𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 - han seojun

By chamvies

63.5K 2.2K 517

。゚。 ୨♡୧ 。゚。 Yeona frowned, wondering why Suho had avoided her question... Her eyes widened as she finally con... More



1.7K 70 16
By chamvies


"Kang Soojin! Joo Yiseo! Sooah!"

Mr. Han was currently calling out names to pick up their grades from their national assessment test.

"No way... I got lower grades than I expected..." Jugyeong whispered, fear laced in her voice.

"Kim Yeona! Yoo Kyung!" Yeona patted Jugyeong's shoulder as she walked past, thanking Mr. Han as he handed her the scores. She waited until she was seated again to look at the paper that decided on if her dad would freak out on her or not.

She slowly unfolded the paper and took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare herself for the numbers that would be on the paper.

"You shouldn't even be worried, Yeona. You probably passed with flying colors!" Sooah exclaimed, noticing the girl's apprehension.

Yeona gave her a weak smile, her gaze focusing on the number at the bottom of the chart.

2/28. Second out of twenty eight kids... That should be enough to please her father. She heard a sigh and a crumple of paper behind her, causing her to glance to where the sound had come from, spotting Soojin who looked worried.

"Yah, Soojin," Yeona called to her, "Are you alright?"

Soojin looked over and gave her a reassuring smile, "Of course." Yeona could see that she wasn't but decided not to press on it, not being close with the girl and all. She nodded and turned back around just as Mr. Han started speaking again.

"All flowers endure wind as they bloom," The class moaned in unison, "Even the most beautiful flowers had to endure wind as they blossomed, so don't let your grades affect you too much."

"Mr. Han..." A girl called out, "Can you please stop?" The class started murmuring in agreement, wanting the teacher to stop with his cheesy quotes. Yeona stayed silent, finding that his words were probably helping at least one student overcome their grades, so she decided to be appreciative of his words.

Hyunkya abruptly stood up, "Mr... Why does it sometimes feel as if I'm enduring a stronger wind than others?" He asked with a pout.

"Hyunkya, I think it's okay for you to be a little upset." Mr. Han replied, causing some of the students to laugh at the poor boy's dismay, "I'm meeting your parents this week to discuss your grades! Those of you whose parents are expected to come today, let me know if they wish to change their schedule!"

"Yes sir..." They class groaned out in unison once more.

Jugyeong was staring at her phone, looking as if she would either combust or burst into tears at any given moment, "I'm doomed!"

Yeona felt a pang of sympathy at the girl's words, "Why is that?"

"My mom is gonna kill me! Yeona, if I don't come back alive, my mom did it. She's the perp, okay?" Jugyeong took her hands, "She's going to fry my dead body and feed it to the birds!"

Yeona let out a quick laugh, "You'll be fine!" She took her hands from Jugyeong and grabbed the sheet of paper that had her grades on it, "Oh..." Yeona pursed her lips as she read all of the scores, "Oh. Maybe you won't be fine..."

"Yeona!" Jugyeong cried out, "Don't say that!"

"Look, if she tries to kill you, just run to my place! You can hide out there!" Yeona encouraged, handing her the sheet of paper back, "I have food!"

Jugyeong nodded, "Okay... If she tries to kill me, you'll be seeing me..."

It was later that Yeona had been wandering the halls aimlessly, waiting for all of the parent conferences to end. Her father was still on a business trip and she had already been to the office to let them know that he would not be showing up. She came across Jugyeong who had been calling out for her mother as she ran down the hallway, "Eomma, don't be mad!"

She suddenly paused in her steps as a man in a well-tailored suit stepped into the hallway, making his way to the office. Yeona also froze in her steps, not believing that she was seeing Lee Jooheon in the flesh at a school event... A slight anger filled her at seeing his face. It was bad enough that she had to go to the occasional dinner with him, but seeing him at her school was too much. She scoffed and turned on her heel, leaving the scene as quickly as she could.

