(Sam x Max).Love Tunnel ride...

By _TheCrispyPotato_

4K 122 173

This is a Sam and Max fanfic This story takes place back in time when Sam and Max are teen's. It's their sec... More

.Good Old Friends.
.Just friends.
.Mixed feelings.
.The date.
.Sam and Max.
Thank you!

.The Tunnel Of Love.

427 14 22
By _TheCrispyPotato_

Emily looks where he was looking at "I heard about him. That jerk!". Eric sees where Max and Emily are standing. Eric face fills with anger, Eric starts to run towards them. Max grabs Emily's arm "LET'S GO! NOW" They both start to run away as Eric screams Max's name, while chasing after him. "MAX. YOU BITCH GET BACK HERE! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOG" Max and Emily goes to big crowd to lose Eric and lucky they did for now. They stop running and look around trying to figure out where they are or if they can spot Sam and Jessica in the crowd of people. Emily "OH! Uhm she said something about taking Sam to the ferris wheel around like 2" Max checks the time on his phone "it's like 1:58" Emily say's to Max "PERFECT! LETS GO" Emily and Max make their way over there while trying to be stealthy.

Sam and Jessica are having a pretty good time, though Jessica keeps insisting to go to the ferris wheel for it will be romantic "Sorry Jess, i'm not very fond of heights" Sam said. Jessica holds Sam's hand "Oh come on sammy!! It can be really romantic~" Sam pulls his hand away from Jessica "i'll think about it" Jessica looks at Sam while he looks away. Sam breaks the awkward tension by saying "Oh look! Let's go on this ride" Jessica smiles and agrees while heading over there Sam's says "This reminds me the time me and Max went on a ride like this" Sam's laughs "Max thought it was a good idea to Eat 10 corndogs and then going on the ride" Jessica smile slowly goes down, as Sam keep's talking about Max. Jessica stops walking, Sam stops walking and turns to Jessica "Something wrong?" Jessica looks down, and stays quiet for a moment, Sam gets a worried expression on his face "Jessica?" Jessica, still looking down, says "You and Him are close.." Sam, not sure where this conversation is going, answers back "I mean..yeah. We have been friends since we were babies"

Jessica: "What do you think of him?"

Sam: "Well he can be wild and act cold or act like a clown but.."

Jessica: "but?"

Sam: "He's nice and caring deep down, He always understands me. And for some reason Max's wildness and crazy actions relaxes me.."

Jessica: "Sam..Do you like him?"

Sam, being surprised by Jessica's question, responds, "I-.." Jessica stop's him before he can even start his sentence with "Don't answer that..I know the answer" Jessica looks back up at Sam and with sad eyes but still has a smile on her face she says "Sam. Let's..."

Back with Max and Emily running away and hiding from Eric. Emily spots Jessica and Sam talking to each other "Max! Over there let's go!" Max follows her as they run towards the two over hearing them say.

Jessica: "I think it's for the best, i don't want to push you into something you don't want"

Sam: "Thank you for understanding"

Max: "Sam!!"

Emily: "Jessica!!"

Jessica and Sam turn to face them both, Max jumps and gives Sam a hug. Sam hugged him back confused by why Max did that. Emily also gives a big hug to Jessica. "You're safe!!" Max say's as Sam puts him down.

Jessica: "What do you mean?"

Emily: "Eric! He's here! He must have heard of your guy's date!"

Max: "And he isn't just after my head but also for yours!"

Sam: "Jumping elephants! That's bad."

Emily: "So what's the plan?"

Before the four of them can make a plan they hear a yelling from behind "MAX, SAM" It was Eric running towards them. Max grabs someone else's drink and throws it at Eric's direction hitting him on head. Max laughs "Score!! The crowd goes wild!!" Sam laughs at Max's comment but Eric becomes more furious as he starts to charging at them

Sam: "I think it's a good time to split up!"

Emily and Jessica: "GOOD IDEA!"

