By fateeyma_

228K 26.2K 4.5K

The path of two heartbroken persons cross by a marriage arranged by their parents. They both heal their broke... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 54

2.3K 361 111
By fateeyma_

Sauleeee___  This one is for you 💗!



The humid breeze of august fanned my face immediately I stepped a foot in my balcony. I placed my hand on the railing and wiped off the rain drops on it. I watched the busy streets of gwarimpa listening to the sound of rain drops tapping on the window.

I couldn't help but think intensively as to why farhan called me earlier with his voice filled with disappointment, rage, wrath, fury, outrage you name it.

He said he'll come over that what he wants to discuss with me can't be done over a phone call so here I am waiting for him to arrive.

Yes farhan and I have our bad times, we fight like every other normal couples do but never for once has he talk to me the way he did earlier.

What could I have done to make him so angry?! Farhan is a very buoyant person, he hardly gets angry but when he does, it's not a really good sight to see.

The sound of a horn jolted me out from my train of thoughts. I walked back to my room and when I saw farhan's incoming call I knew he was the one that horned and is waiting for me outside.

That's one thing I know about farhan when he's angry, no matter what the situation is he won't come in, he'll wait for me in the car to go meet him. And one thing I love the most about our relationship is we make up easily, it usually ends when we talk things out respectfully.

I took my veil and ambled out of my room reading the text he sent'Come meet me in my car fast' okay that's a first.

I released a breath when I saw him looking so calm, he was standing in front of his car but not leaning on it because it just finished raining, the car still has rain drops on it.

"Hi" I said with a shaky voice.

"Get in" he furrowed his brows and got into the driver's side. I did as I was told clutching unto my phone as if it's make me less scared.

"Farhan?" I broke an uncomfortable silence that erupted in the car, he didn't talk since we got in as if trying to calm himself down.

"Amina why did you send that text to ayush" he said his voice filled with wrath.

"What text" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"This text" he pushed his phone to my face.

I remember this text and when I sent it. It's a text I sent to ayush in order to break her marriage but I was forced to do it and told not to let the secret out no matter what.

The person threatened to kill my mother if I don't do it and if I let out the person's name. I took a screenshot of the text and sent it to my phone then to the mastermind as proof and I forgot to delete the screenshot.

But how did he find out I was the one that did it, oh wait it's quite obvious, I'm the only person that knows his phone passcode. I've messed up big time.

I sent the text to ayush before jiddah's wedding, it was a perfection opportunity I got when farhan came to tell me about his leave to kano, he left his phone in the living room and went to pray and that's when I sent the text.

"I'm so sorry farhan" tears were already at the brim of my eyes waiting for their call.

"I didn't come here so you can say sorry, tell me why you did it"

"Someone made me do it farhan, I have no bad intention wallahi, I didn't have a choice"

"Tell me who made you do it"

"I can't" I face palmed myself and let the tears stream, there's nothing I can do, I can't tell him who the person is, I'll lose my mom if I do and she's the only person left for me in this world.

"It's you then and you want to put it on someone, Amina why? I never thought you could do such a thing, how can you try to break my best friend's marriage amina, after all she's been through, I told you everything didn't I, you have no excuse, she's finally found love and happiness once again and you thought the best thing to do is to end it for her, how can someone be so cruel, I'm done, I can't let such a person be my forever, get out of my car" I looked up when I heard the last words, he tilted his head to the other said trying to avoid my gaze.

"Are you really breaking up with me farhan"

"You heard what I said now get out of my car" I didn't wait for him to say anything again and I left the car. I watched as his car vanished through the gate and got into mine. I don't have the strength to face mom's questions now.

I drove around the streets of abuja with no destination in mind, I don't know which area I'm in exactly but I've been driving for 40 minutes straight. I looked around after 5 more minutes of drive and notice I'm in garki 1, I decided to stop in Central Park to get some fresh air and reminisce my moments with farhan here, we love coming to the park and stay at the side with a plant shaped in heart.

I went there and sat down on a bench in our favorite spot in Central Park, I facepalmed myself and cried my hearts out, our memories together flashing through my head. Farhan is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and it's all over now.

I've messed up big time.

People are probably watching me cry but I don't care, nothing matters to me now, absolutely nothing.

"Excuse me" I heard someone with a deep voice say. His voice is so MashaAllah, it almost got me forget about my worries for a minute there.

No one talked to me since I got here, then who's this person that just won't let me cry in peace and he got a really nice voice that I can't help but want to hear it again.

"What do you want" I said my head still casted down. I felt a little bit of heat a few seconds later, maybe the person sat down.

Okay why isn't he talking???? I really want to hear his voice again.

"I said what do you want and why are you sitting so close to me" I looked up with furrowed brows to see the adonis with the deep, gravelly calm voice.

