
By tufano79

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Jacob abandoned Bella, leaving her and their son destitute. Years later, the book she wrote about their strug... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Eleven

518 22 3
By tufano79

I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Talk about a cliffie from the last chapter ... That question, among others, will be explained very, very soon.

Chapter Eleven


"Would it be too much to ask to see where you work?" Edward asked as he signed the credit slip, stuffing some cash in as a tip.

"We'll be working there for the screenplay. My apartment is small and ... I figured you'd want to work somewhere that has more space," I trailed off, my cheeks flaming. My second-hand, dumpster-diving furniture was shabby. I didn't want Edward to see how I lived. I hid my face behind my hands. I needed to block the redness of my cheeks.

"Bella, why are you hiding from me?" he asked, pulling my hands away from my face.

"I don't know," I sighed. I looked around the restaurant and was grateful that we were in a secluded corner. "I live in a tiny apartment and ... I don't ... Damn it. I'm a mess."

"You're not a mess, gorgeous," Edward said soothingly.

"You probably live in this ginormous mansion, with all the amenities. When I moved into my apartment, I was grateful to have a bathroom inside the apartment and not having to use a communal shower," I grumbled.

"I don't live in a ginormous mansion. My home comfortable and yes, I'm a snob. I have my amenities ... like living directly on the beach ... but I live pretty simply for someone who has my bank account," he said. "I would like to see where you work. I would love to see where you live."

"Even if it's a shoebox?" I whispered. He just grinned crookedly, leaning forward, and placing a soft kiss to my mouth. I melted into him. With his tenderness and patience, I'd forgotten about my past, about the long-ass journey that brought me to this moment.

"Have I convinced you, yet?" Edward asked as his lips slid to my neck.

"Today, we'll go to the office and tomorrow, we'll do some work on the script at my apartment," I whispered.

"Tonight, we'll enjoy some more making out," he laughed, standing up and taking my hand. Our fingers twined together, walking to the parking garage.

Edward Cullen was a force of nature. That was for sure.

He pushed me beyond my comfort level. He made me feel like I was worthy of his affection and worthy of happiness. With him, I felt beautiful.

I also wanted him to know the truth ...

Unfortunately, when was it a good time to share my sordid, awful past?

To share that I was a murderer?

Much to my surprise, Edward did not judge me or my tiny shoebox apartment. His large presence filled the space. I was afraid that he'd turn up his nose at my furnishings, but he got comfortable and commented about how he loved the comfort of my home. It was me.

We also managed to get a good chunk of the screenplay written, between heated make out sessions and conversations while we got to know each other more. He even spent the night. We didn't do anything. We just fell asleep watching a movie on my television. He held me to his body like I was the most cherished thing in his world. I reveled in being cradled so gently, but I knew that this bubble would eventually burst.

It did. Edward had to rush back to the hotel and pack in a flurry of clothes and craziness to catch his flight. Our goodbye was hasty, but I wouldn't have traded our time together for anything else in the world.

Within a couple of weeks of Edward's departure, I sent the first draft of the screenplay to Edward after I had Jasper take a look, checking for any major, blaring grammatical errors. Edward was thoroughly impressed with my work and attention to detail. There were a few things we needed to change, but with my work on the script, plans could move forward, and we could begin hiring the creative staff for the film. With that, Edward began prattling information about flights and me coming down to Los Angeles to help with that aspect of the film.

I put a stop to that because I had to make arrangements for Seth. I couldn't exactly just up and leave. As much as I wanted to ... I had to talk to Emmett and Rosalie. Without batting an eye, they'd agreed to watch over Seth, but I didn't want to overstep my bounds. I also had to see if Jasper could come with me.

Not as a chaperone, but as my agent. I still don't know the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. I didn't want to be perceived as ignorant or ridiculed for my lack of knowledge.

I refused to add to the growing negative column in Alice's eyes.

I knew I wasn't good enough for her brother. I shouldn't have accepted his sweet question of being my boyfriend. I should have just walked away, but I wanted something for me. Edward made me feel beautiful and not like I was 'used goods' as Jacob and Billy called me.