Emily takes Jessica's hand and they run in the opposite direction of Sam and Max. As Sam and Max run from Eric who is on hot on their trail. Sam and Max pass by the corn dog stand, and Sam stops to get some corn dogs. Max yell's "Sam is this really a good time to get a snack?! Sam replies back "When is it not?" and throws the corndog at Eric making him slip and fall. Which gave the two enough time to hide in one of the amusement rides. They hop in and the ride begins. the ride enters into a tunnel

Max and Sam sitting close to each other, avoiding eye contact. Sam finally speaks up "It's very pink in here huh-wait..." Max look's at Sam "hm?" Before Sam can speak, the ride stops and an announcement comes from the speaker "We are having a small problem with the ride and you people might be stuck in here for a while. I say about 20 minutes at best. sorry for the sudden stop" Sam and Max look at each other with worried faces, Sam pulls out his phone to text the girls about their situation "agh no serves" Max look's at Sam "it'll be okay, i bet they're safe" Sam smiles at Max then Sam asks "By the way what ride are we in?" Max shrugs and says "I don't know...all I remember it was called "something tunnel" and it had some hearts" Sam realizes where they are and blushed "Max we are in The tunnel of love!" Max blushes "it can't be that bad.." Max say's trying to hide his blush face, They stay quiet for a moment till Max finally say's "So.. How was your date with Jessica?" Sam looked at Max then looked away to think "it sucked to be honest, and she kept trying to kiss me" Max looked at Sam with questionable eyes "Was she a bad kisser or what?"

Sam look's up at the ceiling seeing the little details in this ride while he say's "eh..It just wasn't the same.. like when we kissed" Max blush hearing Sam say that. Sam realizes what he had said to Max.

Max: "Sam...I remember that night. You don't need to lie and Emily told me what you called me at the party as well.."

Sam blushes and looks away from Max "I-if you knew then why didn't say anything" Max stood quiet for a little then finally spoke "Cause i thought things would change....And why did you pretend nothing happened?" Sam look's down at his shoes and couldn't say a word, Max takes his hand and hold's Sam's hand. "I'm scared.." Sam said as he held Max's hand tight. Max: "Of?.."

Sam thought for a moment then said "Max..I'm not like you. I'm not brave like you, I'm not tough.. You don't care what anyone says. You can go outside and wear what you want and not care if people stare or what people say...but..I do..I'm scared...just look at me..people make fun of how nerdy i act..i was scared that things would change..between us... " Sam's tear's up as it was hard for Sam to say that to Max. "Sam..look at me...now." Max say's. Sam slowly look's at Max, their eyes meet, Max places his hand on Sam's cheek "Sam..You are the kindest and smartest, selfless person. And if others can't see that then fuck them! And to be honest I don't care about anyone else's opinion because the only opinion that matters to me is yours..besides..nothing will change between us.." Sam blushes then asks "D-did you like it?...the kiss" Max nods as he hides his blushed face with his rabbit ears.

Max: Sam...i have something to confess i...

Sam: What is it?

Max look's down and starts to fidget with his hands

Sam: Max?

Max blurs out "I liked you!..no..i love you..i loved you since we were kids and up till now..but since 4th grade you liked Jessica..I-i.. just needed to get that out of my chest" Max couldn't bare to look at Sam's face as he tears up and a tear runs down Max's cheek, but what happen next shocked Max

Sam grabs Max's hand which makes Max look up in surprise and in confusion. Sam pull's in Max closer, Their lip's meet once again as the same feeling they had exploded inside their heart's, the feeling of fear, pain, sadness wash away as they both embrace each other. They break from the kiss, Sam lifts up Max's chin "I love you too, i always did. Sorry for noticing it sooner." Max smiles but then asks "What about Jessica?.."

Sam: "She and i broke up, i have a feeling that she's more interested in someone else"

Sam kisses Max's lips "right now it's just you and me" Max heart races, his face burns up as Sam leans in closer as they kiss once again. The ride starts to move, surprising them both "I guess they fixed it" As the ride begins to come to an end Sam and Max both hold hands. They both don't know what everyone is going to think of them but they don't care, at least they got each other. They get out of the ride expecting Eric to attack them or charge at them like a bull, and yet nothing. They meet with the girls and they all decide to go home because today was a very tiring day. As they walk out they hear yelling and screaming, it was Eric being put in a police car. As the gang walk away from the whole scene, Max tugs at Sam's shirt and says " Look there the freelance police, ain't that cool? fighting crime, Getting to punch bad guys and get to say catchy phrases" Sam look's at Max then back at the freelance police "What about "Sam and Max freelance police" Max smiles and say's "it has a nice ring to it".

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