Serilda: Part Two

By Richa_resa

11.9K 535 93

Let's once again indulge in the world of Serilda for one last time. Let the pain be there Let the hope come L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Full chapter on Radish
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

546 34 11
By Richa_resa


I looked out the window as the plane descended down the airstrip. The familiarity of the place even seemed strange to me. I was born and raised here but this place was never for me. It had never been good to me.

Why would it now?

My home was with Aaron but it could never be here. We both hated this place, hated the memories that were in every corner. This place was tainted with my past and the pain we both once had to suffer.

I had never stepped afoot here ever since we had left. Even if he had work in this city he never pushed me to come here with him. Coming for him wasn't easy and he tried to keep his trips as small as possible. This was the place where I had lost myself and rebuilt at the same time. However, the thing that made me detest this place was her existence and of my parents. They lived here and I never wanted to see them. Even in their death, I had no desire to see them or attend their funerals.

"A car is waiting for us to take us straight to the hospital," he told me as he sat straighter in his seat making my eyes move to him. I nodded to him but we both couldn't look into each other eyes. For a brief moment, I had looked in his eyes and I had seen love and pain crashing in them.

I had no desire to give him hope of love because there was never going to be a future for us. Our train had passed and so had our time.

We were no longer going to be where we once were.

As the plane descended I looked at the city that was once my home that only brought me nothing but devastation and heartache. Looking away I just stared at the interior of the plane as the painful memories resurfaced. Everything flashed before my eyes. The pain of childhood, marriage, and what this society gave me. My hand closed in a fist as I fought all the memories and pain.

They could no longer hurt me. Never again. I told myself.

Getting off the plane we completed our journey to the hospital, in silence. My eyes shut close praying for my only love, my husband.

"We are almost there," Erik's voice had me open my eyes and look at him. His eyes had stared at me all through the journey. I could still feel his eyes on me but I didn't want to look at him because it would have been like fanning a fire to let it grow. He had once crossed all the limits for his love of Serena and I would never want him to do that. I was scared of the crazy side of love that had been shown to me by both Erik and Serena.

"He is going to be fine," I asked as my heart rate took a spike. Erik nodded to me before looking forward. The car came to a halt and I opened my gate urgently. A man rushed forward towards Erik and they both talked in hushed tones.

"What is it?" I asked as I reached them.

"Aaron is in surgery right now," the words were delivered quickly as if a band-aid was being ripped off the skin. No mercy. I almost lost my balance for a second.

"What for?" I tried to keep on a hard exterior. I didn't want to break not right now when Aaron needed me the most.

"The accident had caused a severe injury in his right arm and lungs. Doctors are sure he would be just fine after the surgery," I nodded to Erik's word.

"Lead us to where he is, Hector," Erik ordered and the other man leads us into the hospital. Taking the elevator upstairs we were taken to a waiting area where Hector informed the nurse about the arrival of Aaron's family. I felt on edge. It was just like the last time when Aaron was taken in for surgery.

I didn't want to lose him. I would even fight the gods just to save him. For once everything was going right for me, I wouldn't lose anything at all now. My husband and child are the only things that were important to me. Erik and I waited as Hector went inside and came back with a woman dressed in scrubs. She was a resident who had come out just to tell us that there was nothing to worry about that Aaron was in safe hands. Before I could ask her anything she returned back to where she came from.

I felt at ease with her words.

"Mrs.Reid is still unconscious but she is perfectly well," Hector said making me look at him confused. Erik's head turned to look at me and the expression of confusion marred his face.

"Mrs. Reid is here," Erik tried to explain pointing towards me and I felt a different kind of unease settle inside of me. Hector couldn't understand what was being said.

"Mrs.Reid was beside Aaron when the accident happened, sir," the words made my ears grew silent. There was a different kind of buzzing inside of my ears.

"Hector, what are you saying?" Erik spoke angrily. "Aaron's wife is standing beside me," he told pointing towards me.

"I'm sorry I thought the woman they found in the car," Hector, quickly shut his mouth as his eyes met mine. The ground from underneath me was ripped from beneath my feet.

"Serilda," I heard my name being called and someone holding me. Someone was hitting my cheek. There were people all around me. One moment I was losing consciousness and then I was being laid on the floor.

All I could hear was the ringing of my ears. I couldn't hear anything else. I couldn't hear Erik shouting. People surrounded me but I just couldn't hear anything. Unfamiliar faces came into view but I just couldn't hear at all. I felt as if my body was growing heavy and I was being sucked into the darkness. I was trying so hard to hold on to the consciousness but I just couldn't.

I saw a familiar face entering my vision but I couldn't just say who it was. The name was just on the edge.

The gravity was pulling on my body and soul. Darkness surrounded me as the name left my lips.

"Chyna," I breathed out as I lost myself to the unconsciousness.


Laughing hit my ears.

People were laughing. I opened my eyes and all I could see was brightness.

I sat up only to see a swarm of people around me.

All faceless and laughing. Their laughs were hurting my ears. I pull up my hands over my ears to stop the sound but it didn't help. The laughs grew louder and louder.

