Harry Potter and the Exchange...

By ridikkuluswriters

684 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... More

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #2 New Friends?
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #11 Ruined Roses
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter #14 Something there?
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #19 Secret Santa
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #25 Missing Rat

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By ridikkuluswriters

"Look, Hermione why don't you just show Ron the corpse"

Ron's perspective

We walked through the entrance to the clock tower courtyard it's like the courtyard just that in front of the clock tower, get it? 

"Beautiful day isn't it?" Charlotte started with a cheery spirit.

"Gorgeous. Unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces" I said interrupting Charlotte's spirit. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Ripped into pieces?" Audrie asked worriedly

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked surprised.

"Ronald lost his rat" Hermione answered for me, annoyed.

"I haven't lost anything!" I stated, "Your cat killed him!"

"Rubbish" Hermione muttered

Charlotte got out a piece of chocolate from her jeans and gave it to me. That made me leave the topic a little but not enough. Well, I know we have been on the topic many times before, but seriously. That bloody thing ATE my rat! I'm not going to give up.

"Look, Hermione why don't you just show Ron the corpse" Charlotte sarcastically said. She has been changing moods all day, I really don't know what's causing it. It's a bit annoying.

"Why don't we change the subject? Like Char? Weren't you supposed to go to Hagrid's for the flower bouquet he grabbed for your crafts", said Audrie. while looking down to the floor

"Right...." Charlotte said looking at Audrie suspiciously "You guys want to come with me?" Charlotte looked at us. We nodded except Audrie

"Well, I need to go to the library, I'll see you guys when we are going to go to Hagrid's" Said Audrie, and just like that she left through the Great Hall doors.

"Is she alright?" Asked Harry. Audrie has been acting strange, I don't know why.

"She has been like that since Sirius Black got into the castle and she couldn't see him" Answered Charlotte.

"That's mental! How can she be sad about not seeing him?" I asked. It truly is bloody mental, I am actually happy that he didn't come and kill us all. "I still think your cat killed Scrabers"

"Ron!" Charlotte and Harry exclaimed. I really dislike that thing she calls a pet.

Draco's perspective

I was in the library, sitting at one of the tables, watching her. Trust me it looks less creepy than it seems.

Audrie was reading a book in front of a bookshelf. You could see she was concentrated by the look in her eyes and the way her eyebrows were knitted together. She was standing up straight, with the book in her hands. There was also a silver broach in her hair.

I don't know what it was, but she looked like a princess. But then her sadness was more evident to me so, I walked over to her.

"Hey, What's wrong love?" I asked

"Oh, hi. It's no- Wait, Did you just call me love?" She asked. Oh no, I'm screwed, quick think of something!

"Yes, I did. Is there a problem?" That was the only answer I thought of. She stood silent for a second, but then she answered.

"N-no no problem at-t all" She stuttered. She fixed herself.

Well, that was unexpected, I thought she was going to tell me don't call me love or something. Then my thoughts went back to the reason I was there.

"You look sad, what's wrong?" I asked again.

"Should I really be telling you?" She said.

"You can trust me, sometimes, if it's not about a dead body, then that's fine. I need to keep a clean reputation" She looked like she was considering it. And again to my surprise she said

"Fine, Remember the note and key we found in the Slytherin common room?"


"Well, the note said Give the key to the right person. I don't know who the right person is, but I was my suspicions is Sirius Black"

"Sirius Black? Why?"

"It's too hard to explain, but I just got disappointed that I couldn't get to see him when he came into the castle"

"I get where you are coming from, but that's a little mental" I answered to her issue.

"I know, but if he is the right person, he may know where my brother is. Well anyways, I need to study"

"Oh, yeah. Of course"


With that, she left to another row. That went better than I expected.

Charlotte's perspective

I had my flower bouquet thanks to Hagrid but was a little down because Hagrid informed us that Buckbeak was going to get executed because of Draco's stupid accident in class which is FULL RUBBISH! We were walking through The Quad.

"I still can't believe it, Buckbeak is innocent" Hermione interrupted "The only thing he did was defend himself from a privacy intruder!"

"Yeah but when you have money and come from the ministry everything is possible", Ron said kind of glancing at me. 

There are two things that the "kind of glance" meant:  No.1 He thinks it's my fault because my parents are rich and my step-dad works in the ministry now. No. 2 He thinks I can fix it, which I can't.

"I'm sure there's some way to stop it," I said to leave tension off the air

"Sadly there isn't, you're fighting the Mafoys" Harry started "Who's literal motto is 'Only Pureblood allowed' "

"I don't care! I hate injustice and if there's something I'm not going to tolerate is this!" I started to become motivated "But first I need to meet someone"

I gave Hermione my bouquet and left. She exclaimed something at me but I was too committed to hearing her.

