Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

583 0 0

I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Toky...What did you just say?
Welcome to Devildom
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
RAD Part 2
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
The Waiting...
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 1
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

Tokyo! Oh. No!

36 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88

"Mmmm!" The morning sunrise breaks Brianna's sleep. She slept great, felt amazing and felt like she had the best sex of her life. (Oh, my, goodness!  I have to do that again.). As she sat up in the bed, she notices a man next to her. (Yep, We had sex and I fell asleep right after, great job me.). He looked so peaceful asleep, Brianna had to take a quick peak at his penis before he woke up. (Wow, very good for you. Maybe I should get her a gift basket.). "Good morning, beautiful!" Brianna jumped, she didn't know he was awake. "Good morning to you too handsome!" She give Diavolo a kiss before she got up to her brush teeth. It hurt to walk and pee but it was manageable. (And I took all that.) after peeing and washing her hands, she grabbed a wash cloth, and washed her face. After her face she started brushing her teeth, she looked out at him as he gets up too. She looks at his back, and saw all the scratches she did to him. "I have a spare toothbrush if you want it."  He makes his way to the bathroom too and they brushed together. While brushing her teeth, she couldn't help but watch him in the mirror. "I enjoyed our evening, we definitely have to do that again." He smiled and brushed up against her.  "Yes, absolutely." She said as she stood next to him, and kissed near his ear, and walked out the bathroom.  Once he finished he walked up behind her and kissed her neck. "Mmmm, Diavolo, right now!" He slowly kissed her neck, turning her head to him, and kissed her lips! "Mmm, Brianna! I like you a lot." "I like you too." They continue kissing until someone knocked on the door. "Who's that, we're we that loud?" Brianna asked. "No, I'll get it." As he grabs a towel and cover himself up. "Good morning Barbatos, glad you can make it." "Good morning Young Master. I've bought you breakfast."

Brianna slowly made my way towards the living room, in her robe. "Hello." Brianna said looking at the guy from yesterday, standing in her suite. "Good Morning Miss, would you like any breakfast this morning?" Brianna shrugs her shoulders.  "Sure?" She said slightly confused on what's happening. Somethings not right, but she couldn't put her finger on it but this was weird. Brianna made her way to the living room to gather up her clothes, then she grabbed his too. "Young Master, I think it's best to tell her the truth." Barbatos whispered to Diavolo. "Not now, I don't want her to freak out."  Diavolo said. "You guys okay in there, need any help?" Brianna asked. "Oh no, I can handle this Miss, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" Brianna walked back to the kitchen area. "My apologies, my name is Brianna." He smiled. "Hello Brianna, I'm Barbatos, Master Diavolo's butler." Brianna smiled back. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She turned to Diavolo. "Is everything okay?" He looked at her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  "Everything is wonderful." And he gave her a kiss. "Okay, well I'm going to go shower." She leaned closer, whispering in his ear. "Unless you want to join me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Mm, you are so tempting, go ahead I need to speak with Barbatos." As she walked away, he spanked her butt.  "Okay."

When Brianna went to the bathroom, Diavolo and Barbatos continue their conversation. "Incredible, a demon and a human. No, a future demon king and a human.  Following in your fathers footsteps I see."  Barbatos looked at Diavolo and asked.  "Was it a coincidence that she fell in your lap, or that she reminded you of an old love, my lord?"  Diavolo folded his arms. "Both." As Barbatos finished making breakfast in the kitchen.  Back in the bathroom, Brianna's body didn't feel right.  She started to feel a sharp pain in my vagina.  "Ow! Ouch!"  Brianna try to breathe through it.  "D-D-Diavolo!"  She quietly yelled out.  "Is someone calling me?"  She heard as she opened the bathroom door. "I think it's your lady friend."  "Diavolo! Ow!"  Diavolo came running into the bathroom.  "What's wrong?"  Diavolo asked looking worriedly.  "I just started feeling a sharp pain, in me."  Brianna said as she curled up into a ball, on the ground. "Okay, come on let's get dressed and take you to the hospital."  He picks her up and placed her on the bed.  Barbatos came in to check her out.  He placed a hand on her stomach and looked at her.  "We need to get you to the hospital."

   They quickly got dressed, Brianna threw on a dress with under garments and shoes, she also grabbed a few things and headed to the hospital. "I'll bring the car to the garage you two head there, don't want publicity like this getting out."  Said Barbatos as he left.  They make their way to the elevators, as Diavolo carried Brianna.  "You are ridiculously strong."  She said as he laughs.  "You don't weigh much at all.  How are you feeling?  Did I hurt you?"  He whispered.  "Maybe a little but I enjoyed every minute of it.  Relax, we can do it again!"  She said blushing in his arms. "Mmm, I'm going to hold you to it."  It was nice being in his arms.  The elevator arrives and headed towards the basement. 


