
By lk_anon

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*Sequel to Crossing the Lines but can be read as a stand alone* Growing up, many people are taught there are... More



5.4K 175 56
By lk_anon

Aria's POV


I couldn't breathe.

My eyes tried to open but they couldn't.

I was suffocating.

I flailed around, struggling for air until I finally grasped the pillow and the hands on top of it, immediately bending their thumbs back until they're grip on the pillow loosened. I shot up, gasping for air, only to see Helena cackling on top of me.

"Fucking finally, I wasn't even sure you were alive."

"Fuck you." I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"How long have you been here?"

"We got in an hour ago."

"Where's Henrik?"

"Trying to get Luca to wake up. They announced an assembly for upperclassman at 4:30." I looked over at my clock to see it was 4:20.

"Shit." I immediately got up, ignoring my grogginess and stumbled out of Saint's clothes as I put my uniform on.

Helena and I rushed to the auditorium, making our way to the front row of the balcony where Luca and Henrik were sitting, saving two seats between them. It was 4:31 and the assembly hadn't started yet, but the auditorium was full. Almost everyone looked sick and miserable.

"Took you guys long enough." Luca grumbled, massaging his head.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"Forever." I looked over to Henrik, who rolled his eyes.

"Two minutes."

I rolled my eyes at Luca before yawning. Helena patted her shoulder and I laid my head on her, putting my legs across Luca's lap, which earned me an evil eye before he just started massaging them. I was hoping this wouldn't take long, I knew it was about last nights party and this morning's prank. Hopefully they would just do as usual and make us clean it up. 

As I looked around, I noticed Xavier sitting on the main floor, talking with all of his friends. A couple of girls sat around him, but none of them looked like the blonde from last night. Saint sat a few feet away from him, also surrounded by girls. It was easy to spot his messy black hair, which he hadn't managed to fix at all. I guess you wouldn't be lying if you called it 'sex hair'.

"Ari." Helena whispered, causing me to look up at her. "Did you look in the mirror before you left."

"You literally dragged me out of the door, so no I didn't have time to look in the fucking mirror. Why?"

"You have hickeys." She laughed, lowering her voice even more.

"Hickeys?! As in multiple?!" I immediately put my hands to my neck, trying to feel and cover them.

"Yeah, I also have made another discovery."

"What?" She was about to speak when Headmaster Charles walked onto the stage.

"You weren't wearing Xavier's clothes." I froze.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." He spoke into a microphone, follow by a high pitched squeal from the feedback. Everyone groaned while Headmaster Charles laughed dryly. "If you ask me, you all deserved that.

"Now, I hope you have all remembered what you were told at the end of last year's term, if not I will remind you. This school year, I will not be putting up with the parties, pranks, and other rule breaks that normally occur. Because of them, students have been injured, grades have fallen, and Stonebridge's credibility has been lost. I was expecting all of you to understand and abide by the rules, but last nights events proved that is not the case.

"I'm sure the pool party, along with the copious amounts of drugs and alcohol would've been considered a 'good time', but let me tell you why it was not. The bubbles ruined the pool's plumbing system and will, not only cost us greatly to fix, but it will postpone the swim team's practices and cause them to forfeit meets. The paint that was along the walls and floor was found to not be removable and will also cost us money to paint over. Common room couches were destroyed and will cost us to replace. Many of you come from families with wealth, so the costs of the damage does not bother you, but let me tell you where you are effected.

"Today, every one of your parents were called, informed of the event and asked to make donations to repair the damages, which I assume means you will be hearing from them soon. Alcohol and marijuana were found on the property, as well as harder drugs such as cocaine. The police have been informed and will be giving school-wide drug tests this week. Before you drink up all of the campus' water supply in an attempt to flush your systems, I will let you know that it is a hair test. Students will face different levels of punishments based on the results of the test. Those who have been found to have harder drugs will be expelled. 

"Lastly, there is the incident from this morning. Many of the teachers were found to have been poisoned somehow, as well as drugged. If anyone has information on the culprits from this mornings' events, they will be allowed to walk free of consequences and choose not to be drug tested.

"These events cannot and will not go on any longer at Stonebridge. I will not allow you all to ruin this school's reputation or your own. Your parents sent you all here because it is a good, safe school, but you have all taken advantage of that.

"I want to remind all of you that there are certain things Stonebridge will not tolerate. We do not tolerate partying, drugs, alcohol, sneaking out past curfew, or sexual intercourse on this campus. All of these were broken last night and I want you to remember that after the punishments for last night are given, we will continue to stand by these rules and enforce them as we should've been for previous terms.

"I have given you all much to think about and consider, which I hope you do so wisely. You may may now go nurse your hangovers and speak with your parents for the rest of the day. Classes will start at 7:00am tomorrow and I expect every single one of you to be in your first periods. You are dismissed."

Everyone was silent as they exited the auditorium. I couldn't help but notices all of the glares and side glances my friends and I were getting as we walked out. It wasn't said but everyone damn well knew who was to blame. 

We all walked straight to my dorm room without saying a word. Kylie was hanging out and listening to music with two other first year girls as we walked in. They all seemed startled when they noticed us, but their thirsty eyes quickly flew to Luca and Henrik.

"How was the assembly?" She asked, trying to seem nonchalant. 

"Out. Now." I held the door open as all three of them rushed out while everyone made themselves comfortable around the room.

"Holy shit you guys are in for it." Henrik sighed as I sat down on my bed next to him.

"What about you two?"

"We checked in with the headmaster when we got in and he told us we would be exempt from everything because we weren't on campus." Helena replied.

"Do you think anyone will spill?" Luca.

"The ones who just drank or smoked weed wouldn't, they have nothing to lose. The ones with the coke though..."

"Everyone knows it was us but they have no proof." I shrugged.

"Does anyone know about the pranks from this morning?" Henrik asked.

"I didn't tell anyone." Luca answered honestly.

"Xavier knew I was up to something but I didn't tell him what."

"Still, though, that's enough evidence to pin it on you."

"Especially with your history of pranks." Helena added, not helping.

"He's my boyfriend, though, he wouldn't snitch on me."

"Are you sure? Like Helena said, the ones who did coke would be most likely to talk because they could get expelled. You don't think he wouldn't tell in order to not take a drug test? I know I-"

"Enough, Luca!" I snapped. Would he? Helena knew the thoughts going through my mind and walked over, sitting down and putting a comforting arm around me.

"Regardless of your thoughts or what Luca says, you should still talk to him and make sure he doesn't tell." I sighed before nodding in agreement.

I needed to talk to Xavier to make sure he wouldn't tell, but he wasn't the one I was worried about. This morning I told Saint exactly what I did. I don't know if he did any hard drugs, or if he would talk just to get me kicked out, but I was definitely worried about him being a loose end. I needed to talk to him too. I don't care if I have to bribe him, I'll do anything.

We all settled in a worried silence, thoughts racking each of our brains.

My phone rang, causing us all to jump and stare at it as if it was a bomb. I picked it up and read the name, looking at all of the nervously.

"If any of you want to kill me, now's your chance." I hoped they would put me out of my misery, but no one made a move. 

I sighed, sliding my thumb across the screen and answering the call.

"Hey, Dad..."


Two chaps will be out tomorrow. I love you besties!!! Comment and Vote!

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