Eternity [ryeji]

By ryejidiaries

90.9K 4.3K 1.8K

Two immortals who have pasts and who met each other at an art gallery. What could possibly happen once they m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 57

1.2K 47 21
By ryejidiaries

It's Ryujin's birthday and her colleagues have been very nice to her all day. She received a birthday cake, free lunch and plenty of gifts and treats. She is very happy but at the same time, she can't help but feel conflicted because Yeji would leave in a few days.

She comes home bringing the leftover cake and gifts to be greeted by a quiet apartment.

"Yeddeong?" she calls out as she places her stuff on the kitchen counter. "Where are you?"

Ryujin goes to check the bedroom and laughs when she finds the woman she's looking for dressed as her animation character Princess Yeji. "This is so wrong," she says.

"Why? You don't like Princess Yeji? I made this myself, you know." Yeji twirls her long pink dress.

"I do but-..." Ryujin then sees pieces of clothing laid out on the bed and breaks into a huge grin. "So these are your outfits, Princess?"

"Yes. You can take your pick and dress me up."

"But they're all lingerie," argues Ryujin as she gingerly picks up one of the lacy pieces.

"Would you have preferred something else? Does Jinnie secretly like role playing?" asks Yeji while smirking.

"Actually, I prefer playing with you without any kind of clothing," replies Ryujin just as cheekily, dropping the lingerie to the ground. "Come here, Princess. Let me undress you and show you fun that's beyond your imagination," she says, winking at the laughing Yeji.

"You're right. This is so wrong," remarks Yeji as she watches Ryujin approach her. She smiles and closes her eyes when Ryujin kisses her and lets her unzip her dress. "I don't think I can watch your show again after this."

"You have it easy. I still have to draw her without thinking of you. That is going to be very hard to do," says Ryujin while she trails kisses on Yeji's skin. She pulls the dress down and swallows when she sees her wearing nothing underneath. "Princess Yeji will never be the same again."

Yeji laughs. "Forget her." She wraps her arms around Ryujin's neck. "Happy birthday, baby," she says huskily before giving her another kiss.

"Thank you." Ryujin's smile fades when she remembers what's going to come. "I'll miss you," she says as she leans her forehead on Yeji's and closes her eyes, tightening her arms around the other woman.

"I'll miss you too but I will be back soon enough. I promise." Yeji pulls her head back to look at Ryujin. She traces her face with her fingers and tilts her head as their lips meet in a gentle kiss. "I'm bound to you, Jinnie. I will never leave you."

"I know but it will be lonely without you here."

"It'll be lonely without you there too but it's only temporary. I swear. We have a wedding to plan, remember?" Yeji smiles and starts pushing Ryujin towards the bed. "Now let's get this birthday celebration on the way."


Ryujin sighs loudly but her hand never stops stroking Yeji's back.

Yeji hears the wordless complaint and lifts her head to look at Ryujin. "I'll be back soon enough," she tells her. "I promise."


"Jinnie..." Yeji inches up and taps Ryujin's nose. "Don't look so sad. It's your birthday."


"I love you." She gives Ryujin a peck on the lips. "No matter how much we argue, I never want anyone else." She pecks her lips once more. "I want to marry you and have your baby."

Ryujin can't help but smile after that last statement. "You'll make a great mother but don't be too strict on the poor child, okay?"

"Only if you promise not to slack off."

"Me? Slacking off?"

"Yes. I can already see you secretly taking her out for junk food behind my back. You are not allowed to do that, okay? We must be a team. No means no."

Ryujin chuckles. "But you're the one who loves junk food," she says. "Look at us. We're not even married yet and we're already discussing methods to raise a child."

"We must be prepared. It's going to happen one day."

"I see. So it's going to be a girl?"


"You said 'her'."

"Well, I can't exactly dress a boy up in pink, can I?"

Ryujin laughs again. "Poor child. But what if it's really a boy?"

