The Sons of Anarchy Saved Me

By HalleyOwens7

5.2K 83 3

My final SOA fan-fic, I hope you enjoy. More

~The Party~
~Salary Meeting & Door Notes~
~Party Till I Drop~
~2 Weeks Later~
~Surprises, Proposals, & Ex Troubles~
~Ex-Wives, Daughter & Saving~
~Waking Up~
~Day with Kerri, Taken~
~The Call~
~Let's End This~
~Waking Up~
~Leaving the Hospital & Bars~
~1 Month Later~
~Wedding Day~
~Tattoos' & Tagalongs~
~Family Surprises~
~Quitting Jobs~
~My Husbands Family~
~Almost Painting & Sambel~
~Goodbye Chibs & Painting~
~Finish Painting, Online Shopping & Cooking~
~2 Days Later & Shipments~
~1 Week Later, Designing Bathroom & Paddys' Room~
~Going Home~
~Home, Parties & Transfers~
~2 Months Later~
~1 Month Later, Wedding~
~2 Months Later, Day with the Ex-Wife~
~6 Months~
~8 Months Pregnant~
~Waking Up~
~2 Months Later & Plans~
~Goodbye Jimmy~
~Paint Shopping & Painting~
~Moving Day~
~1 Year Later~
~1 Year Later~
~2 Years Later~
~2 Months Later~
~2 Years Later~
~Day Off~
~2 Days Later~
~School Problems & Telling Everyone~
~Wedding Day~
~13 Years Later~
~2 Years Later-Epilogue~


273 4 0
By HalleyOwens7

~Adinas' POV~

I woke up today at ten, I quickly got up brushing my hair putting it up in a ponytail to keep it out of my way while I work. I pulled on a pair of black ripped up jeans with a white thick strapped tank top that has two black skulls on the front. I packed my regular black combat boots for when I work at the bar tonight, I pulled on my black mid shin high steel toe boots, and my red leather jacket. 

I put my mechanic bibs in my leather backpack with my combat boots before going out to the main room to see Chibs in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. 

I smiled as I saw that he had made me a cup, I went over taking it seeing that it was black, however when I tasted it I knew that there was no sugar.


He looked at me.

"Where's the sugar?"

He smirked, nodding to the upper cabinet behind him, all this told me was that he wasn't a big morning person. Now that is something I am surprisingly used to, the kindness I'm getting, the new life full of men that seem dangerous yet protective. I'm not used to any of this, I'm not used to being helped in such a way, I'm used to hell, this is all so odd to me. I sighed getting the sugar opening the bag and pouring quite a bit of it into my coffee before asking where the spoons were stirring the sugar in. The whole time he looked at me with a smirk, I gave him a confused look while he just continued to smirk at me.


He chuckled a bit, shaking his head.

"Nothin, jus' wonderin if ye wan' actual coffee with tha' sugar."

I laughed.

"Sorry, I like my sugar."

"Don' apologize, it's cute."

I smiled feeling my gut flip, I knew what this meant, but I haven't felt it since my first date with my husband before things took a turn for the worse. I blushed taking a sip of my coffee, before looking at the clock seeing that it was only ten thirty, we have plenty of time. I pulled out one of the stools at the island taking a seat as Chibs looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong Chibs?"

"Why do ye wear make-up all over yer face, neck, and wrists?"

I gave him a confused look.

"I don't, why?"

"We can tell considerin yer make-up has changed, from way te dark fur yer skin, te a shade almost yer skin tone. So wha' happened?"

I sighed, shaking my head.

"It doesn't matter, and it's none of your business."

"Ye should know tha' ye're workin with us, ye're family, so if ye need us just say so, we'll help ye, protect ye, save ye, whatever ye need, no matter what it is, or where we have te go, we're here."

I gave him a small smile nodding my head.

"Well thank you, but for right now I'm good, I'm happy, and free, it's something I never thought I'd be. I never thought I'd feel this again, any of it, it all feels odd, and kind of amazing, you guys are all great."

