erhiel in her Ichor form. Long nails, red eyes, and sharper senses. Her body has visible wounds and cuts running deep enough to see through the inside flesh, as well as her clothes filled with blood that both belonged to her and her previous opponents.

I have been taking Erhiel with me in my battles against the Black Clan to enhance her fighting prowess and gain experience. While she's strong, it is only due to the relic being engraved in her soul. Her body won't be able to house that power is she fails to build a suitable vessel for it. I've been teaching her how to fight, but she doesn't have that certain aptitude in magic that I can only teach her so much.

She's been doing fine though, bit compared to our battles against the Clan these past few months, this proved to be too difficult for her level. Well, considering we've had trouble finding their last headquarter's location and even spent an entire week trying to take over other cities before finally reaching this last one--she did a good job on her own.

"Took you long enough to get here--" I was cut off when she suddenly grabbed my wrist, her long canines making its way straight to my pulse as she began to suck blood. "You're angry." I said instead.

"Mas mabilis lang ang regeneration ability ng relic kung makainom ako." She answered after a while, averting her gaze.

I took a step closer as I wiped the corner of her lips. "I warned you before all of this, Erhiel. But I'll give you a chance, you can still back down now."

"Don't say that." She sighed. "Sinabi ko ma sa'yo noon, you're all I have now."

"Don't die." I smiled, placing my blood-stained hand on her head, patting her gently. "I still have use of you. You may not agree with my methods, but you'll soon see how necessary this is."

"Hindi ako mabuting tao, Ke'ala." Binaba niya ang kamay ko at ngumiti ng mahina sa akin. "It doesn't matter whether I agree with you or not, ikaw parin ang susundan ko kahit anong mangyari."

"You follow me solely due to the reason that I've tampered with your emotions," mahinang bulong ko sa kaniya, pero wala siyang reaksyon sa sinabi ko. "Your loyalty, your all belongs to me. You cannot walk away, you won't even think about it. Still, you are free to hate me, Erhiel. Do not attempt to hide that fact."

"I don't hate you, Ke'ala. Tigilan mo ang pag a-assume mo ng nga bagay bagay dahil lang may ability kang makaramdam ng emosyon. Pero 'yung araw na umatake ang mga Dragonbornes sa could have prevented all that." Her gaze turned serious, her fists clenched. "Pero bakit wala kang ginawa?" .

"If I had done that, you wouldn't be following me now, would you?" I smiled bitterly.

I was fond of those children, they did not know who I was reason why they cared for me like I was some kind of a friend. While some people there didn't trust a stranger like me, the innocence of those children somehow brought a warmth inside me. I never liked children, especially the naughty ones. But they were an exception. I've stayed with them for a year, and I've seen how bright they were, untainted of this world's malice--so prepared to trust despite their circumstances.

What happened to them was unfortunate, it truly made me angry that I do feel sad even now that I think of it. Seems like I'm not that jaded after all, but Erhiel was right. I could have prevented all that but I didn't. The reason was because of this young lady in front of me herself. She held the relic inside her, a power that I knew even from the first time we met, that I'd need. So at the end of the day, I chose what would benefit me the most.

I drove her to a corner, her hopelessness and despair for the deaths of those she cared about and the desire to survive. I used all those emotions to make her follow me, so I could use her. I did not want some other people to use that power against me, so I could only either kill her or make her my own. I ended up with the latter, knowing I've become fond of this girl too.

She is free to hate me, throw insults at me--I wouldn't mind as long as it would help alleviate the pain that would fuel her nightmares every night. She did her best hiding her own pain in front of me, but it seems like she underestimated my ability. I hope she knew that there are people willing to take her in even after I disappear from this world so she wouldn't have to be alone.

"You could have lied, tell me you didn't make it and I would have believed every word." She smiled sadly. "But that's why you're kind, Ke'ala. You comfort people with truth, you soothe emotions with your blunt words and hidden intentions. People who misunderstand you must all be stupid."

I chuckled, continuing my leisure walk with her following closely behind. "... what's your last name, Erhiel?"

"Huh?" Nagulat yata siya sa tanong ko na hindi siya nakasagot ng ilang segundo. "Meron ako noon, pero hindi ko na ginagamit dahil sa mga masasamang alaala--"

"You don't have to use it." I interrupted. "You can always choose your own."

"Paano ko naman malalaman kung anong ipapangalan sa sarili ko? At ngayon lang ako nakarinig na pwede gawin ang bagay na 'yan."

"You can because there are people willing to recognize you for who you want yourself to be. Some names are given through expectations parents held for their children. Children grew up with those names with acceptance, respect, to honour their birth, and to show others the result of their parents' love."

"Does that work for everyone?"

"No. Some did not receive names out of love, some no longer have anyone to show their names, while there are those who simply do not have a reason to keep it."

"I hope I'll be able to find a good one someday."


I stopped walking, finally sensing the sudden change of the air around us. I've always been sensitive, no matter how late my senses have become, I could always rely on my premonitions to feel the ominous atmosphere beginning to spread, including this one now. However, there was just something about this ambience that was vaguely familiar. It felt nostalgic, as well as it felt very lonesome.

The fog thickened as moments continued, with Erhiel's figure steadily vanishing beside me. Other than her, I could feel the presence of another person in the area, the ground pounding slowly as their footsteps came nearer. All of the sudden, strands of my hair fell down as the unknown enemy caught me off guard after letting a lance fly past just closely beside my face. I didn't even dodge, and I knew right then whoever this person is, they deliberately missed.

I touched my left cheek, almost hissing at the cold touch of my finger against the shallow cut, it was bleeding. On another area, I could trace the glowing burns of steels clashing against one another. Erhiel's figure creating a silhouette against the ground while fighting another man. I couldn't see clearly at this distance, but she seemed to be having trouble with the way she's being cornered.