Yeji pouts. "I don't know. I'd rather not think about that possibility. It's stressing me out. Or maybe I should start designing pink boy clothes?"

"Save the stress for later." Ryujin lifts her head to give Yeji a kiss. "I'm so glad I can celebrate every birthday with you for the rest of my life."

"That goes for me too." Yeji grins. "One more round?" she asks as she nips the skin on Ryujin's neck.



Yeji holds Ryujin tighter and presses her lips against her temple. "I'll be back, Jinnie. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Ryujin nods but says nothing. Even though she once thought that temporary separation was okay, this time it feels strangely unfair to let Yeji go especially after less than a year together. But she knows that it's something that Yeji has to do so she can't really voice out her objections. There's still some remaining guilt in her heart for those lonely years she put Yeji through so she considers this her well-deserved karma.

"I'm sorry. I won't leave you alone for long. I promise. I'll be back in no time," Yeji says.


"Jinnie..." Yeji loosens her hold and looks at Ryujin. She sighs when she sees the wet eyes. "Don't cry, please. You'll make me cry too," she says even though her eyes are already brimming with tears.

"I love you," Ryujin says then quickly wipe her eyes.

"I love you too. I'll be back in a few months, okay? Tippachan will keep you company in the mean time. The other Jinnies too." Yeji cups Ryujin's face and kisses her. Then she regretfully takes a step back, ready to board. "Bye."

Ryujin waves goodbye and exhales as she watches Yeji disappear inside the passenger's area.


The two women smile and laugh at the antics of the two children who are playing with their new toys. Their father is accompanying them, making strange noises and even weirder suggestions.

"His silliness isn't getting better with age, is it?" remarks Yeji.

Jisu shakes her head. "At this rate, he can be a bad influence for his own children."

"I heard that," he says as he gets up from the floor and joins the other two adults at the dining table. "So when's the wedding?"

"Spring next year," answers Yeji.

"Next year?"

"Yes. Must hurry or my matron of honor would be too wrinkly to attend."

"Yah!" Jisu elbows her laughing friend. "Keep insulting me and I will not allow my kids to be your flower girl and ring bearer."

"So I guess after you get married, you'll stay at the States permanently?" he asks Yeji.

"Not immediately. I'll probably spend a few more years here. Until Lucy's in middle school. Yuna and Chaeryeong would be ready to move on and join us by then."

"Poor Ryujin," he says, shaking his head in sympathy. "Married couples aren't supposed to be apart for long periods of time."

"She'll be fine. We'll be fine. We have a very long time to spend together. Plus, I'll visit her at least twice a year for our anniversary and Christmas."

"Is that enough?"

"It will be. Just for a few years."

He looks at his wife then says, "We've been thinking and talking about this. I know you want to spend as much time with us as possible and we can't be happier about that but you should also think of Ryujin. I mean, remember what happened? You spent over six years apart. Are you going to add to those years?"

"Our relationship is fine now. Plus, I will have an eternity to spend with her. Literally."

"Yes but if you drive her away before then, you'd have the time but not the person. That's not good, Yeji."

"I'm not driving her away."

"You will if you keep pushing and pulling like this."

"I'm not pushing and pulling her. Not anymore, at least."

"You're indirectly doing that by coming and going."

"She knows I love her and that I'm committed to this just as much as she does."

"Then she should be your first priority, not us," Jisu suddenly speaks up, surprising her best friend. "You should be living with her and visiting us, not the other way around."

"B-but... she doesn't mind!"

"Are you sure? Maybe she's been keeping quiet because she wanted you to be happy. Because she knows how much Jisu and the kids mean to you," says Jisu's husband. "She tends to be extremely selfless when it comes to you, borderline masochistic. Just like when she left so you could get married and have kids of your own."

Yeji doesn't know what to say. She thought that Jisu would be thrilled to have her there and she also thought that Ryujin was okay with this.

Her best friend notices her expression and understands what's going through her mind.

