The Rebel (Thorin x OC)

By iAltoSax

525K 17K 5.2K

Bellethiel is a she-elf who has lived a long life. Along with this life has come many trials and suffering. S... More

The Shire
Story For A Story
It's Second Nature
An Illusion
Chased Back Home
An Unexpected Reunion
Rivendell Downtime
A Glimpse of What's To Come
The Truth or Lies, That Is Your Choice
Tensions Run High
I Do Believe The Worst Is Behind Us
A Safe Place To Rest
Queer Lodgings
Venture Into Mirkwood
Welcome To Mirkwood
Bard the Bowman
It Was Supposed To Be A Celebration
The Last Days of Peace
You're Part of the Company (Side Story)
What Lies In Dale
What Have We Done?
Descent Into Madness
Too Far Gone
The Consequences For Their Decisions
Nothing Has Changed
Prepare for Battle! Fight!
It's A Bloodbath...
I Will Not Let You Fall
The Line of Durin
Everything I Did, I Did For Them
There and Back Again
Thank You Everyone!
Please never do this to other writers...

A New Level of Understanding

15.1K 482 159
By iAltoSax

Author's Note: Hello Lovely Hobbit/Thorin Fans! Thank you to those that have kept on reading, kept with me, and have read and commented. Love you all!

Disclaimer: I do not own, I repeat, DO NOT OWN The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson. So anything you notice that was from the movie or the book belongs to these lovely people who bought Middle Earth to life. And any grammar mistakes you notice I am so sorry, it is very hard to notice them with the kindle because everything is so small lol and once I find a good charger I will fix it right away. But I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it because, we are now in Goblin Town! Enjoy! (I do hope that this chapter didn't seem totally rushed...I'm a bit worried about that...)

We had fallen through a trap door, tumbling through the endless tunnels, and falling into a wooden cage was confusing to say the least. I had fallen on top the company before tumbling forward to land on my hands and knees. I looked toward our only exit to see a hoard of goblins rushing our way.

"Get up!" I called behind me, unsheathing a dagger from my waist ready to defend myself.

Most of the goblins ran right past me toward the company, while some began to claw at my body, forcing me to shift away from the company.

"Look out!"

"Unhand me!" I growled, reeling my fist back and smashing it against the face of a goblin that held my arm.

I struggled to look behind as I saw some of the company being shoved forward, some walking past me as I put up more of a struggle, slashing the throat of another goblin that had suddenly latched its claws into my arm.

"Do not touch me!" I yelled out, as a taller goblin took a hold of my head and forcefully pushed me forward.

Deeper and deeper they forced us into the tunnels, crossing riggity bridges as all of us kept on struggling to escape. Through the ordeal the goblins began searching us while pushing us forward, confiscating our weapons as we could do nothing but struggle. I was searched head to toe, my swords, daggers, bows and arrow taken as we were dragged away.

From up ahead I could see what looked to be a throne with a massive goblin sitting upon it.

An obnoxious horn was blown, metal gongs were smashed as an out of tune melody began to play. As we got closer, I could see a crown placed on the top of the giant goblin's he coughed up a storm before speaking.

"I feel a song coming on!" The voice of the Goblin King echoed throughout the area.

The music grew louder and I had to cringe and the god awful sound the instruments were making.

Snip snap, the black crack

Grip, grab, pinch, and nab

Batter and beat

Milk 'em, stammer and squeak!

Pound pound, far underground

The Goblin King pushed off of his chair and began to dance in place, screeching the sound out to the beat of the music.

Down, down, down in Goblin Town

(Down, down, down in Goblin Town)

The voices of many sung in unison, repeating what their King had sung in their scratchy voice, screaming and laughing with joy as we got closer to the front.

With a swish and smack

And a whip and a crack

Everybody talks when they're on our rack

Pound pound, far underground

We had reached the platform that held the Goblin King, his humongous form prancing around with his staff in his hand. In closer inspection I could see the throne was constructed of pieces of scrap metal and decorated with piles of bones, possibly from past victims that fell through their trap door.

The goblins were shoving us forward, now blocking the way we came to prevent us from escaping and the Goblin King still began to sing as I felt two huge goblins latch their arms onto mine to prevent me from struggling.