Once I got Seth squared away with Emmett and Rose, and Jasper's commitment to fly down with me, I called Edward back. He said that he'd handle the flights and accommodations. I argued with him, but he insisted. When I woke up the next morning, I had an email from Edward with flight information and a confirmation for the hotel.

However, the hotel only had one room reserved.

I wasn't going to share a room or a bed with Jasper. Especially, if he would be spending time with Edward's sister ... talk about awkward.

I dialed Edward, tapping my fingers anxiously on my desk. What was he thinking?

"Cullen," he answered.

"I got your email, Cullen," I snorted. "One hotel room. I'm not staying with Jasper."

"I don't expect you to, gorgeous," Edward laughed. "I was hoping, that is if it's okay with you ... perhaps, you could stay with me?" I blinked and clearly waited too long to respond. "Don't worry about it, Bella. I'll book you a room at the hotel. I'll work my magic."

"No, I would love to stay with you," I rambled out, interrupting him.

"I'll set up a guest room for you," he breathed. "I have a lovely view of the Pacific Coast and the guest room looks over the beach. The sunsets are exquisite. This trip will take longer because of the types of plans we need to make. Staying in a hotel, for any amount of time, is not comfortable. So, I ..."

"I appreciate it, Edward," I breathed. "I agree with that assessment about hotels. You never know who or what's been in there. At home, I know that my sheets are clean because I was the one who bleached them."

"Exactly," he laughed. "I can't wait to see you, gorgeous. The phone conversations and occasional Zoom call are awesome, but it's not the same as holding you."

"Sweet talker," I giggled.

"I'm trying to woo you, Bella," he emphasized. "Are you wooed?"

"Yes, Edward," I deadpanned.

"I don't believe you," he snickered. "I may have to step up my game. What's your favorite color?"

"Edward, I'm flying down the day after tomorrow," I laughed. "Do not think of sending me a bouquet of flowers! They'll die."

"I know that," Edward sang. "I can't wait to have you back in my arms, Bella."

"Me, neither," I whispered, blushing furiously. "Anyway, I have to start packing for my trip."

"I also have plans. I'm going to run on the beach and then begin making a preliminary schedule for the movie. Then, I'm going out to eat with my dad. Mom's out of town and he can't cook to save his life," Edward chuckled.

"Can you?" I quipped.

"I can order really, really well," Edward laughed. "There are a few things that I can make, but I'm pretty much hopeless in the kitchen. That's why I'm taking my dad out for dinner."

"Have fun and I'll see you in a couple of days," I murmured.

"I will," he said. "Goodbye, gorgeous."

I ended the call and got up to pull out my borrowed suitcase. I had an hour before I had to drive to Seth's school to watch him play at the conference championships for his school district. When I pulled out the baggage and made a list of things I needed for the trip, I went down the car and drove to Seth's middle school. I parked and walked inside of the school. I recognized Seth's friends in the stand. They waved at me as I sat down. I looked over and saw my son in his basketball uniform. He was one of the taller boys, listening to his coach talk.

"Hello, Bella," said Kate, the mother of the center of the team and one of Seth's best friends, Nick. "I wasn't sure if you were going to make it."

"There was traffic," I explained. "Has the game started?"

"It's about to begin," Kate grinned. She sipped her coffee and a smile toyed on her face.

The boys took the court and Nick was at center court. My son was to his right, bouncing his toes. The referee blew the whistle, and the game began with the tip off being sent directly to Seth. He easily dribbled the ball down the court, passing it to another boy, who took a shot. The ball swished through the net, putting Seth's team up by two. The first quarter flew by quickly and Seth's team was up by ten.

"Things are looking really good," I said. "They were a strong team, but they're on fire today!"

"Agreed," Kate nodded in agreement. She crossed her legs and fidgeted. "Okay, I need to know."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

She pulled out her phone and found a picture of Edward and me from the day we explored San Francisco. Edward was holding me close, his eyes on me and his hand around my waist, along with cupping my cheek. "This! Are you dating the heartthrob from the Moonlight Saga? God, I'd die!"