"It's not that we don't like having you here. We just think that it's not fair for Ryujin," Jisu says. "You have just restarted your relationship, you just got back together again after so many years apart. It's the honeymoon period, isn't it? You're supposed to be enjoying this time with her instead of abandoning her."

"I'm not abandoning her. I plan to go back for our anniversary after the kids' birthdays. One of the reasons I'm here is to talk business. Let's get the plan off the ground then after things are settled, I can go home to her and start properly planning the wedding," Yeji says.

"But you're going to leave her again after you got married," he reminds her. "That's not good."

"I'm not leaving her."

"You'll live in different countries, far away from each other."

"It's only temporary."

"It will take its toll, trust us," he says. "Sooner or later, Ryujin would feel as if she's not the most important person to you, that she's second best."

"She knows it's not like that!" argues Yeji.

"Maybe so but she could easily misunderstand you if you keep choosing us above her," says Jisu's husband. "I know your time with us is limited but don't take Ryujin or your immortality for granted, okay?"

"I agree with Oppa," adds Jisu. "I'm happy and touched that you're willing to sacrifice so much to make whatever small part of our dream come true but it shouldn't come at the cost of your happiness or Ryujin's. After all, we'll be gone, some day. You'll only have her left. Take good care of her. She loves you very much," she says with a smile.

Yeji grows quiet after hearing what her friends have to say.

"Anyway, let's get something to eat before we talk business," he says, standing up from his seat.


Ryujin closes the door behind her and takes off her shoes. Heaving a sigh, she throws her bag onto the couch and plops down next to it.

"Yeddeong-ah, I'm home," she says to the quiet apartment.

Even though no one is there to answer her, she never stops saying it every day when she comes home.

The two of them have been texting and calling each other whenever they can but it can't cure the loneliness she feels. That's why she's been spending most of her time at work, lacking sleep and regular meals. She's now the last to leave the office and the first to arrive in the morning. Even the security guard has noticed that she's been working late every day and losing weight and told her that honestly just this morning, offering her his breakfast because he feared for her health. When she refused and said that she was okay, he mentioned this issue to her supervisor who happened to arrive at the office. That supervisor then sent her home early and told her to rest.

Her show is doing great, luckily, and is steadily gaining popularity among children. The producers are happy and have hinted on a promotion for her.

It seems like she has everything she wants but she's not satisfied. The biggest part is still missing. Her life's incomplete without Yeji there.

She checks her phone, sees the date and sighs. It's been three months since Yeji left and she still can't adjust to not having Yeji there.

Mr. Hwang has tried to cheer her up, taking her out to meals or to the mall, visiting her every chance he gets. Nothing seems to work though.

She has confided in Yuna, asking her why she's like this because it's confusing for her too. It's only a temporary separation and yet she's suffering as if Yeji has left her for good.

Yuna's answer was because this time, Ryujin didn't sincerely let Yeji go even though she had taken her to the airport herself. Unlike before, she doesn't want to be separated with Yeji. She suggested that the two talk about it honestly after Yeji has returned from Korea.

"I'll do that. In the mean time, can you visit me? Or send Ryeong? Keep me company, please," she had asked Yuna.

Luckily, Yuna said that she and Chaeryeong were already planning to visit Ryujin during summer break.

Ryujin sighs again after remembering that conversation, missing her friends, and is about to send Yuna a message when she hears voices and the sound of a key being inserted to the door lock.

"Be careful, Dad. That luggage is brand new!"

"I am being careful! Just leave it to me."

Ryujin gets up from her seat and carefully goes to look just as the door opens, revealing Yeji and her father who's struggling with her daughter's luggage.

Yeji stops in her tracks when she sees Ryujin.

"Dad! I thought you said Jinnie wouldn't be here?"

"Huh?" He turns around and is just as surprised when he finds Ryujin there. "You're home early today."

"My boss sent me home." Ryujin looks at Yeji. "You're... home?"