Down, down, down in Goblin Town

(Down, down, down in Goblin Town)

Hammer and torch, get out your knockers and gongs

You wont last long on the end of my prong

Clish, clash, crush and smash

Bang, break, shiver and shake

You can yell and yelp

But there aint no help

Pound pound, far underground

Down, down, down in Goblin Town

At the end of the atrocious musical number the Goblin King twirled in place causing us to quickly duck from his staff that would have made contact with our heads if we had not ducked in time. The goblins all around began to cheer for their king as the instruments fell silent.

The Goblin King smirked at us before turning back to climb back onto his chair, the two goblins that held my arms smelled rotting flesh and just a...putrid stench.

"Catchy, isn't it?" The Goblin King spoke. "It's one o my own compositions." He spoke with pride.

"That's not a song, it's an abomination!" Balin called out from beside me causing an uproar from the goblins behind us.

"Abominations, mutations, deviations...that's all you're gonna find down here." Replied the Goblin King as he motioned toward the huge area.

Suddenly the goblins began throwing down our weapons into a huge pile, continuing searching us for more weapons. This caused the Goblin King to jump down from his chair in anger.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" The Goblin King growled. "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"

"Dwarves, You Malevolence." A goblin at the front said in his scratchy voice.

"Dwarves?" The Goblin King questioned.

"We found them on the front porch." The same goblin reported.

"Well don't just stand there; search them!" The Goblin King commanded as the goblins all around began pulling at my clothes pulling out more of my hidden weapons. "Every crack, every crevice."

I even felt one of the goblins snicker as I felt something brush against my backside, causing me to react violently, bringing my elbow to connect with his deformed nose. I smirked when I heard a satisfying crunch and a squeal, but that only caused more goblins to close in on myself.

I looked toward the front and saw a bag being dumped out, the bag full of cutlery and candlesticks clattering to the ground.

"It is my belief, your great protuberance, that they are in league with elves!" The same goblin called out, handing a candelabra to their king.

"Made in Rivendell?" The Goblin King examined, scoffing and rolling his eyes. "Bah – Second Age, couldn't give it away!" He exclaims, tossing the thing aside like rubbish into the dark oblivion.

"It's just a couple of keepsakes." I heard Nori defend as some of the dwarves in the company looked his way.

"Now, what are dwarves...doing in these parts! Armed for war!" The Goblin King called out.

"It seems it's not only dwarves you're greatness." A goblin called out, his eyes glancing in my direction. "It would seem they are accompanied by a woman!"

The dwarves attempted to shield me between them, but the goblins on both side of me began to force me forward, pulling me along with them while keeping my arms in their grasp.

"No!" I heard from one of the younger dwarves as I was pulled pass them, I struggled as much as I could which only caused the goblins grip to tighten on my arms, I could feel their claws digging into the fabric of my tunic.

(Third P.O.V)

Bellethiel was forced through the company and now stood in the front of the Goblin King who began to snicker with glee.

"A woman!" The Goblin King giggled out. "Now why would a group of dwarves have such need for such a delicate thing?"

The Goblin King took a step forward as his chubby finger traced the left side of her jaw which caused a spark of anger go through the company who struggled against the restraints of the goblins behind them as the Giant Goblin spoke out.

"I can think of only one reason for a woman to be in the company of men." The Goblin King smirked disgustingly, as Bellethiel scrunched her face at the close proximity due to the rancid smell the Goblin King was giving off.

As best as she could, with the two goblins at her side holding her shoulder and arms in place, Bellethiel moved her head away from his finger and spat at his feet. This only caused the Goblin King to let out a menacing giggle.

"Look at this boys! Not just a woman, but a She-Elf!" The Goblin King yelled as one of the goblins holding her gripped her long hair painfully and yanked it back causing an uproar from the company. As much as they disliked Bellethiel in the beginning, no woman should be treated that way "And a special She-Elf as well, look at those piercings!"

Bellethiel grunted in pain as they yanked her head to the side painfully for the Great Goblin to inspect the piercing on her left ear.

"Do you know what those piercings mean boys? This elf belongs to the traitors of Mirkwood!" The Goblin smirked. "The only elves that pierced their ears in belief that they were doing the right thing, by going back for those dwarves. Who blindly followed their traitorous captain! You know what I would have done to traitors, instead of banishment I would have struck down those rebels that defied my command. As a show of my authority and power, the consequence for any who would dare try again."