My face flamed. "He's more than just a heartthrob. He's a human, Kate," I chided gently.

"I know that, but to see the man who I had plastered on my walls as a teenager caressing your cheek? I was shocked!" she giggled. "So, are you dating him?"

"We are dating and it's very new. As you know, I'm an author and one of my novels was optioned to become a movie," I explained. "Edward is the director the movie studio approached to lead the helm. He's been very sweet, and we had that spark. I really like him and to be honest, I never expected to ... I don't know. He's very private about his life. Protective, really. In that way, he's protective of our relationship."

"Okay," Kate nodded. "I can respect that. His last relationship blew up in his face. God, that woman was a shrew."

If you only knew the truth, I thought wryly.

"I just have one question and then I'll let it alone," Kate whispered, leaning close to me. "Is he a good kisser?" I grinned coyly, arching a brow. "I knew it! I've heard nightmares about actors not being able to kiss ... but I'm totally jealous."

Our conversation came to abrupt stop because the second quarter started. By halftime, the other team had closed the lead. They were tied. The cheerleaders and dance team perform during the halftime break. Once the game resumed, my son flew across the court and he managed to help get the lead back. When all was said and done, Seth led the team to the conference championship. The coach announced my son as the team MVP, and he was hoisted onto the shoulders of classmates. Pictures were taken by the administration with the trophy. When they were done, my son hugged me.

"Ooooh, child, you are ripe," I said, rubbing his back.

"Sorry," he grinned. "But, did you see that game? Mom, we won!"

"I did, Seth," I replied. "Now, grab your stuff and we'll go out for dinner."

"The entire team is planning on going to Dave and Busters. Can we go?" Seth asked. "Coach is going to get us some game passes to celebrate!"

"Go on, kiddo," I smiled, kissing his sweaty cheek. He beamed goofily and ran to the locker room. He came out ten minutes later. His skin was damp, and his hair was wet. He also smelled much better. His bag was slung across his shoulders, with a duffle in his hands. While we walked out, Seth told me that he used the showers in the locker room. We drove to Dave and Busters and were immediately directed to a party room. About half the team was there, along with their parents. There was a buffet of appetizers along with pitchers of soda. The coach was there, standing next to his pretty wife. She was handing out the tokens for the arcade.

I sat down with Kate along with her husband, Garrett, who had joined us from work. A few other parents joined us, and we enjoyed an unhealthy dinner of potato wedges, wings, and loaded nachos. While we ate and talked, I texted Edward, telling him about Seth's conference championship win. Despite his plans with his father, he responded excitedly, happy for my son, whom he hadn't even met.

Perhaps, I should introduce Seth to Edward. Obviously not this trip, but at some point. Some point soon, to be honest.

There were good people in the world. I'd been shown the ugliness of humanity with Jacob, Billy and all those animals who'd hurt me while I was trying to rebuild the semblance of my life. But, Emmett, Rose, Jasper and my adopted nieces and nephew proved to me that there was goodness even when I was shattered beyond repair.

By nine, the party broke up and I drove us back home. Seth dragged his body upstairs and he mumbled goodnight before falling onto his bed. I chided him, telling him he needed to take off his shoes, but my son waved me off, proclaiming that he was just too tired. I tugged off his shoes, pulling a blanket over his body. He was already snoring, down for the count.

The next morning, Seth was dragging, but still over-the-moon excited to celebrate his team's win at school. I gave him a hug and a kiss before he left for the bus stop. I watched him clamber onto it. Then, I began packing for my trip to Los Angeles. As I was finishing up packing, there was a knock on my door. I walked down the hall, opening the door. "Hey, Jas," I smiled.

"Hey, sweet girl," Jasper replied. "I come bearing gifts." He stepped aside and gestured to a new set of luggage. "I figured you'd want your own since you're going to be traveling back and forth to LA."