He nodded his head.

"We try, we protect the people of this town, now ye're part of this town, now we protect ye."

I smiled, giving him a small.

"Thank you for that, but I'll be okay, especially now, now that I know that in a way I have a family. However tonight you should let some of the other guys have a chance to talk with me, go flirt, maybe make a stupid choice or two."

He chuckled, nodding his head.

"If tha's what ye wan'?"

"I just wanna get to know the guys, I can't do that if you're always around to scare them off."

"Alrigh', I get it, but we better get goin, otherwise ye'll be late, and today ye're workin with Tig, Rat, and I. Apparently we have ten cars in the lot, so they're busy as fuck without our help in the garage teday."

My eyes went wide as I looked at the clock.

"Oh shit, it's noon, I'm late."

I fell off the stool before scrambling to my feet and running out of the house with Chibs close behind me laughing his ass off. He handed me the helmet before starting the engine, I hopped on wrapping my arms around him as we sped off down the street. We soon pulled into the lot and I hopped off the bike quickly pulling my bibs on over my clothes throwing my bag next to Chibs bike running into the shop. I went over to Tig and he told me what car to start on, so I went over getting started, I saw that this one had a lot wrong. The bottom plate was completely ripped off along with gashes in the gas tank, and some of the cords were disconnected. I sighed, shaking my head, grabbing the chart, seeing that they wanted it to be a permanent fix, I shook my head letting out a frustrated groan. However my frustration didn't last long as I could feel a presence behind me, I turned to see Chibs as he looked at the chart.

"Do you know if we have a new fuel tank in the shop?"

"Let me look at tha'."

I handed him the chart and he sighed going over checking the inventory before grabbing what was needed. He came back handing it to me, I smiled with a blush rising to my face as his fingers lightly brushed mine before walking away. I figured I would start on fixing the wires before I asked one of the guys for help with the tank knowing I can't hold it and weld at the same time. I reconnected the wires before sealing them together, covering all of them with electrical tape hoping that would keep them safe from the elements. I then went over to Chibs seeing that he was almost done working on his car, he turned giving me a small smirk.

"Ye need somethin lass?"

"Yeah, I need help with the fuel tank."

"Goin back te day one I see."

I chuckled a bit, nodding my head.

"Yeah I guess, however I saw that you were just about done, and the other two are still working. I wanted to see if you'd be willing to help."

"Of course, I told ye anythin ye need I'm there."

I smiled nodding my head.

"Thank you, this is the last thing I have to do before I start on the next car."

He nodded his head letting me finish helping him with the car that he was working on before we went over to the car gearing up for the welder. He held the tank in place while I welded it in place, when we were done I set the welder down taking off the mask. I sighed, turning to see Tig standing there, I gave him a small smile before looking over at Chibs who wore a smirk on his face as he leaned over getting close to my ear.

"Ye wan'ed te know the boys."

I laughed, shaking my head as he walked away and I looked at Tig.

"Hey Tig, what's up?"

"What's going on with you and Chibs."

I started laughing, shaking my head.

"Nothing, he was just nice enough to give me his spare room, my hotel room was busted into and he had offered so that's where I'm at. What's going on with you Tig?"

"Nothing much, you working the bar tonight?"


He gave a small smirk.

"You mind if I sit with you?"

I laughed.

"I don't mind, but aren't the croweaters gonna miss their little Tigger?"

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"You heard that?


"Nah, they all want Chibs, the only reason they've been staying away from him is because of you, you should've heard them talking about you."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"It was probably because of what I said to that one bitch who got in my face over the bar."

"Yeah, probably."

"Listen I have another car to get done, so if I need help I'll get one of you alright?"

He nodded his head walking away while I went over bringing the car down from the lift, before driving it out to a parking spot. I took the keys to the office, before trying to pull the next car into the garage, however it wouldn't start. I sighed going to the garage and looking at the guys seeing Tig sitting over in the corner on his break.

