Falling for a Felstead

Від Mikaelson_Mysteries

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After getting her degree in Australia, Arabella returns to the luxury and drama of Chelsea. Will everything b... Більше

Moving home
Boy drama
First date invites
Truth willout
The Spencer situation
Clearing the air
Deleted messages
Princess Belle
Adult communication
Christmas season
On a break?
The photoshoot
The Felstead way
Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie
Weird invite
High class birthday
Truth of the ski trip
The break up
Schools and manors
The aftermath
Over before it begun
The vineyard
Lets go home
Birthday surprise
Who missed me?!
Ticking time bomb
Official. Drama.
What next?
Break out the chainsaw
The Charlie situation
Woodland rave
Not ready
Toff's Birthday fallout
Advise on the ex
Early Christmas
Studio Show
Just bizarre
French ex?
So much for civil
Black and gold
Playing games
Sri Lanka
Flirty friends
Great minds
Are what they are
The Albatross
Double dates
Hearts on sleeves
Truth willout
Final Hours
Charity gala
Growing up
Dinner dramas
In the middle
Block out the bullshit


85 1 0
Від Mikaelson_Mysteries

Louise, Ryan, Sam, Harry and I all went to this fitness class together and it was so funny because it was on these sliding boards and Sam kept falling off.

At the end of the class, we all sat down together. Sam and Ryan sat on one of the machines while Harry and Louise sat opposite them and I sat on the floor in between Sam and Harry.

"Did we enjoy that, Sam?" Ryan smirked.

"That was actually quite good." Sam nodded a little.

"Look at these little legs." Ryan lifted Sam's leg. "Look at the spindly things."

"Can I just say, I honestly thought I was alright." Harry said. "I thought I was going to suck."

"You were ok." I told him. "You weren't the worst."

"I wasn't the worst." Harry pointed at Sam.

"Have you seen these legs?" Sam slapped the side of his thigh.

"Anyhow, how are things with you guys?" Harry looked between Ryan and Louise.

Sam wrapped an arm around Ryan's shoulders with a small laugh. "Alik."

"Yeah, talk to me about this." Harry clapped his hands together a couple of times with a devious grin. "Please, talk to me about this."

"The good thing is, he's now back in America, and we're still happier than ever so it really doesn't matter." Louise half shrugged. "I mean, I really don't think that anything... I mean, I'm unfazed."

"That's why I got this." Ryan looked at his wrist. "Have you seen this?" He held it up to show Harry.

"Yeah, but you got that before." Louise reminded him.

"I have heard of it." Harry leaned closer to get a better look at the tattoo. "That's quite sweet."

"Louise, when are you going to get my name on...?" Ryan asked suggestively.

"Oh yeah, so where's your tattoo?" Harry asked Louise.

"Every day goes by and I kind of... forget about it."

"So, why don't you get Ryan tattooed on you?"

"No, I will. I want to return the favour, but I just don't know exactly what I want yet."

"Are you actually gonna do it?" Sam looked shocked.

Ryan pulled him back a little. "Whoa, why do you put her off?"

"Setting a standard." I pointed at Ryan and Louise while looking at Harry. "You ever gonna get my name tattooed on you?"

"After a couple years, I might get your name tattooed on me. Would you get my name?"

I didn't hesitate. "Yes. But only if you got my name first."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"So you two are doing good then?" Louise smiled.

"Yeah, I mean, she's met my family so..." Harry chuckled a little.

"Did you?" Sam grinned. "How was it?"

I blushed. "It was good, I think."

"My family loved you." Harry reassured me.

"How are you both feeling after the Sam Prince thing? Is that completely settled now?" Ryan questioned.

"I mean I haven't spoken to him since I threw the drink in his face." I half shrugged.

"I spoke to him at Toff's birthday and it wasn't great, obviously." Harry stated.

"What happened?" Louise followed up.

"He was basically standing by what he said to Bella and was like: I didn't say it to hurt her, I said it to protect her because I don't want her going through that shit again and you're gonna put her through it. Then he said something like: shes way too good for you, you treat her like shit."

I furrowed my brows a little. "I'm sorry Sam Prince knows nothing about our relationship. He was my friend and I always told him about how much I love you and how happy I was with you. Where the fuck has he gotten the idea that you're this horrible boyfriend?"

"I don't know but he was like: nobody likes you, you're so fake and all of this shut and I was just stood there like: I'm the one with a bunch of good mates and an amazing girlfriend but I'm the one that nobody likes? Where's the logic in that one, mate?"

"I think it's quite funny that his new best mate, James, actually came up to me after walking away from you and Sam Prince." I admitted.

"Really?" Sam leaned forward in interest. "What did he say?"

"He asked about the issue between Harry and Sam and I explained that Harry didn't have an issue until Sam said shit to me. He asked what Sam had said so I told him and gave him a little context and he was like: considering what you've just told me, Harry's actually handling it really well and is quite decent." I told them. "He was basically saying that he thought you were being completely reasonable and agreed that Sam was a fucking tosser."

