Wales's New life

By Voidwatcher0907

22.4K 453 298

After a mission gone wrong resulting 500 deaths, Hood in a Coma, And King George V telling her that she is di... More

Quick Question
Sneak Peek for Chapter V
I just found this Meme
Another Announcement


510 14 1
By Voidwatcher0907

As Wales Woke up from her slumber she let Jade fall asleep with George and DOY she traveled to an locked dock were Wales ship is and then she unlocked it and saw that her ship is in perfect condition and then she heard alarms ringing that means that the Sirens are here and then Wales Summoned her rigging to help the shipgirls 

As she helped the other shipgirls she suddenly realized why they are attacking and then removes her riggings grab a nearby rifle and knife and then head to where DOY, George and Jade is sleeping: The sirens Mission is to get Jade and Wales won't let that happen

Somewhere in the Azur lane Facility

Jade: Aunt George what's happening *worried and scared*

George: We are attacked by the sirens but don't worry DOY and the Others are helping and everything is under control-

and then the wall breaks and saw Observer Alpha looking at them and then Observer looked at Jade

Observer Alpha: So you're the test subject that was taken from us now it's time for you to come back

and then she aimed her cannons at George and then a bullet comes out of nowhere and almost shot Observers head and then they looked at the direction of where the Bullet come from and Saw Wales Holding a rifle and reloading it

George/Jade: Wales/Mom!!!

Wales: George bring Jade to your ship Now I'll Handle this siren

George: Okay Wales be careful

Wales: I will I'm counting on you George take care of Jade while I'm gone and Jade listen to her okay?

Jade: Okay mom

and then both of them left leaving Wales and Observer Alpha

Wales: So its you and me now

Observer Alpha: Give me the Girl 

Wales: You'll have to kill me first *shoots at Observer Alpha*

and then Observer Alpha dodge it and fires her cannons at Wales but she also dodges it and then Wales throws and grenade at Observer's position and then runs to a safe place and then it exploded But Observer uses a shield to block the blast

Wales: Damn it I almost killed her

and then she looks at Observer's direction and loads a special bullet that she created to break siren shields and then pulls the trigger as the bullet penetrated the shield it shot Observer's left shoulder 

Observer Alpha: How did you 

with rage she aims her cannons at Wales 

Wales: Shit 

and then she make a run to avoid the attack which she succeed but Observer Alpha is now following her so she tries to remember the parts of the facility to make a plan to kill her and then Wales had an Idea so she make Observer follow her to the ammo storage and then she'll aim her rifle to one of those that will cause a big explosion and hopefully it will kill her

As they head to the Ammo storage Wales hid behind the door so Observer won't find her and then Observer then goes in the storage and looks behind her and saw Wales shooting at something and then Observer realized there in the Ammon storage one small mistake it could cause a big explosion that will kill her but she won't let that happen so she use her tentacles and grabs Wales waist and then Wales pulled the trigger and then 

A big Explosion occurred

To be continued

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