She ended up running into Seojun outside a little while later, "Hey, Seojun." She grumbled, sitting next to him on the bench that he had been occupying.

Seojun narrowed his eyes at her, "What's up with you?"

"Saw a rat earlier..." She muttered, glaring at the ground, "Sometimes I wonder why people have calculated moves..."

Seojun was lost to where she had been taking the conversation and instead, changed the topic, "Yah, what happened to your head? I've been meaning to ask since this morning. It wasn't like that last night."

Yeona let out a breath, "Long story short? I fell and hit my head on the ground. Gosh, bad things really do happen to good people. Maybe that was my karma for being a bitch to you last night." The way she was ranting had Seojun staring at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, seriously, what's up with you? You never talk this much about your feelings." Feeling a sense of deja vu from their conversation from the previous night, Yeona pursed her lips together tightly before shooting him a look, "It was one sentence..."

"Still more than you've ever spilled. Now spill more, what's wrong?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Yeona scowled at the ground, "Suho's dad is here." She muttered, Seojun barely able to pick up on it.


He tensed up, "What?"

She turned her gaze to him, "Suho's dad is here... Being a... dad? Can you even call it that? Crazy asshole thinks he can just come whenever he pleases and ruin Suho's life here at school? He's ruined enough lives... Now all the students are going to be swarming Suho and it's just another problem on the poor guy's plate. Why did his dad even come? He's never come to one of these for as long as I've been here and from the sounds of all the students, he's never come before that either."

Seojun listened to her rant, feeling his blood running cold for a reason similar to hers, "Can't believe he had the guts to show up here knowing I go here."

Yeona sighed, "He knew I went here too... I'm forced to go to business dinners with him-"

"What?" Seojun cut off, turning his body towards her as he tilted his head with an incredulous look on his face, "You what?"

"My dad is best business buddies with Suho's dad. I have to go on business dinners with him. Stupid asshole." She muttered the last part with a sour look on her face.

Seojun let out a heavy breath, "I hate him. Sometimes I wish for something terrible to happen to him. After all of the shit he's done, he'd deserve it."

As much as Yeona wanted to agree, the better part of her disagreed, "I wish I could say the same, but I don't want any harm done to anyone else. I've had enough hurt in this year alone, I don't want anymore."

"Would it really hurt you, though?" Seojun asked, "We don't care about him, so what difference does it make to us?"

Yeona shook her head at his words, "You don't mean that. Suho would be crushed, even if his dad is a piece of crap. Even though you claim to hate Suho, you can't deny that if you wished for tragedy to bestow upon his father that you would feel guilty once tragedy struck."

Seojun sat in silence for a moment before groaning, "I hate that you're right and I hate that you were right while using words like 'bestow' and 'tragedy'..."

Yeona cracked a smile at that, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him after I had wished for something negative to happen to him. As much as I hate him, I can't do that to him or to myself." Seojun nodded, seeming to understand where she was coming from.

"I think I'd feel the same way. I'm angry. Super angry... But I can't wish for stuff like that." He replied, his gaze falling to the space in between them.

Yeona suddenly let out a laugh, turning to him and punching his arm playfully, "Look at us! Talking about our feelings in a healthy way! Who would've thought." She had a proud look on her face as she spoke, causing Seojun to crack a smile back at her.

"Look at that. We can speak about our feelings without blowing up at each other," He joked, holding his hand up, "High five?"

Yeona raised her hand and returned his gesture, slapping their hands together, "High five." She beamed, shoving her hands into the pockets of her hoodie that she had worn, "Is your mom coming to the school?" Yeona asked after a moment of silence.

Seojun shook his head, "Not today." He kept his reply short for a little while before adding on, "She just recently had a kidney transplant and although the doctors say that she's okay, I've been making her take it easy. I don't want her to worry too much about anything else, I just want her to worry about recovering well."

Yeona's eyes widened when he spoke about the procedure, "Your mom is tough as nails. I wanna meet her... after she recovers more, of course."

