The Re-Sorting [Drarry]

By YoursTrulyGryffindor

554 5 20

NO LONGER UPDATING When Umbridge arrives, someone has [golden] snitched. They tell her that students were al... More

The Re-Sorting
I've Found Him, Blaise
Draco's A Lil Fruity
Two Years?!
Umbridge's Detention
Dear, Padfoot
Actually, I can
Dumbledore's Army
You Wouldn't. Watch Me.
A Hogwarts Returning
London Pt. 2
Light and Dark
The Three G's
Train Ride. Train Wreck.


16 0 0
By YoursTrulyGryffindor

3rd POV:

Harry was ready for the sound of quills scratching and Ron sighing in front of him to stop.

Really, he had been at it since he opened the OWL's pamphlet.

There was a small boom and most of the students didn't think anything of it until it got louder.
Harry looked behind me to see several students already looking at the dungeon-like doors. 

"What is that?" Draco asked, who was sitting behind Harry. Harry looked back at Ron.
"Do you think this is what Fred and George were planning?" He asked.
Ron shrugged.
"They wouldn't tell me anything, they thought I would report it to headmaster because I'm Head Boy. I mean, I was in a secret army, are they that stupid?" Ron said.
"Shush. Continue your OWL's!" Umbridge shouted.

Umbridge proceeded to walk down a row of students, opening the doors and stepping outside the classroom. They watched a some sort of fizzling, glowing ball appeared in front of Umbridge's face. She watched it dance around until it came flying in to the OWLs exam room. It busted into a blue firework, just above Harry. Umbridge steeped farther outside, to most students guess, to find the culprit.

The two ginger twins, Fred and George, came flying in on their broom sticks, making quite and entrance with more fireworks from their joke shop. As they rode by, OWLs exam papers flew in the air and exploded with the fireworks. Flashes of purple, blue, pink, yellow, green, and orange twirled in the air. All the students flew up out of their seat, either avoiding fireworks or dancing around in excitement. Harry found himself walking next to Ron but misplaced Draco until he heard a low scream. His head shot up to find a firework chasing Crabbe and Goyle, followed by a high-pitched scream coming from a certain platinum blonde Slytherin. The fireball chased him against a wall, then imprinting a mimic of his face against it.

Filch came waltzing in, looking in disbelief as more fireworks shot everywhere. Fred shot up a stick firework that took shape of a Chinese dragon and chased Umbridge, then biting down on her out in the corridor, and exploding into miny fireworks which hit her stupid education degrees.

All the frames fell from the wall, shattering them as they hit the floor. George and Fred flew out of the exam room, students chasing after them and cheering. Draco and Ron stood beside Harry, the three of them clapping, whooping, and hollering the whole time. Fred and George cast one final firework, a W, in the air before flying off into the distance.

Harry POV:
I clap along with Draco and Ron as the twins fly away but I began to feel very faint. The voices around he get distant and drowned as I get dizzier. I feel myself stagger backwards and fall. I see Draco turn around with a bright smile on his face but it quickly drops, almost as quickly as I drop to the ground. The room spins more and more until I get another vision.


"I need that prophecy." The voice says.

"You'll have to kill me." Sirius says.

"Oh, I will, but first, you will fetch it for me."

Its Voldemort.

"Crucio!" Voldemort says. Sirius cries in pain and drops to the floor.

"Crucio!" He says again. Sirius groans in pain, his eyes rolling around in his head. My vision flashes through to a blue orb that's made of glass and the minister with Mr. Malfoy. Lucius. Draco's father.

The real world comes in focus again, Draco's leaning down in front of me.

"Harry? Harry, whats wrong?" He asks.

"Sirius." I bellow.


3rd POV:

Harry, Draco, Ron, Pansy, and Blaise walk up the stairs.
"Are you sure?" Pansy asked.
"I saw it! It was just like with Mr. Weasley!" Harry said, racing faster.