I blinked a few times before sighing, closing my eyes as I waved my hand, feeling the fog clear up as I blew it away with my energy. I still have the glasses I was given by my aides, but I didn't want to wear something so precious going into battle that I simply hid it on my robe's inside pocket. Even with my eyes closed, I could sense the change in the air, the ground loosening, as well as that feeling as though I'm falling that I quickly snapped my eyes open. However, I regretted it almost as immediately--the sight of the familiar greenery met my surprised look.

I found myself standing beside a tree, with people interacting with others meters in front of me. Suddenly, something felt like it was tugging my body, my mind spinning at the realization of where I was, as well as that feeling as though an unseen force was pulling my heart down that I could only hold onto my chest like it could keep my loud heartbeats steady.

A huge manor stood right at the end of the pathway, a number of people were seen guarding the place as well as those who enter and exit. The surrounding trees were tall, covering the clear early morning sun above the sky, the cool breeze making the place look calming enough that I could even see some children playing on the corner and families having a nice picnic underneath the groves.

"Base sa mukha mo, alam kong naaalala mo ang lugar na ito, Ke'ala."

I inhaled sharply, hearing that awfully familiar voice ringing through the entire place, or perhaps he's speaking directly to my mind. He had always been good at doing something like that, to interrupt my thoughts with his words seemingly knowing everything I've been thinking. It's ironic how the person who I thought could understand me the most would end up the person who'd be so against me now. But I figured that's how life is, and it's precisely why it's exhausting.

"I see your mental ability has improved a lot, should I say it's due to the blood running through your veins or simply your desire to kill me?"

"You are being dramatic, Ke'ala." He chuckled. "I have no such desire."


"You're calling me a liar, huh? Ang laki nga talaga ng pinagbago natin."

"Go straight to the point. Why show me this memory?"

"This is nor just a memory, Ke'ala. This is a trance made by incorporating memories through mana with the use of my ability."

"That was not what I asked you."

"Cold. Have you had no feelings of friendship left for me anymore, my dear friend?"

"I wonder where you learned such a two-faced behaviour."

"So you've replaced me with those those two. Katulad ko, sinubukan karin nilang patayin, Ke'ala. Ano ang pinagkaiba ko sa dalawang iyon?"

I sighed, leaning my back over the tree behind. "They accept me for who I am, and you can't."

"...I see. But I still hold some love for you and whether I accept you or not, that love will not change."

"Enough of this, Jarvis. What do you want?"

"Can't I simply catch up with my childhood pal? I am your best friend, no?"

"You are, until you weren't."

"My mistake then. Though I guess a simple conversation with you is asking for too much."

"Why bring me here?"

"This place was where we first met. The Feyree Ancestral Manor, located far deep into the Main Family's territory."

"We met at the village, I've never seen you before that point--"

"Bago pa man maging Chief ang ama ko, dito siya nagtratrabaho bilang Head Sentinel na nagbabantay ng lugar. Kadalasan din akong nandito kasama ang nanay ko. Simple lang buhay sa Arizole pero masaya kami lalo pa at wala pa kaming kamuwang-muwang sa mga totoong nangyayari."

There was something about the way he spoke that projected the memories he was having around us. A small boy holding a wooden sword, following the movements his father was teaching him as they slash through the air at the same time, a woman sitting on a blanket while preparing a basket filled with food with a smile on her face, until her gaze wondered elsewhere. Despite the happy scene, the emotions running through the air was the exact opposite.

On the corner of my eyes, I caught a small figure of a girl with hair reaching below her back, pale blue eyes glistening against the early sunlight covered with some strands. She wore tattered clothes, thin body constitution as though a wave of wind would break her bones apart, as well as her skin covered in obvious bruises. I clenched my fists seeing the sight, walking towards her direction and the more I get nearer, the more her emotions skyrocketed. Anger for what happened to her, envy for the scene she was witnessing, and disgust for herself for being so pathetic.

Yes, that's right. I remember this one. It's around when I was six, the elders caught me taking a peek over the children training on the fields located just behind the Ancestral Manor. I wasn't allowed to train, or to interact with people in general that I was constantly rendered of my freedom and desire.

The truth was, I was merely curious over the sound of the swords hitting wooden puppets that I went over to see what the source was and unexpectedly stumbled over an elder who was in charged with the administration of the Manor and the other who was training the kids. Perhaps they thought I was getting ahead of myself that I was thrown into the training field battling other well-trained children as punishment.

I got out alive, but I still remember that hopelessness as other children were forced to show their skills and use their abilities against me with smirks on their faces. I still remember the anger that boiled my blood, and I have never wished for death more than I did so at that moment.

Death not for me, but for them. If it weren't for me associated with the Main Family, I doubt the elders would have truly let me go with just bruises.

I had been living in the Ancestral Manor for as long as I could remember, going back and forth between that place and the Feyree Household. Both had no difference though, both never felt as though I belonged. At least I could still go out and explore the woods whenever I was in the Manor since the elders weren't really paying much attention to me, but it was different in the household where every and each person would look at me as though I was some kind of abomination just because I was born with pale blue eyes.

I knew hatred even from before I learned how to walk, I knew the pain of life way sooner than anyone else, and I've only ever suffered in this place enough that I didn't understand what "home" was. But I persevered, burying the hatred, my anxiety, the depression that ate me out, the suffocation coiling around my neck, and the fear of not knowing what pain would await the day after.

I couldn't understand why I was different, why I had to go through all of that when others didn't seem to be in any hardship at all. I didn't even bother finding the answers. I hid all my questions, my thoughts, and my vulnerabilities that resulted to the emotionless eyes this little girl in front of me was showing. I bottled my emotions in because of fear, I was child with nowhere to go and nobody around to turn to that I learned not to trust people.

