Children of Night and Snow

By manon707

77.5K 3.7K 723

What if all your life you were told your future was bright? That you were perfect luna-to-be, that the boy yo... More

1. Once Upon A Time
2. Summer Solstice
3. A Price To Pay
4. Last Goodbyes
5. When Day Turns To Night
6. A Stranger's Kindness
7. The Nameless Woman
8. The Little Thief
9. Big Bad Wolf
10. Run For Your Life
11. A Life For A Blanket
12. Freya
13. When Summer Turns Into Fall
14. Scars And Tattoos
15. Stories Of The North
16. The Girl Who Came From Summerlands
17. Find Your Wolf
18. Inside Your Soul
19. Hear Me Howl
20. Duskfall
21. Photos From The Past
22. All Souls
23. Twins
24. A Place Called Home
25. Unexpected?
26. The Outcasts
27. Daily Routines
28. Into The Mountains
29. First Hunt
30. Hardest of Lessons
31. They Didn't Deserve You
32. Returns And Beautiful Dresses
33. Winter Solstice
34. Truth Hurts
36. Lost Children Of Dead Alpha
37. Unexpected Change Of Plans
38. The Woman Who Stole The Necklace
39. A Corpse
40. The Dead Queen
41. A Boy Who Belonged Nowhere
42. A Trip To Hot Springs
43. Lost And Found
44. Redhead With A Dragon Tattoo
45. Bad Omen
46. When All You Know Burns To Ashes
47. What Is The Price For A Life?
48. Nameless
49. The Girl Who Chose To Stay
50. No Goodbyes
51. The Beginning Of A Journey
52. Run For Your Life
53. Not The Same
54. The Lost Queen
55. Lava Fields
56. The General
57. The Military Outpost
58. Refugees
59. Swimming Pool Adventure
60. The Merciless Teacher
61. Holding On And Letting Go
62. No More Flower Crowns
63. The Power And Struggle of a Mating Bond
64. Now Fight!
65. Live Or Die
66. "So do I."
67. The Last Night
68. Into The Maze
69. The Twentieth Flare
70. Welcome Home
71. Mate
72. Time
Epilogue - The Girl Who Survived
Vocabulary + Book 2 Update

35. Dragon's Eye

939 42 4
By manon707

We returned home so late it was already early morning. My feet were killing me from dancing the whole night in heeled boots and I was ready to pass out the moment I reached the bed. Even changing out of the dress and into something more comfortable to sleep in was a challenge. I was incredibly relieved when Devan said we were all going to have a day off from our workouts including me. Still it was a while before we actually went to bed. The twins and Nolan went to check the damage on the wall first and Devan insisted we prepare an emergency room before we call it a night. I had no idea what it meant, but I went to help as instructed. As it turned out, the emergency room was exactly what it said it was. It was a makeshift stock room with absolute basics should we need to hide or leave on a very short notice. The mere fact we needed such a thing and that Devan decided to make use of it now left me feeling uneasy.

If you told me seven months ago that I'd have to give up the comfort and warmth of my queen sized bed with a soft mattress and cozy sheets for sleeping on a fur covered wooden floor in close proximity of seven other people, I would tell you that you're crazy and probably flip you off. I used to be unable to fall asleep unless there was an utter silence and I was alone, freshly showered and in a comfortable nightgown in my bed. Anything else and I would lie awake and frustrated, staring into the ceiling. But all that seemed like a distant dream now. And I began to realize that somewhere along the way I got used to what I had now. I didn't mind the fur I was lying on at all, in fact anything softer would likely cause me to stir around, unable to find a comfortable position. And I found listening to calm breathing and heartbeats of my seven friends a calming lullaby, a reminder that we were all okay, safe at home, together.

That was also how I felt going to sleep that morning, when we all finally regrouped and went to bed. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep nearly immediately and my brain shut down so completely, no dreams took over my mind that night. Or more like a day. Because when I woke up, it was already after four in the afternoon and everyone else was already awake even if not for long judging by the fact that most of them still had their pjs on. Still, I barely managed to properly get up and grab myself a piece of bread with butter before I heard a voice from behind me.