"The same door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something, something he didn't have last time, in the Department of Mysteries." Harry raced even faster, two steps at a time.

"Harry! Listen!" Draco said grabbing Harry's sleeve. Harry, who was three steps above him, looked down on him, in the eyes. Draco dropped him.

"What if- What if Voldemort meant for you too see this?" Draco said.
"Yeah. What if he's only hurting Sirius to get to you. To get you to come to the Department of Mysteries." Ron said, agreeing.

"Didn't Snape try to teach you Occulemncy, to keep him out of your mind." Draco said, quietly, like it was a secret.

"But what if he is? Am I just supposed to let him die? Guys, he's the only family I've got left." Harry asked. Ron and Draco shared a glance.

Blaise stepped up a step.
"What do we do?" He asked.
"We'll have to use the floo network." Harry said.
"Hold on." Draco said slightly putting a hand up toward Harry. He rounded up Ron, Blaise and Pansy.

"Don't influence him, you'll kill him if he goes looking for Voldemort!" Draco said.
"Weren't you the one who came up with 'Harry Potter is the boy who won't die'?" Blaise asked.
"Can I not worry about him?!" Draco furrowed his brow.
"He is going to DIE!" Draco said.
"He won't die. Just... let him do this... we'll go with him too." Ron said.
"I can't go! And neither can Blaise or Pansy! Our fathers and their mothers are deatheaters! If it really is Voldemort they'll be there!" Blaise strained.
"That's true." Pansy said.
"Tell him then." Ron said, looking up at Harry.

"What?!" Harry said.
"We can't go." Blaise said sturdily.
"Okay? I'm not forcing anyone to go. I need to do this alone." Harry said.
"What?!" Draco whispered.

"Listen, me, Pansy and Draco can't go. Our fathers and mine and pansy's mothers are deatheaters. If Voldemort's there, so will they be." Blaise said.

"R-Ron will go. Right, Weasley? And you could gather some other people in the order. Weaselette or Longbottom or both!" Draco said.
"Why are you so worried?" Harry said, almost disgusted someone cared so much.

"You will die, Potter! Stop being so stubborn for once in your life!" Draco yelled, heat and red rode up Draco's neck and ears. Harry's eyes widened and he sighed, shoulder slumping.

"Umbridge has blocked all fireplaces with floo though." Ron said.
Harry straightened up a bit.
"Not all of them. Harry said.

3rd POV:

"Alohamora." Harry said, kneeling down at the key hole and opened the door. The six entered looking around at the horrific cat plates and excessive pink.
Ron and Blaise went to close the door at the same time bumping heads and touching hands.
"Erm, sorry." Ron said, as he rubbed the back of his neck. Blaise shifted his weight as Pansy poked him in the ribs.
Blaise bowed slightly as he took quick steps toward Draco and Harry, who were at the fireplace.

"Ron!" Harry called.
"Alter the Ministry." He said, looking into the fire.
"Are you mental? I'm coming with you. Get Malfoy to do it." Ron said, right side gleaming on the green fire.
"And how is Draco supposed to contact the Order when his father is the enemy?" Harry growled. Ron stiffened and seemed to silently gasp. 

"We're in this together." Draco said.
"We'll obviously not you three." Harry said. Harry felt like his throat was closing and he was drowning.

"Hey! We don't decide what decisions our parents make!" Blaise said, a throaty voice.

"I can't do this anymore. I just want to be normal for once." Harry whispered as he looked into the fire.

"Hey, mate, it's fine. I know you'll be fine. We'll have a normal year next year, I promise. Umbridge will be gone and you, me and 'Mione can go back to Gryffindor and it will be like old times."

"But I don't want all that! I just want him to leave me alone." Harry choked.
"We'll do this together." Ron said.

"That you will!" Umbridge said.
"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini, Miss. Parkinson! Thank you for trying to intervene, come help me control them. Mr. Malfoy take Potter, Mr. Zabini take Weasley."
'Again?!' Harry heard Draco say under his breath as he grabbed Harry. Blaise looked very uncomfortable as Ron just let Blaise grab him by the crooks of his arms.