People give different kinds of pain and it's a matter of finding the ones worth going through it for.

In my case, I had no one. The existence of my grandparents were like miracles, especially my older siblings. I believed I could be happy with them that I chose to forget those negative emotions to start a new life with them. I trusted them to give a better life that I forgave those people who made me go through hell because I thought my siblings were worth forgetting that pain for.

That's why it broke me when they told a lie of me being adopted, but I was mostly scared that they would throw me out one day just like that if they feel like it that I ran away, afraid of facing them directly that led to our current situation. I grew naive because of them, but I couldn't blame them for that because I was happy, even just momentarily--my life alongside the people I care about was significantly better than being in this Manor or the Feyree Household.

Being in the outside world slowly made me remember the pain I ran away from, made me remember my anger and hatred to those who hurt me. I seek power due to the fear of being oppressed, fear that people would hurt me all over again if I don't make myself strong to the point nobody could defeat me. It was a personal resolution, the only answer I could find to escape the desolation brought by these negative thoughts.

Being shown this trance made me feel all sorts of emotions, as well as that same fear that set me off in ways that I can't control the trembling of my hands, the cold sweat lingering on my forehead, and the sound of my heart racing so fast it could explode.

Thinking back, did I really change from this cold-hearted girl that I was? I learned the value of family, but I also learned having one isn't always full of happiness and contentment—it has deceit, jealousy, as well as ego. Friendship was the same—camaraderie, betrayals, oaths.

But despite all of that, I learned what love is too. Love that soothe my soul in a way a family and friendship could never do, love that fixed everything I thought was long broken inside me. Love that brought that kind of excitement, an anticipation of what to come next. But that love was something I could not fight for, and perhaps this is just the way things are supposed to go. There are different kinds of love out there, mine morphed into pain and regret that I could not fix because I decided I won't.

Though, would it really be called love if both won't fight for it?

But if I were to turn back time, perhaps I wouldn't let myself suffer such misery. If I could, I would tell this little girl to grab that fear and embrace it because only then she'd realize how much easier her life would become. To tell her not to worry because she'd meet a lot of people who'd care about her so genuinely they're willing to do anything just to save her. As well as adventures she'd have from now on far from this place that traps her from showing who she is.

I'd tell her that she could smile, laugh, to feel excitement. I'd tell her that she could be sad too, that she wouldn't need to numb herself just to get used to the pain. That she could cry in front of people who would wipe it for her, or even cry alongside her. She'd meet friends she'll fight, go through lengths with, and friends who would become a part of her life until the end no matter which side each of them would take.

But right at this moment, those aren't the time for that. The girl in front of me is someone weak, weaker than I'd ever see myself become. I'm not her yet at the same time, that might not just be the case. However, from the way my nether energy began to spread, oozing through the leaves, swallowing the passing breeze, erasing the illusions of other people--I can confidently say this is the level of power this vulnerable girl isn't capable of unless she goes through the things I did.

"Get straight to the point, Jarvis." I warned. "What do you want? If it was my life, you would have had already attacked me from the very beginning."

The surroundings blurred, the sceneries rearranging like puzzle pieces that by the time I blinked, I found myself in a different place. Rock formations surrounded my sight, the greeneries expanding through a far distance. It was another memory in a trance, a feat not everyone can do especially so in an instant just like he did.

This was the place located near the Feyree Mountains, a cliff just right beneath it. sentinels often came to this place to hold their trainings since it was from other villages and full of wild animals. Rumours had it that more than a hundred in-training sentinels died every year. I had never gone to this place though, nobody was allowed to unless the Lord has given his permission which is rare.

"Who's memory is this?" I asked.

"My mother's."

I heard loud screams coming from a distance as I took my steps nearer and nearer. I could feel emotions running high through the entire trance. Fear, anxiety, and anger—none of which belonged to me, and I finally found the reason why he was feeling like those as though he would break the skies if he had the power to do so.

Meters in front of me was a naked woman kneeling on the ground, surrounded by ten sentinels who were all wearing blank white masks which could only mean they were my father's main guards. On the other side was a familiar man, his face clouded in agony as he watched his wife get beaten up by unknown men with a whip. Another man stood at the center, a mighty presence radiating around him as his robe fluttered against the harsh wind.

"Huwag! Huwag ang asawa ko!" the poor man begged. "Maawa--"

"Patahimikin niyo siya." The Lord said, and his sentinels followed as he demanded, gagging the other guy while he was being kicked around, his body already full of cuts and wounds.

"Huwag mong idamay dito ang sarili mong kaibigan, Zi'enval." Seryosong wika ng babae habang nag-aalalang tumingin sa asawa niyang nawalan na ng malay.

"He was a friend of mine until he defended the leader of the resistance like you and you were a great advisor until you became a part of that faction. Was it because of the position, Akalli? Kung hindi mo ako tinalikuran, hindi sana mangyayari ito."

It's strange. I've always known my father as a cold-hearted guy, a tyrant who does not see anyone as his equal, one who does not care about anyone else but only himself. He isn't a good man, but he was a great leader even when I back on Arizole. He achieved such greatness because he treated others as how he saw them, whether they they were beneficial for the island or not.

I didn't see him as somebody who would call another. "friend" even if he were just pretending. Nor did I ever see him as someone who would get heartbroken despite showing a cold façade. Or perhaps my father has always been this way, once capable of caring about others now changed into a man who drove himself towards where power is--even if it meant sacrificing family along the way.

"You were the traitor, Zi'enval." The woman spoke with a clear voice, not minding the pain her body was in. "Nangako kang babaguhin mo ang lahat kung makukuha mo ang posisyon ng ama mo. Tinulungan ka namin. Marami sa mga kapatid mo ang namatay para lang maiangat ka namin sa kung saan ka ngayon. Many of our friends died that bloody day, many of us sacrificed everything just for you."