After arriving they hopped into the awaiting car and made their way to the hospital.  Brianna needed to confess before they got to the hospital.  (How can I tell him I'm pregnant? I don't want the doctors to tell him either.  I need to do it immediately.)   "Hey, uh, Diavolo, I have to tell you something."  Diavolo looked confused. "What is it?"  He asked looking very concerned. Brianna shifted her body, to add pressure on her lower half which made it feel better.  "I should have told you this yesterday but I just didn't.  I'm pregnant."  He just looks at her.  "Relax, relax, you are not the father.."  She sighed.  "It's my husbands baby."  It was quiet. Nothing was said nothing was mentioned.  "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.  I never expected for this to happen, and I am truly sorry.  You are probably upset, and you have every right to be upset with me, I completely understand.  I wouldn't be shocked if you never want to see me again, I wouldn't either.  But I want to thank you for a wonderful vacation..". He turns to Brianna and grabs her chin and kissed her to stop talking.  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"  He asked.   "It was nice being seen, and I didn't see fit to say it in the beginning.  What do I say, 'hello, how are you? I'm pregnant' not a conversation starter either."  They sat in silence the rest of the trip to the hospital.

   They walk into the Emergency side, and Brianna got herself checked in.  "Well thank you for bringing me, I can take it from here.  I'm really sorry for deceiving you Diavolo, and goodbye."  She got wheeled to the back and Diavolo follows behind.  "You didn't have to stay, you know."  Brianna said, with a chuckle in her voice. Diavolo looks at her and continues walking next to her. "I know, but I want to." The nurse joins them and asks a few questions.  "What brought you in today?"  Brianna got slightly embarrassed trying to explain the pain with Diavolo right there. "Im having pain inside me, after intercourse?" Brianna started to blush.  "Okay, do you think you are pregnant?"  She nodded her head. "Yes, I am pregnant." Brianna said sounding a little down. "Oh that's okay, sex during pregnancy is normal, just take your time, go slow, and no overly flexible poses, but pain inside is usually a UTI, did you use the bathroom after?" Brianna shook her head no. "Okay, so what we can do is prescribe you medicine for the UTI, or drink cranberry juice and water, make sure you wipe front to back, and if you have sex again go pee immediately." Diavolo asked. "What's a UTI?" The nurse explains. "It's Urinary Tract Infection, happens a lot but it can get worse. How for along do you think you two are?"  She asked.  "I don't know, I just found out before coming here to Tokyo and I haven't gone to the doctors yet at home."  The nurse nods her head.  "Okay, well if you like we could do a ultrasound and we can look right now?"  Brianna started to just say no until Diavolo jumped in.  "Okay."  Diavolo answered.  "Great I will be right back!" She goes to leave, and Brianna turned at Diavolo.  "What?"  As she look at him.  "I told you I like you, and I've always wanted children.  But most importantly, I really like you Brianna.  I want to be here, even when you go back home, I want to be with you Brianna."  A tear fell from her eyes after what he said.  "I really like you too, Diavolo!"

   The nurse came back to escort them to a different room.  "This is the ultrasound technician and she will look and see the baby.  Okay."  Brianna take a deep breath and held onto Diavolo's hand.  "Okay, do you know how far along you are?"  Brianna shook her head.  "I don't know, I just found out like at week ago."  Then the technician pulled out a wand and gel.  "Go ahead and take your underwear off, we will get a better picture of the baby going on this way."  Brianna followed her instructions, and lay on table.  The technician applied a protection cover on it, and lubed it up.  "Okay take a deep breath and you will insert this slowly.  Is this you two's first pregnancy?"  They look at each other.  "Yes!"  "Oh congratulations will you two want more in the future?" Brianna smiled at the question.  "Maybe in the future, I've always wanted a big family."  Diavolo says.  "Me too!"  She replied as they looked at each other.  The technician is tapping away at the keys, moving the wand, and clicking the mouse.  "Huh!  Would you look at that screen up there, and look what we got here!  You have two little sacks."  Brianna almost jumped up from the table.  "What?!"  She continued.  "Yep, here is sack #1, we'll call baby A, and right here is sack #2, we'll call this one baby B!  So far just the two, we would see more from this angle.  And from the calculations you are around 7 weeks and 4 days. I will make copies for you two.  Now it was pain after intercourse, just relax more, go slow.  Make sure you rest when you get home.  At least for today, rest.  I'll get those copies and see you up front."  They thanked the technician as she walked out the door. "Thank you."  Not only was Brianna pregnant but having twins too, and he wants to stay by my side.  (I should have met him before Tony.).

   We make our way to the front, Brianna paid the co-pay and we leave.  As they get back into the car and head back to the hotel.  "This explains why you like ramen?"  Brianna shook her head.  "No, I like ramen already, it's why I said no bean sprouts."  Brianna started to get hungry. "Excuse me Mr. Barbatos is that breakfast still available?"  Barbatos smiled and nodded.  "Yes, Miss Brianna, it is and still in your hotel room."  Brianna continue to look at the sonogram, twins!  She took a picture of it and sent it to her mom, and the best friend Leslie.  "Would I be able to have a copy?" Asked Diavolo.  "Absolutely, which would you like?"  He picked out one and Brianna gave it to him.  And he placed it in the suit coat.  Once they arrived back at the hotel, Diavolo walks her to her suite.  They entered together but she went straight to bed to rest.  Diavolo stood in the kitchen.  "I'll tell her now, Barbatos."

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