"Oh, wow," I smiled. "I'm already packed with Rose's luggage."

"I'll help you repack," Jasper said, breezing past me and walking to my bedroom. "I also need to talk to you."

"Everything okay?" I asked as he lifted the bag onto my bed. I began passing him my folded clothes, save for my underwear, which I packed myself. Rose was insistent that I update my lingerie since I was dating one of the world's sexiest men. I picked out some pretty, but lacy underthings along with some pajamas that consisted of more than just oversized t-shirts and ratty sweats.

"I can't come with you," Jasper said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Well, a few things. One, I have some new clients and we need to meet up. This is the only time they can meet," Jasper explained. "Secondly, Alice and I ... she won't let the thing about you go. I may enjoy fucking her, but you're my family. I cannot be with someone who is bad-mouthing my family. Until she pulls her head out of her ass, we're through."

"Oh, um, wow," I breathed. "I'm excited about the new clients for you. Any interesting novels?"

"A couple of young adult authors, based mainly in fantasy and romance," Jasper replied. "The other is a historic romance with a touch of science fiction. Think of Outlander with a futuristic twist ... I don't see it, but I'm not a writer. I can edit like no one's business, but write? Nope."

"That's the cool thing about writing. You can do anything," I shrugged. "Also, I'm sorry about Alice. I know you liked her. You can still be with her."

"No, I can't. Not when she's trying to wheedle information about you from me," Jasper said, shaking his head. "I love you, Bells. You're my sister, my best friend. Alice was a fuck. That's it."

"If she was just a fuck, you wouldn't be so upset about it," I countered.

"I'm not upset," Jasper spat.

"Uh huh, and I'm a natural blonde," I deadpanned.

"Okay, she wasn't a fuck. I just ... I cannot be with someone who is so prejudicial," Jasper shrugged. "Perhaps, some separation will be good for us. She'll realize that she's in the wrong."

"I doubt it. She's an attorney," I sighed.

"Well, I'm still sorry about not being able to go. I know you're stressing out about being lost," Jasper murmured. "I don't think that Edward will let that happen. I'm also a phone call away, as is Jenks. If you need someone, I did talk to him. He's willing to fly down to act as your attorney, representing your best interests." He reached into his pocket and plucked out his phone. My phone vibrated on the nightstand. "That's Jenks' phone number. Call him any time."

"Thanks, Jas," I said gratefully. "Now, I know that Seth is staying with your sister, but can you check in on him occasionally."

"Will do, Bella," Jasper nodded, hugging me. "Now, let's get you settled with this packing."

xx Blockbuster xx

The next day, after I said goodbye to Seth, Jasper drove me to the airport. I went through security and settled at the gate. I did some work on a new series I was developing. I was researching and creating preliminary outlines for the books. I had the outline for the first story figured out when my flight was called. I got onto the plane, shocked that Edward had booked me another first-class ticket.

Okay, I wasn't shocked. Edward was incredibly generous. He didn't even bat an eye when I called him to cancel Jasper's room, even though it was going to cost him a penalty. Jasper was willing to pay for the cost of the hotel, but Edward waved it off.

The flight was quick, and I landed at LAX. I walked to baggage claim and was completely shocked that Edward was waiting for me. I grinned, walking to him, and falling into his arms. "I can't believe you're here."

"I had to see my girl," he murmured. He ducked his head, brushing his lips over mine. "Hi, baby." He threaded his fingers with mine, walking to the baggage claim. He picked up my suitcase and we walked out of the airport to short-term parking. "Tonight, I had some food delivered for lunch and dinner. I didn't want to poison you with my cooking."

"I don't mind cooking," I smiled.

"You're a guest, gorgeous," he chided. "You are not going to cook ..."

"What if I want to?" I asked.

"Okay, you can ... but not tonight," he smiled. "Let me spoil you, Bella." He clicked his keys and his large black SUV beeped. He put my luggage in the back of his car. "Tonight, it's just for us. Enjoying some time on the beach and spending time together. Tomorrow, we've got to go to work."