"I did not ask for your help." My father clenched his fist. He looked younger in this memory, more vulnerable. "I warned you all before, but you did not listen. Do not blame me--"

"You're just satisfying yourself." The woman smiled bitterly. "You have always been like that. You were awkward, easily offended, act like it's nothing but the truth is different. Tinulungan ka namin dahil kaibigan ka namin, alam mo 'yan so please do not deny that fact."

"...why did you do this, Akalli? Wala ka bang tiwala sa akin?"

"Nawala ang tiwala ko sa'yo nang makita ng sarili kong mga mata ang ginagawa mo."

"You mean that plan?" Pero hindi sumagot ang babae. "THAT WASN'T MINE!" Sigaw ng Lord, sa lakas nito ay pati ang ibang sentinels ay yumuko habang umalingawngaw ang sigaw nito sa buong lugar.

"I know. That was your father's last will to you before he announced his heir to be your brother instead of you."

"Don't you dare mention him in front of my face--"

"I can do whatever I want, papatayin mo lang din naman ako kaya bakit ko pa itatago ang iniisip ko?"

"Wala akong balak gawin ang pinapagawa niya sa akin, Akalli. Alam mong hindi ko gagawin 'yun. Kaya bakit mo ako tinalikuran? Bakit ka sumali sa mga taong gusto akong patumbahin?"

"Nakikita ko ang lahat, Zi'enval."

"You must be wrong."

"My ability to see people's futures are absolute, at ako ang rason kung bakit mo nagawang maging Lord kahit na ang kapatid mo sana ang may karapatan sa posisyon na iyan."

"Why? What did you see?"

"The Cursed Bloods...our entire lineage ending."

"... that's... preposterous. We are the most powerful race out there, Akalli! Do not try to set me off."

"Ni minsan ay hindi ako nagsinungaling sa'yo."

"Who? Is it that traitor's child? I should have killed--"

"I see our existence vanishing in your eyes, Zi'enval."

"Are you... serious?" My father then laughed, he did so hard that it lasted for a while before sighing. "You're saying that me, the one who saved us all, is leading us to our doom? How?!"

"You did not tell me he left a daughter behind."

"... it's because of her, I see. But I already am aware."

"Why did you hide her existence from our faction?"

"The faction would have killed her at first sight."

"You have always did love your brother." She grunted, closing her eyes from the blood oozing her back but still, she chuckled. "He was your hero, he would save you from everything your father would make you go through. He was your only family. You regretted his death that you could not bear to have his legacy killed."

"Do you know, Akalli? Those with eyes as pale as her's are harbinger of doom. Once a a Cursed Blood with eyes paler than any skies appear, it would spell the end of something. My brother's existence ended the Feyree's tyranny, he changed this island's history. But her...she would doom this peace. It is not me that will end our lineage, Akalli. It's her."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I know someone who owns a Guardian who can see fates, a power possibly more powerful than your ability could ever be."

"So you plan to get her out of the way by neglecting her?"

"She will disappear from this island someday. It would be fine once she does."

"Told by a friend who owns that Guardian?"

"Yes. She said our race would be saved from the inevitable if I do not bat a care to the child and let her be. Simply abandoning her would not trigger anything."

"Naïve! If it were your twin brother, he would not listen--"

"He's gone! He won't be coming back all because of his treachery! He did save us from my father's tyranny, changed Arizole's history--just to become another villain! If it weren't for me, we would have been all doomed by now! If I hadn't killed him, most of our people would have already been dead! This peace, this era of change--all gone!"

"Your greatest mistake was letting his daughter live, Zi'enval!"

"Is that why you betrayed me?! Because I let that traitor's daughter see the light of the day!"

"No. I betrayed you because my actions now, the things I did, all of it will lead to the future I saw from those pale eyes." Biglang ngumiti ang babae na ikinagulat ng Lord. "The future I saw in your eyes is absolute, Zi'enval. Our lineage will end, it's inevitable no matter what you'll do."

"... you're saying that I should just kill her then."

"No. It doesn't matter at this point. Her fate was already set into motion the very first moment she breathed her first breath, the very first moment she got hurt, the first time she felt pain, the first she felt anger. Don't you see?" Tumawa ang babae. "It's because of your bad parenting that morphed our fate into doom. You thought simply abandoning her would fix everything, but she will return all of that to the Cursed Bloods tenfold."

"That will not happen. That child is weak and forever she will be. She cannot even look at me in the eye. She cannot even defend herself. She is different, far different from my brother was in his childhood. Instead, that child reminds me of my own childhood, pathetic and weak."

"Ano ang pinakita ng Guardian para maging ganiyan ka kasigurado?"

"She will have adventures. She will suffer. She will rule the summit of power--but just like all those Cursed Bloods before her with eyes like she does--she will die. That's why you don't need to worry, Akalli. I will protect my people from any threat. Your betrayal is useless."


"Ano naman ang ibig mong sabihin?" Napabuntong-hininga ang Lord at tinaas ang kamay nito sa tabi niya, kasabay nito ay ang paglabas ng mga nakapalibot na sentinels ng kanilang mga weapons. "No matter. Any words you say from now will only distract me."

"You are making a mistake."

"Tapusin niyo na ang paghihirap niya." Utos niya, sabay talikod sa babae at lumakad palayo.

"You daughter can choose her own fate, Zi'enval."

Tumigil sa paglalakad ang lalaki. "Ano ba talaga ang pinapahiwatig mo, Akalli?"

"Fate is not the direction of life. It merely tells, it does not lead." My father ignored her words. "Your brother's last words to me before he died..." Pinikit ni Akalli ang mga mata niyang nakangiti. "He told me a different being reminded him of those words that made him go through his decisions to betray you."

