Sweet Revenge

By sadhappysoul

102K 5.9K 1.2K

Gulf is set on taking revenge on the people who ruined his family. He has to fight blood and love to get sati... More

Book Update!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 9

2.4K 164 25
By sadhappysoul

Gulf, startled, moved back as soon as he felt Mew's lips . He looked around conscious of people around.

"Are you ok?" Mew asked after noticing how Gulf was uncomfortable.

"I thought you wanted this too?"

"I do," Gulf confidently answered but his confidence disappeared when he finished. "But not in front of all these people."

"It would've been awkward for you to reject me after flirting with me all this while." Mew was relieved.

"I was flirting with you?" Gulf feigned ignorance.

"Oh save it. All those touches and hugs you thought I didn't notice."

"Well it's great that we want the same thing."

"Yes it is." Mew asked for Gulf's hand

Gulf looked around hesitant.

"It's fine Nong, look," he pointed at a guy couple holding hands too. "It's ok. No one will mind I promise."

Gulf held Mew's hand awkwardly and they spent the rest of the afternoon eating snacks in the park and having fun. Mew wanted to drop Gulf off but Gulf insisted they go to Mew's house instead.

They stood outside his apartment door,

"You sure you don't want to come in?" Mew asked hoping Gulf would change his mind but,

"No I'll go hone to rest. It's been one active day."

"Right.  See you on Monday?"


Mew waited but Gulf didn't do anything. He stepped forward to kiss Gulf on the lips but Gulf made a gagging sound that had Mew stepping back.

"You ok? You feel like throwing up?"

"I've had too much junk food my stomach feels queasy." He said holding back the need to throw up.

"Do you want me to grab you some medicine?"

"I'll get some on my way. You go in and rest."

Mew moved to peck Gulf on the lips again but Gulf turned his head and Mew's lips landed on Gulf's cheeks.

He smiled sadly, "Goodnight Nong,"

"Goodnight Phi, thanks a lot of today."

"Sure thing."Mew responded and got in his room.

Gulf went straight home to pack.

Sunday morning, Gulf was locking his apartment and carrying his luggage back, hailing a taxi.

He arrived at the house and knocked on the door.

His father opened the door and was utterly shocked at seeing Gulf with a luggage bag

"Come in," he offered getting his bag and wheeling it in the house.

"What's wrong?" The father asked.

"I'm back." Gulf stated plainly

"What?" His father was not expecting it.

"I'm back home." Gulf repeated.

"Gulf, you didn't even tell me about this..."

"I didn't tell you when I left." Gulf reasoned.

"And it's been 6 years." His father reminded.

"Six years and you didn't even bother to look for me?" Now this talk was getting personal.

"I knew where'd you'd gone." His father notified him.

"Whether you knew it or not, I was only a teenager when I left father." The anger was building.

"I talked to your first grandma. I suggested you go stay with her because staying with me would've been too much for you."

This part of the story was news to Gulf, "So you made my mother die and you made me leave so you can stay with a gay man?"

"Watch your mouth son," the father didn't appreciate the allegations. "I'm not going to be apologetic for being myself. I'm done doing that."

Gulf chortled, " You were never apologetic father that's why you distanced yourself from us. If you had been apologetic you would have pretended to care. You didn't put any effort in us because you thought it was right from the beginning."

"I struggled too Gulf. You don't know how much I've been tormented about my sexuality."

"I don't care about your sexuality. Before you were a gay man,  you were a father and a husband."

"No Gulf, being gay comes first because it's part of my identity. I was gay way before I met your mother."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" The atmosphere was getting really tensed up.

"There's more to this story than you know." The father tried to lower down his voice.

"I don't care!!! I've seen and heard enough. You can't sit here and tell me I don't know know shit when you threw me away after causing all this mess."

"You're my son Gulf and I care for you believe it or not."

"But I've never once before felt like it. I don't have any memories of you acting like a father."

"And I'm sorry about that. But you're an adult now Gulf."

"You're not even curious about how I became an adult? How I lived or why I'm back?"

"I was going to ask you.."

"When? When you realize I'm going to be getting in your way of getting ass sex now that I'm back?"

Quensly walked in the house just after the comment.

Gulf's father did not appreciate the disrespect, "GULF!!" He stood up to show dominance.

"what's happening here?" Quensly asked surprised but no one heeded him.

"I will not have you come in my house and disrespect me like that!" He said his index finger pointing to show how angry he was.

"This is my home too. And you're not taking that away from me." Gulf stood up as if challenging his father b

"You're what 21 years old for crying out loud! What more do you want want from me?"

Quensky just stood and watched.

"I'm 20 years old and Nothing! Because there's nothing you can offer me sir."

That was the last straw. Gulf felt the sting on his cheek before he realized what had happened.

"Donald!!!!!!" Quensly screamed surprised by the sudden attack.

"In our room right now," he demanded as of talking to a child.

"But darling-

-Go in our room and wait for me." The man demanded and Gulf could feel his tears waiting for a slim opportunity to run down his cheeks.

As soon as his father was gone he blinked and the tears fell.

"I'm so sorry sweety." Quensly said hugging a sad Gulf. " He is thinking about what he did wrong and soon he'll be coming to apologize for putting his nasty hands on you. He had no right what so ever."

Gulf came out of the hug feeling uncomfortable with the motherly aura oozing from the man.

"Here let's go to your room." He led them to Gulfs room and he was astonished when he saw his room clean and tidy but the same as he rembered. The bed the sheets, the bookshelf, and wardrobe everything was still there.

"We haven't changed anything. When I first  moved in I was not allowed to come in here. This was his place of comfort." Quensly explained but it all sounded like bullshit.

"Your father always talked about you when we first met. I met him when he was on his lowest point in life. All he could do was drink and sleep staring at your family picture. He felt guilty. He said he felt like the worst father ever."

He is still the worst. He agreed in his head.

Quensly kept on talking but Gulf's attention was now in the room. How every little piece reminded him of his mother. The books she bought, the sheet they picked at the mall together and the pain of losing her felt new again.

"Please leave me alone." He didn't want to listen anymore. He wanted to think of his mother and this gay man was getting in his way.

He laid in his bed as soon as Quensly left. He snuggled his pillow feeling his heart break all over again.

"He doesn't know what he did wrong Mae." He muttered staring into thin air. In his mind, his mother was standing there watching him so he continued, "I came back to give him a chance so he could change my mind but he's worse than before.  It's hard to forgive him Mae. I'll never forgive him."

He vowed becoming even more determined in what he was about to do next.

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