Scream 3 [✓]

By Mrs-Delirious

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The third part of my 'Scream' book series, set one year after the events of 'Scream: Part 2'. You, (Y/N) (L/N... More

A/N ♡
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A/N ♡

Chapter 5

10.4K 429 947
By Mrs-Delirious

When the killer told you you'd be seeing him soon...

You didn't expect it to be this soon.

Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was fluttering like a humming bird.

A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, under which you were maneuvering past trees, pushing yourself to sprint further and further into the forest and away from the safety of your house.

The cold night air passing your face felt so sharp, almost as if it was cutting into your cheeks while you were trying your best not to trip over nothing like those chicks in scary movies, or run out of stamina in the process.

Once you stopped hearing footsteps chasing after you, you halted abruptly by a tree and fell down to your knees in exhaustion.

Your lungs were burning and screaming for air, your legs ripping apart.

You sucked in a large breath before slowly exhaling, taking the time to make sure you didn't pass out while your eyes flicked all around you to make sure you were alone.

Once you got yourself back in control, you got up and speed walked as fast as you could without pushing yourself too hard, disappearing further and further into the trees.

You shut your eyes, letting your body recover from the fast cardio you just did, but were unable to hold back a bone chilling scream that echoed through the woods.

Before you could comprehend what was happening, an arm constricted around your midsection from behind you as another lifted up from your left, pressing some sort of damp cloth firmly against your nose and mouth.

In your panic-stricken state, inhaling came as a reflex, but what you breathed in was most definitely not oxygen entering your airway.

You squirmed and struggled against your captor's hold, shaky fingers clawing desperately at their hand as a foreign scent slipped through your nostrils and mouth.

With each inhale, your vision started to blur as your mind screamed one word at you:


Your fight or flight instincts kicked in and as you gathered all your horror, you used it to stomp on his foot with all the might you had left.

It worked. Ghostface's grip over you released just enough for you to spin around, pulling your head back before hitting him square in the face with your elbow.

There was a pained grunt as you ended up stumbling forward breathlessly, barely able to keep yourself steady to your feet.

Everything spun around you and you only had seconds to spare to see the killer clutching at their masked face.

Your mind turned somewhere different as your legs propelled you forward once again, back into the direction of your house where your car was parked, swaying in every step.

If only you had listened to Gale.

After what felt like hours, you did make it to your car, losing your balance when you finally made it to the driver's door.

Since you lived so secluded, you never bothered locking it or pulling the keys out of the ignition, figuring you could make an easy escape in case anything happened.

It seemed your paranoia really paid off.

You locked the doors after jumping inside, the haze in your head only serving to drag you helplessly down a path of disastrous thoughts.

Your arm reached forward to where the key should have been.

Should have been, because they weren't there.

Your panicked eyes darted all around the interior of the car until they settled on a certain dark figure standing outside under one of the trees, jingling the car keys in his hands before tossing them up and down tauntingly.

You'd already been in this exact same situation before.

Talk about déja vû.

You yelled at the top of your lungs in frustration, dropping your head helplessly on the steering wheel. Your body could only take so much and before you knew it, you slipped into unconsciousness.


"I can't believe you got your ass kicked by a fucking girl."

Two young adult males, both 20, were lounging around in one of the massive rooms of a luxurious-looking residence that featured stone and rock elements on the outside, as well as a massive garden surrounding it and a swimming pool built in front.

One of the two was sitting shirtless, legs spread in a lazy, bored stance.

This murdering criminal really was too handsome.

Both of them were, but they didn't look the same and had their own features to be admired for.

Caramel brown bangs nearly obscured his chestnut eyes that could make any female swoon, before he pushed the strands back off his forehead, his fingers raking through his locks as he did.

He was slightly shorter than his friend but over time, their height difference grew less, and he was definitely the more muscular one out of the two.

"She broke my goddamn nose, man..."

The other whining, masculine voice came from his partner in crime who was pacing back and forth in front of him, clutching onto his swollen and probably broken nose.

He was on the taller side and had an athletic build, sported short, light brown hair and had a jagged scar under his right eye.

Over the years, he grew from lanky to fairly muscular.

"You're such a dramatic little bitch, Stu," Billy danced his tongue over his front teeth with a twisted open-mouthed grin, before he took another slow drag of his joint that was pinched between his forefinger and thumb. "Wish I'd seen it."

Stu stopped pacing for a second, glaring at his friend while still holding his nose between his fingers. "Why did we let her go again, Billy? We coulda had her!"

Rolling his eyes, Billy jumped to his feet as he curled his fingers around the clothing piece beside him before slipping his arms in and covering his well-toned body under it again.

He took three large strides towards Stu, looking the boy dead in the eyes. "Because we have a plan, dipshit, get it in your head."

Stu grimaced, lowering his bloody hand from his face. His annoyed expression melted into a lovestruck one.

Sure, he got hurt, but it was okay because you were the one doing it and you were scared.

You turned out to be giving them a run for their money and both boys loved it. Now that they found you again, you weren't going anywhere.

"Yeah, yeah..." Stu trailed off. "I just wanna hold her again!"

If there was one thing that hadn't changed, it was the fact that Stu was still Billy's lapdog, and Billy held the leash with an iron grip.