Tumigil siya sa paglalakad, kasabay ng pagharap niya ulit sa babae ay ang pagtutok ng mga patalim ng sentinels sa dibdib nito. Hindi ko maintindihan ang ekspresyon sa mukha ng lalaking kahit ni isa ay hindi ko tinuring na ama. May halong lungkot at pagkalito ang nakikita ko sa mga mata nito.

"What?" Tanong niya sabay lakad pabalik sa babae. "Answer me, Akalli! What do you mean--"

" it for a reason...idiot." Akalli remained still on the ground, her eyes closed. "He...knew the h-he created another b-beginning."

"... it's useless. Nothing will happen. I will make sure of it."

"That...would be nice."

"And you could have seen I mean it."

"You... forgot to take one in c-consideration."

"I'll hear your final words, Akalli. Say it." He closed his eyes, his fists clenched.

"She will fall."

"Is that all?"

"On her fall...s-she will decide the..." the woman dropped her hand, gulping out her final thoughts. "...future."

"I thank you for the efforts you made, my friend."

"Join me...for a...drink in our n-next life... Zi'enval."

" better prepare yourself then. Rest, you did more than enough, Akalli."

By the time my father opened his eyes, his friend had already breathed her final breath. Just as the scene suddenly appeared, everything began to vanish once more. The surroundings equating a thick dense of fog. Nararamdaman ko parin ang bigat ng emosyon sa paligid, naririnig ko din mahinang patak ng tubig at mga naglalakasang iyak. Panibagong scene na naman ang bumungad sa unahan ko.

This time, I knew whom this memory belonged to just from the sight of Jarvis' small figure crying on the ground, kneeling in front of his mother's grave as the others joined him at his weeping. This was few days after we first met and become friends, and the time I helped him calm down using my ability. Looking around, I could see his father standing beside him, carrying a large umbrella to shield his son and himself from the heavy pouring rain.

Behind the crowd of people was me sitting on the bench as my sight was fixated on Jarvis' wailing. I hated seeing him that sad, he was the first friend I had made that it worried me he wouldn't be able to move on from this. Back then, I couldn't understand why he would cry so much at the death of his mother. Was it such a sad experience for one's mother to die? I didn't even want to know just from feeling his pain, but selfish it might have been, a part of me was envious of him able to feel so much emotions from losing someone important.

Even though I don't really exist in this memory, the rain still poured heavily above me that left my clothes soaking wet. It was just his ability strong enough for a simple memory to feel so realistic as though I was in his memory the entire time, like I traveled back in time just to witness this heartbreaking moment.

"My father forgot his memories of what truly happened afterwards and was told my mother died in a mission." Jarvis' voice echoed, one filled with so much pain like his child version was. "Let me tell you something, Ke'ala."

The raindrops stopped coming, realizing an umbrella was already above me along the sudden appearance of a cloaked man beside me. I looked over the horizon, gray clouds looking so dim as the life flashing before me watching this scene.

"Arizole was never an island of peace. There were constant wars between factions of people. Lord Zi'enval's father was known as a tyrant who planned on eradicating other races to make sure Cursed Bloods will forever rule, and that will only happen when the World's Organization is defeated, so that our race could take over the world."

"Many people were against him, thus factions between his offsprings were created. He had seven sons who he favoured while five of his daughters were sold and married off to other high-ranking officials to secure their loyalty. The era before this generation was a mess, a total chaos where all that man ever did was bring a woman and plan off battles."

"Then your father was born, your real father. His name was Zacharia, the first born of the twins before Lord Zi'enval. Their father had seen potential in him, trained him, and he eventually became the heir. However, other factions belonging to their other siblings did not agree due to him having pale blue eyes."

"The war for the throne began after Zacharia became a lord. His plan was lure the traitors out by being sitting on the throne and have Lord Zi'enval become the actual Lord when everything was over. The plan with him being the bait working. He was a great leader, a genius in many aspect that many people loved him. The war for the throne lasted for only five years, the peace steadily beginning to circulate in Arizole."

"Until your biological father changed his ways all of the sudden. He became strict, he oppressed people, he destroyed many villages that he did not see benefit in, he abolished his peaceful policies and planned to initiate war against the World's Organization until Lord Zi'enval killed him along with my mother."

"The peaceful days slowly returned. Lord Zi'enval's rule brought equality and tranquility. But that's just the front. The Feyrees and the people living within the Feyree Household still could not forgive Lord Zacharia that any sign of him would immediately be hated--and you having eyes that reminded them of him made them direct all their hatred to you. No matter how much Lord Zi'enval neglected and hid your existence, you were still hated and hurt by people."

"However, they do not realize why Lord Zacharia did all of that. He knew our lineage would end the moment you were born, the moment he saw the color of your eyes. He became a villain for your sake that he created a false chaos to mark a new beginning. When there is chaos, there is doom. When there is doom, a new beginning will always follow. You were that beginning, and your fate was set when Lord Zi'enval made his decision to neglect you."

"I made my own decision to kill you to stop that inevitable fate of our blood perishing, Ke'ala. But when I saw my mother's memories...I realized the mistake she kept telling Lord Zi'enval." He paused, looking at me as though he could see. "You are free. You either follow the fate you were destined to, or make your own. The Guardian the second World's Candidate said that you are following that fate. My mother saw the ending in Lord Zi'enval but in yours...she saw hope."

"Do you know what that means, Ke'ala?" He smiled, looking back to the scene playing continuously in a loop. "It means that you can choose. Will you end our lineage because of your hatred...or will you let go and start--"

"So if I were to make this shorter," I interrupted him, feeling impatient now. "The difference between what my said father was told and what your mother saw herself is that the Guardian merely showed what my fate is which people stupidly misunderstood and thought that it was something I will definitely do while your mother understood enough that as long as I had no reason to, I would not follow such ending."