Hermione's perspective

"What are you planning to do?!" 

That's what I yelled but she was running too fast. With the bouquet still in hand, It looked like Ron, Harry, and I was going to a wedding where the bride forgot the bouquet. She ran all over the castle we lost her a few times. Until we really lost her.

"No No No!!!" Harry exclaimed

"Are you that madly in love with her?" Ron said under his breath.

"Ugh stop it! I mean that if she does something stupid Audrie is going to-"

"To kill you? Probably." Audrie interrupted behind us.

"Look we didn't mean to lose her, she was mad Buckbeak was getting executed for doing nothing and she ran all around the castle to lose us before killing someone!" Ron exclaimed

"Buckbeak is being executed because of Lucius, and he asked for it because?" Audrie looked at us.

"Draco!" I yelled 

"I was just talking to him and maybe-" Each of us frowned.

"You what?!" Ron asked.

"Okaaaay we are getting off the topic here," Audrie said nervously "Hermione and I will check the-"

"I didn't mean for Buckbeak to get a death sentence!" A voice sounded from the other side of the hallway.

We followed it and it was Charlotte and Draco. We hid and we just heard.

"Are you sure? Because you seem like the kind of guy who would" Charlotte said. She was looking different, her hair a messier than before.

"Okay, Okay. I was jealous of Potter for being the cool guy with the big bird and I wanted to show Audrie I could also do it so"

"So you didn't mean to get hurt?" Charlotte asked manipulatively "You just did a dumb thing?"

"Yes!" Draco answered "You would've done that for Potter. It's such a pathetic crush-" He got hit someplace. Harry was a literal red cherry and Audrie was too busy worrying about Charlotte.

"Do not judge because they don't expect me to keep your secret" Charlotte said "Just to be clear, you are going to the hospital wing and say you slipped in my chocolate trash, got it?"

"Mhmm"  You could hear Draco running.

"Secret? What secret are you blackmailing him with?" Asked Audrie in silence

As a matter of fact, I would like to know that myself. Charlotte knows a lot of dirt on a lot of people, but it needs to be something big if Draco is willing to do what she says.

"Nothing important, don't worry about it," Said Charlotte, with a voice you can almost believe her. We showed ourselves.

"We didn't mean to listen to it," Harry said innocently.

"I bet you didn't" Charlotte seemed to tilt her head slightly every time from one side to another.

"Wait wait wait. Did Draco-?" Said Ron. "Say that he wanted to impress Audrie?" 

"It doesn't matter right now. And it's getting late. So we should just get going" Said Audrie, then she left. Everybody was silent until Ron broke the silence.

"Yeah, we should go, but I don't want to see your pet-eating beast Hermione" Ron started again.

"Ugh! Ron!" I said we are coming to this again.

"I'm leaving. Good night guys, bye Harry. Good luck with those two" Said Charlotte

"Thanks, I'll need it. Good night" Responded Harry, this is so cute. Charlotte left, not soon later Harry, Ron, and I were in the Gryffindor common room. Eventually, we went to our dorms and slept

Harry's perspective

I couldn't sleep so I was using Lumos while seeing the Mauraders Map. It wasn't delightful but I really didn't want to rest.

"Spiders!" Ron gasped and whimpered while moving all around his bed "Spiders...spiders, they want me to tap dance. I don't want to tap dance."

"You tell those spiders, Ron," I said jokingly, he was so sleepy he didn't even realize I was joking.

"Oh yeah. T-tell them. I'll tell them. I'll tell them tomorrow" He went back to sleep and I smirked a little and ate a piece of chocolate and noticed Filch.

I opened the map a little more and notice the name, Peter Pettigrew. I started thinking of what I heard about him in the pub. I put on my shoes and followed the path to find Peter. I used my Lumos and walked through the hallway Pettigrew is going to be in a few seconds. 

I looked and I waited but didn't saw anything and when he was about to go next to me nothing. I looked at the map again and saw Snape.

"Mischief Managed

"Potter," Said the professor with the Lumos spell over my eyes "What are doing wandering the corridors at night?"

"I was sleepwalking" I answered quickly 

"How extraordinarily" He started "Like your father you are, Potter. He, too, was exceedingly arrogant strutting about the castle"

"My dad didn't strut" I started to get angry "And nor do I. Now if you don't mind I appreciate it if you could lower your wand"

He looked at me in a way I couldn't read. He lowered his wand into my pants and said

"Turn out your pockets" I didn't "Turn out your pockets," He said again

I did and I showed the map and a dirty look. 

"What's this?" He asked 

"Spare bit of parchment" I answered confidently 

"Really? Open it" He wasn't sure if I was telling the truth.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 28, 2021 - 1842 words  - Do you like Crookshanks?

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