Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

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I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Tokyo! Oh. No!
Welcome to Devildom
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
RAD Part 2
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
The Waiting...
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 1
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

Toky...What did you just say?

20 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88

  Brianna walked in the bedroom, changed her clothes, and hopped into bed.  She picked up her phone and saw she received a few text messages from both her mom and Leslie. 


  Did that say baby A and baby B?  Shut the front door!!!  Call me!!!

   She called Leslie immediately. 
"OH MY GOSH TWINS!! How the hell did that happen?" 
"Girl I don't know but I, Uh, I did something or should I say someone."
"What did you do, ~gasp~ No!" 
"OMG WHITNEY, THEY HAD SEX!"  (What????  No way!!). Tell me, was I right?"  Brianna laughed.
"Oh my gosh, you indeed were." ~screams from phone~  Brianna laughed.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!  Yes!! My best friend got laid!!!  I'm so happy for you!  You needed it and I provided."  Brianna couldn't help but laugh some more. 

"Is everything okay, Brianna?"  Diavolo yelled.  "Yes, I'm fine.  Just talking to my friend Leslie."  He walked closer to the door, and responded back. "Okay I'm going to bring you something to eat in a moment."  "Alright!  Thank you!"  Leslie went silent.  

"Is he there Brianna?" 
"Oh my gosh, he likes you!"
"I know, I like him too." 
"Awwww, that's so sweet. So is his cock big or what?"
"Oh! Big is an understatement, it's enormous." 
"~screams again~ Go ahead girl! Get yo man.  Congrats on the babies!" 
Brianna had to ask.  "Hey we're you still coming out here?  I would love for you two to meet him before I leave." 
"We were but I'm not scheduled to return until after you leave.  Per studios order." 
"Okay, I'm just going to enjoy myself more in Tokyo. Thank you again.  I love you girl!!!"  

   A few minutes later Diavolo walks in with a tray for her.  "Here you go I have a few things for you to eat."  Brianna smiled as he walked in.  "Thank you, this looks wonderful."  She sat up and Diavolo sits beside her.  "Brianna, I have something I need to tell you." 
Brianna started eating something as Diavolo took her hand and looked her right in the eyes.  "I don't know how you are going to react when I say this but I haven't told you much about me because I didn't know how you would react." 
"Okay?  What is it and let me react."  Brianna said after she chewed her food.
Diavolo takes a deep breath.  "I really like you, but I am a demon."  Brianna just looked at him. 
"Yes, I am a demon. I am from Devildom and I really like being in the human world.  I didn't mean to lie to you either, but I couldn't just tell you I'm a demon immediately."  As he spoke, Brianna just smiled. 
"Okay, I don't know what else to say, but you are a demon?" 
"Yes, actually I will be the demon king one day." 
"Prove it!" 
"What?" He looked at her completely shocked. 
"Prove that your a demon and prove that you're the future demon king?
"I don't understand?"
"Well where I come from, you either prove it so I can believe you or not.  Show me you're a demon." 
"Okay, you might regret that."  Diavolo stood up.  "Are you sure you want to see?" 
"Yes!"  And standing in that bedroom, Diavolo sprouted wings and horns.  She gasped, and her jaw dropped. 
"See, I am a demon." 

Even though she was suppose to rest, Brianna moved the tray, get out of bed and walked towards him.  "Okay."  He looks at her and was stunned.  "You okay with this?  Me being a demon and all?"  Brianna smiled and nodded.  "Yes, I am.  Humans fall in love with worse.  I think that's why demons like humans, Huh.  You know I read once that someone married a tree.  So how old are you?"  He looked at her confused and slightly amazed.  "You said humans fall in love with worse, have you fallen for me Brianna?"  Her eyes widened and started blushing.  "I'm smitten with you.  Can I touch them?"  Diavolo chuckles.  "Sure."  She reached towards his wings, in amazement.  "Wow, these are magnificent!  You didn't answer my question, how old are you?" Diavolo thought about it.  "Last time I remembered over 4 thousand years old.  I stopped counting after a while."  She looked up at the horns and his handsome face.  "You're still very handsome.  I say even more handsome!"  As she wrap my arms around his neck, and he leans in for a kiss.