Seojun smiled, "She'd love you."

"Really?" Yeona grinned, "Your sister already loves me so it would only make sense that your mom would love me too." She joked, bumping his shoulder with hers playfully.

He rolled his eyes at her words, "Well now I'm gonna tell her things to make her dislike you." He teased, letting out a laugh when she swatted at him, "I'm kidding. My mom loves compassionate people and you're the very definition of that word."

Yeona felt her heart swell with an unknown emotion, looking down at her feet, suddenly feeling somewhat shy, "Thank you." She responded, twiddling with her fingers.

Seojun beside her shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth, no need to get all embarrassed on me."

Yeona flared her nostrils as she whirled around to hit him, "I'm not embarrassed, I'm just... I don't know what I am, but I'm not embarrassed."

Seojun let out another laugh, "Okay, okay. Sorry."

Yeona crossed her arms over her chest, "Whatever." She grumbled, pouting.


Yeona was on her way home when she felt her phone buzzing in hoodie pocket. Fishing it out, she saw that it was father and took in a deep breath, bracing herself for the conversation that they were about to have.

She swiped the answer button over and put the phone up to her ear, "Hello, father." She greeted, physically crossing her fingers that he would be in a good mood.

"Kim Yeona, report cards came out today, did they not?" Her father asked, "Were you planning on telling me about your grades?"

Yeona gave the ground a flat look, rolling her eyes, "Sorry, I'm on my way home right now and I was going to call you once I made it. I can send you a picture of it once I get there."

Her father hummed in approval, "Class rank?"

Yeona took in a breath, "Two of twenty-eight?" She voiced, her words sounding more like a question than a statement.

He made another hum of approval, "Not bad. Keep your grades up. I'm assuming Lee Suho got rank one?"

Yeona sighed in relief before answering, "I believe so. He always manages to stay number one but I'll ask him later what his rank was."

"Make sure to send me the picture of your report card. I will come back to town in about a week or two. I expect that you're always on your best behavior."

"Yes sir." She replied, listening as he hung up the phone after that. She sighed in relief once more, glad that the call went smoothly.

She knew that her father would've blown up if it wasn't Suho who had been in first place, but because of the fact that their father's were business buddies, he would never ask her to purposely surpass the man he favours more than anyone's son. He cared too much about his business and the money that Lee Jooheon seemed to donate to even dare ask his daughter to try harder in academics.

Not that Yeona had to try hard anyways, school had always come easy to her, especially math. Lee Suho was the same, but his strong suit seemed to be English and Literature, which Yeona had to admire since most of the kids seemed to struggle, herself somewhat included.

She knew that Kang Soojin was also doing well in academics. She heard that she used to be second in the class before Yeona came, which Yeona felt somewhat guilty about since she started taking that spot from her once the testing had started when she arrived at the school. She had her father on her ass to be a good student and as much as she wanted that to lessen her guilt, it didn't. In fact, anytime she would hear Soojin crumble her paper up with a defeated sigh, which was every time they took an exam, her guilt would worsen.

She had maybe thought that that was the reason that Kang Soojin did not seem to like her all too much, but she couldn't be too sure and did not want to make assumptions. She just allowed there to be distance shoved in between what their friendship could be. If that's what Kang Soojin wanted, then who would Yeona be to force a friendship between them when the girl clearly didn't want a close one?

She would just continue to get the grades that her father wanted, even if it meant that she would feel extremely guilty after the fact.


After school the next day, Jugyeong and Yeona had met up with Gowoon at a cafe and boba shop. Per Gowoon's request, both girls let her pay for the drinks as a thanks for the school festival, although they quickly tried to brush her off, Gowoon would not take no for an answer.

"Ah, the calories are cheering me up!" Jugyeong exclaimed, a large smile gracing her face as she let out a content sigh, "Thanks, Gowoon."