Yeji smiles, takes off her shoes and places her bag on the kitchen stool as she approaches the confused Ryujin. "I wanted to surprise you," she says as she hugs her.

When she feels Yeji's arms around her, Ryujin instantly responds, hugging Yeji tightly. "So glad you're home. I missed you."

"I missed you too. Let me look at you." Yeji withdraws her arms and places her hands on both sides of Ryujin's face, observing her. "Dad's right. You've lost weight," she says, frowning. "Have you not been eating well? Or have you been working too hard?"

"Both," quips Mr. Hwang as he walks past them to set Yeji's luggage against the living room wall.

"That's not good, Jinnie"

"I'm okay." Ryujin leans forward and closes the gap, kissing Yeji with everything she has.

"Can't you at least wait until I've left?"

Ryujin breaks the kiss and grins. "Sorry, Samchon," she says, turning around to see him standing in the kitchen, taking a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Don't worry. I'll get out of your way. Stay over at the house this weekend, okay?" he tells the two as he heads out of the apartment.

Ryujin waits until the door has closed before she kisses Yeji again, causing the latter to giggle at her enthusiasm.

"Someone's been missing me way too much," remarks Yeji.

"It was so quiet and depressing without you."

"I saw it. I kept getting images of you here, alone. Usually after you came home from work." Yeji sighs and tenderly pats Ryujin's cheek. "I owe you an apology. A huge one."

"For what?"

"For making you feel like you're not my main priority. You're the most important person to me. It's just... the time I have left with Jisu..."

"I understand and I didn't feel like you were neglecting me."

"But you were not happy about me leaving, were you?"

"How could I be happy without you?"

Yeji can't stop herself from grinning. "Forever cheesy, I see."

"It's the truth. Don't worry about it. In a way, I feel like I'm paying my dues for what I put you through all those years ago."

"You shouldn't feel that way. That's all behind us."

"Regardless... I want you to be happy. I don't mind if you want to spend most of your time with Jisu and her kids while you still can."

"But I still feel like I did you wrong by leaving. I'm sorry, Jinnie. I will put you first from now on. I will spend most of my time here and only visit Jisu every now and then."

Ryujin smiles, relieved. "Thanks." She then leans in for one more kiss while pulling Yeji further inside, towards the bathroom. "Now as per our tradition, reunions must be celebrated properly so how 'bout you join me in the shower?"

Yeji laughs. "With pleasure."


"Hey, that tickles!" Ryujin squirms when Yeji's hands grab her waist.

"You're so skinny," remarks the frowning Yeji who's sitting on Ryujin's hip. She's been observing every inch of Ryujin's body, checking the changes and disapproving every single one. "I will fatten you up."

"Please don't turn me into a pig. I need to fit into a white dress next spring."

Yeji laughs. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you fill up properly." She runs her hands up to Ryujin's ribs and shakes her head. "Too skinny."

"Stop it. You're making me feel self-conscious."

"That's why you should take better care of yourself. But no worries, you're still hot in my eyes," says Yeji with a wink. Then she starts telling Ryujin about her talk with Jisu and her husband regarding the business idea. Her first few designs have gone into production and they have even found a location for the physical store. The online store is also ready for launch as soon as the clothes are available for sale.

"That's good to know. So glad to see that all your effort to prepare for this business has paid off," replies Ryujin, holding both Yeji's hands. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." Yeji shifts to lie down, easing herself on top of Ryujin. "I love you," she says, placing a kiss on Ryujin's lips.

"Love you too. One more round?"

"Make it two."


Ryujin groans and throws the thick bridal magazine onto the messy pile next to her. She turns her head and sees Yeji leafing through the pages of yet another magazine with a serious look on her face.

Carefully, Ryujin inches closer then places a kiss on Yeji's shoulder.

When she gets no response, she tries again, this time creating a trail that leads to Yeji's exposed nape.

Yeji squirms, trying to shake Ryujin off, but says nothing. Her focus is still on the magazine on her lap.