I laughed, shaking my head. So the reason why I ended the Cursed Bloods' in Caelesti's timeline is because she couldn't forget her anger and pain that she literally killed each and every single one in Arizole. Is that what they all think? That I would end my entire kind just because they angered me?

I mean, looking at my personality and previous killing history, that definitely isn't imposible but this is just utter ridiculous. From the memories I inherited from Caelesti herself, that is far from the actual reason why I ended up doing something so big. It was because the new Lord of Arizole in that timeline happened to come across the Grimoire and planned to use it to rule the world after Caelesti destroyed the World's Organization that the organization went into hiding.

The Cursed Bloods actively planning a mass destruction to rule the world was something Caelesti couldn't afford to happen when she knew she would be blamed for it and especially so when she was setting up a stage for her daughter to be known as a hero who managed to kill her. Also, she feared that once they knew the existence of her daughter, the Cursed Bloods would kill her daughter. In the end, she concluded that destroying Arizole would someday benefit her child.


When Andrea mentioned something about my eyes being paler than the rest of my relatives, I did question myself a lot after. I knew now for a fact that they were deliberately weakening me but I don't care. And this talk about my biological boring me. Am I supposed to cry and get sad about finding out the reason of how everything came up to be? Is this supposed to make me feel warm and vulnerable that my real father apparently cared so much about me that he became a villain?

Ridiculous. Truly ridiculous.

All of them are ridiculous I could laugh to the point of crying. But I simply sighed, showing my displeasure at this 'revelation'. When I declared I've stopped caring, it wasn't a lie. I don't care whether my biological father saved me or not. I don't care whether the blood running through his veins about going so far just to protect their child is running within me too and I couldn't careless about it. I don't want to find out.

If this were me before, I would have broken down and get angry at everything because I just found out that apparently, my entire life was a damn lie. But to hell with it. They can believe whatever they want, other people could curse me for having pale blue eyes, or they all could assume whatever damn fate there is about me--and I wouldn't give a damn.

"What else?" I asked, calmly. "Is there anything more you want to tell me? Perhaps like now the Black Clan is originally a faction of resistance that was against the ways of that father of mine--oh, I finally have a reason to stop referring to him as my father now. Perhaps this wasn't such a boring revelation after all." I rolled my eyes, clenching my fist as I crossed my arms.

"Paano mo nalaman?" He questioned, surprised evident on his tone.

"You've been hinting." I answered exasperatedly. "I've always wondered why Black Clan had so much technologies in the past, and considering you're even a member and the Clan knowing my real name back in those times, I've already speculated the organization's creation has something to do with Arizole."

"Your sister wasn't a member. She would help in the past in order to keep an eye on you, but she was never a part especially after she joined Exodus."

"What is the purpose of the Black Clan? Why go this far?"

"To overthrow your father. We want Arizole to be free, and your father's grasp of internal affairs within the island and the way people loved him... it's too impossible unless we put in a different heir on."

I snorted. "Unless that man dies, he will always stick himself to where he can hold power."

"Our original plan was to help your sister rise to the throne. But when your father announced her exile, the faction supporting her lost their political power in just overnight. Most believed your brother's already dead, and that rumour was spread by your father that his own faction became inactive. All we have left"

I glared at him. "Were you not after my life just years ago?"

He held my hand, opening my clenched fist. "We may not be able to regain our previous relationship but I still consider you as a friend, Ke'ala."

"A friend you'd suddenly go to because you needed her."

"And because I care about her."

"What about the rest of your members? Your clan go far so wide that it's mostly consist of different kinds of people now."

"We don't plan on involving other people. Only the Cursed Bloods faction in the clan is involved in this plan. Black Clan is basically a society now." He smiled sadly, as though remembering a fond memory. "We've met many people along the way. We've also lost just as much. As a friend, I understand you but as the current High Leader of the Black Clan, I cannot forgive you for killing so many of my people."

"We're always going to be against each other, Jarvis, because I need your clan out of this war against the World's Organization."

"We are fighting our own war, Ke'ala. Just like you are, I am after the Grimoire in which the World's Organization is keeping. I have to get it for if we can't defeat Lord Zi'enval, then we simply need to borrow the power of the Book of the Gods."

Why is everything complicated, I wonder? The Black Clan needs the Grimoire to defeat the current Lord of Arizole who probably doesn't even care about this war. The Legion Army, too, is after the Book for Iyana to kill Titania because of her deep hatred for that woman.

Exodus wants it to activate the END which could probably spell doom for this world more than the nether energy. Andrea and Ka'ela wanted it to free themselves and their friends from their curse before they could succumb to that dark power, because once END is activated, there is no way they could regain free will.

In the first place, they signed up to the organization not knowing anything about END at all, so it was just fair that they were tricked all this time. Meanwhile, Alvar'ius also needs the book for something that Ka'ela and Angela would know.

I don't know what for but I have a feeling it has something to do with Arizole. Then there's the Progenitors wanting to destroy the book too, making everything more complicated since everybody seems to need it for their own circumstances, including the World's Organization who has it only due to the fact that many wanted it. They mist be enjoying seeing people trying to steal something they have.

When I found out all of these, it was then I decided I wouldn't care about the Grimoire anymore. Adding me to the mix of people who needed a single book for something would mean joining the fray of people fighting just to obtain that power, and I have enough trouble as it is.

"If you're worried about looking for somebody to replace the Lord soon, you better give up trying to convince me." I said. "I am not fit to rule an island of people who brought me nothing but pain and isolation."

"Ikaw na lamang ang natitira naming pag-asa, Ke'ala."

"At sinasabi ko sa'yo na wala akong pakealam. Matagal ko ng kinalimutan ang pagiging Feyree ko, it's all nothing but a mere name for me now. If we're talking about responsibilities, mas mabuti pang si Kuya o si Ate ang tulungan niyong makaangat sa posisyon."