"Okay, fun is over, we need to start preparing for our next job," Aaron summoned us all to the couch in the centre of our living room. Curious about what was to happen, I sat down on the floor opposite to him, making sure I had the best possible view. Last thing I wanted was to miss the details and then mess things up. Remembering how I froze during the hunt was a lesson enough.

"There is a merchant arriving at the market in approximately one months time. He has quite a few things of interest to sell, but our customer is only interested in one of them," Aaron carried on as Az pulled out a scroll of paper and opened it to reveal a sketch of a necklace. Over the top kind of necklace as far as I could tell, but I said nothing.

"This is Dragon's Eye," Az said.

"Wait, this is the Dragon's eye?!" Lucia asked. There was shock visible on her face and in her voice.

"What's Dragon's Eye?" I asked, seeing that everyone had a similar, if unspoken reaction she had.

"It's an ancient necklace considered long lost. It is said it was commissioned by the first Ice King for the Ice Queen. It's made of white gold and over a hundred diamond, obsidian and garnet stones. After the Queen was killed, the legends say the head witch of Midnight City tried to claim it before the new Queen could. This resulted in a conflict between witches and wolves, which cost many lives. Witches were nearly wiped out and the wolf population significantly declined," Demi began to tell a story I've never heard before.

"In the end, both witches and wolves realized that if they wish to survive in these lands, they will have to work together instead of against each other and they made a truce. The necklace was cursed by the last remaining coven and witches and wolves created an alliance. A head witch was to live in the Midnight City to help protect the royal couple and to upkeep the ancient magic which protects the city walls. In return, the wolf army is bound to protect the last standing Witch city far far up North."

"And the necklace?" I asked, still unsure of how it ended in the hands of a merchant coming to sell it on a Duskfall black market.

"It was lost. The curse willed it that way. Nobody can own it, for it will never stay. The necklace showed up a few times over the millenia. And everytime someone attempted to get hold of it and keep it. But in the end it always ended their lives in misfortune and the necklace was lost once again. So, it seems our customer is yet another naive idiot trying to go against an ancient curse," Demi explained with a shrug.

"Well, maybe their motive is a bit different. I mean, it would make sense at this time," Lucia suggested.

"You mean because of the blessing? That's just a myth. Everyone knows that!" Nolan chuckled as if she just said a joke.

"Guys, I have no clue what you're talking about unless you tell me," I reminded them, slightly irritated now. I didn't really ask for details that much. I knew by now that I didn't need to know everything. That sometimes, I didn't want to know everything. But if this was our mission, our target, it meant I'd have to help steal it. And I should know what I'm after.

"Sorry," Lucia whispered, clearly feeling guilty now. Nolan actually shot me an apologetic look as well.

"There is a myth that whoever wears the necklace for a night will become the next Ice Queen," Az broke the silence. I tried to hide my surprise at hearing him speak so much. I haven't heard him speak once in two months. And he still didn't offer many words when he did speak, but it was still a change I had yet to get used to.

"Oh. So why would that make sense now?" I asked, trying to connect the dots.

"Because the Queen is dead," Nolan was the one to reply and it seemed like the whole room got just a little darker. "She was killed a little over a year ago. Ambushed by a human army in a trap they set," he added. I didn't know what to say. Was there even anything I could say, that would be even remotely appropriate?

"Myth or not, it's not our place to judge the customer. We were asked to deliver, we will do our job," Aaron cut the gloomy silence that took over the room and we all nodded. It was none of our business.

"So, what's the plan then?" Connor asked.

"I'm glad you asked," Devan said and pulled out a few more scrolls which we all helped to unfold and weight down with rocks so that they didn't roll back in.

"There is a social event taking place in three weeks in the city hall. The merchant will be there on Alpha's request as a guest of honor. The two are friends and I suspect our current Alpha is his regular customer..." 

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