the outsiders || preferences

By xoxovhopeless

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"stay gold, ponyboy." hi here's some imagines and preferences or something. 7/8/21 More

do they have daddy kink?
the gang as my spotify playlists
the gang as funny things people have said
soda imagine
two-bit imagine
gang as funny things people have said 2
two-bit imagine
dallas imagine
the gang's favorite lollipop flavor
the gang as funny things people have said pt3
the numbers id think the gang would want at the end of their discord tag
what kinda date they'd take you on
johnny imagine
the gangs twitter usernames
darry imagine
requests + life update

ponyboy imagine

50 1 0
By xoxovhopeless

(A/N: I had to of wrote this while I was high)

I was sitting in the cold seats that lined up in neat little rows in the small classroom. I was fiddling with the zipper on my leather jacket while our teacher was talking. I looked over at Ponyboy Curtis. Sometimes I can't explain him, especially to my family. I have had a crush on him for a long time, since sixth grade to be exact. I still remember when I saw him for the first time.

I was new to the school. I had just moved there a week prior, and it was my first day of school on March 12. I was in Mrs. Patty's class, and I was 13 years old. My birthday was in April, so a month before we got out. I was one of the youngest kids in my grade, while Ponyboy is one of the oldest kids. He missed to cutoff date but a few days.

I walked into Mrs. Patty's class for the first time to find my seat, and I immediately saw one person- Ponyboy. He was sitting with a few other kids, laughing and talking with them. One was wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt, still with the sleeves. Now I know that is Two-Bit Matthews, a kid two grades above us. He hung out with Ponyboy all the time before class started. The second kid he was with was a Soc named Timothy, or Timmy, Schwarber (Cobra Kai reference ;)), and another Soc named Jacob Burke. I remember when they were good friends, unfortunately, stereotypes had set into Timmy and Jacob.

I looked at Ponyboy for a second and I felt my heart flutter. I felt all the butterflies in my stomach, and I knew my cheeks were flushed red like a tomato. I knew the moment I saw him that I was in love with him. I had tried getting close to him, but Two-Bit and other members of his gang would take him away from me. It hurt, but I really didn't want to seem desperate. So I just let him go.


"Alright everyone, today I will be assigning your project partners." My teacher, Mr. Gerber, said. We all had a tendency to make fun of him for his name. Not to try and be hurtful, it's just funny to us. He knows it too.

"Alice, you are partnered with Sierra." He started.

"Chloe- Jacob."

"Avery- Shaun."

"Maria- Vivian."

"Eleanor- Breanna."

He paused.

I knew who was left. I knew who I would be with, and boy, I was nervous.

"Y/n, you are with Ponyboy." He said, placing the piece of paper down.

"Ponyboy?" I mouthed to myself. I glanced over at him across the room and he had a cute little smile on his face and waved slowly. I knew I was as red as a beat, I looked back at the teacher, quickly covering my face with my black jacket.

"Alright, class dismissed." Mr. Gerber said right as the bell rang. I stood up quickly, carrying my books in my arms to my locker. I began messing with the little lock on my locker. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I glanced up seeing Ponyboy standing next to me against his locker.

"Hey, y/n." He smiled. God, that smile. It really is perfect.

"Hey Pony." I hesitated, placing the last of my books into my backpack. I slowly zipped it up and I felt Pony put his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you wanna start on the project tonight?" He asked as we started walking out of the school building. "It's due on Monday which means we only have three days to do it."

I nodded quietly.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No." I said quietly. "I just get nervous around people I don't know that well.". That was a lie honestly. Im a moderately social person, I don't normally have trouble talking to other people. I was nervous around Pony because I knew I felt more for him than 'friends' or 'project partners'; I had major feelings for him.

"Well, maybe we should go to the drive-in tonight." He suggested. I looked up at him real fast and shocked. "I mean, it will help us get to know each other a little better. Is that okay?"

"Yeah-" I paused, feeling my heart starting to pound and about to jump out of my chest. "Yeah, that's great. I mean, that sounds fun."

He smiled as he wrote his address down on a small slip of paper I pulled from my backpack. "Meet me here at 6:00 tonight, okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled as we parted ways at the sidewalk.


We arrived at the drive-in. We were not about to pay to get in, so we crawled under a gap in the fence. I was wearing a short, skin tight, plaid skirt paired with a black tank top bodysuit, my favorite black leather jacket, and my old converse. My hair was up in a ponytail and I was wearing a pair of sunglasses, even though the sun had mostly gone down.

We filed into our seats quickly after I had gotten us two drinks and a bag of popcorn to share. As time went on, I began to get tired. Pony was focused, intently, on the movie. I would glance at him a few times every few minutes and it was like I wasn't there- like nobody else was there. He was extremely focused on this film I couldn't even get my eyes on.

I decided to make a move. I leaned my head down gently on his shoulder, which caused him to become detached from the film in front of him and look at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Mmhmm," I smiled, closing my eyes. I had dreamt of this moment for years. I wanted to have my head on his shoulder.

He reached up and wrapped his arm around me. I felt his hand tracing up and down my back through my jacket and shirt.

"Pony?" I whispered quietly. I felt his head move so he could look at me.


"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Ever since I first saw you, I felt something for you." I started. "I felt so happy when I saw you, it was like I was suddenly filled up with butterflies. Like, I saw you and I felt whole, ya know?"


"Yes. Its okay if you don't-" He cut me off.

"No, no, y'n." He smiled, lifting my head up with his finger under my chin. "I feel the same way as you, always have. Always will. I was so happy when we were paired up because I wanted to be with you."

"Really?" I asked.


I looked at him. Between his lips and his eyes. I slowly put my hand up and put it against his cheek, pulling him closer to me until the distance between our lips was finally closed. I felt so complete with him. His lips being on mine felt like a relief. I didn't want to let go, ever.


this sucks lmfao

word count: 1166

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