Remedy (ShinKami Story)

By Lost-And-Never-Found

7.3K 263 237

Book 2 to Diseased. Takes place a few more years into the future from Chapter 40 (or was it 41?) of Diseased... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

503 20 23
By Lost-And-Never-Found

As Denki placed a peanut butter sandwich before his son, he got a text from Shinso.



Gonna be a little later than expected

Having a few issues with our scouting

Hopefully home by dinner

Or 8-ish

Hot Pikachu

No problem

See you soon


As Denki placed his phone back down, he finished making his lunch and sat down with his son. As he ate, he got a phone call from a friend. Hanta Sero.

"Hey, Denki Dude!"

"Hey, Sero! What's up?"

"Well, Mina has asked me to assist her and Shinso in their scout, as they ran into some inconveniences, Iida is working and held up at the Ingenium Agency. I was wondering if you would be able to babysit, Hanna, for me for a while?"

"Sure! You can come and drop her off, and I'm guessing you'll pick her up around 8?"

"Hopefully, yes."

"OK! See you soon."

"Thanks. I'll be there in about 5 minutes. See ya!"


After Denki hung up, he continued on his lunch.

"Who was that, Dad?" Hikori questioned.

"That was Sero. We're gonna be babysitting Hanna for a while." Denki replied.


"I thought you'd like that."

About five minutes later, Sero knocks on the door. Opening it up, Denki was met with the large smile and raven hair of his old friend. Behind his leg was his young daughter. Hanna Iida. She was five years old and had already, partially, controlled her quirk. She had the ability to shoot tape from the back of her hand. Her ankles replicated the look of Sero's elbows. When using her tape, small engines emerge from her ankles and gives her a huge burst of speed for 5 minutes, making her really energetic.

Sero knelt down by his daughter and explained the situation to her, her little blue eyes, wide and open, representing those of an animal who was stuck in the headlights. Denki crouched down with them and introduced himself to her, saying that there was nothing to worry about, and that she'll be perfectly safe. She eventually entered the house after hugging her dad.

Once inside, Hikori introduced himself with much enthusiasm, it seemed to scar her.

"Hikori? This is Iida Hanna. She's a little shy so don't be to in her face, OK? Give her time to get used to you." Denki explained as he ruffled his son's hair.

Walking over to the coffee table, Denki picked up the remote and put on some cartoons for the two, mainly to listen to if they ended up finding something to do. Hikori loved to watch Pokémon and Wild KrattsTM whenever he played.

Playing on the floor with his action figures, of Pro Heroes Present Mic and Eraserhead, Ash padded over with her kitten in tow. Denki watched as Hanna removed her gaze from the young boy and the cartoons, and turned to see the cats. She ran her small hand over the cat's back and laughed as the kitten dove into her lap. Hikori seemed to notice this.

"That's my cat, Ash and that's her baby, Bandit. I think they like you." Hikori smiled.

"I think they're really cute." Hanna said softly.

"Do you have any pets?"

"No... My father used to have a pet dog when he was younger."

"So cool! Who's your father?"

"My father's name is Iida Tenya, but you would probably know him as Ingenium."

Denki couldn't help but smile from where he stood at the kitchen counter. These two seemed to be getting on really well. He would have to tell Sero when he returned to pick her up later tonight.


When Sero came to pick up his daughter, Shinso had returned. It was 8:30 and all Shinso wanted to do was go to bed. He was buggered and completely worn out, he even skipped dinner, so Denki put some of the pasta in a bowl for him for lunch tomorrow. After putting Hikori to bed, Denki joined his purple haired husband in bed. (no. Not like that.)

Pulling up the covers, Denki lay his head against his husband's bare chest, listening to his breathing. He felt a hand on his head and stroke his hair like on would do to a cat. Denki lifted up and his forehead rubbed against the light stubble that dotted his partner's chin.

"How was your day? Everything go OK?" Denki asked.

"Hmm. What about you...?" Was all Shinso hummed as he started to drift off.

"I took Hikori to the park. We caught up with Kiri and Tetsutetsu. Then we babysat Hanna for Sero."

Letting out a yawn, Denki snuggled into the bed further, not removing himself from Shinso's chest, as the other man's breathing was humming him to sleep.

Around 11:00, Denki and Shinso woke to the sound of Hikori scream and then run into the bedroom, his feet thumping against the carpeted hallway. Both turned on their bedside lamps and sat up just as Hikori jumped into the bed between them.

"What happened, Hik?" Denki asked softly.

"I just went to the toilet and when I went back to my room, I saw a shadow outside my room. Then I heard something being thrown against the window...!" Hikori sobbed, clearly petrified.

The two adults looked at each other and they both got up, Hikori hiding behind them. Shinso was shirtless and wearing pyjama bottoms, while Denki was wearing pyjama bottoms and a plain white, short sleeved shirt. The walked down the hall to Hikori's room.

When they entered, they turned on the light and Denki went to the window. He threw open the curtains and what he saw had him stumble back in fear. In a blood like liquid, still dripping down the window, were the words...

I'm Coming for you.

917 words

Who do you think wrote the words on Hikori's window?

Why do you think Denki was so scared.

Comment who and why in the comments!


Till the next update!

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