United We Stand, Together We...

By StatusUnknown2020

3.6K 149 28

And at that moment, all hell went loose. "THERE'S NO WAY THIS KID CAN SEE US." "We are the only ones out here... More

1 | Prologue
2 | The Practical Exam
3 | UA Results Cause Too Much Stress
4 | 'Orientation' Day
5 | UA Just Can't Be Normal
6 | Personal Battle Training
7 | Auction Houses Are Scary
8 | Lunch & Reporters
9 | The USJ Attack
10 | Don't Let Isamu Make The Plan
11 | To No Longer Just Exist
12 | Why Salt!?
14 | Cue The Beat Drop

13 | Sir Hog Knucklehead the Tenth

141 5 1
By StatusUnknown2020

"Midoriya, have you begun preparing for the Sports Fe-" Iida was abruptly cut off at the noise of Uraraka slamming her food tray onto their table. Izuku turned to his right to watch Iida raise his glasses and move his arm to a perfect 90 degrees, "Uraraka! As UA students we are expected to place our trays-"

"Guess what!" Uraraka's hair bobbed along with her in eagerness as she continued, completely ignoring the class president's cry of 'Interrupting people is not approved of from a hero in training!' , "It apparently was ghosts that attacked Present Mic yesterday!"

Yasushi concluded with a slow nod of his head. "Ah so we've hit the big streets."

"Word travels rather fast around here." Emi hummed as she glanced around at the numerous students scattered everywhere. Many students were discussing their preparations for the sports festival. They need to get Izuku prepared ASAP.

Aki stopped playing with Emi's hair to smirk, "Only expected from One For All users."

"Wait what?!" Kaminari slammed his food tray down at the opposite end of the long table, eyes focused on Uraraka, completely ignoring Iida's remark:"Kaminari! You should not put your tray down with such force! It is disrespectful to-"

"Yeah, kero. Apparently Sensei's second years were witnesses." Tsuyu appeared from behind Uraraka with her own tray.

Riku nodded. "Memorable moment." Nana huffed an air of amusement in agreement.

The noise of another food tray slamming on the other end of their table made everyone look to Izuku's left once more to see Kirishima standing by Kaminari, "No way bro! I thought it was just a rumour!"

Iida couldn't get a word out before Sero appeared with his tray, "I've been hearing loads of students talking about how the ghosts have been haunting the UA staff!"

"You heard that right! We're famous!" Isamu made jazz hands excitedly. The other past wielders chuckled at that.

"Probably because of Aizawa's expulsion rate." Kirishima suggested.

Sero paused and thought for a moment, "But he didn't expel anyone in our class?"

"Not with ours, but apparently for past years." Izuku added in, recalling what Riku had told him.

"Kero, I heard Aizawa Sensei expelled his entire class last year."

"No way!" Sero dropped his tray onto the table in surprise. "I can't believe-"

Iida cuts through Sero with eyes of steel, "You know what I can not believe? That you all will not sit down respectively. It is unbecoming of us all. So please, everyone, sit down. And no more slamming food trays."

Everyone silently took their seats. Uraraka and Tsuyu choosing to sit opposite Izuku and Iida who sighed contentedly. "Much better. Now what were you saying about ghosts Ura-"


Katsuki brought his food tray down with one hand, his other creating small explosions, "Shitty hair, why the hell are we sitting here again!?"

Iida funneled all his strength into his feet and croaked, "I will be back, excuse me."

"What's up with four eyes." Katsuki grunted as he took the seat diagonally opposite Izuku once more.

Kirishima sent a guilty look to their class president's back, "Well, uh let's just not slam our food trays anymore. But we had been talking about what happened with Present Mic."

Uraraka leaned in closer, "Apparently, Present Mic had been teaching only to be interrupted by his glasses, which began floating. And then multiple pieces of chalk started writing messages to Present Mic! And apparently some messages were for Aizawa Sensei as well! Oh, oh! And the student's essays began flying around the room!"

Izuku subtly raised an eyebrow at the spirits standing by him and watched as Isamu turned to the other spirits solemnly.

Yasushi sent the younger man a suspicious look, "What are you doing?"

The Sixth ignored Yasushi and solemnly said, "Look, I really think we should just own up and confess the truth. You know man up?" Isamu turned away from the unimpressed stares, "It was his idea." He pointed at Kenji.

"That's it kid, you've lost your knee cap privileges-"

Izuku's just gonna turn away... from that.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

After Iida had returned, the Ninth heard Isamu gasp, "You know Riku, you seem to know a lot more about murder than most people."

"Because of my job." Riku dismissed idly.

Izuku choked on his katsudon, ignoring the concerned glances sent his way.

Riku's eyes widened in realisation, "Wait. No. I'm not a hitman. I swear."

"That's exactly what a hitman would say!" Isamu whispered as he grabbed onto Izuku's shoulders. Said boy was still reeling over the idea of 'Hitman Riku', not noticing his classmates' confusion.

"Deku, are you okay?"

"F-fine." He abruptly shoved katsudon into his mouth after sending a smile their way.

"You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen, Riku, the Third, is a-"

"I'm a writer!" The Third groaned into his hands.