"I think that's quite jokes." Harry smirked a little. "His mate going to you and agreeing that we're completely in the right here."

"It's not exactly up for interpretation though, is it?" Louise said. "Sam is one hundred percent the one that's fucked up. No doubt about it."


Sam, Liv, Louise, Harry and I all went out for a bit of tea.

"What year is this?" I queried as Harry poured it.

"Green tea." Sam responded but didn't sound too sure.

"I think it's peppermint actually." Harry corrected.

"What's been happening with you Louise?" Liv asked. "Pregnant, yet?"

"No, thank god."

"Right, so, Ryan showed me, I didn't know, he's got, like, a tattoo of Louise, and Louise has now said that she's going to get a tattoo of Ryan's name as well." Harry threw Louise under the bus a little bit.

"I don't believe it!" Sam declared.

"Are you?" Liv practically gasped at Louise.

"I'm just, I'm not sure I'm really a tattoo person."

"You don't have any tattoos do you?" I tried to remember.

"No." She confirmed.

"He wants you to, that's the thing." Sam commented.

"I think he does want me to." Louise laughed a little. "He's not gonna put pressure on me to do it because that's not the kind of guy he is."

Sam wasn't helpful at all. "Oh, but he'll be mortified if you don't."

"It's just, I'm like, trying to think of places that aren't visible."

"Wait, so, yesterday you were like super keen even though I know you don't like tattoos." Sam called her out. "So are you still gonna do it? Or now that Ryan's not there, are you going to be like, well, backtrack?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Backtrack." Sam nodded a little which made us all chuckled a little.

"The thing is he wouldn't want me to do anything that I'm not comfortable with."

"Yes he would."

"Sam please, you're making it so hard for me."

"But he'd probably rather you didn't do it than resent him for doing it." I defended Louise.

"But he explained it me and was like: look, man, the fact I don't like tattoos is the reason I'm getting one of Louise." Sam said.

"Oh, fuck you, I've got to go and get one now, then."

"If you were gonna get a tattoo of me, where would you get it?" Harry asked me.

"Probably on the spine of the book." I pointed at part of the tattoo on the inside of my arm. "Where would you get a tattoo of my name?"

"Probably where Ryan got his." He pointed at the inside of his wrist. "Just there."

"What about you Sammy boy?" I turned to my best friend. "You dating anyone?"

"No, but Mytton is actually going on a date with Habbs later and I think she's bringing a couple of friends, so Mytt's invited me and Jamie to go down as well."

"Jamie's going as well?"


"I don't know if I am quite ready yet but it's good that my mate is really like: come on, let's go for it. The problem is, J talks for England, Mytt just is good-looking and surly, and I'm just there, like: I talk a lot, don't look that good..."

"You're like the nice one." I reassured him.

"Yeah that's true." Liv nodded. "You'll be fine."

I was lying on the floor with Benji while Harry was in the kitchen.

"Why are you on the floor?" He chuckled as he walked in with a couple plates.

"I was playing with Benji." I sat up again as he handed me one of the plates. "French toast, my favourite."

"What's up? You've got your thinking face on."

"I don't have a thinking face."

He laughed slightly. "Yes you do. What's on your mind?"

"I'm going to go to my country house with Binky, mummy and India I was wondering if you wanted to come with."

He grinned. "I would love to. Should I know anything about them before I meet them?"

"They can both be very protective. Binky doesn't usually like my boyfriends. Mummy can be very passive aggressive if you say the wrong thing." I listed. "No, you don't need to know anything."

"Right, now in the nervous one."

I moved onto the sofa next to him. "There's no need to be nervous. They're really lovely. Problem is, we'll be missing Sophie's circus party."

"Family's more important than some stupid party." He smiled and we ate our food happily.

I was the only one in my family that had a country house but I obviously let all of them use it.

It took about an hour to get to my house in Beaconsfield.

"This place is beautiful." Harry looked around in awe as we got out the car.

"It is isn't it?" I smiled. "It was a Victorian school so it was pretty run down when I got it. I spent more on the renovations than I did the actual property."

"You did an amazing job." He got our bags and we walked in.

"Mummy!" I happily hugged her. "I thought you were gonna be here until later."

"Binky wanted to leave a little earlier to India could settle before nap time."

"Binks and Indie are here?"

"You know it." Binky walked down the grand staircase with India. "Hey sissy."

"I've missed you Binkster. Hi baby girl." I took my niece from my sister's arms. "Mummy, Binky, this is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, this is my mummy and my sister Binky. And obviously my niece, India."

"It's a honour to finally meet you." Harry smiled and kissed both mum's cheeks. "Bella talks about you guys all the time."

"I was about to say the same thing to you. Nice to meet you." Binky kissed both his cheeks.

He then walked over to me. "Hey, you." He grinned down at India. "She's adorable."

"Yeah she is." Binky smiled proudly.

"Come on, let's go sit in the living room." They all followed me in.

Benji was running around trying to get Scrumble (Binky's dog) to play.

I sat with India on the floor.

"So how did you two meet?" Mummy asked.