   "That's surprising, I see she took the news rather well.  And you were worried for nothing, Lucifer."  Barbatos said as he poured him a cup of tea.  "We'll see, what her true intentions are."  Barbatos shook his head.  "I think you are fishing in a pond with no fish.  I think she genuinely likes him if not loves him.  And he's accepted the pregnancy too.  Young Master's plan for unity between the three worlds is coming together.  Why are you so against it?"  Lucifer drinks his tea.  "I have my reasons."  Barbatos nods his head.  "Young Master will return tomorrow.  Will you be joining us?  Oh, how is the exchange student doing, so far from what I heard she enjoys your company, Lucifer?"  Lucifer stands.  "I shall take my leave, I will return tomorrow."

   Lucifer returns to the House of Lamentation, only to be greeted by the exchange student.  "Hello Lucifer, everyone's in their room.  Dinners almost ready.  If you go to your study I can bring it to you?"  "Please stay away from me!"  He yelled at her.  He knew Barbatos was right, but he didn't want to be a hypocrite.  He goes to his study and locks the door.  (Everyday she greets me!  Everyday she's happy to see me.  What's with these humans?  She shouldn't want to see me, she should FEAR ME!  No, Humans and demons together, Diavolo is making a mistake.  I will bring him back to my side.  My side of humans are less than demons, humans provide us with souls.  Humans are nothing to us.).  After a while a knock at the door gets his attention.  "Hey Lucifer, I know you told me to go away, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here and I will be here for you.  I set your dinner here at the door, so Beelzebub won't eat it.  Good night!"  He listens as she leaves, and opens the door.  He brings the tray to the desk.  She left a note on the tray and it read.

I know you feel like your alone sometimes but out of everyone, I care about you the most.  -exchange student!
A tear falls from his eyes.  "I love her!"

"Yes, Brianna?" 
"I want to see Devildom?" 
"What?"  He hugs her tight. 
"I want to know everything about you as much as possible and your home too?  I mean unless you want to stay in this world instead?"  Diavolo was conflicted.  He didn't know how to answer.  Brianna saw the look on his face. 
"Okay, okay, let me take a step back a little, I don't have to visit Devildom just yet.  But you will have to go home right?  So let's just enjoy this until you leave." 
Diavolo turns Brianna head towards him, and kisses her on the mouth, deeply.  "I would love for you to come to Devildom, but let me go back and have a welcome for you set up.  I think you will like it."  She kiss him.  "Absolutely because I like you!"  And they kiss again.

"How you feeling now?" Diavolo asks as he rubs her stomach and Brianna rubbing his head. "I feel wonderful. I'm just thinking about stuff." He lifts up and kisses her on the lips again. "Still wanting to come to Devildom?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I can wait. I just think it's weird. I meet a really great guy and he lives what is sounds like super far. And he doesn't want me to visit his home.  I'm sorry. I'm rushing into this, but I like you a lot. And I need to slow down just a bit." Diavolo looks Brianna in the eyes. "I can't wait to bring you to Devildom, but we have several demons that still don't like humans. We already have a exchange student there and she's going well." She scrunched up my face. "Exchange student? What?" Diavolo knew he slipped up. "Ah! Yeah, let me start at the beginning."

   "I had a dream that our worlds, human, Devildom and the celestial, unified together and we were all able to freely go where ever we wanted, like we did in the past. Sometimes being home, it's lovely, but I want to enjoy everything. The human world is so lively, good food, fun places to visit, get to look up at the stars and enjoy being here. And I would love to visit the Celestial world too. So I started a exchange program to open Devildom to humans again. We had success with our first one, although not what I was hoping to get but the second student, she really opened my friend Lucifer's eyes to see that humans aren't so bad." That was a lot of information for Brianna to understand. "Okay, wow. Let's break down what you said okay." Brianna gets up and starts pacing back and forth. "So there are two other worlds out there, Devildom and Celestial. And you want all three worlds to come together? Do you have people from the celestial world in Devildom too?" He stands with her and sat at the foot of the bed. "Yes, we have two angels there, and they are really nice, they started protecting the human exchange student, while also meeting with me to understand Devildom." Diavolo signs. "I know it sounds crazy, but I really think it can happen." Brianna smiled at him, and gives him a hug. "Okay, I believe in you. Because this sounds very important to you, I will stand beside you too." She reach down with both hands to his face, tilts his head back and kissed Diavolo on the lips.