"I'm eager to get started on that," I breathed as I got into the passenger seat.

"Me, too, gorgeous," he replied, kissing me gently. He closed the door to his car and practically skipped to the driver's side. Turning over the car, he easily backed out and navigated his way out of the parking garage. While he drove to his home in Malibu, he told me about the meetings we'd be attending tomorrow. As he spoke, I grew more anxious. "Hey, what's up?"

"These people you're talking about ... do you trust them?" I asked.

"The only person I don't trust is the studio executive," Edward answered honestly. "But, that's because I don't know him. We'll see if he's trustworthy."

"Have you met him?" I questioned.

"Briefly and only in passing," Edward shrugged, turning into a gated community. "He's young. About my age, maybe a year or two younger. I don't know. No talk of work tonight. Tonight, you get the grand tour of my humble abode, dinner on the beach and watching the sun set."

We drove through the neighborhood. A lot of the homes were huge, but there were some smaller houses mixed in. Edward turned into a hidden driveway and we pulled up to a medium-sized, modern home. It was three floors, with the ground floor being an outdoor living area. He parked his SUV and smiled at me nervously. "I know that you were concerned about staying with me. If you are still worried, I can put you up in a hotel, or I could stay there and let you use my house."

"I don't want to push you out of your home, Edward," I frowned. "I'll be fine. It's beautiful, to be honest."

"Thank you. It's my oasis away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles," he grinned. "Come on. Let me give you the tour."

We got out of the car, starting the tour in the outdoor living area. It had an outdoor entertainment system, a firepit, a hot tub, and comfy-looking furniture. Edward pointed out a small guest home which held a kitchenette, bathroom, and bedroom. The décor was neutral and airy, but with a touch of the tropics with the hibiscus flowers blooming all around. "It smells beautiful with the flowers," I murmured.

"My mom suggested it. I rarely have anyone to stay in the guest house. Occasionally, Alice would spend time here. Also, Alec, my assistant has used the guest home if he wasn't traveling with me for work," Edward explained. "He'd house-sit for me. I trust Alec, but I don't want him searching through my boxers."

"Understandable," I giggled.

"The main house is this way," Edward said, weaving our fingers together and walking up some stairs. "The guest house does not have direct access to the main living area."

"That's smart," I murmured. "But, do you have to walk up these stairs each time you go inside?"

"If I parked in the garage, no. This is the rear of the house. The front has the garage and the main entrance," Edward explained, unlocking the door, and ushering me inside. "This is the main floor. It's open concept. The only doors on this floor are this entrance, the front door and one of the bathrooms. Here's the kitchen ..."

"Holy crap. Your kitchen is as big as my entire apartment," I gasped.

"It may be big, but your apartment has something that my house doesn't," Edward murmured, tucking an errant curl behind my ear. I gave him a wry look. He just snickered kissing me. "Your apartment is warm and filled with love."

"My apartment can be too warm since we only have a window unit as an air conditioner, and it's filled with second-hand furniture," I deadpanned. "Your house is gorgeous!"

"My house is a place for me to stay when I'm not working. It was decorated by the best interior designer. I love this place, but I didn't care what went on the walls or what furniture was put inside," he shrugged. "However, with you in here, this place feels less like a house and more like a home."

I blushed, frowning deeply. What did that mean?

"Come on, gorgeous. Let me show you the pool deck. Did you bring a bathing suit?" he asked.

"Um, no," I spluttered. "I ... I ... no."

"No big deal. I'm certain we can find something if you want to go into the pool. Or clothing could be optional," he quipped, waggling his brows.

"Edward," I chided, giving him a glower.

"I'm kidding, Bella," he said, giving me a contrite smile.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, closing my eyes. Edward pulled me into his arms, and I stiffly allowed it. In my head, I catalogued all the scars that were littered on my body. My C-section scar, various wounds from Jacob and his temper, and so many others. I was ugly ... my body was ugly.