I'm no simp but damn his voice is so nice and his face, no word can describe such charismatic, sheer, staggering, astounding look. There's no single word for this, handsome wouldn't dare describe such it'll be an insult.

The guy snapped and that's when I noticed it's Suhail Amin. He's a public figure and ayush's cousin. I can't believe he's sitting next to me, oh my god, I just hope my feelings aren't showing on my face.

It's not like I've ever crushed on him or anything, but the feeling of being next to someone lots of girls are crushing on and not just that but trying to talk to me. I've heard he's nice unlike his brothers sha, his brothers are soldiers so what are people expecting. A soldier can't just go around showing his teeth to the world.

"I just don't like seeing girls cry, honestly" he shrugged.


"Why are you staying alone in the lovers side, where's your lover" he looked around, I'm sure he's trying to lighten up the moment.

"I don't see any lover around that can be yours, you know this place is not for singles" he raised a brow making him more sheer.

"My boyfriend just broke up with me" I don't know why I told him that, I just feel like I can trust him, he's ayush's cousin after all not a complete stranger.

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"No no don't be, I'm the one messed up" I let new set of tears cascade down my face. I facepalmed myself when I saw the look he was giving.

It was full of pity.

"Don't look at me like that please" I said aggressively, even I could feel the rudeness in my tone, even the please I said doesn't fit the sentence nor the tone.

"Ok ma, you seem like a fiesty lady, you're crying and still aggressive, your name must be hauwa or amina" he passed me a napkin.

"It's amina" I collected the napkin and wiped off my tears and passed back to him. He shook his head indicating keep it. I'm so going to treasure this, it's Suhail Amin's napkin.

"I knew it" he said it like he just won a chemistry quiz.

"You can tell me what happened, not to brag but I'm a really good listener, I'm not good at giving advice tho, but I'll listen" he adjusted his sitting position and put his phone in his pocket.

He was wearing a white kaftan making look more of an angel than a human being.

"My ex fiancé broke up with me because of something I did, his name is Farhan Ahmad, yes Aisha Muhammad's ex fiancé; your cousin, I sent a text to her from farhan's phone..." I told him all that happened and I really feel good after doing that and he listened to me without interruption.

"And the person said you shouldn't let his or her identity be known" he asked and I nodded.

"He didn't let me explain he just jumped to conclusion that I want to end her marriage, why would I do that to ayush, that's the last thing I'll ever think of doing" I sniffled.

"I think you should keep your part of the deal and don't let the person's identity out no matter what, your mom's life is at risk here, don't do anything funny okay?" He said and i nodded, he really is a nice person.

"Now let's go do something that'll make you feel better, I was just about to leave but I can stay longer for a beautiful lady like you" he smiled. Oh my Allah his smile, it made him 100 times more attractive.

"Come on up"

"Tell me more about you amina" suhail said after taking a sip of his cocktail. So many people were starring at us, I even caught someone taking picture of us earlier, I could already see the caption under the post. They'll now rumor us dating and that I'm sure of, people always say that when he's caught with a girl but it looks like he doesn't care maybe he's used to it.

"I'm 23, I'm a fashion designer but my business hasn't taken up yet, I hardly get any customers" i said playing with my cutlery.

"Have you ever tried asking ayush to do a shout out for you?"

"No we're not that close, she's doesn't even know that I'm a tailor" I released a breath. It's very frustrating not getting any customers and after so many years of study it's not a success, I always feel like giving up seeing I just wasted my time in school.

"Do you mind if I see some of your designs" I shook my head and unlocked my phone, I tapped on my photos app and the album I have all my designs then gave the phone to him.

"I'm no girl but this designs are very nice, I'll help you take off your business, too bad you don't sew men's but I'll still find away for help, I'll tell ayush about it, she's been complaining about her current tailor not bringing her clothes in time and with a little shout out you'll see how it'll turn out" he passed me back my phone with an assurance smile.

"Thank you so much suhail"

"Anytime, now send some of the designs to me" we exchanged numbers earlier before we played paint ball.

"Alright" I did as he told feeling giddy, I just can't wait for my hard work to be a success.

His phone rang from beside him on the table, he stood up to go take it and when he came back his face was down.

"Sorry but I have to leave I just got a call from my brothers, they need my attention on something, we'll meet again someday inshallah and I promise to get your business to take off in less than a week" he said in a rush and left before I could reply.

How life take turns is quite fascinating, earlier today I was crying because farhan broke up with me and it turned out to be a blessing. I wouldn't have come here and meet suhail if that didn't happen and not just meet suhail but my dream is also going to be fulfilled soon.

Life sure is full of surprises.

I love suhail please🥺

With love✨💜

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