"Hindi mo naiintindihan. Alvar'ius refused to help us. He said the Black Clan shouldn't interfere anymore. May plano nga siyang kunin ang posisyon, pero nababahala ako sa ginagawa niya ngayon. Ganoon din si Ka'ela, hindi kami sigurado kung ano ang pinaplano niya para sa Arizole."

"In other words, you're looking for someone you can keep an eye and control, and you believe that is me."


"But the current Lord has a new heir, doesn't he? May isa pa siyang anak."

"That heir's existence is being hidden by the Lord that our internal faction within the island cannot even find out whether the heir's a girl or a boy. Kung magpapatuloy ito, hindi natin alam kung anong klaseng tao ang magiging Lord ng Arizole kung tuluyan nang lumaki ang batang ito."

"So you're in a hurry to appoint an authoritative figure before the child grows up and take the throne."

"Ke'ala, the Clan is willing to forgive you as long as you agree to the position."

"Agreeing to the position is nothing different from being shackled. You'd still keep an eye on me like a prisoner, my actions being limited and the only power I would have is for appearances. But you see Jarvis, I don't need your damn forgiveness. It's either you take a risk and put whether Alvar'ius or Ka'ela in that throne or put the island in danger by appointing me."

"My mother said you will fall, which is why you are able to choose your own path. What kind of falling did she mean, Ke'ala?"

I chuckled, closing my eyes. "The kind that I couldn't stop myself from."

"I don't understand."

"You don't have to." I raised my hand, weaving my nether energy through the air as the trance began to shatter around us, the memories fading into tiny puzzle pieces before disappearing.

By the time I opened my eyes, I was back from where I was before he took me in his memory trance. The skies still as clear as it was once earlier, the air passing by warmly that it eased up the heavy emotions. In front of me stood Jarvis, wearing a black mask that covered his eyes just like his people as his cloak fluttered behind him, the symbol of the Clan evident.

Before, their symbol signified a skull with a cross circle which symbolizes force and power. But what replaced that emblem is now a shape of an eye with wings of an eagle around it...meaning an endless sight for freedom.

"Join us, Ke'ala, and free Arizole from this false peace. It is the only redemption I can offer you."

"I have already chosen my own path, Jarvis."

"...what path?"

"I may have fallen, but I chose to rise from it and led a different way." I looked around, noticing the trails of blood and lifeless bodies of clansmen on the ground as Erhiel sat behind a boulder, resting. "I decided that it is not the Cursed Bloods that will end."

"Do not speak riddles with me--"

"It's these tiring wars and endless battles." A scythe materialized in my hand, the sharp end of its pole buried in the ground, the curve edge directed at him. "It is not just Arizole that will have freedom but this world." I spun my weapon, dragging its edge on the ground as I walked slowly towards his position. "It is this current era which boasts nothing but oppression as well as restlessness, and these are the proof of that."

He smiled, and I could tell it was a genuine one. "Since when did you become such a hero, Ke'ala?"

"Who knows?" I chuckled, truly amused at the realization. "Perhaps I've always been one."

He extended his arms, raising it on both sides as though he was expecting a hug. "You say that yet the world will still see you as evil."

"It runs in the blood, it seems."

"I wonder, what does it take to become such a fine villain?"

"It takes power...and pain."

"I will not give up. The Black Clan may have been eliminated from your war against the World's Organization, but we will live and put you on that throne."

"Why do you insist so much on making me a ruler, Jarvis?" I asked one last time, stopping a meter before him.

"Because it is the only way you will be viewed as something different from being a villain." He admitted, and what followed next was my scythe being slashed up across his body, his figure slowly fading like small pieces of a broken glass, an illusion that he was there when he wasn't at all. "And perhaps because I want to be a real friend for once."

"You've always been one."

He shook his head, his lower body completely fading away now. "Let us meet again someday, and by then I will see to it that we will no longer be standing opposite with each other."

"That would be nice."

"Tell me, Ke'ala. What fall have you decided to rise up from?" He asked for one last time.

"I fell in love." I clutched my chest, feeling it throb. "One I couldn't stay falling into for he is no longer there to reassure me of the heights I fear plunging deeper alone."

"...I see." He finally disappeared, the broken shards of what he left behind gently combining through the passing breeze.

My scythe disappeared as I kneeled beside Erhiel, touching her forehead as she slept. She must have been tired. Her wounds were healing, but her clothes were completed soiled with blood. What came then was a clatter of footsteps behind me, my energy rising from the emotions I felt from them.

"Mistress, the Black Clan has retreated." Azto reported. "I have already sent a team to follow them--"

"No need." I cut him off, remembering my first friend. "Send them back, we're moving along with our plans."

"As you will it be, Mistress." Answered another member, disappearing into the distance by riding a horse.

"Let me, Ke'ala." Azto whispered, taking Erhiel as he carried her on his arms.

I stood up, facing my people. "Prepare to embark, we're leaving to meet up with the Legion Army."

"As you will it be, Mistress." All of them answered at the same time, dispersing.

I walked alongside Azto beside me, letting my pace drag a little slower as try to calm myself down. Perhaps that revelation from earlier did take a lot of me, after all. I've been trying to act tough for I didn't want to let my guard down in front of Jarvis, but it seems like I've overestimated myself a bit. It was ridiculous, the entire idea of my life becoming like this. It really was--but I couldn't help but feel quite sad about it.

I wonder why there seems to be a hollowness in my chest that I couldn't quite fix. I wonder what my real father looked like, he must have looked exactly like Zi'enval for my siblings and me to look exactly the same. I wonder who my real mother is, or is she still alive somewhere or perhaps she had already died. I thought I didn't want to know--I still don't, but a part of me could help but feel curious.