"Thank you, Gowoon. I appreciate this." Yeona said, gesturing to the drink that she had already halfway finished.

"This is nothing..." The girl frowned, "I wanted to buy you guys something better..."

Yeona smiled, "This is perfect. We didn't do much anyways."

Gowoon slammed her fist down on the table, startling the other two occupants, "'I was only washing that foul mouth of yours!' 'Who are you to say stuff like that!'" She exclaimed in a loud voice, quoting what both girls had said that day, "I know you don't see it as doing anything, but what you did for me really helped and made me feel loved. I really appreciate it. Also, thank you for what you did on the day of the festival. If it wasn't for you two, I don't think the performance would've had the same turnout. So thank you."

Both girls brushed off her gratitude, Jugyeong responding first, "I'm just glad that you're looking more cheerful nowadays. Have they bullied you since that day?"

"They say things behind my back and under their breath when they pass by me and some even say that I painted my face to sing on stage. I overheard some say that I had some nerve showing up without makeup after." Gowoon smiled sadly, looking down at the table.

"Are you okay with hearing that?" Jugyeong asked.

"If I hate my face just because they say things like that, I'd be agreeing that I am a loser." Gowoon's smile turned genuine, looking back up at the two girls seated in front of her, "So I'm just going to keep living with the face that I am given and ignore them."

Yeona felt a pang of pride at the girls' words, knowing that she was slowly but surely learning self love and to at least somewhat appreciate the body that she was given. She smiled at the girl and reached over, patting her hand.

"You're very cool." Jugyeong spoke after a minute of silence, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes gracing her face ever so slightly. Yeona glanced over at her and internally frowned at the sadness lingering in her eyes. She pulled the hand back that had been holding Gowoon's hand and reached under the table, grabbing Jugyeong's hand in comfort, not looking at her and continuing to talk to Gowoon as to give time to Jugyeong to sort her thoughts, since she seemingly was lost in her own head.

After a few minutes of conversation with Jugyeong piping in occasionally when prompted, Gowoon asked her a question, "Ah, Jugyeong-eonnie, would you mind teaching me how to apply makeup?"

"Makeup?" Jugyeong asked, eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes... See... You're amazing at it and I would like to learn how to do it from you, that is if you're up for it!" Gowoon rushed out the last of her sentence, waving her hands in a dismissive way.

"Oh. Oh! Of course I wouldn't mind!" Jugyeong responded, a large smile forming, "I would love to teach you... I was just surprised, that's all."

Gowoon hesitated before speaking again, "Could you come over now? You too, Yeona, if you're able to?"

Both girls looked at each other and shrugged, Yeona speaking up, "I don't see why not. Let's go!"

It was an hour later that the girl's were all sat up in Gowoon's living room, Yeona curled up in the corner of the couch with a full view of the two girls, both sat on the floor in front of the couch, a mirror on the coffee table in front of them allowing Gowoon to watch the different steps that Jugyeong took to complete the make-up look.

"Wow Jugyeong, I love watching you do make-up. I know I've said it before, but it's super therapeutic." Yeona said, her eyes glued to the Gowoon's face who she had a full view of. Jugyeong, who had her back to Yeona, turned to her with a happy smile, "Thank you, Yeona." She spoke before turning back around and continuing.

Gowoon glanced in the mirror again and gasped, "Woah! It's so bizarre that different colored eye-shadows can change the whole look..." She trailed off, staring at her reflection, "For the performance you had done neutrals but now you did a darker look... amazing!"

Jugyeong clapped, "It makes me proud that you noticed so quickly! You're gonna be amazing at makeup in no time."

Suddenly another door in the home opened up, a voice singing a fairly popular song as they came closer to the living room, "Okey dokey-o! Is that true? Yes!" The person appeared and all three girls stared at the boy who had entered the room, one in annoyance and disgust and the other two in surprise with their eyes as wide as saucers.

