Missing-- An SBI Fanfic

By DnD_Player

3.6K 124 27

Things were alright on the SMP, Wilbur and Tommy had already established L'manburg, Dream was angry at the tw... More

Author's note before we start
Where's Tommy?
Too Little Too Late
Mend What's Broken
not an update
What Next?
Mother Puffy
Trial (Finale)


140 5 0
By DnD_Player

Puffy entered the room and was met with a fairly cute sight. Tommy and Tubbo were still on the bed, Tommy seemed to be asleep while Tubbo sat there watching over him.

Tubbo looked up at Puffy, a slightly worried look on his face. "What happened? Did you find Wilbur?" He asked quietly, glancing behind Puffy as if looking for Wilbur. Puffy looked at the ground in irritation before looking back at Tommy. "I found him, apparently the whole family failed to realize that their haste to talk to Warden left Tommy completely alone. After a bit of arguing I decided it would be best for Tommy to remain in my care." She explained and took a seat on the bed next to the boys. "And I promise to keep him safe." She said quietly.

--Pov change--

3/4 of the Minecraft family walked out of the Sam house. They had gone back after some time to collect themselves. Wilbur hadn't spoken much, but Phil and Techno managed to finish convincing the Warden to hold their trial. The trio walked in near silence but when they came to a split in the path Wilbur didn't go left like he should've, instead he headed right. "Mate, that's not the way to your house-" Phil started. Wilbur looked back at his father with a sad but slightly determined look. "I know. I'm showing you where Puffy lives. You guys need to know where she lives in case something happens." he explained and kept walking.

Wilbur led the group to a house that looked like a quaint seaside cottage. "That's Puffy's place," Wilbur pointed out redundantly. Techno grunted absently in response while Phil just nodded. With that, Wilbur turned and headed back towards his house, if Puffy caught them out there they would get another earful from her.

The family went back inside Wilbur's house and prepared for the trial.

~~Time skip brought to you by online school sucking ass~~

Morning rolled around and Puffy was making breakfast. She wasn't sure if Tommy would be able to eat solids at the moment, sometimes solids were difficult to keep down when stressed, so she made some mushroom soup and went to go check on the boys. 

Both boys were awake by then, but neither had any intention of getting off the bed on their own. Tommy was fiddling with Tubbo's hands, slowly curling and uncurling the ram hybrid's fingers. Tubbo didn't seem to mind, contentedly watching Tommy, just happy to be with his friend. Puffy opened the door and smiled at the pair, relieved that Tommy was doing alright. She was worried that he would be upset after yesterday's events. "Morning, Boys. I made some mushroom soup so I hope you're hungry." She said cheerily.

The pair seemed to brighten at the mention of food. Tubbo looked at Tommy, "Want some soup?" he asked. Tommy nodded and the pair stood up, following Puffy to the kitchen. The air around Tommy seemed light, like yesterday's panic attach didn't happen, like Tommy didn't have a breakdown in the middle of the prime path, like his entire world didn't get upturned overnight. It was slightly unnerving to Puffy, was Tommy purposely blocking it out or was he really over it? She didn't have time to think about it because she heard a knock at the door. 

The trio looked over at the door with various expressions of confusion. That's right, Dream said he'd visit today. Puffy headed towards the door but paused, Techno's words from the day before rang in her ears. 'Do not let Dream anywhere near Tommy.' It was then that Puffy remembered what Sam said yesterday. 'They found out Dream was the reason and got Tommy back after he was stuck underground in isolation the whole time.'. He's the reason Tommy disappeared.

Puffy hadn't given that brief mention of Dream a second thought, it seemed so insignificant at the time because of the whole Wilbur leaving Tommy alone incident, but now she had Tommy in her house and Dream at the door, that made her defensive. "Boys, I'm going to see who's at the door, but could you go finish your soup up in your room?" She asked, trying not to let on that slight feeling of concern. 

Tommy wordlessly picked up his bowl and walked with Tubbo back to the room, Tommy wasn't one to obey orders like that, so seeing him obey without objection made Puffy feel that much worse about Dream being near. 

The kids were out of sight, the faint click of a door locking was comforting to Puffy as she headed for the front door. She opened it to see... Sam? She let out a sigh of relief she didn't realize she was holding and smiled at her friend. "Hello Sam, what brings you here?" She asked cheerily. "Just relaying a message." He didn't seem as happy as usual. "Is something wrong?" Puffy's thoughts went to Tommy who was likely sitting in his room eating soup. "It's about Tommy... and about Dream." Sam seemed hesitant to speak. 

The creeper hybrid looked Puffy in the eyes and continued. "The reason Tommy's family was at my house yesterday is because they wanted to see Warden about arresting Dream and putting him in the prison." "Yes, you mentioned that." "Warden agreed to hold the trial and we investigated the hole... it's bad." Sam sighed and pulled out the pictures to show Puffy. 

The room was lit up with torches but still seemed so ominous. The room was covered in filth, jagged rocks jutted out of the floor at random, small bloodstains splattered across small portions of the room (likely caused by the sharp edges of the rocks), there looked to be a path worn into the ground from constant pacing, and, most notably, there were smiley faces scrawled all over the walls. Some seemed to have been carved with rocks, others were made with blood. It was horrible, and to think that Tommy was in there for a whole month...

Puffy couldn't fathom any reason to do something so cruel. No way in hell was she letting Dream anywhere near Tommy. "When's the trial?" Puffy asked, her tone flat and her eyes filled with anger. "In 7 days. Until then, it goes without saying but don't let Dream have any contact with Tommy." It was normal protocol to not let the accused interact with the victim before a trial, but the way Sam spoke made it clear he wasn't saying that because of any rules. He was trying to protect Tommy.

Puffy nodded understandingly. "That won't be a problem."


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been so busy with online school that I have hardly had any time to write, on top of that I've got a big case of a writers block.

No worries, I didn't forget about this book, but I might end it soon if I can't think of anything good to help continue it.

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