Isamu puffed up his chest and pointed, "Don't try and fool us!"

Riku faceplamed, completely done with this, "Izuku, pass the salt."

Isamu froze before running behind Kenji, "How dare you! How dare you make me feel such fear. You're evil. Evil I tell you!"

Nana stated, "Emi."

Emi, in response, knocked the salt bottle over for a small ray of salt to pour out towards Isamu and his shield (aka Kenji).

"Yo!? Why!?!" Isamu hissed.

Kenji simply sighs, he doesn't know what he's doing with these people. And why is he always the human shield?

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

They only had two weeks until the Sports Festival. Every moment mattered. Of course, they were going to make sure Izuku doesn't overwork himself this time round, since it wasn't just Toshinori keeping an eye on him.

"Oi, what's the game plan then?" Yasushi asked. They were currently at Dagobah beach. Their beach.

Very few people were around so there was plenty of space for warm-ups and other exercises. Not to mention the close access to a large source of water (aka the ocean) for Emi's quirk and plenty of sheets of paper and pens.

Unfortunately, Toshinori was currently doing hero work, so he won't be here until later on.

"I believe we should group up to accomplish several things at once." Aki suggested.


Emi raised a brow, "Isamu dear, are you sure you want to be here?"

Isamu frowned in confusion, "What, why?"

Nana giggled, "Do you know what ocean water has?"


"...No, that's what water is." Kenji facepalmed.

"Then what does it have?"

"Salt." Riku stated blankly.

The Fifth blinked, "Salt. Huh... SALT?! Why are we here?! What if the ocean traps us in!?"

"That's not how it works. It's a compound." Aki corrected.

"Come Pound?"

"No. Just- No." Yasushi groaned.

"So, if we break it into smaller parts..." The spirits were brought out of their conversation from Izuku's mumbling, "We're obviously going to need to find out a better way for me to use my quirk and Emi's..."

"Don't forget about basic combat." Yasushi chided.

"I believe Yasushi's right. You have some skill already as we've seen from previous battle training. Aside for our assistance" Izuku sweat-dropped at the thought of being dragged all over the place like a puppet just to avoid Kacchan's explosions. "But you're going to need a lot more. Who knows what the sports festival is like."

"Wait. You don't know?" Izuku tilted his head thinking back to the fact that All Might had gone to UA as well.

"Ah, Toshinori only participated in the third year, and even then it was a rather stressful time... So we're not fully aware." Nana commented, staring off at the shores.

Aki nodded, "I believe we should do some research and calculations on what events will be held this year then."

"Maybe some research on student's potential and capabilities." Emi suggested

Izuku glowed at the idea.

"No, not you, kid. You're the one that needs to train." And oh wow, why does Kenji feel like he kicked a puppy?

Yasushi clicked his fingers, "Oi, speaking of training. I can train Izuku with basic combat skills with Kenji since he was part of the police force."

"Really?" The Ninth looked to Kenji in surprise.

Kenji puffed up with pride, "Yup."

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"You. You're new." A voice interrupted Kenji's patrol.

Kenji looked up in surprise before concealing his emotions, "Yes. And you are about to get arrested."

"Haha, you and what army?" The black cladded man pointed to the police dog who was currently waiting for belly rubs from the criminal, "You're dog's not even on your side. He looks a bit too small for a police dog though."

The bulky man grumbled as he fiddled with a pair of handcuffs, "He's always like that... Ignore him."

The shorter man chuckled before rubbing the energetic dog. "Do you have a quirk?"

Kenji frowned, "Even if I do, I am still rightful to be a part of the police force-"

He could feel the man give a sharp grin under his mask, "It's hard eh?"

Kenji was supposed to arrest the most wanted man alive, without conversing with him.

But then he got told to eat hair.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

So the nine of them split up. Aki and Riku coordinated; the First doing calculations and basic analysis of students, while the Third did research on the festival's events and collected data for Aki.

Nana and Yagi teamed up to figure out how the Ninth would be able to use One For All best. Though, all everyone else could hear was a debate on who should contact Gran Torino. Since he'd probably have a better idea than the both of them.

Izuku began by working with Emi on water manipulation.

They started by looking at his limits. Turns out he could only manage a handful of water. The occurrence at USJ must have been an adrenaline rush of sorts. So they worked their way up. From water hovering above his hands to flowing in a stream at his will. Even slowly increasing the amount of water over the days.

He'd discuss with Nana and Yagi on how to use One For All.

Izuku was most eager to look at the calculations and research done by Aki and Riku (also trying to sneak a few notes into his hero notebooks).

And would work on his combat skills with the Fourth and Fifth. Kenji's style was very systematic and easy to follow for the most part. Whereas Yasushi's was all over the place and very unfamiliar. Over the days he combined the two styles in his own. Even Isamu stepped in once, but all he showed was how to render someone unconscious, through unique methods.

Speaking of Isamu, what has he been doing?

"Yo, me?" Isamu raised a small stack of paper, "I've been trying to figure out how the whole unlocking quirks thing works. Because how are we supposed to know what we want?"

Izuku showed a face of puzzlement to the spirits, "But, I thought you all had at least an idea of what you want, since you know you haven't really... been involved with the real world for a while."