"Do not apologize, Bella," he whispered back. "Sometimes, I get ahead of myself. I'll say this again. You're in charge."

I nodded, sliding my arms around his waist. I hated my insecurities. I put up a strong façade, but on the inside, I was a mess. "I have scars," I said against his chest. "Ugly scars ..."

"Even with the scars, you're gorgeous," Edward whispered. "It's not what's on the outside that drew me in. Your inherent goodness and kindness is so beautiful."

I sighed. "Thank you, but where's the bathroom?"

He led me back inside and pointed out one of the doors on the main floor. I gave him a shaky smile before ducking inside. Once the door clicked shut, I slid down to the floor and let the tears flow. I hated this. I hated my fears and my past. I wanted to be happy. For the most part, I was, but I knew I had a lot of issues.

It took me a few moments to gather myself. I patted my cheeks to try to remove evidence that I'd cried. With a slow breath, I exited the bathroom.

Edward was in the kitchen, puttering anxiously. "Do you want some tea? Lemonade?" He gave me a crooked smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I don't want to do that. I ..."

"It's okay, Edward. I'm the one with issues. Not you," I said, sitting at the island in the kitchen. "I don't know if I'm worth it."

"You are worth it," he breathed. "I brought your bag upstairs to the bedroom. I'm giving you my room. It has a bigger bed and a better view. I'll take the guest room."

"Edward ..." I sighed. "I don't want to displace you."

"You're not," he urged. "Come on." He slid from behind the island and held out his hand. I took it, walking up the stairs in the center of the room. The upstairs was still pretty open concept, like the main floor. "This is the guest room, where I'll be staying. Bathroom and my office."

I walked into the office and smiled at the organized chaos. There was a white board with some names jotted on it. On the desk, papers were strewn all around and a worn copy of my book was next to his computer screen. There were a ton of little sticky notes in the book. "Wow, I don't think my copy looks this haggard."

Edward chuckled, picking up the book and thumbing through the pages. "After you sent the screenplay, I marked the scenes you added. I also started jotting down information about locations." He blushed, holding out the book. "Can you sign it?"

"What?" I laughed.

"I'm having a fan moment," he snickered. He handed me a pen and the book.

I rolled my eyes, cracking the battered book. I pressed the pen to the front title page. I blew out a breath before writing out the inscription.

To the man who made me realize that the journey is worth it ... All my love, Bella Swan.

Handing him back the book, he immediately opened it. His eyes danced as he read my autograph. He put the book back on the desk, sliding his arms around my waist and kissing me tenderly. "Thank you, gorgeous," he breathed, leaning his forehead against mine. With another sweet kiss, he guided me to the master bedroom. "This is my room, but it's yours for the entire time you're here."

The bedroom was truly an oasis. The floors were a warm honey, slightly bleached. There was a large four-poster bed with gauzy white fabric draped over the bed. To the left, there was a fireplace. On the right was an oval bathtub and floating vanity. "That's interesting," I said, gesturing to the bathtub.

"It is, but it's relaxing to soak while the sun is setting. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but I do," he chuckled. "There is a private bathroom with a shower through that door."

"You take baths?" I teased.

"I carry my stress in my back and soaking in Epsom salts helps," he quipped. Gently, he guided me out to the balcony outside of the master bedroom.

"What a view," I breathed, looking over the lush greenery on the pool patio and onto the beach. The sun's rays glittered on the Pacific Ocean. "This is truly magical."

He slid behind me, his arms caging me against the railing of the balcony. "This is a privately owned beach. Only residents with direct beach access are allowed here," he explained. "It was what sold me on this place. My last home did not have as much privacy." He moved my hair over my neck, and he kissed just behind my ear. I sighed, allowing myself to enjoy his tender kisses, his strong embrace. "I'm so happy you're here, Bella. I'm very sorry for putting my foot in my mouth."

"Stop apologizing," I whispered, turning in his arms. "Sometimes, I ... it hits me out of nowhere. I shouldn't be so sensitive." I ran my fingers over his jaws. "I also promise to tell you why I'm such a mess. Not tonight, but while I'm down here."