However, it was a curiosity I won't pursue. I'm fine with how things are, it's been like this for so long now that knowing a thing or two about my past won't make a difference about who I am or what I am bound to do. That's just how my life is, I should simply accept--however miserable may that thought be.

My sight began to blur out and it wasn't because I used too much energy--but because of the water building at the corner of my eyes and just the thought of me breaking down like this angers me. I sighed, taking the glasses I was given with and put it on, as though it served as a barrier that hid my feelings from pouring out.

"Are you not feeling well?" Azto frowned, noticing me wearing my glasses.

"I'm fine."

"You should be able to take it slow ngayon na hindi magiging sagabal ang Black Clan." As soon as he said that, something resounded inside his pocket that he stopped for a moment to take it with his other free hand, handling it to me. "I think this call is for you. I will head head out first." He bowed his head, before walking away.

The thing he gave was a palm-sized rectangular object, a communication device Iyana handed few months back before we set to do our own plans apart. Iyana's name was on the center screen as I pressed the circle button just below it, hearing that familiar sound of gunfire and loud artilleries being fired on her background, as well as screams and yells from her soldiers.

"Sounds tough." I said, hearing her snort in reply on the other side of the device.

"Bad news, Ke'ala. It might just surprise you."

"What could be more shocking than finding out I'm actually really adopted all along?  Though I guess that wasn't much of a surprise now."

"It's the--wait what?"

I laughed darkly instead. "What is it, Iyana?"

"We'll talk about that later for now," the connection paused when I suddenly a loud shriek. "The Daeva. It has awakened. The magic circles you set up has all vanished simultaneously." Along with her words, an earthquake occurred that almost set me off my balance.

"Yeah, I can tell." I frowned.

"Andrea had met up with the people you stationed in Magnus and they received no order from you at all."

I suddenly got a bad feeling, something as though everything was beginning to fall apart. I clenched my fist, walking hastily back to the ship and soon found my men supplying the ship by the dock.

"Azto, we're going on ahead." I said when I saw him holding a tablet while directing orders.

"But they're still refueling the ship--"

"Take the air rover. Now." I didn't need to hear more words from him as I faced another veiled man.

"Go back to the Headquarter and inquire what the hell is going on. Let Clerix take the lead afterwards." He bowed, moving away as I pointed to another man. "Prepare our people to launch an all-out attack against Magnus."

"Certainly, Mistress."

I turned around, returning to the call as Iyana spoke. "What? Are you crazy?! Launching an all-out attack now with the Daeva protecting Magnus is suicide! Exodus has already retreated, we have to recuperate and plan--"

"Don't you think everything has been going easily all this time? You've managed to take over those countries in such a short amount of time because the Organization has been letting you. They were simply diversions."

"What do you mean? We already knew their plan on controling Daeva beforehand--"

"The Endseeker isn't the problem!" I yelled impatiently, pinching the bridge of my nose, my headache coming. "It's the fact that we have a traitor on our side all along and retreating now would give them the advantage!"

"Who--oh no." I could hear the fear in Iyana's voice then. "Retreat! Initiate and focus on retreating! Grisela, prepare a team to set the barrier around the Avian! Check the situation on Point A and make another attempt to contact Andrea!"

"Why are you retreating now? Didn't you hear what I just said--"

"Look, if you want to go ahead and fight off thousands of demons below Daeva, then go damn ahead! But I will not sacrifice my soldiers for something I will get defeated in!"


"Who else?! Them letting us take a lead all this time is just their way of trapping us and now my soldiers are getting slaughtered out there! I lost contact with Andrea numerous of times and god knows whether that woman is still alive or not!"

"Calm the hell down, will you?!"

"I am calm! It's you who's clearly distressed about something else and you're projecting all of it through me!"

"Damn it, Iyana."

She let out a tired breath. "We need something to be able to pull through this. Given their pace, they would destroy Andrea's frontal forces in a matter of a day and I can't even sent out reinforcements with the demons attacking us on all sides."

"If the order I sent out was given clearly, we would have already been inside Magnus now."

"You mean the plan of sending Celeztie and Alvar'ius there failed?"

"...yes." There was a long silence, just the sound of war on her side resounding through the device.

"Is it because of your sister? But why would she betray us?" She finally said after a while of thinking.

I smiled bitterly, crouching down the ground as I drew circles and different patterns on the soil with my hand, channeling my energy. The circle glowed, towering into factions up above, turning the sky into gray. It was as though seeing a brewing storm, thunders rolling in but instead of that usual thunderous booming, it felt different--like watching a beautiful scenery that would drew people in instead of making them fear it.

"Ke'ala? Nandiyan ka pa ba--" she wasn't able to continue her words when a roar resounded through the skies, the soil beneath me trembling as nether energy filled the area like a thick blanket.

I lifted my hand on both sides, multiple magic circles appearing in an instant whether on the air or the ground. Distant noise of both shrieks and growls enveloping the surroundings. Giant waves resurfacing on the sea, slapping the ships away. I could sense the lingering fear of people around me, as well as that sense of anticipation.

I wiped the blood that trailed off my lips, taking my glasses away as sign of another battle that might as well be my last. It blurred my sight more than it ever had in the past, burning the last things I could see before my eyes became numb.

I could no longer see anything then, but simply the waves of energy clashing against the air which I knew very well that belonged to me.

"If it's a war they want," I turned around, feeling an army awaiting for my next words. "It's a war they shall have."

I crushed the device, channelling the last of my anger through it before breathing out a sigh, my emotions seemingly easing off as I did so. Rain dropped down as though it replaced the silence that came after my words, it was soft and gentle that mixed well with this melancholy.

"I can feel it," I whispered, sprinkling the dusts from the soil out of my hand.

"What is it, Mistress?"

"The world is screaming." I smiled as I closed my eyes, making my emotions one with the trembling world--parting my lips and spoke almost as softly as the wind. "While I yearn for its silence."

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