The two forced Bellethiel to her knees the moment she began to struggle more in anger, growling at the Goblin in front of her.

"I mean, I feel bad for you elves, truly I do. Following a captain that cared not for the lives of his loyal followers, the lives he ruined." The Goblin mocked.

"You speak as if you know these elves." Bellethiel growled out.

"Did you not get separated from your kin?" The Goblin snickered. "Your captain had no concern that he was tearing families apart, causing all of you to lose your home! His only goal was to help those dwarves, only to have them always hating you in the very end."

Bellethiel had ceased her struggling, stopped putting up a fight as she slumped to the ground.

"Rumors spread my dear of your captains rebellion against your king." The Goblin spoke. "The group that defied their King and returned to help dwarves that would forever despise you! The group that was banished from their home!"

Bellethiel spoke no more and made no move, she just kneeled there with the goblins holding her arms in place, she looked almost defeated.

(Bellethiel's P.O.V)

Goblins...always getting under your skin, they're just asking to get their throats slit.

The more this blob of flesh talked, the more I wished my sword was in my grasp so I could slit his throat and end his pitiful life.

I had ceased my struggle not in defeat, but in anger at the weight of the truth he spoke.

"Am I upsetting you dear?" The Goblin King mocked, appearing in front of my face.

Even though it wouldn't have made a difference, I reeled my head back and slammed it against the Goblin King's forehead.

He let out a howl of pain as I felt a stinging sensation on the side of my face, courtesy of the goblin standing beside me causing a reaction through out the company.

Regaining his composure the Goblin King growled at me, holding his forehead as he got to eye level with me.

"We're going to have much fun with you little She-Elf." The Goblin King grumbled before looking behind me. "Now, I'll ask again before being introduced to your lovely woman companion, what are you doing in these parts? Speak!"

I heard silence from the company before the Goblin King scoffed.

"Well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk!" The Goblin King proclaimed, causing cheer to erupt from all around. "Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker! Start with the youngest."

'Kili...' I thought before struggling hard against my captors as I heard shouts from the company.


I took a glance over my shoulder and saw Thorin step forward, separating himself from the company, and faced the Goblin King with his head held high.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, King Under the Mountain." The Goblin King proclaimed in a mock bow. "Oh, but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king. Which makes you...nobody really."

The Goblin King spared a glance my way before scoffing.

"I'm a bit surprised that an elf is in your company, but figures one such as this would try to come to the aid of dwarves. Foolish she-elf." The Goblin King laughed.

His attention went back to the dwarf king, letting out a puff of air, clearly enjoying tormenting our little group.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head," the great goblin chuckled. "nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. The pale orc astride a white warg."

"Azog The Defiler was destroyed, he was slain in battle long ago." Thorin growled out.

"So you think hes defiling days are done, do you?" The Goblin let out a sickening laugh, before turning to a small orc on a pulley. "Send word to the Pale Orc, tell him I found his prize."

The small goblin let out a chuckle of excitement as he wrote in a parchment he held before pulling a lever, disappearing to who knows where, his laughter echoing from all over.

The Goblin let out a gleeful laughter, prancing ungracefully around the wooden board we were all on, the floor board vibrating terribly as he trudged along.

I felt the grip of the two giant goblins on my side loosen as they laughed along with their king, allowing me just enough movement to reach for a small hidden blade that was tucked in my boot that the searching goblins have overlooked.

In a flash I pulled it out and aimed it for the Goblin King, my dagger flying past his head, so close to hitting its target. This ceased the laughter and jolly making of the group and king.

The giant goblin turned in my direction, he growled at me before barreling toward me, reaching out and gripping me tightly around the waist.

"You Mirkwood elves are such irritable company, such feral much different from their kin." His grip began to tighten by the second, causing me to gasp out in pain. "I should just kill you now, end your miserable existence, I mean what more can a Mirkwood traitor loose?"

I grit my teeth, refusing to submit to the pain, and did the only thing I could think of...I spit in his face.

The Goblin King growled and threw me to the ground, my body skidding and landing in front of Thorin as I felt two pair of claws dig into my arms and forced me to sit up.


"Bellethiel, such a pretty name." I heard the Goblin King laugh. "You will make such great entertainment when your companions are dead and gone."

I had difficulty breathing, as I glared up at the Goblin King, but this only seemed to fuel his merriment. And it got worse when I head the squeaking of wheels headed our way, for he then began to sing once more, accompanied with dreadful dancing.