Harry looked a little nervous/awkward. "We had a mutual friend that introduced us on a night out and we just kept running into each other after that."

"We hooked up occasionally but didn't properly get to know each other until after I broke up with Alex." I said casually and Harry looked mortified. "We don't care about sex, bubs, it's fine."

"If you're ashamed of it then you shouldn't be doing it." Mummy said.

"Preach!" Binky and I agreed simultaneously so we absentmindedly high fived.

Harry laughed at us. "So what do you do for a living Mrs Felstead?"

"Nothing anymore." Mummy laughed a little. "And please, call me Jane."

"Mummy has MS." Binky told Harry sadly and hugged mum.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Harry said sincerely.

"It's okay." Mummy waved it off. "So what about you? What do you do when you're not doing the show?"

"I'm a pr manager for Amika. It's a quite exclusive nightclub in Mayfair." Harry explained. "It's a lot of fun."

"Are you quite a playboy?" Binky asked. "I've heard rumours."

Harry nervously chuckled again. "I'm not going to lie, I don't have the best past but when I'm with someone, I like to think I'm a good boyfriend."

"He is a very good boyfriend." I assured them. "He's a good boy."

He grinned childishly. He then started pulling faces at India to make her smile, which she did. "Do you mind if I hold her?" He asked Binky.

"Go for it." She smiled.

He carefully took her from my arms and started bouncing her on his knee which made her giggle. It was sweet seeing how good with her he was.

We sat together for an hour or so but then Binky took India up to their room for nap time.

"I'm going to make a cup of tea. Would either of you like something?"

"I can make it." Harry offered. "Milk and sugar?"

"Yes, please." Mummy smiled.

Harry looked down at me as he stood up. "Little one?"

"Can you get me a glass of water please?"

"Of course. Do you think Binks will want something?"

"Probably not. She's still got a drink." Mummy pointed out the half full glass on the table.

"Alright, be back in a minute." He smiled and walked through to the kitchen.

"He seems nice." Mummy nodded approvingly. "He definitely loves you."

I blushed like crazy. "I love him too. I've never felt like this before mummy. It's like I'm a completely different person but in the most wonderful way."

"I don't think I've ever seen you happier." She agreed.

"I don't think I've ever been happier." My smile grew. "He's so affectionate and caring and attentive and protective. He's scarily close to perfect. Honestly, it's almost unnerving."

"What's unnerving?" Binky asked as she walked back in and sat down again.

"Your sister's unnerved by how perfect her boyfriend is." Mummy explained with an amused smile.

"Wasn't there that whole situation with Tiff though?" Binky remembered.

I nodded. "In a weird way though, it kind of made me and him better though. After it happened, I told him I needed a couple days of space and he sent these super cute messages but never pressured me into talking or into seeing him. Then when I started to forgive him he became more attentive and stuff- at first I thought he was just grovelling but he's been consistent with it. I've never felt like this."

"You said that about Mytt." Binky played devils advocate.

"This one's different Binks. I can't explain it. It's like when I'm with him I forget about everything else and when I'm not with him he's all I think about." I shook my head with a blushing smile. "It's not just the best love I've ever felt, it's the most all consuming and it so different. There just aren't words to describe it to you."

"You've fallen hard." Mummy smirked. "We just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I don't think he'll hurt you." Binky admitted. "You've never looked at anyone the way you look at him and the way he looks at you... I'm jealous quite frankly."

I laughed and got up to hug her and then hugged mummy.

Harry then walked back in with our drinks. "What are we talking about?"

"Nothing." I kissed his cheek and cuddled up to him on the sofa.

After dinner, we made a bonfire at the bottom of the garden. I sang a few songs with my guitar and we just had a laugh together.

Binky and India went up to bed first, closely followed by mummy and then it was just Harry and I wrapped up in a blanket by the fire.

"I think they like me." He said proudly.

"They do." I smiled up at him.

"What? You've got a look in your eyes."

"I just really love you."

"Well, that's lucky because I love you too." He kissed my forehead.

"I never knew you were so good with kids though. You're amazing with India."

He shrugged. "I love kids, their so cute even when they're being a royal pain."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Do you think you want kids in the future?"

"Definitely." He responded without hesitation. "What about you?"

"Obviously. It's always been my number one dream to be a mum, Binky and I used to dream about living next to each other with our families."

He smiled. "That's a nice dream."

"It would be nice."

"What do you think about being married? Obviously, I'm not saying that we're gonna get married but I'm talking hypothetically not necessarily about us..." he rambled a little. "I'm gonna stop talking now."

I giggled a little. "Yeah, I want to get married one day. Not for a few years at least. I mean I'm only 22 so I'm in no rush."

"I'm surprised your mum wasn't weirded out by the age difference. I mean, I'm six years older than you."

I shrugged. "Did your parents care?"


"So why would my mum?"

He thought for a second. "I guess."

I got a sudden chill and shook a little.

"Come on, let's put this out and head up to bed."

I nodded and kept the blanket around me as he put the fire out and we went back inside.

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