It seemed that Han Seojun was too invested into the song and his dancing to notice that his sister had company, clothed in only his underwear which was cheetah print and a blue robe, his feet adorning slippers in a similar color, "Is that true? Yes!" He did another dance move as he maneuvered into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

Yeona's jaw had dropped slightly when he opened the bottle and took a large sip before pouring it onto his already wet head, shaking the water off as he continued to dance.

She had to admit that Seojun was attractive normally, just in his school uniform, but seeing him act completely different to how he does at school made her see him in a new light. She knew that he put up some sort of front, but she didn't realise that he wasn't that bad boy that he presented himself to be while at home. She found this information to be somewhat endearing, her heart warming at the thought that Seojun cared deeply for his family.

She put a hand to her mouth just as he turned around, freezing in his spot, his eyes widening as if he was a deer caught in headlights, his robe falling off of one of his arms, only hanging on by his other arm giving a clear view of what his clothing hides.

Yeona's eyes trailed down to the impressive amount of muscle that he seemed to have, not having realised that although Seojun talked a big game about beating people up, he had every right to since he was clearly built well. She pursed her lips and diverted her eyes to anywhere but him, glancing around the living room as Gowoon spoke up, "What? You were home?" She asked, a brow raising as her face twisted in disgust, "Please put some clothes on when you're home... I have guests!"

Yeona's eyes landed back on Seojun as he stared for a moment before setting the water bottle down and spoke, "Hey." He had an unperturbed look on his face as he turned in the direction that he came from and danced back. There was a pause in footsteps before a "Damn it!" Was groaned out and his footsteps rushed into a room and the door was slammed shut. Another beat of silence...

"Ughhh!" He yelled out in distress, the sound coming out muffled as if he was screaming into a pillow.

Yeona finally snorted out a laugh, placing her hand back to her face to keep her laughs from being too loud, but it didn't seem to matter as Jugyeong yelled out, "Yah, I didn't see anything! We didn't see anything! We really didn't!"

His yell was heard again after another beat of silence which caused Yeona and Gowoon to break out into a fit of giggles, Jugyeong joining in soon after once the initial shock had worn off.


"Thank you for today, eonnies! I really appreciate it." Gowoon said just as Jugyeong stood up after she had finished packing her makeup back into her backpack.

"Of course, it was my pleasure!" She replied, walking over to the front door with Yeona in tow, "Bye then, you don't have to see us out."

"Ah, okay. Be careful, get home safe!" Gowoon exclaimed as both girls walked out of the house.

"We will, don't worry!" Yeona replied.

The girls had made it down the alley when Jugyeong's name was called out, Seojun running up to the girls, "Im Jugyeong!" They continued walking, although both faltering in their steps at the voice.

Jugyeong was yanked backwards by her backpack, her hair being accidentally pulled in the process, causing her to let out a noise of exclamation, "Ah!" She turned around and stared at him with her eyes wide.

Seojun's face dropped into a blank stare, "Oh. Sorry about that..." Yeona stopped in her steps as well, watching the interaction in front of her with curiosity.

"Yah..." Jugyeong rubbed the back of her head, "You're pulling my hair now too?!"

Seojun held a hand out in defense, "You should've just stopped when I called for you."

Jugyeong pursed her lips in distaste, "Why did you call for me?"

"What? Oh, no reason." He responded, shrugging his shoulders. Yeona raised a brow before turning on her heel to continue on her way since he had called for Jugyeong.

"No reason?" Jugyeong asked, staring in disbelief.

Seojun stared before smiling slightly, "Come on, I'll walk you."

"Forget it. Why would you when I could just take the bus?" She asked, her mouth twisting into a pout.

"I never said I'd walk you home, just to the bus station." He quipped back, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Forget it, I know where the bus stop is. Besides, I have Yeona..." She turned on her heel just as she said that to find that the girl had continued walking, "Oh."