Bones will be shattered

Necks will be rung

You'll be beaten and battered

From racks you'll be hung

You will lie down here and never be found

Down in the deep of Goblin Town.

A squeal of pain, the clatter of metal on ground, caused the Goblin King to jump back onto his chair in fright as he pointed in my direction. I took a glance to the left of me and saw Thorin's sword lay half out of its sheath and smirked.

"I know that sword, it is the Goblin Cleaver, the Biter." I saw a goblin pull back its whip, bringing it down on the dwarf king. "The blade that sliced a thousand necks. Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"

A group of goblins began overthrowing Thorin, bringing him to the ground as I struggled to break free from my captors.

'Im so close...' I thought as I broke free from one, only to be tackled down by another.

Suddenly the Goblin on top Thorin bought out a jagged dagger, holding it above the king, ready to take off his head and a sudden wave of panic washed through me as I struggled harder.


A blinding white light lit up the darkness, a loud boom resonated throughout the tunnel, bringing everyone to the floor.

Through the smoke and kicked up fallen debris I saw a figure come forth, wielding a staff and sword.

'Gandalf...' I thought, quickly recovering from the sudden stun and made a dash to check Thorin, kicking the Goblin that lay on top.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf's voice boomed.

I pushed another goblin away before reaching down and taking a hold of Thorin's hand, hauling him to his feet. Our eyes met for a brief second and I saw something I did not understand. An emotion I could not pinpoint...gratitude? Sympathy? I did not know.

He nodded to me before I swung my arm back and hit a goblin that was coming up from behind.

"He wields the Foe-Hammer, the Beater, bright as daylight!" The great goblin yelled out in fear from where he lay.


I looked back just in time to see Bofur throw me my sword, I took a hold of the sheath, grasped the handle and pulled out Ringil in one fluid motion, slicing through as many goblins as I could.

"Bofur!" I called gaining his attention. "My bow and arrows!"

"Still among the pile!" Bofur replied, swinging his mattock down on a goblins foot.

I ran toward the pile, spotting where my bow and arrows lay forgotten. And the only thing blocking me from my weapons was a bigger sized goblin in my path.

I slid between its legs, taking a hold of my bow and notched back an arrow, firing it into the back of the goblins head before he could turn around.

I took down as many as I could, blocking any that tried to sneak up on any of the company and when I turned around I saw The Goblin King trudging toward Thorin, his staff held high above his head.

"Thorin!" I called out running as fast I could to reach him.

I had got to him just in time and swung my sword up, the clang of steel hitting the staff rang loud, causing the Goblin King to lose balance at the sudden disturbance.

But before the Goblin King fell over the side, his hand got a hold on my leg, bringing me over the edge with him. I took my free leg and gave a forceful kick to his face causing him to release my leg. I reached out to catch one of the ledges and pulled myself up.


I looked up and saw some of the younger dwarves leaning over the edge to where I had fallen.

"Go on ahead!" I yelled up from the rickety bridge bellow. "Do not worry about me!"

I started crossing the bridge as quickly as I could, trying my best to push past the goblins blocking my way.


I took a glance up to see the rest of the company following Gandalf close behind. I followed closely beside them with some difficulty due to the goblins attempting to bring me to the ground.

I kept a close eye on the company and saw that they had been split into two groups. I stopped in place and quickly took an arrow from my back quiver and let it fly, embedding itself in the back of a goblin that fell over the side, squealing in fright as it took a fall.

Dwalin, the main target for the goblin that I had shot, looked in my direction and nodded in appreciation before continuing his war path onward, clearing the way for the dwarves following behind him.

These bridges were endless, leading anywhere and in any direction that one could get lost in the confusion if they weren't paying attention to their surroundings. I lost track of the company and continued my quest forward and by some miracle I had caught up with the group that was on the opposite side of me. The company had just pushed a rock over the ledge to clear the way and I followed beside them from where I stood. Providing as much back up as I could with my arrows, letting them soar through the sky and hitting oncoming goblins that wished to claim the lives of my companions.

"Bellethiel!" Gandalf yelled out. "We'll meet up around the bend!"

I nodded my head and quickly ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I took down many goblins in my wake...and for that one split moment I felt like my old self again. The feeling like I was flying through my enemies...I was enjoying every moment when my sword made contact with their rotting flesh.

