Reborn as a Dragon. Living as...

By user85216283

3.5K 180 51

publied also on RR TOME 3 but can be read independently of the other volumes. Only the chronology of events... More

The accident
The great departure.
Medical emergencies
In the hell hole
In the alter world.
Came to Annihilate
Dark space
The "Ceremony"
The End
A harsh awakening
An old friend
Notes (The story is restarting, need to put all pieces in place)


47 5 1
By user85216283

In the other world, Ivan the dragon lord had an idea to stop these wars that made him sick.

He summoned the highest ranks and the council of dragons that the former emperor represented.

His 2 wives and their 4 children were also present.

All of them feared the wrath of their goddess and ancestor of their family.

It was also and above all their great great great... grandmother.

"I'm going to empty and release my reserve infernal troops. I'm keeping the helldrakes and those who want to pair up to live here. I want no more unfortunates in this world or anywhere else.

Send everything to, equipment, bombs, weapons...everything. They must think we're supporting the war effort!"

Thus, the land got rid of its stockpile of ammunition, demons and other killing machines.

When the two quarrymen went off into another dimension, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have a blast!"

It was at this point that the dracosires understood Ivan's strategy. With infernal beings, to get rid of them, it is not with a "firecracker" but "a stick of TNT."

Then a few hours later, when the meeting finally ended with clowns hired to entertain the little ones, cutting off all seriousness...a breathless dragon crashed near Sinistrar...

His face was a mixture of terror, relief, sadness and joy.

"Ivan....Your mom...Tania and the others....they were defeated...."

Ivan was not disturbed and continued to play with his 4 baby dragons and his little lizard brother, He looked more like a raptor than anything else but he was very reckless and loved to climb on his big brother and jump from neck to neck. He loved to jump on one of the heads that would only take a bite. But he used to irritate the dracosires. Straddling the neck, with his hands, he made the lips and eyes of one of the hydra's heads move, imitating its voice and giving stupid orders. Ivan loved to lend him a head to make incredible faces.

His mother, Hissa, had to grow old suddenly but she knew that the hydra loved and protected her little family.

The dracosires were tetanized, expecting anger or tearing.

But Ivan, far from being an idiot, knew that saving his mother meant perhaps giving her back her body or part of it.

But he was tired of it all and was only waiting for the demons to leave.

He had become one in spite of himself because of the war but he had kept his human soul.

He stood up and said: "Let's have a global mourning and let's start the hood again to look for survivors."

But Ivan was the only one, apart from the ship, able to pierce the space-time.

He looked at his children and his wife and concubine.

Then he thought, "If I don't do something... his anger..."

It was heartbreaking, but Ivan resumed his form as a monstrous hydra and, like a black hole, the night fell before him, and he began to tear apart the reality before him. A crack appeared, with spheres lined up, the walls of the crack held not the mouths as his mother had taught him.

The Hood rushed into the crack and, just as he was about to cross it, black heads appeared,

Black heads appeared. A giant black tiamat, but with six heads.

He was surprised and each head was bigger than him.

He was taken by terror and let go!

The crack closed with the monstrous heads scratching, growling and trying to reopen the crack.

Ivan, 50 meters tall, fell backwards, pulverizing rocks and roads in his wake.

The dragons held their heads between their legs, especially Hirrax and Argentrix.

The little ones hid behind.

"Is the bad dragon going to eat daddy?" asked the little red dragoness.

But Ivan, holding the reality as a curtain, closed and squeezed the crack with all his strength.

The claws and teeth withdrew, followed by a huge roar.

The crack closed again.

Ivan, a hydra, the size of Tiamat was lying on his side, panting.

"I don't know what you brought here, mother, but you belonged in hell after all..."

Ivan rushed to his children as if to protect them.

Tristant was on a rampage.

"Come on big brother! Kill the evil Hydra..."

But Ivan was afraid. He was terrified.

The black hydra, finally dark gray like a scary gargoyle had spread terror.

Ivan "I don't want to participate in this war!!! I am not Tiamat!!! I am not Tiamat!!!"

Higgins who had witnessed the scene pulled out a name by himself...

"She is not a tiamat... she is a guardian.....This is the dragon of the end of time but also of the beginning... ENKA!".

The dragons gathered... and the conclusion came out of Sinistrar's mouth.

"We are isolated... This monster if he wanted to could break through here... We must ban and discard the portal technology. It almost destroyed us and now we all have proof of it."

And he looked at Ivan, having recovered a human size, sobbing between his 2 dragons.

He was crying for his mother Tiamat...

On his knees he stretched a paw towards the disappeared crack... "MOM!!!"