"Mr. Malfoy you should be proud! I'll be sure to tell you mother and father, they will be extremely happy." Umbridge said. Draco smiled weakly.

Umbridge dragged a chair from the wall and advised Draco to sit Harry down in it. Draco just let Harry go and he sat down.

"Come on, Draco, be firmer." Umbridge grabbed Harry's shoulders and pushed on them. Goyle and Crabbe came in the door. Goyle was holding Ginny and Luna. Crabbe was holding Neville.

Goyle passed Luna to Draco.
"Watch that one, will you Mr. Malfoy?" Umbridge asked, Draco nodded meekly.

"I'm so sorry, Luna." He said under his breath.
"Oh it's quite fine." She said, tilting her head back.

Umbridge leaned down toward Harry.
"You we're going to see Dumbledore, weren't you?" She asked.
"No. I don't know where he is." Harry said.
"Liar!" Umbridge said, whilst smacking him.

It made almost everyone in the room jump, Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other and laughed.
Draco gripped Luna tighter, in coping to not screaming the worst insults he could and getting Harry away from the evil woman.

"Sorry, Luna." He whispered, realizing.
"'Tis fine." She replied.

"You sent for me, Headmistress?" Snape came in, crossing his arms in the usual way he does.
"Snape, yes. The time has come for answer, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" She asked.
"Im afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it was used on Miss Chang." Snape said, almost with a snigger.

Harry looked back to Draco and Ron. Ron looked at Draco sighed with relief.

"Unless you want to poison him, and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you." Snape said.

"He's got Padfoot!" Harry shouted, before Snape exited the room. Snape turned around.
"He's got Padfoot in the place where it's hidden!" He said.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden?" Umbridge asked. Snape narrowed his eyes on Harry and then looked to Umbridge.
"What is he talking about, Snape?" Umbridge asked.

"No idea." Snape said, blankly. Harry wondered if he meant what he said.

"Very well." Umbridge sighed.
"You give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security you leave me with no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue." She said.
"That's illegal!" Ron called, struggling and wiggling in the grasp of Blaise.

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." She said, placing a portrait of the minister downward on her desk. Harry stood his ground as Umbridge pointed her wand at him.

"Harry! Tell her!" Ron shouted. Both Harry and Umbridge's heads snapped toward him.
"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked.
"Well if you won't tell her where it is, I will!" He said. Harry looked as confused as Umbridge.

"Where what is?" She asked.
"Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Umbridge smile twisted as she set her wand down.
"Come along Weasley, Potter." She said, stepping aside to her doorframe.
"Professor! Professor, maybe I should go along? I don't want any trickery." Draco said nervously. Umbridge seemed to think about it and picked her wand up again.

"I'll be fine, but thank you for your concern Mr. Malfoy, but my wand shall protect me if there shall be any... problems. If you don't hear from your parents about what I say about you, please come ask me if I told them. I am very proud of you!" She said, Draco nodded.

"Lead me there, Weasley!" She shouted grabbing Harry and forcing him out of the chair. Harry and Ron walked in front of Umbridge down corridors until they were outside of Hogwarts.

Harry turned around and looked up to see a window where Luna, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco were looking out. Harry looked at Ron, who seemed determined and focused. He seemed to be mumbling to himself.

"Ron. We're are we going." Harry said under his breath.
"Shush." He said.

"It's in there." He said, leading Umbridge to the edge of The Forbidden Forest.
"Well? Lead me to it!" She said. Ron hesitated but went in. Harry followed only to be tripped by a branch and caught by Ron.

"How much further?" Umbridge's shrill voice echoed in the forest.
"Not far." Ron replied, helping Harry dust off his front.
"It had to be put somewhere students wouldn't accidentally find it."

"What are you doing?" Harry asked again, Ron didn't respond. They walked up to a big tree with a thick rope tied around it, at the end, it looked to be shredded up.

