
By lk_anon

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*Sequel to Crossing the Lines but can be read as a stand alone* Growing up, many people are taught there are... More



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By lk_anon

Aria's POV


"Okay, add one cup of bleach." I read out loud to Luca, who starts to pour it into the beaker. 

"Aria, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I'm all for trouble but if you end up killing someone, your dad will kill you."

"Relax." I sigh, getting out a teaspoon of acetone. "We won't be using it all, or enough to kill them."

Currently, Luca and I were conducting one part of my list, which involved making chloroform. Consider it a little welcome back surprise for the teachers. After we had made the liquid, we were going to break into the teachers lounge and add a few droplets to each of the coffee cups. They wouldn't suspect anything in the morning, just that it was a little left over water from the cups being cleaned.

"Okay, ice is mixed in with the bleach. Before you put that in...will I pass out if I stay in the room?"

"No, stupid." I roll my eyes, quickly walking to the supply room and grabbing two gas masks. "You may want to put this on, though."

"Oh hell..."

We put the gas masks on and mixed the acetone with the bleach and ice. It had to sit for thirty minutes so we quickly fled the room to start the next task while we waited. Not all of the teachers drink coffee or use the school coffee cups. In order to make sure everyone is out and relaxed, we would need a fail safe.

"While that is cooking," I sighed, pulling off my mask as we walked down the hall. "We need to cook up something else. Did you bring the keys?" He nodded, taking his mask off as well.

Freshman year, Helena and I got into a fake fight, which resulted in us getting sent to the headmasters office. Whenever there is a fight or any kind of violence, Headmaster Charles talks to the students involved and Mrs. Delmont talks to the witnesses to gather what happened. Henrik and Luca claimed they were witnesses and, while Luca was telling the story, Henrik slipped a couple hydrocodone's into her drink. I love Mrs. Delmont, but it was a necessary evil. They snagged her master keys and snuck into town and had every key copied. We havent had any trouble getting into places we don't belong ever since.

Luca and I walked into the teachers lounge and sat our stuff down as I tied my hair up. Because every student here was loaded, the lounge was not lacking. They had a couch, with two armchairs, a table to eat at, a fridge, and a kitchenette which housed a sink, stove, and oven.

"So, what are we cooking?"

"The baking instructions are in any bag". I tell him as I walk over to the stove to preheat the oven.

"Coffee cake?" He questions, reading the paper.

"Yeah, I figured it would be a great welcome back present for the teachers." I smile innocently.

"You know how sour patch kids are sour than sweet?"


"I've noticed you're the opposite. A pretty girl who is innocent, get good grades, and sweet talks all of her teachers. Yet here you are, poisoning them and making coffee cake, which I'm sure will be far worse than the chloroform."


"Don't 'hey' me, you're literally a disgrace to all Italians with your cooking skills."

"Fine, then you can make the coffee cake."

"Fine." He grumbles. I know his grumbling is just an act though. Luca's darkest secret is how much he loves cooking and baking of any kind. If it wasn't for the fact that he is in a mafia, I'm pretty sure he would grow up to be a chef.

I let Luca pull all of the ingredients out of my bag while I tossed myself onto the couch and got on my phone, checking my list. Once the chloroform and cake were done, we only had to run to the hardware store, liquor store, and grocery store to gather everything for the last two steps.

"Do you know of any art kids who would wanna make a little extra cash?" I ask, yawning.

"No." He laughed. "No one hangs with the art kids. You could try Sierra? She doesn't necessarily need cash, being the heiress to the Chinese mafia and all, but I know she's into art."

"Yeah but she's a first year." I whine. "Plus, if I invite her Adriano will want to come and the last thing I need is that little shit ruining everything."

Whenever we throw parties and events, it is always upperclassman only. It's not necessarily because we don't like the first years, but they need time to adjust at Stonebridge and learn the rules, the student rules. Upperclassman know to keep secrets, and they know what happens if they don't. We've only ever had two people tell the teachers anything, and they were both beaten to a pulp so bad that they were stuck in the hospital for almost a month. Upperclassman have also already experienced most alcohol and drugs, so if they take something at a party, they know how to keep from getting caught after the fact. 

"She's a first year but she's also in a fucking mafia. If she can't keep a secret then who can?"

"What about Adriano? I don't want him there."

"Why? Worried he'll tell the Don?"

"No." I sigh. My Dad is tough and I'm petrified when he's mad, but only one person scares me more than he does. "I'm worried he'll tell the Donna..."

"I don't think he would, if he told them about you, he'd basically just be snitching on his self because he wouldn't know if he wasn't here."

"I know, I know."

"Wanna know what I think?"


"I think that deep, deep down, under the thick layers of ice that coat your shriveled up heart, you actually care about him. You don't want your brother to be let in on this side of your life because it will taint him, make him less innocent than he is. You care and don't want him to wake up with hangovers, or become addicted to something and go through withdrawals."

"Wow." I clap. "Somebody get you an award, you just broke down the psychological ways of Aria Russo."

"What can I say, it's been my mission in life." He jokes. 

We both settle in a comfortable silence as he starts to cook again and I just watch him. I didn't want to admit it, but Luca was probably right. He's always right. He's so well at reading people, figuring things out, figuring me out. I used to have the biggest crush on him when we were younger. He never seemed to care for me in that way though, more of like a sister. It took forever, but once we came to Stonebridge and I saw how he jumped from girl to girl, never paying me any attention, I slowly moved on.

"Aria...What the fuck is this?" He asks, holding up a container with creamy green stuff inside of it.

"Butter." He looks at the container and cringes before looking at me again.

"No the fuck it's not."

"Yes, it is. It's just a special butter."


"It's called canna butter." I smile.

"Weed butter? Seriously?!"

"Yes. Now hurry up and make it. I want to put it in the oven before we finish the chloroform."

"Forget being the death of me, you're going to be the death of everyone."

Luca finally finished making the cake and put it in the oven before we walked back to the science lab. The once clear liquid was now cloud, with particles laying at the bottom of the substance. We used a separation funnel and got the chloroform out of the jar, which took forever. When it was finally done we walked back to the teachers lounge and sprinkled a few droplets in all of the cups and then walked back to the lab to dump the rest down the sink.

"The cake still has 15 minutes. What's next?"

"We wait for the cake to be done, then we're taking a trip to town. I need to go to the grocery, liquor, and hardware store."

"For what?"

"Party supplies." I smile.

"I'll send the invites..." He sighs, pulling out an old iPhone.

To let people know about parties, we send out a text to all upperclassman from a dummy account. We had a hacker make sure it couldn't be traced and put a nasty virus up for anyone who attempts to find the owner of the account. Everyone knows we run it, but if they ever wanted to turn us in, they'd have no proof.

"Where is the party at?" He asked, typing out the text.

"Here, let me type it. There's a dress code."

I typed out a few sentences and hit the send button, quickly causing mine and Luca's phones to go off, and I'm sure 75% of everyone on campus' phones as well.

Pool party tonight at 10:00. Don't draw attention. Bring a swimsuit and be prepared to be painted.


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