"Okay," he said, pulling me close and holding me tight. "I'm going to get dinner ready."

"I thought you couldn't cook," I teased.

"I can't cook, but I can reheat. I picked up the food yesterday, but obviously, it needs to be cooked. You can unpack, call Seth and get settled without me hovering," he explained. "And, Bella?"

"Hmmm?" I replied.

"I am really happy you're here, in my home," Edward breathed, giving me the sweetest smile.

"Me, too," I grinned.

xx Blockbuster xx


Having Bella in my home was a dream come true. Her presence just warmed everything up. She looked like she belonged there with me. If I had my way, she'd move in with me with her son.

Too soon, idiot.

After I gave her some time unpack and I reheated the meal I'd ordered from one of my favorite restaurants. We ate the meal outside on the pool deck. When we finished, I grabbed a towel and cuddled up on the beach, watching the sun dip below the horizon. She snuggled closer to me and everything felt perfect. We talked on the beach until Bella couldn't stop yawning. I escorted her back into my home and it killed me to leave her at the door of my bedroom. I wanted to curl up with her, feeling her warm body against me.

But, she was in charge.

The next morning, we both got ready, and Bella made breakfast, much to my surprise. She made some of the best omelets I'd ever had with freshly cut fruit along with crispy bacon and biscuits. She said that she wanted to thank me for opening my home to her, even if she used the food that I'd bought.

I drove us to the studio after she talked to her son and reminding him to make good choices while she was gone. She was so sweet and loving with her son. I also could tell that she missed him fiercely.

"Mr. Cullen, it's great to see you," said a perky receptionist. "Your assistant, Mr. Lahote and Director of Photography are in the conference room."

"Excellent," I smiled. I slid my arm around Bella's waist, and we walked into the conference room. I saw Alec, my assistant and Elliot Keating, my director of photography. "Alec, you remember Bella Swan?"

"Of course," Alec said, holding out his hand. "It's lovely to see you again."

"You, too, Alec," Bella responded kindly. "Has this one been working you hard?"

"Always," Alec snickered, giving me a grin.

"Whatever, Alec. You've had the past two weeks off for midterms," I teased. Alec shrugged easily, sitting back down, and opening up his computer. "Bella, this is one of my closest friends and director of photography, Elliot Keating."

"I've heard nothing but good things, Ms. Swan," Elliot said, shaking her hand. "Edward cannot stop talking about you. I can see why now. Beauty and brains? You lucked out, Cullen."

Bella blushed, but the color quickly drained from her face when Paul ambled over. She move closer to me, gripping the back of my shirt. "I'm Paul Lahote," he said, his voice deep and resonant, but oily. "It's a pleasure, Isabella." She gave him a tight smile, muttering her quiet hello. "Why don't you sit next to me? We can talk about the next steps for the movie."

"I'm fine sitting next to Edward," she said quietly, sitting down next to Alec, with a seat to her right open. I immediately sat down next to her and saw that she was trembling, almost uncontrollably.

Elliot and I shared a look. We'd worked together a lot and we knew each other very well. Apparently, we both caught the creepy vibe that Paul was giving. Elliot sat down at the head of the table, where his computer was open.

"So, the purpose of today is to finalize the creative team. Bella, are you okay with Elliot?" I asked, opening up my computer.

"I know his work and that you're close. So, yes," she nodded, taking out her laptop. She began typing. Her movements were jerky, but she looked at her notes. "Casting director?"

"I suggest Heidi Romero and Demetri Oglesby," Paul said.

"Heidi?" Bella asked. "Does she know your sister?"

"They went to college together," I answered.

"No to Heidi being involved. If I'm not mistaken, that's who your sister was talking to when we first met. She was bad-mouthing me to a Heidi. I'm not sure if it's the same person," Bella muttered, shaking her head.

"Heidi is the best in the business," Paul urged.

"No, she's not. According to my research, Demetri is. There's also another woman, Gianna Castillo, who also has done some amazing work on indie projects," Bella countered.