"Hey Tig?"

"Yeah, what's up babes?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at the little nickname he gave me.

"This car won't start, will you help me pop the hood and figure out what's wrong with it?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Thank you."

He nodded his head and we walked out to the car popping the hood, I saw that the starter was completely shot. I sighed, shaking my head not even knowing if we had the part to fix it, Tig went to the garage bringing back a new starter. I smiled pulling the original one before putting the new one in, when it started I smiled, however as the lights in the car clicked on so did the brake light. I huffed shaking my head knowing that I would have to check the pads, and more than likely the fluid. I shut the car off hopping out with Tig coming over giving me a confused look as he saw the frown on my face.

"What's wrong?"

"I gotta check the brake pads, and the fluid, the light came on when I started the car."

He sighed.

"Shit, alright, get it in the garage, take a look at it."

I nodded my head driving the car into the garage putting it in park before raising it up and taking a look at the brake pads. I sighed seeing that they were brand new, I then lowered the car so I could pop the hood, I looked at the fluid shaking my head. I went over looking at all the oil and everything else that was on the shelves, I smiled finally finding the fluid. I put it in before letting the guys know that I was gonna move the car out so it didn't startle them, I turned the car on carefully backing out before making a quick U-turn pulling into a parking spot. I looked at the dash seeing that the brake light was finally off before completely shutting the car off. I smiled, getting out, putting the keys in the office, grabbing the next set, the whole day after that third car went by really quick. I think I got through five cars which is quite a big day for me, Chibs got through three, and Tig and Rat only got through one each, now granted they helped Chibs and I out a lot, but this was so amazing. When all the cars were done I went over to Chibs bike grabbing my bag and pulling off my bibs before changing out my boots. I put everything into my bag before walking into the bar and getting everything prepped for the party tonight. I filled the ice troughs, chilled the glasses, and the beers, getting everything finished as the guys were walking in. However unlike the first night they actually took their time asking me for drinks not crowding me, or ordering me around like I'm one of their croweaters. When the bar calmed down Tig came over sitting with me, and just talking, however he's kinda weird, very sexual, and too touchy for my taste. Me running from the relationship that I was in makes me feel kind of awkward and puts me in a mode of self preservation. I turned grabbing a cloth so I could quickly wipe down the counter however the second I turned a familiar very sexy accent hit my ears.

"Hey lass, can ye get me a beer?'

I smiled knowing exactly what he wanted, I poured his beer before turning around, handing it to him and leaning on the bar.

"You don't get enough of me at home, or in the shop, now you're gonna sit with me at the bar."

"Ye looked uncomfortable with Tig, so I made his favorite croweater come get him."

I laughed.

"Thank you for that."

"Anytime, so will ye let me ask ye a couple things?"

I smiled nodding my head.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Do ye like it here with us? Do ye feel like yer 'part of the family? Do ye feel like ye could really have a permanent life here?"

I sighed slightly nodding my head.

"Yes to all of those, however I just wanna take this day by day, I mean I have these amazing jobs, and you guys have all been so great to me. I don't think I'm ever going to want to leave charming, but I will say things change, we never know what's gonna happen."

"I get tha', I was jus' curious."

I smiled getting back to work, and just like last night he just sat with me talking, while I continued to work. It wasn't until three in the morning when everyone finally passed out that Chibs and I finally got to head home. We walked out of the club to his bike, he handed me his helmet, however I know that he saw how tired I was. He chuckled a bit seeing that I was having a hard time strapping the helmet, he moved my hands out of the way before I climbed on the back. He sighed holding my hand in his keeping me from falling off, however it was in that moment with my hand in his that I felt the sparks shoot through my arm. I knew that I was gaining feelings for him, however all of that disappeared as my eyes closed and I felt myself slip into darkness. I didn't know how I was going to get into the house, but in that moment I was warm, safe, comfortable, and falling for this badass biker, that I know damn near nothing about.

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