Ryujin doesn't give up and presses her lips against Yeji's skin, from her nape all the way to her neck and cheek.

Yeji moves away from Ryujin but the persistent woman follows her, encircling her waist with one arm while her other hand starts to stroke Yeji's knee.

"Jinnie..." Yeji finally speaks, turning her head. "Focus."

"I'm bored!" exclaims Ryujin, sighing. "This is the worst anniversary ever," she mumbles as she sulks, crossing her arms like a kid.

"We need ideas."

"But the wedding is still a year away!"

"It's less than a year away so we don't have much time left to prepare."

"But it's not like we have a big wedding to plan."

"Dad said I should invite my relatives from my mother's side. Out of courtesy."

"But-... Wait. Do they approve of you marrying me?"

Yeji shrugs, averting her eyes back to the magazine. "Does it even matter?"

"Well, I don't want them to cause a commotion at the wedding."

"They won't. They don't have to come if they don't want to or if they don't approve. Daddy just doesn't want to offend them. Like it or not, they're still family."

"I see. How many of them are you inviting?"

"Not that many. Some live in Korea so they probably won't be able to attend. Five or six at most."

"Okay then add Yuna, Chaeryeong, Jisu, her husband and kids, and your father... there's less than twenty people! How much planning do we need for a wedding with twenty guests?"

"You don't want to invite your colleagues?" Yeji asks, lifting her head to look at Ryujin who shakes her head. "Why not? They know you're engaged, right?"

"Yes but I already hinted that I prefer eloping because I don't like parties. I can just tell them that I did exactly that. I don't want to risk them uploading our pictures on social media or spreading them around the office. The less paper trail and evidence we leave behind, the better."

Yeji can't help but frown. "So there will be less than fifteen people at our wedding?"

Ryujin can see the disappointment in Yeji's eyes. Her tone softens. "Do you want to invite more?"

"Does it even matter? We can't even if we want to."

"We can. If you want to invite my colleagues then go ahead. You can also invite your friends."

"But you said-..."

"It's your wedding day. You can do whatever you want."

Yeji cracks a small smile and pats Ryujin's hand that has come to rest on her knee again. "Thank you but let's face it, we can't afford to share this with too many people. You're right. It's too risky especially in this digital age." She sighs and goes back to reading the magazine, flipping the page to look at yet another gown.

Ryujin moves closer, sitting next to Yeji with their shoulders touching. "I'm sorry," she says sincerely. "I know you've probably imagined a totally different wedding. I'm sorry that you can't have it."

Yeji turns her head and smiles softly at the other woman. "It's okay, Jinnie. It's not that I wanted a fancy wedding, it's just... I wish I could share the joy with as many people as possible. I wish I could let them know how happy I am and how much I love you. But at least I have our friends and Dad."

Ryujin sets the magazine aside and moves to pull Yeji into her arms, kissing her head.

"It's just one of those things I have to accept as an immortal, isn't it?" asks Yeji.

"I'm afraid so," Ryujin says. "For what it's worth, I, too, wish that I could tell the world how much I love you."

"You already did."

"Huh? How? When?"

"When you created Princess Yeji" says Yeji, lifting her head to meet Ryujin's eyes.

Ryujin breaks into a smile. "Is that so?"

Yeji nods and leans up to kiss Ryujin on the lips. "Thank you for that."

"You're most welcome."

"Happy anniversary, Jinnie"

"Happy anniversary, my butterfly."

"Twelfth? Or do you want to restart from one?"

"Hm... I don't want to disregard those four years together."


Ryujin furrows her brows. "Five years sound so short considering how I never stopped loving you even when we were apart but I guess it's better than restarting from one."

"Don't worry. It won't sound short forever. We'll celebrate our fiftieth and five hundredth anniversary soon enough." Yeji pecks Ryujin's lips. "And not just any anniversary, soon we can start counting our wedding anniversaries."