"I've heard about Gianna," Elliot grinned. "She likes to push the envelope, but I think she'd be a good fit for the movie we'd like to make. Speaking of which, I read the screenplay. Bella, you did amazing work."

"Edward helped me," Bella answered, giving me a shy smile. "I've written novels, not screenplays. It's something completely out of my comfort zone, to be honest. It was fun, though."

"I disagree about Gianna and with the work on the screenplay," Paul said snidely. "Not enough action. We need more action, whether it be more violence or more sex ..."

"Paul, you represent the studio. I also know that the studio wanted us to remain faithful to the novel. In the book, there are periods of action, but never graphic. I do not think that the movie should be graphic. Bella? What do you think?" I asked, giving Paul a hard look.

"I glossed over the violence against 'Charlotte' for a reason. This story is about her escape from hell and her journey to her happily ever after. Her history was ugly and traumatic. The audience doesn't need to see that. The audience doesn't need to see how the boy who was supposed to love her raped so violently that she bled for weeks. The audience should not watch as she labored for days to have her son with a home birth, but her body was too small, and she ended up having a C-section and hysterectomy. No, they do not need to see that," Bella sneered. "If that is what you want, I'll walk away. I'll return the signing bonus and leave. My readers know the story and if you change anything, they will know."

"Okay. My apologies, Isabella," Paul said insincerely. "We'll do it the way you want. But, don't come crying to me if the movie bombs."

"I doubt I will come crying to you," Bella retorted, looking at Paul angrily.

"Let's get back to the plan for today. Alec, contact Gianna and Demetri to see if they'll work as casting directors," I said. "Also, what's the word for executive producers? They're the ones funding the money ..."

"No, Summit is," Paul interjected. "Summit purchased the rights. They are funding the money for the movie. With that, we should have more say ..."

"Look, Paul," I interrupted, arching a brow. "I know you're new to the company. I don't know if you've been in the industry long, but the studio options the rights, but executive producers help with money we need for the production."

"I have Jane Moretti on board, along with Eric Yorkie," Alec replied. "Your father also expressed interest."

"What do you think, gorgeous?" I asked, reaching under the table, and squeezing her hand. She nodded, gently squeezing my fingers back. However, I could still feel the tremble in her grip. "What's next on the agenda?"

By mid-afternoon, we had a rough timeline for filming. We also brainstormed filming locations, costumes, budget, and casting options. Once we had the characters cast, principal filming would begin once we got the locations approved. Paul actually had a few good ideas, but he was very curt and terse when he shared ideas. He also looked at Bella with disdain, like she was a piece of shit.

However, when the meeting was done, Paul sashayed over to Bella. "Isabella, I wanted to apologize for my behavior from today. Would you like to go out to dinner with me? Bury the hatchet, as it were," he said, totally acting like a used-car salesman.

"I don't know," Bella said, shaking her head.

"I insist," Paul purred, stepping into her personal space.

"We both would love to come," I interrupted, sliding my arm around her trembling form. "Right, gorgeous?"

"Yes, that would be perfect," she breathed.

"I was hoping to spend time with Isabella, alone," Paul growled, plastering on a fake smile. "We grew up in the same neck of the woods. I'd love to reminisce."

"Who said you can't do that while I'm there?" I asked. "Tonight?"

"Of course," Paul replied. "I'll make the arrangements. The Ivy at eight?"

"Perfect," I said. I weaved my fingers with Bella's, guiding her out of the conference room. As I held the door open, I looked back at Paul and noticed that he was sneering at Bella. When he noticed me looking at him, his face became impassive as he waved.

Something was up with that asshole and whatever it could not be good.

A/N: I had every intention to put in a flashback, but it just didn't fit. The next chapter will have a flashback, dinner with Paul and some drama. Leave me your thoughts ...

Anyhow, pictures from this chapter are on my blog. You can see pictures of the characters along everything else. I'm also on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. I'm on twitter, too: tufano79.

Thanks for reading!

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