Hirrax was also crying for his adoptive mom.....

The little ones called the big ones to order.

On the other side was a black hole and a disc spinning horribly fast.

At the bottom of the hole watched an entity, a super hydra...

She saw the ship pass by her, but left it alone... But she smiled.

"Have a nice trip!"

There were no dragons but scientists. Their reason was hanging by a thread.

The captain cried out, "We have no control. Ivan had to guide us....

2 huge spheres surrounded by stellar dust appeared.

Behind them, the sphere they were leaving, was their world.

Captain Nimbus was familiar with the Hood and had survived the dimensional jump to the world of Arrakis, but this time it was not to the Ordos, Harkonnens and Atreides, but to the destroyed world.

They had the coordinates given by Hissa. But a drama was unfolding...

Why hadn't the monster destroyed the Hood?

This ship was state of the art... all redesigned with technology 10,000 years ahead of its time... Ordos reactor, Atreides shield, and Harkonian cannons... It looked like a battleship but it was really one.

The crew was made up of humans, but 5 individuals had disobeyed...

Altrax, the golden dragoness and her 4 guards, copper dragons and her best friends had pretended to be humans.

"If I manage to save our goddess (opposite alignment but out of love for Ivan... She dreamed of becoming his concubine or being part of the family, Tiamat blood..."

The problem.... is that in her bag, her "kit bag", a kind of military backpack.... a stowaway had taken place.... a little blue being, thirsty for adventures and dreaming of becoming a dragon too...

Meanwhile, at home (Ivan's world)...everyone was looking for the little rascal

Hissa, the mother lizard man was screaming. "Tristan! Where are you hiding?

Brutus, the father searched the room and came across a paper with drawings and bits of sentences.

"Tristan... save Grandma... Become strong dragon daddy, big brother proud me!"

Hissa screamed, "IVAANNN TRISTAANN!!! QUICK! the HOOOD"

But it was too late.

The mother lizard was hitting the dragon lord.... My little one! I beg you, do something!

The dragons started to cry but IVAN went to the bar of the military cafeteria with Higgins, followed by Brutus....Brutus was an elite soldier lizard man and if Hissa looked like a velociraptor, Brutus looked like a small allosaurus.. In other words, a monstrous human...

He followed Ivan who said nothing.

Higgins followed them discreetly...

Ivan was in military uniform...

He slammed his fist on the bar, which sank, the pewter plate imprinted with his fist.


And he began to get drunk...

He took bottle after bottle and didn't take another drink.

The alcohol flowed and overflowed from his mouth.

Brutus, imitated him a little... not understanding.

Hirrax and Argentrix were behind.

"IVAN... Stop it you'll hurt yourself...."

Then he turned around.... "And you the cameo don't have your spice nor your powers to go there without meeting this monster!!!"

Auronne, argentrix's mom stuck a right to the drunken dragon lord. Argentrix ran away, the insult stinging...mean and cruel....

Hirrax looked at Ivan "Poor bastard!" And she took the poor unhappy dragoness away from a painful past.... while Ivan slid down the laughing bar. To your health Vladimir.... I wonder where you are now.

Then he stood up, tearing off his uniform, and revealing his bare chest...his long black hair and a huge tattoo of a hydra on his back...

Brutus, helped him to get up...

He pushed him a little with his arm...

"Let it go... HAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Emerald, argentrix's grandmother and Goldur, her husband, had also come in after the ruckus and the terrifying news.

Higgins received a phone call.

"Yes..... The guards were found knocked out"?

Ivan turned around. "EHHHH WHAT???? Uncle???"

Higgins: "I think 5 dragons are on board... They will protect the little one....."

Ivan fell drunk on his knees... "HAHAHAHAHA..... and who is that?


Ivan: "HAHA....HAHAHA......Nooooonnnn...... not Altrax....."

then he went out, ripped off what was left of his clothes and shouted: NOOOOONNNNNN not Tristannnn! my little Tristan.... my little brother....

Please... noooo.....! And you... Altrax... why did you do that??????"

Then he started to roar and he started to grow,,,,grow, and grow.... Drunk... but drunk with rage...

No one, no human could have seen such an outburst of rage and anger.

No one, no human, could have seen such an outburst of rage and anger.

Then Ivan stood up on his hind legs. His size rivaled the Eifell Tower.... He was monstrously tall.

At the limit of his size and that his powerful bones and muscles were capable.

And he struck reality and made a hole ....

Three of his heads held the hole open...

But a loud grunt was heard.


He passed halfway through his body as the other hydra appeared.


The hydra smiled but was no less threatening...

But Ivan, prepared, was almost his size but still small in front... Three times smaller.....