And as I rounded the corner I could see Gandalf round their corner and a wave of relief flooded through me as they were quickly making their way toward me.

A crash from below caused them to take a step back as a big blob busted through the floor boards, and growled at them.

I turned around and saw that I was cornered and I held up my sword, ready to kill any who dared to take a step forward.

"You thought you could escape me." I took a glance behind and saw the Goblin King bring down his staff, attempting to squash the gray wizard almost succeeding as Gandalf fell backwards, only to be caught by Ori and Nori. "What are you going to do now, Wizard?"

Fueled by the adrenaline pulsing through my body, and anger at what the Goblin King had said to me back in front of his throne. I made a dash for his back and planted my foot on one of his back folds, kicking up and propelling myself up to land on the back of his neck, catching him off guard as the great goblin began to swat me off.

"It is not what he will do to you that you should be worried about..." I growled out gritting my teeth, careful not to be caught in his frantic grasps. "It is what I will do to you."

In one swift movement I placed Ringil under his nasty growth by his throat and made a clean-cut through, causing the goblin to gurgle out a response.

"We are no traitors..." I growled out as I flipped off the Goblin King and landed in front of Gandalf.

The Goblin King's body fell hard against the already broken bridge, causing the wooden floor boards to creek under the sudden weight. And in a second the floor board breaks and we began falling down the cavern, sliding down the side of the wall at a terrifying speed and breaking anything in its path. We all had held on for dear life to anything we could grab on to, the screams of the company echoing around as we descended deeper into the darkness.

As fast as our decent was, it suddenly began to slow down as we reached the bottom, suddenly collapsing over the dwarves. I was on top for most of our trip down the cavern and looked up in time to see a mass of flesh following our path, growing bigger the closer it got and rolled over the fallen wood planks, wincing as I landed harshly on top a splintered wood, it making a gash on my arm.

"Well that could have been worse." I heard Bofur add, a bit in a playful matter before I saw the body of the Goblin King land on top the boards, causing the company of trapped dwarves to groan in pain.

"You've got to be joking." Dwalin grunted as I heard planks of wood begin to shift. I looked up to see a mass of goblins coming down from the side of the walls, all growling and screaming in anger and I began to panic.

"Gandalf!" I yelled out hoping that he would hear me, due to me being on the opposite end. "You have to get them out of here!"

"There's too many! We can't fight them." I heard Dwalin call out to Gandalf.

"Only one thing will save us, daylight. Bellethiel!" Gandalf called out.

"Get them out of here Gandalf." I called to him, already beginning to climb the wooden boards. "I will be right behind."

"Here on your feet." I heard Gandalf call and as I got at the very top of the Goblin Kings body, Gandalf took one glance at me and gave me a worried glance before running ahead.

In the direction they were going I saw a slimmer of daylight and did the best that I could to follow, wincing at the sudden pain after the adrenaline began to ware off. And as I got closer to the light I saw the skinniest creature I ever did see clawing and pawing at the ground.

"Baggins!" It growled in anger, snarling in my direction the closer I got. "Thief!"

'Baggins?' I thought, suddenly realising that I had not seen the little hobbit among the group of dwarves. 'Not Bilbo Baggins...' I thought, tensing the closer I got. But just before I could get even closer to the creature it had spotted me and retreated back toward the crack in the wall.

'Curses...' I thought taking a glance into the darkness of the cave before turning away with a feeling of guilt. 'I am sorry Bilbo...'

I made a run toward the opening, wincing at the brightness of the sun and began to run blind until my eyes began to adjust.

I had run a good few miles away from the mouth of the cave before something caught my ears.


I came to a sudden stop, skidding across the dirt and looking around before thinking I had gone mad.

"Belle, it's me. Bilbo!" I heard as I looked in the direction it came from.

"My ears hear you Bilbo...but I cannot seem to see you." I called out looking in all directions.

"I will explain later...lets just make our way to the company before more goblins, or that creature Gollum, catches up to us." I heard Bilbo explain as I just nodded.

"Follow close behind Bilbo." I called running in the right direction.

(Thorin's P.O.V)

We had barely made it out of that god forsaken place alive...and we were still running, putting a fair amount of distance between us and the mouth of the cave before we came skidding to a halt.

We had run for a good portion of the day, for the sun had now begun to set.