"Mmm!" Brianna moan into his kiss. "Mmm" He moans as she rubs his arms and chest. They make out for a few minutes, until he pushed away. "Are you really okay with all of this? I would have guessed you ran for the hills now." She looked at him, tilts her head, and said. "Even thought we met only three days ago, I really like you. Why would I run? You handled me being pregnant, and pregnant with twins and by someone else. Yeah, why are you okay with me being pregnant?" He laughs. "Because I said what I said, I really like. I mean really, really like you."  "Okay, I really like you too and people who like each other accepts them no matter what."  She kisses him on his nose.  Diavolo slowly turns Brianna around so her back it to him.  He wraps his arms around her, and whispered in her ear.  "Are you still in a little pain?"  As he caress her arms, her stomach, and down to her hips.  "Just go slow!"  As she turns her head and they kissed.

   Diavolo slipped his hand under her night shirt and caressed her breast, while kissing on her neck.  "Mmm."  Brianna moans.  She can feel his growing erection poking her in the back.  "Someone's very happy."  "Absolutely." Diavolo gets to his knees, while Brianna pulls down her bottoms off, he started stroking his erection through his clothes.  Brianna lifts herself to all fours in the doggystyle position on the bed, bottoms up and faces down.  "You ready?"  Diavolo asked while rubbing Brianna back, butt, and hips.  "Yes, I'm ready for you."  She said as he put two fingers inside her.  "Oh, Oo! Mm!"  "You are so wet.  Here I come."  Diavolo pulled his pants down, rubbing the tip of his penis outside Brianna pussy, glided her hips, and slowly inserted his penis inside her.

   "Uhhhh!  Ohhhhh!  Mm, mm!" With the slow pumps inside her.  "Ohh! ohh! Oh! Diavolo! Yes!"  She's enjoying every inch, every pump, every thing he is giving her.  "You like that.  What if I did this?"  Diavolo smacks her on her ass.  ~slap~ "Oh! Yes, again!"  ~slap~ "Oh yeah!"  And he smacked her again.  "Uh, fuck me!"  He changed up his stroke on her, and start pumping in a circles motions.  "Uhhhh!  mm 'mm mm mm!"  Brianna moans one long moan. "Yes baby, take all that!  Take all that!"  He moves closer to the bed, lay her down on her stomach, props up her leg, and sexed her more, deep stroking inside her, making her moan for more.  "Uh! Uh! Uh! Yes!  Mmmm oh yes!"  He felt her cum on his cock, which made him go deeper whispering in her ear.  "Oh D'narah, mmm, mmm, yes!"  Brianna stopped for a minute.  Turned to Diavolo.  "Stop! Stop! Stop!"  Diavolo stops thrusting.  "Huh? What's wrong?"  He was shocked on why she told him to stop.  "Who is D'narah?"  Diavolo eyes widens.  ~his mind~ (Did I say D'narah, oh no! What do I say?  what do I say? She's looking at me and seems upset.). "Umm!  Well..".

   He was interrupted by a knock at the door.  "I'll get that." As he jumps up to answer the door, the look on Brianna face said it all.  "Diavolo, just go."  Brianna turned away from him and got under the covers. "What? Brianna?"  Another knock at the door.  "WAIT, I WILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!"  He turns to Brianna and climbs under the covers to get her.  "Hey, no, no, no!  Look at me?  Look at me please?"  Brianna turns her head with tears in her eyes.  "I knew it was too good to be true.  You do have a girlfriend, I mean I have a husband.  I feel horrible."  He looks at her, and sighs.  "D'narah was a old love of mine.  Someone I was with, almost 200 years ago.  So no I don't have a girlfriend, I have no idea why I thought of her either."  He said as he wiped her tears.  "Come to think of it, you two actually look alike.  I'm sorry for calling her name, could you ever forgive me?"  He said with the cutest puppy down look.  "Yes, I can.  I forgive you!"  As she reached up and put her arms around his neck and kissed him on his lips.


   "Who is it?"  Brianna asked as Diavolo goes to investigate.  "Wait here." And he waved his hand and was fully clothed.  "Oh yeah, I can do that too."  She couldn't believe her eyes.  "Yeah you have to explain all the things you can do?"  He smiles and walks towards the door.  "Who is it?"  The person on the other side answered.  "Diavolo, it's me!" Diavolo answers the door to a very upset man.  "Lucifer, I'm glad your here, I..". He noticed the look on his face, even though he is the future king and very powerful, he knows not to piss off Barbatos or Lucifer.  "I will head back tomorrow."  This person walked into the suite. "No Lord Diavolo, we leave NOW!"  And with Brianna standing in the doorway, she watched as this man named Lucifer and Diavolo, vanish out of thin air.

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