Then he toppled into the hole, drunkenly dead, at the feet of the hydra, unconscious....

The hole closed behind Ivan who disappeared....

That day, everyone cried for their savior....

On board the Hood, Nimbus was on the bridge, at the controls and had spotted a flow and between the spheres representing the worlds and dimensions, he could see red lines. Yes... this is it... the dimension of the destroyed world. Wires connected him to their world...

But while advancing in time, they saw the events in accelerated to finish to see the terrible battle with Tiamat the infernal one, and her daughter Tania, in Hakumen..a gigantic fox with 9 tails... then the reversal of situation and their defeat. The spherical ship of Tiamat half destroyed fleeing at random, Tiamat seriously wounded and a ship towing the inert body of the giant fox, which had to make in the 50 meters. It was a destroyer of unknown origin but the guns were similar to the Hood. As it came aboard, the golden monster turned and a golden beam shot out of its mouth and pierced the destroyer, but it managed to flee.

But the hood was in its path and it was hooked.

The destroyer did not respond to radio calls. One could hear grunts and curses in an unknown language.

It was plastered with the blood of the fox.

The hood with its 50 crew members was 100 times smaller....

They turned to another sphere... but no... it was Bishop's world... in their future. Everything was out of whack. The Hood was hanging on to the destroyer's shield...

It was like a madman, disoriented. But only the Hood retained the coordinates of space, dimension and time...

Were they going to drift into infinite space? the void, or find a world?

Then they arrived in the orbit of the earth... but not theirs... Bishop's, much later...

There was no damage to the Hood due to its incredible armor and they disengaged from the destroyer.

Nimbus: "AI, Status???"

AI: "I'm being scanned. Ahh.... "then nothing...

A fat voice was heard....

Then, on Nimbus' shoulder... a blue paw with a lizard man child crying...

"I want to go home... I'm scared... MOMAN!!!"

The captain was sweating and had just realized the horror.... the little brother of the dragon lord and Hydra.. a quasi Tiamat.. Besides, he had all the powers.... was on board... a stowaway..

Nimbus: "Tristan??? but you are crazy???? what got into you to come here???"

Tristan: "Mamaaan! Ivaannnn!!!! help!!!!"

the boy was panicked. but the captain took him by his clawed hands before: "How did you get here???"

"I got into Auntie Altrax's bag...she is here with the bronze friends..."

He took the little one... " made a terrible terrible mistake....but you will have to be very brave and very strong like your big brother, your daddy and your mommy... "

Tristan: "Are we going to parachute? and go home?"

Altrax entered his human form and, seeing the disaster... began to cry and the little one jumped into his arms...

"I want Mommy!"

Then the lights came back on, but the menus on the ship had changed.

Everything had been reconfigured...

The fat voice was heard.

"My dear children... visitors from another world... I recognize this good old ship....but I need arms and legs....of a crew... "

Then the AI was interrupted by Tristan

"TONTON VLADIMIR!!!!!they are mean! They said you don't exist but it's not true, I know you exist! Save me! I want my mommy...!"

No one had been able to shut the lizard man child up... this could be disastrous.

Then the speaker began to laugh.

"TONTON!!!!! HAHAHA!!! yes... it's me uncle!.... Tristan... I used to like playing soldiers with you. But this time... we'll play again...hahaha... How would you like to be my general????"

Tristant went wild! Yes TONTON!!!!! anything you want....!

Then the holographic figure of Baron Vladimir appeared in the Hood, like an enhanced holographic projection.

He shook the hand of the little lizard who was amazed. Then, still laughing.

"Welcome to the Harkonnen house! I invite you all aboard!"

A huge hatch opened and a tractor beam drew the entire Hood inside the destroyer...

It was dark and only low voltage lighting in red made the walls of the ship visible.

The lights indicated a path. And suddenly, the Baron appeared in suspension.

"Since we're going to have to get along... Tristan... I have a surprise for you.. Your aunt... she's hurt.... we have to take care of her..."

Tristan "Auntie Tania is here ???? Is it true???"

He jumped out of Altrax's arms.... and fled in the dark into the lighted corridor and guided by "uncle".... all excited.

But the others knew Vladimir and Tania..... an explosive mixture...and their lives weighed little. It was the worst meeting they could have made... They much preferred the company of Tiamat. But they preferred these warlocks to the infernal demons...

The ship in orbit scanned the satellites but could only see debris, tons of debris in orbit. No AI was responding...

He tried the Hood's codes but to no one was responding. So he tried older technologies. Radio waves...and he picked up a distress signal...a beep with unreadable coordinates...

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