I jumped over a rocky edge and skidded to a halt to look behind in a bit of a panic before I caught the site of my two nephews standing behind Gandalf. I took a leveled breathe, calming myself as the wizard began to count those that were present.

"And Bombur, that makes thirteen." I heard Gandalf count, suddenly going rigged as he began to look around and back in the direction we came in worry.

"Is Belle following?" Ori questioned in a huff, now looking back toward the mountain expectantly.

"She said she would..." Kili called, looking back in the same direction we came from, he too out of breath.

" not know..." Gandalf replied in defeat. "But, knowing her nature...she may have stayed behind just to buy us some time..."

"What!" I growled out suddenly, taking a step forward.

"If that was her intention, are you really that surprised Thorin." Gandalf stated looking down at me. "After all, you already know the extent she would go...she had gone for you and your kin in the past. I'm sure she has already told you her story..."

"We have to go back!" Fili called out, taking a step forward.

"It's too dangerous! You will be killed the moment you step foot back into that mountain." Gandalf yelled out.

'Blasted elf...' I growled, getting more upset then I should. 'Curses! What in god's name is she thinking!'

"So we just leave her there..." Dwalin growled out, clearly upset as he glared up at the wizard.

"She is a survivor..." Gandalf assured, a bit apprehensively. "she will find her way back to us..."

"You don't sound so sure." I glared up at the wizard. 'Why...why am I so concerned for some elf!' I thought gritting my teeth at this unknown feeling.

"I'm not..." Gandalf stated honestly, suddenly realizing something. "Where's Bilbo? Where is our hobbit?" The wizard questioned looking at all of us.

I looked toward Ori and back around, now noticing that our appointed burglar was not among us.

"Curse that halfling! Now he's lost!" I heard Dwalin growl out as I looked back toward the mountain.

"I thought he was with Dori!" Gloin called out, now looking at the eldest of the Ri brothers.

"Don't blame me!" Dori defended, glaring at Gloin.

"Well where did you last see him?" Gandalf questioned.

"I think I saw him slip away when they first cornered us." Nori explained.

I felt angered at that news, now gripping the grip of my sword tightly.

"Well what happened exactly?" Gandalf commanded looking toward Dori and Nori. "Tell me!"

"I'll tell you what happened." I interrupted, stepping forward to address my company. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door!" I growled in anger. "We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."

Silence fell among us, as some looked down in sadness.

"No, he isn't."

I looked behind me in surprise as I saw our burglar appear from behind the tree. I heard most of the dwarves give a sigh of relief at the sight of the hobbit.

"Bilbo Baggins..." Gandalf chuckled as I went to stand besides Dwalin, stabbing my sword into the ground. "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life."

The hobbit smiled before patting Balin on the shoulders.

"Bilbo, we'd given you up!" My youngest nephew smiled, taking a step forward.

"How on earth did you get past the goblins." My eldest questioned.

"How indeed..." Dwalin questioned from beside me.

It was silent for some time before the hobbit gave a nervous chuckle.

"I had found him close to the mouth of the exit..." A voice sounded from behind the tree. "I was lucky enough to have gotten to him just in time before the goblins did."

From behind the tree stepped Bellethiel; exhausted, covered in black blood mixed with her own, and holding the side of her arm. A huge relief washed over me at seeing the elf in one piece and I almost smiled...almost.

She walked forward and patted the hobbits head and in the corner of my eyes I saw my youngest nephew and Ori run up to her, latching onto her waist with Fili walking forward, nodding to her.

'She's here...she's safe.' I thought, watching at how she interacted with my nephews as Kili began to fret over her arm.

(Bellethiel's P.O.V)

I could see the company up ahead, hear their conversation about their concern for myself and Bilbo and I was about to make myself known, until I heard Bilbo stop behind the tree as he too listened to their conversation.

"I'll tell you what happened." I heard Thorin say, as they were now fretting over where Bilbo had gone. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door!" Thorin growled out. "We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."

Bilbo had suddenly reappeared in front of me, as I took notice to him pocketing a gold ring into his pocket and stepped out from behind the tree.

"No, he isn't." Bilbo interrupted their conversation as I stayed behind the tree for a bit to give them their own space.

"Bilbo Baggins..." I heard Gandalf chuckle "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life."

I heard Bilbo take a step forward away from the tree.