I was no longer on the ground but standing. Faceless people pointed fingers at me and I just couldn't do anything.

"She didn't know," I heard whispers in the laughter.

"Well, who would love her?" Another whisper.

"Even her parents hated her,"  another set of words hurled towards me by a nameless face. I was hurting. Each of those inflicting a wound over my body.

"Her first husband left her too," I couldn't hold anymore. I had to run. Aimlessly I just ran as more people came in front of me.

All whispering things that just troubles me.

There was no end to it.

No end to the whispers. No end to the laugh. No end to the pain. No end to the misery I was in.

People were closing in on me. All of them trying to get to me. Trying to grab me.

"No," I screamed in pain but they were of no avail. None cared. I bent down on the floor and closing my eyes I just started to screaming loudly. Putting my hand over the ears I let out a cry.

I screamed and screamed until I could no longer hear the laughs.

Opening my eyes I saw everyone had gone quiet. The crowds parted and there was a figure standing straight in front of me.

It was a man. A faceless man. He said nothing. No one said anything.

Then a pair of lips appeared on the faceless man. He was smiling as he stood with a tilt of his head. I was scared of the man. I could feel it in my bones. The chill seeping inside of me. Fear was taking over my body as he walked towards me until he stopped just a few feet away.

He bent down on his haunches looking at me.

"History will repeat itself," the words loud and clear to my ears.

No. I wanted to scream but I just screamed.

Then he started laughing. He was laughing and everyone joined in. They all laughed at me, the sound piercing my ears and soul.

"No," I screamed as I heard a ringing in my ear.

"Serilda," I felt hands over my face. Someone was trying to hold my face another set of pairs was holding my legs. Someone was holding my hands too.

"Serilda," a woman's voice called my name the ringing dissipating. My eyes were stuck on the light on the ceiling above me. A face came into my view. My eyes squinched as all my senses came into view. Squicnhing my eyes, I looked at the face hovering over me.

"She is fine, you can let go," I heard the woman say to someone and my hands and legs were released.

"Serilda," I looked at her, and the familiarness off the face getting clearer with each second.

"Chyna," I spoke her name as she was let going of my face. She smiled at me as her eyes shone with emotions.

"Hey, you scared everyone there for a moment," she said as she nodded to someone.

"What happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up.

"Be careful," she helped me up to sit in the hospital bed.

"You just fainted. It's totally normal in your condition, I mean in pregnancy," she was babbling.

"Overexertion can totally do it to you. So take it easy," I was staring at her face as she made sure I was comfortable in the bed. I laid on the pillows as she moved away from me to lean on the wall.

"How did you know?" Curiosity drove me to the edge.

"The physician that came to check you suggested that you are expecting. Don't worry there is nothing wrong. I did call in a gynecologist to check up on you and she told me that there was nothing to worry about. She checked you thoroughly I can assure you that," her hands went inside her doctor's jacket as she smiled at me.

"Candy," she asked taking one out of her pocket, handing out it to me. I picked it out from her hand after looking at it for a while.

"Thank you," I just stared at it in my hand.

"No problem," came her reply. We got enveloped in silence. I was trying to remember why I was here and the thought hit me.

"Aaron," I just looked at her worriedly. My hand reaching to pull out the drip.

"Serilda, don't," Chyna came towards me stopping me from taking it out. "Your blood pressure was really low and you need it right now," she added.

"You don't understand, my husband," I tried to throw away her hands but I couldn't.

"Is absolutely fine." She cut off my words and my eyes snapped to her. "My colleague did the surgery and he is absolutely fine and in recovery. Though he hasn't gained consciousness and that is because he is under anesthesia. There is nothing to worry about there," her words soothed out my worry away. I was on the verge of tears.

"Thank you," I said with tear-filled eyes as I looked into hers.

"Just take care of yourself it would be really enough for me. Don't worry I will take you to him when he once wakes up." I nodded to her trying to reel back in the emotion that had surfaced inside of me. Aaron was fine and there was nothing more I wanted more than him and my child. With my hand on my belly, I breathed out a sigh.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked without looking at her.

"Hardly half an hour," she paused. "The gynecologist just left a few minutes back." I just gave her a small. Silence enveloped us again.

A beep had her taking out her pager from the pocket.

"Work calls," she smiled looking at me waving the pager. "Don't worry about anything, okay. I have told the nurse to take you to your husband as soon as he wakes up. So just concentrate on your health and your baby. Everything is fine," she said giving me a smile. Turning around she walked out and soon a nurse came in to check on my vitals.

Everything was fine.

She had said and I believed in her.

Everything was just going to be fine. I wanted to believe in my words but I just couldn't


Hello Everyone.

So, I have been down in my own mess that I hadn't had the time to write at all.

Writing is emotional for me. Always has been.

The deepest emotions pull me to write and Serilda is really touching so I took my time with it.

More than that it is the way I feel I write. Wherever the emotion leads me I write.

I went through an emotional phase of hurting and pain and I started something new. It's called Poison Ivy.

Hope you like it too.

Off to write another chapter of Serilda as emotions flow through me.

Love you all !

And thank you for reading.

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