"Of course we do."

"I believe there's plenty of things we want."

"But nothing we know for sure will help us regain our abilities, green bean."

"And we don't need to drag you everywhere like this, it's your life and you need to enjoy as much of it as possible."

The greenette rapidly shook his head, "It would make me happy to help you all! After all a hero always-"

"Yo but, do you want to go through every book in the world just to find the one Riku desires."

Isamu, noticing Riku's incredulous look, turns to the Third and says, "What you're a writer you probably want a really good novel or something."

"Maybe one of his own works."

"I thought he didn't publish any?"

"Not officially."

Watching Isamu huff, Aki raised a brow, "Do you know what you want Isamu?"

"...no. Well. I'm not sure if it's...


"Big word. Big brain." Isamu fingerguns at Aki.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"Ooooo! What should we name him?"

Yasushi stared at it for a moment before stating, "Dragon."

"What, no. You've gotta be more creative. Like... Peanut Wigglebutt."

"No." Riku was not impressed.

"How about Artoo Dogtoo."

Emi sighed, "Dear, that's not..."

"Or Sir Hog Knucklehead the tenth."

"Isamu, no." Nana shut down that train of thought, unamused.

"Oh! Snuggle Butt Le Lee-"

"Dog." Kenji cut his successor off without sparing the younger man a glance.

"What, yo, c'mon Kenji."

"No, it's a dog. And it will stay as a dog that will go to a lovely animal shelter to be taken care of until a caring family comes and-" Kenji stops mid sentence when the german shepherd rolls over in front of Kenji waiting for belly scratches. He wilts to the floor whining, "I can't give you belly scratches pup!"

"Yo. Achievement unlocked: break the big man's old heart." Isamu applauded.

Izuku crouches near the dog to rub his belly for Kenji. "I don't think mum will let a dog in, our home's already quite small as it is, guys."

Doesn't mean they can't try.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Kenji might be a new recruit. Might have just finished his training at the national police academy. Might be a foreigner. Might have a quirk.

But that doesn't mean he should be undermined like this!

He was officially part of the Japanese police force but has been referred to as the 'quirked foreigner' more times than anything else.

Kenji trudged down the creaky steps. This was a much older dog kennel building, compared to the previous one he was in (where all of his teammates left with their dogs). He could work on his own. But he's new to this, and since no one seems to want to give guidance, a dog may be his best bet.

Flickering the lights on, noise began racketing from the back kennel, before the sounds of small yapps and barks came out excitedly. Kenji followed the noise to the back of the building to find-


A shiloh shepherd puppy stood on his back legs as his front legs pawed at the cage to Kenji.

"Too small and energetic. He'll never grow larger. He was trained before we had discovered this. But even with experience, he's too loud and jumpy. Not professional." was what his chief had replied with a hint of disapproval. Turns out the dog was almost three years old, with stunted growth, and should not work with a police officer.

But did that stop him? Of course not.

In fact, he named the small fry, "Dai" in honor of it's meaning: great and large; just for an extra spit in the Chief's face.

He licked Kenji's face countless times in appreciation for being taken in.

Dai was very friendly.

So friendly that he would expect belly rubs and pats from many petty criminals.

It was only criminals that deserved punishment that seemed to sober his dog up a little.

Didn't stop Dai from loving Yasushi though.

...Kenji had struggled with the aftermath of his predecessor a lot.

But Dai never knew of what happened to him. So the shepherd would grab his mentor's old costume in his mouth and jump at Kenji, looking around rapidly, as if to say "Where is he? He hasn't come back! He owes me belly rubs! Where is he???"

But maybe Kenji should have taught Dai about how people don't stay forever. Maybe he should have prepared for future incidents.

Yet, he didn't and now he pays the price, as he watches Dai pound onto the Fifth's lifeless body and bark and nudge and yapp and nuzzle. Waiting for a response.

"Dai! Wait!" His successor coughed out. Isamu, all bloody and bruised, stood behind Dai and gently pulled him off of the battered body. Only for Dai to jump towards his owner again.

"No! Dai! No!" Isamu scolded, pain laced in his voice. Kenji watched as Dai slowly retook his position as a police dog and began sniffing. Only a few seconds of sniffing and Dai dropped to the floor, his front paws over his face as he whined for the next half an hour.

Kenji could only watch Isamu comfort his small fry, as the past holders comforted him.

But no amount of comfort could reassure him.

He had left 18 year old Isamu to tell the unfortunate news to Kenji's loved ones.

And left Dai the same way many before him had. Abandoned.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Izuku kept his eyes shut as he listened to Kenji whisper to the dog (yes they got the dog), "You're not Dai. But I promise you won't ever be abandoned."

"Yo, Kenji... You don't think this could be what gives you the same abilities as Emi, do you?"

"Isamu, you're still going on about that?"

"No, no, I believe he has a point."

"So, do you?"

"...I don't know. How am I supposed to know? I longed to apologise to my mother just as much as I wanted this... but unlike Isamu's sister, mom's not around anymore..."

Izuku couldn't recall any further as he fell into a blissful sleep.

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