Ryujin smiles and tightens her arms around Yeji. "Wanna just keep the same anniversary date? Easier to count."

"But our anniversary is in summer and the wedding's gonna be in spring!"

"You're right. Okay never mind." Ryujin lets Yeji kiss her once more before asking, "So do you want to celebrate this the usual way or...?"

"You have nothing prepared?"

"You're the one who wanted to stay home and stare at boring bridal magazines."

"I was hoping you'd surprise me."

"I already won you back so I didn't think it would be necessary to do anything special."

Yeji pushes Ryujin back. "Yah!"

"Just kidding," Ryujin says before Yeji gets angry for real. "How 'bout a romantic dinner and a walk on the beach later? Just like last year."

"Are you turning into a one-trick-pony, Jinnie?"

"Of course not! But it won't be fun to spoil the surprise." Ryujin grins mischievously. "So?"

"Fine. Dinner and a walk it is."

"Good. Since it's not even lunch time yet, how 'bout..." Ryujin gestures with her head towards the bedroom and raises her eyebrows playfully.

"Wow. How romantic," remarks Yeji flatly.

"But I have a little surprise for you in there!"

"What kind of surprise?"

Ryujin smirks. "You'll see." She moves to stand and extends her hands to Yeji. "Come on."

Yeji grabs Ryujin's hands, grunting as she stands up to follow Ryujin inside the bedroom. "This better be good," she mumbles.

"It will be," remarks Ryujin. "Satisfaction guaranteed or I would do the dishes and the laundry for the rest of the month."

"You're on. If I don't like your little surprise, you're taking over the chores for the rest of the month."

"You got it."


"I'm not even going to ask where you got those toys," Yeji says as she watches Ryujin wash the 'surprise' she got for their anniversary.

"Online shop. They came in a normal, unmarked packaging and paid using my private credit card so no one would know."

"Spoken like a true pervert."

"Hey, satisfaction guaranteed. That's the most important thing," argues Ryujin. "I know you loved my surprise. No extra chores for me."

Yeji shakes her head at Ryujin then leaves the bathroom to take one of the magazines they were looking at.

Ryujin walks past her a moment later to safely store their new possession in the bedroom and Yeji follows her, showing the picture of a wedding dress.

"What do you think of this?"

Ryujin turns around, takes the magazine from Yeji and sits down on the bed. "For you?"


"Gorgeous. But won't it be too fancy for a small wedding like ours?"

"It is. That's why I'll tweak it to make it my own but do you like the cut and the off-shoulder model?"

"I love it. It would look absolutely beautiful on you." Ryujin smiles then kisses Yeji's cheek. "You smell so good," she mumbles as she gives her another peck then nuzzles against her neck, inhaling.

"Stop it," Yeji says, pushing Ryujin's face away. "We just took a shower. Aren't you exhausted?"

"I can't help it. You turn me on."

Yeji laughs. "Let's hope I can still do that even after a hundred years," she says as she marks the page in the magazine and sets it aside.

Ryujin's eyes and voice soften. "You can."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do. Our love will last forever."

"What if we get bored with each other?"

Ryujin shrugs. "Frankly, I can't tell what's going to happen. I've never spent eternity with anyone but I can promise you that we'll stay together until the end. No matter what happens. We'll have a family together and I promise to love you until the day I die."

"Now you're turning me on," replies Yeji in a low voice, her eyes fixed on Ryujin's lips.

"We can always take another shower later," Ryujin suggests while closing the gap, letting her lips meet Yeji's in slow, seductive tugs.

Yeji soon ends the kiss before it escalates into yet another passionate session. "As tempting as that sounds, I'm hungry and too tired right now to deal with Her Majesty the Queen of Perverts."

"At least I'm royalty." Ryujin grins then moves off the bed. "I'll reconfirm the reservation for tonight and cook lunch."

Just then, the doorbell rings and Ryujin tells Yeji to get the door.