"Bilbo, we'd given you up!" Kili called out in relief.

"How on earth did you get past the goblins." Fili questioned.

"How indeed..." Dwalin questioned, also curious.

When I heard silence on Bilbo's end and a nervous chuckle, I figured that now would be the best time to make myself known.

"I had found him close to the mouth of the exit..." I said taking a step from behind the tree, holding my aching arm. "I was lucky enough to have gotten to him just in time before the goblins did."

Another sigh of relief passed through the company as I walked forward and patted the small hobbit on the head. And before I could react Kili and Ori had latched themselves around my waist as Kili began to pester me about my arm as Fili nodded in my direction.

"I am happy that you both are in one piece." Gandalf stated, catching my eye and giving me a warm smile.

"I want to know something..." I heard Thorin question taking a step forward. "Why did you come back?"

"Look, I know you doubt me," Bilbo stated, holding Thorin's gaze. "I know-I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End...I miss my books, and my arm chair, and my garden. See that's where I belong, that's home...and that's why I came back don't have one, a home. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can."

Bilbo's speech, I could tell touched each one of these dwarves...even if they were as tough as stone and I smiled...for this was not the Bilbo I was talking to back at the mouth of the cave.

"The company deserves a bit of some rest." I interrupted the peaceful silence, catching the group's attention. "When I left the cave, the goblins were not following, and I think after all that we have been through...we deserve a couple of minutes."

The company seemed apprehensive about it, looking nervously toward the mountain as I shook my head.

"I will keep my eyes and ears opened if that would make you feel any better. Look at you all, huffing and puffing, exhausted...bloody. Sit and catch your breath before we decide to move on, the sun still has yet to set and time is on our side." I pointed out.

"Bellethiel is right," Gandalf added. "It would not do us any good if some of you were to collapse if we decide to keep going."

"We take a short break!" Thorin called out causing the company to drop where they stood. "Bellethiel...a word please."

I was caught a bit by surprise as I watched Thorin walk away. I looked down at his two nephews who shrugged their shoulders, indicating they had not a clue what their uncle wanted to discuss with me. So I quickly followed the king not too far from the company, but far enough where they would not hear our conversation.

"Is something the matter Thorin?" I questioned as he turned around to look at me.

"I...I wanted to apologize." Thorin mumbled, shifting his weight a bit. "For the way I've treated you. You have been nothing but loyal and kept close watch of my company, not only that but you have risked your life for my nephews, myself and my kin. I thank you, Bellethiel."

This caught me off guard at how honest Thorin was being with me without getting upset for no reason.

"Here." Thorin held out his hand toward me and in his palm lay my brothers silver bead. "I did not lose it, or throw it away."

I hesitantly reached out to his hand, my hand shaking in shock and I was about to take it back but I made a decision right then and there. I took his hand in mine and with my other I closed his hand around it, caressing his hand affectionately between my own as he looked up at me in surprise.

"When we reach Erebor, when you take back your home, become King Under the Mountain...I will ask for it. I place this in your care, as a reminder of the promise I had made to you." I smiled sweetly at him. "The safety of your kin, your company, and yourself will be my main concern, do not forget that Thorin...and when you look at this bead always remember my words that I swear to you here."

Thorin nodded, taking his hand slowly back as he walked past me and back to the company.

I watched him go before he stopped in his advance.

"Don't go risking your life so carelessly..." Thorin called back. "You are a valued part of this company, there will be a lot of us that will mourn for you if you were to fall..."

I smiled at the back of Thorin, my heart suddenly skipping a beat, touched at his words. I did not know why my heart beat fast against my chest, and I do not know why I suddenly saw Thorin in a different light...but I did not mind the change one bit.

But the heartfelt scene was cut short when I heard an angry howl in the distance, alerting the company.

"Out of the frying pan..." I heard Thorin mumble, looking around on alert.

"And into the fire..."

How did you enjoy this chapter? I do hope you enjoyed it lol. Did you like the little interaction between Thorin and Bellethiel at the end? What the Goblin King said...could that be how Bellethiel thinks when she spoke to Bilbo in the last chapter? How sad...all that weight she carries by herself...=,(. Maybe she'll find comfort in our favorite King hehe. Again sorry for the grammar mistakes that you find and hopefully it was at least readable and enjoyable still.

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Until next chapter my lovely readers! You all are awesome!


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