"Well? Where is this weapon?" She asked, holding her wand up to them.
When Ron and Harry shared looks, looking panicked, Umbridge came to an accusation.

"There isn't one, is there? You were trying to trick me! You know, I really hate children." Umbridge said, fixating her wand on Harry.

There was a snap behind them, Umbridge turned around and then walked behind Ron and Harry, obviously going to use them as a shield if anything happened.

Centaurs came into view. With a quivering voice Umbridge said,
"You have no business here, centaurs, this is a ministry matter."
A centaur pulled a bow from behind him and pulled the string. Harry held his breathe, waiting to be shot.

"Lower you weapons. I warn you, under the law, as creatures of near-human intelligence-" Umbridge was cut off by a shot and Harry heard protego in his ear while he bowed down to not be shot, meaning it would hit the Professor behind him.

⚠️TW? Animal Abuse?⚠️

"How dare you! You filthy half-breed! Incarcerous!" Umbridge shouted. A rope shot out of Dolores wand and around the centaurs neck, chocking him, wrapping around the rest of his body, and leading him to the ground.

Harry ran to the centaurs side as it pulled at the rope.
He tried pulling the thick material off him.

"Please! Please, stop it! Please!" Harry begged.
"Enough! I will have order!" Umbridge shouted, Ron going to Harry's side to help. They yanked at the rope, allowing the half-man half-horse to breathe but not be free. Ron twisted around to see Grawp picking up Umbridge by the collar.

More centaurs run down with their bows, pulling out arrows and shooting at the Giant. The centaur engulfed with rope managed to pull it off himself and follow the other centaurs.

"You filthy animal! Do you know who I am?!" She shouted, wiggling.

Ron raced up and tried to reason with the centaurs.
"Leave him alone! He's trying to keep me and Harry safe! It's not his fault!" He shouted. Harry grabbed Ron's hand as the centaurs backed up and almost trampled on him.
"No! Grawp doesn't understand!"

Grawp let Umbridge go when he realized the centaurs were shooting at him and weren't going to stop til they had her.
The centaurs grabbed Umbridge from under her shoulders.

"Potter! Do something! Tell them I mean no harm!" Umbridge shouted.
"Sorry, Professor, I must not tell lies." Harry said, as they took her deeper into the forest.

"Thank you, Grawp." Ron said, looking up.
"Ron! Ron, Sirius." Harry said, tapping his arm. They quickly ran back to the school.
They were met by Luna, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Ginny, and Hermione.

"How'd you get away?" Ron asked.
"Puking pastilles. It wasn't pretty. Told 'em we were hungry, wanted some sweets." Ginny said.
"Told us to bugger off and ate them themselves. Well, Crabbe and Goyle did anyways. HEMRIONE warned these three." Neville finished for Ginny, while she was gasping for breath, still laughing at the thought.
"Hermione." Harry nodded curtly in her direction. She looked like she'd burst.

She ran up to Harry and jumped into his arms.
"Harry! Harry, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please, I-" She cried.
Harry caught Draco's eye as he hugged her back.
"It's fine, it's fine. I accept your apology." He said.
"Y-you forgive me?" Hermione asked.
"It'll take time, but I do not. I only accept your apology." He said, moving away from her. She nodded and went back with others.

"That was very smart, Ginny, for a younger sibling that is." Ron said. Ginny rolled her eyes, whilst batting her eyelashes at Harry.
"It was brilliant." Harry complimented.
"How are we getting to London?" Neville asked.

Harry hesitates to speak, Ron looks to him for answers.
"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you but I've already got you into enough trouble as is." Harry walked past the group and down the rest of the corridor.

"Dumbledore's Army is supposed to be about doing something real or was it all just words to you?" Neville asked.
"Maybe you don't have to do this by yourself, mate." Ron said.

"So how are we going to get to London?" Harry asked.
2901 Words

The Order
Part of the
Story is coming an end 🥲

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