Moving his hair out of his face with one jerk of the head, Billy poked Stu sharply in the chest. "I don't reckon (Y/N) is gonna want to after we shish kebab'ed her parents."

The comment made Stu's jaw tighten as his eyes blazed with possessiveness. The thought of you depending on people that weren't him or Billy struck a nerve. "So? She shouldn't care. (Y/N) only needs us."

As soon as it was there, it vanished again, making way for a laugh that rivalled one of an evil villain in movies.

He had really enjoyed getting rid of your parents, it just felt like the right thing to do and there was no ounce of remorse to be found in his body.

Whenever Stu thought about you, their pretty little angel, his heart skipped a beat.

He missed you so much. Your positivity, your gentle soul, the way you shied away from him and even your laugh. All of it.

If Stu could wish for one thing in this world, it was having you in his arms and watching a movie together, just like old times.

It didn't even need to be scary! He wouldn't be opposed to watch a cheesy romantic flick with you.

Stu knew he got it bad for you, even after your escape back in Woodsboro. If anything, it made him more determined to bring you back where you belonged.

With them.

Patience had always been something Stu lacked, and that would never change. Only Billy could keep him from doing stupid and impulsive shit and truth be told, even he failed at times.

Billy hung his head and groaned, plopping himself back on the couch with his legs lazily crossed and no regards to posture. "Do you want another TV to the face, Stu?"

His friend always made threats like dishing out candy on Halloween, but never— or rarely— followed through with them because the only thing they ever did was make Stu burst out into laughter.

And even then, that guy truly was a nutcase and would probably enjoy the pain.


"Then shut the fuck up. We almost have her."

It had taken Billy and Stu much longer to trace you down after you moved from Woodsboro to Windsor, away from them.

They were both equally upset to find you had moved on with your life and with some pansy-ass Billy wannabe no less.

Just the mere thought of you having had sex with a guy that wasn't either of them made Billy's fingers twitch at his sides, forming around the hilt of a knife that wasn't there.

And then there had been that bimbo— Billy couldn't even remember her name— who pretended to be your close friend for two whole years, only to figuratively and almost literally stab you in the back.

When it turned out that she was one of the two copycats wanting to kill you, their precious (Y/N), for something as trivial as money...

Billy. Got. Absolutely. Fucking. Livid.

He definitely wasn't the one to speak about morals, fuck those, but when him and Stu were there to spectate and saw your heart break before that whore slapped you to the ground, it sent a surge of uncontrollable anger through him as if he had just been struck by a bolt of lightning.

It was the first time in his life where Billy genuinely felt like he couldn't keep himself in check.

And that was saying a lot because he always needed to be in control over everything going on around him.

She turned out one of his nastiest kills, only second to Maureen Prescott and maybe your other ex-boyfriend. The cops undoubtedly would have had trouble recognizing her.

Feeling her hot blood seeping between his fingers had made Billy feel things he couldn't hope to bring under words.

Satisfied was one word to put it.

Satiated another.

But no matter how much people he gutted, it never was enough. It would keep his bloodlust down for some time until it reached its peak again.

Anyway, it was hypocritical because Stu and himself were putting you through the same thing essentially, but it still infuriated both of them.

They never faked their love and they never planned on killing you.

People idolizing their work should have flattered him really, but it didn't.

As for Stu, he had been enjoying the whole thing to some extent.

Billy recalled vividly, just as they were about to step in and teach the twerps not to mess with what was theirs, they heard you defend them.

Yes, actually defend.

His heart fluttered when you spoke the exact words he had on his mind. Billy didn't think it was possible, but at that moment in that theatre, he fell for you even more.

The look you had in your eyes then...
What he wouldn't give to see it again.

He understood then that you weren't just special to them, but they were special to you, too. It made Billy wonder if you still loved them now.

Even if somehow you didn't, they would make you. You'd come around when they were the only thing you had left, for sure.

There was no doubt that both boys were obsessively in love with you even after all these years, but that didn't mean they were going to take things easy on you, oh no.

When Billy heard your scared and angered voice earlier, it made his blood pump fucking fast.

And then there was the fact both of them had nearly died in Woodsboro, they wouldn't forget about the little stunt you pulled on them. Sure, he was impressed that you were still giving them a fight.

"Almost," Stu repeated with a gleeful giggle, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Truth to the matter was Billy totally got off to seeing you break down and run for your life and it thrilled him hearing your frightened voice.

To hear what hd could do to you.

Just thinking about it made Billy's skin itch with the need to see you all covered in blood.

Heaven forbid what it would be like to actually see you murder someone. That was the shit he dreamed of.

Stu on the other hand, was a completely different story. While he shared some of Billy's psychopatic tendencies, there were still few differences between them.

Billy, for the most part, kept his kills quick and decisive and didn't act on impulse, the exception being your ex roommate.

The same couldn't be said about Stu who absolutely goes ballistic whenever he gets his hands on a new victim.

He always got creative and most of the time, his mood was reflected on the way they were killed.

Case in point, Stu was even more of a jealous person than Billy so when he got his hands on Derek, the person that took your heart and betrayed you, Stu got very creative and took his.

It had only been fair, right?

Killing Derek had been even more satisfying than taking out that useless fuck, what was his name again, Ryan?

It didn't matter anyway. All he knew was that he wanted to get his sweetheart back.

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