With a grunt, Yeji scoots off the bed and walks over to the front door. She peeks through the peephole to see a deliveryman holding a bouquet of pink roses.


She opens the door and the man says that he has a delivery for a Miss Yeji Hwang.

After signing for the flowers, Yeji takes them inside and shakes her head.

"What did you do, cheesy Jinnie?" she asks Ryujin who's watching her from the kitchen.

"Nothing. It's our anniversary, after all."

"I'm okay with just one pink rose." Yeji places the bouquet on the kitchen counter to take a better look at the flowers.

"That'll be predictable and boring," Ryujin says. "I got you twelve roses this time. Even though we've only been officially together for five years, I consider all twelve years precious and memorable, including the tough and painful moments because they're part of our journey."

"Thank you." Yeji hugs Ryujin and gives her a quick peck to convey her gratitude. "I got you something too." Yeji releases Ryujin and goes to the bedroom, taking something out of her wardrobe. "I was planning to give it to you later tonight but now is a better time," she says as she walks back to the kitchen while holding a neatly wrapped gift.

"What is this?" asks Ryujin, taking the gift from Yeji.

"Open it and you'll see. It's for your office."

Ryujin unwraps the present and smiles when she opens the box to see a large digital photo frame. She switches it on and pictures of them through the years start flashing on the screen. They never age or change, appearance wise, but she recognizes every picture of them together and where they took it. The other photos are of Yeji – either with her Jinnie bears or alone or with Yuna, Chaeryeong and Jisu. They were taken not only during their happier times but also when they were apart. It's a compilation of the twelve years they've gone through.

Unknowingly, Ryujin starts to smile as she looks at each picture, feeling happy just by seeing Yeji's face and remembering their moments together.

"Unlike you, I can't paint so this is the only solution I could think of to somehow help immortalize our memories. You can hang it on your office wall or place it on your desk so you can see me when you're working late or just randomly missing me," Yeji says. "You can sync it with your phone or smart watch too. I hope we can keep adding pictures and memories to it."

"We will." Ryujin looks at Yeji. "Thank you. I love it," she says, placing the frame on the counter so she can give her a hug. "I love you."

"Love you too. Now get started on the cooking. I'm hungry!"

"Yes, dear. Help put my gift in the bedroom please." Ryujin then checks the fridge to see what dish she can come up with.

Yeji picks up the frame and the flowers, placing them safely in the living room so Ryujin can start cooking. "Fyi, I like the sound of that 'yes, dear'."

"I'll use it sparingly. Only when you're being super nice."

"Does that mean every day?"

"Every day?"

"Yes because I'm super nice every day."

Ryujin snorts. "Yeah right," she mutters under her breath.

"I heard that." Yeji suddenly appears behind Ryujin, surprising the woman who almost hits her head on the fridge shelf. "You're lucky it's our anniversary so I'll let you off the hook this time." She nudges Ryujin playfully.

"Sure sure. Now how 'bout omelet rice for lunch?"


Yuna takes out her beeping phone to check the incoming message and smiles, showing the photo to Chaeryeong.

"What's this?" asks Chaeryeong, observing the image.

"Yeji unnie just sent it. I think it's Jisu unnie's matron of honor dress. For the wedding."

"Ah I see. Looks nice."

Yuna takes the phone back. "Yeah." She then turns it off and puts it in her bag, getting ready for take off. "I'm excited. I've missed them."

"I've missed them too," replies Chaeryeong. "Should we tell them about the bind?" she asks, looking down at her hand, at the ring that she's been wearing for the past month. "Will they mind?"

"They won't. I'm sure they'll understand," Yuna says as she holds her own ring – identical to Chaeryeong's – and gives the woman a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Ryujin unnie won't threaten you or be angry at you."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Trust me. It's going to be fine." Yuna pats Chaeryeong's hand then looks out the window just as the plane starts to move. "Here we go."

Chaeryeong takes a deep breath. Here we go then. Let's hope they approve.

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