Seojun frowned at the sight of the girl walking by herself. He had semi-hoped that she would've stuck around so she could've tagged along since she and Jugyeong seemed to ride the same bus. He let out a breath, debating between calling for her or just letting her be, deciding on the former, "Yah, Yeona! Wait for us!"

Yeona glanced back, smiling at them, "It's okay, you two can walk. I'll see you at the bus stop, ImJu." She turned back around, her smile dropping slightly after running over her words in her mind. Seojun had asked for Jugyeong, he had probably wanted to walk with her to see if he could check his feelings for her. She wasn't gonna get in the way of that, even if that thought did cause her heart to pang a little.

She let out a sigh and quickened her pace, wanting to be out of earshot so she wouldn't be able to hear their conversation, not wanting to be a part of that, especially when she heard them start to bicker playfully back and forth.

She successfully made it out of the alleyway and had neared the bus stop in no time, plopping down into one of the seats just as she heard rushed footsteps coming her way, "Yah, you said you didn't see it!" Seojun's voice yelled as he ran after Jugyeong who passed the bus stop without even glancing at it, "Take it back!"

"No, I can't lie to you!" She called back, their voices slowly fading the further they got. Yeona watched as they slowly disappeared, letting out a sigh as she would have to go home by herself.

She stood up from the seat of the bus stop, deciding since it seemed that Jugyeong was going home since she had been running in the right direction, that she would take a taxi instead. She stood on the side of the street and held out her hand, being successful in hailing the first cab that she saw. She quickly got in and told the driver the address of Prince's Comics, wanting some solace in the familiar place.

She made it earlier than if she would have taken the bus, thanking and paying the cab driver as she got out and made her way inside of the comforting place, greeting the owner who cheered when she entered, "Yah, it's been a while since you've been in here for comics!"

Yeona cracked a smile at that, "It has! I'm just gonna browse your newer comics and probably take a couple of them home."

"Do as you please and feel free to help yourself to the ramen! I'll just be here reading!" He spoke, motioning to the book in his hands, "Oh, and Lee Suho was here a minute ago but you just missed him!"

"Oh bummer, it would've been nice to hang out with him. Thank you, I'm gonna go browse!" She bowed politely before making her way into the back where all of the comics were. She stopped at the shelf where all of the good new ones always seemed to be when she had visited in the past and thumbed through them, picking out a couple that seemed to pique her interest before settling down on one of the chairs, curling up in her spot. She was there for a couple of hours before Prince came up to her and told her that it was closing time.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise how late it got..." She replied, quickly gathering her backpack and the three books that she hadn't read in the two hours that she had been there for and walked to the front to allow Prince to check them out for her, "Just these three! I managed to read four while I was here."

"I know you'll be back soon for more if you're already back to reading that fast." He joked, "I'll see you soon!"

"See you! Thank you!" She exclaimed as she walked out of the building, bumping into someone as she exited, an apology already forming on the tip of her tongue as she looked up to the person that she had bumped into.

Once her eyes had met those of the person she had bumped into, her apology died on her lips, her mouth opening slightly in shock, "Woah! It's you!"

The boy looked surprised before recognition flitted through his eyes, "Oh! It's you!" He copied, pointing to her with a slight smile forming on his face.

She pursed her lips in thought for a second before pointing back, "Ahn Yeonghwa, right?"

He made a hum of confirmation before motioning to her, 'Kim... Yeona?"

She nodded, a smile gracing her face, "It's nice to see you again! I never got to properly thank you!"

He waved her off, "No need for that. I'm glad to see that you're doing well. It looks like a little scratch now!" He exclaimed, referring to the cut that she had had on her forehead.

"Thanks to you. Thanks again for helping that day, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't. Is there any way that I could repay you? Maybe lunch?" She asked, giving him a hopeful and pleading look that she knew would work.

He opened his mouth, seeming as if he were going to decline, but instead closed his mouth and smiled, letting out a breath of air through his nose before speaking, "Yeah, lunch would be great."

Yeona internally cheered, wanting to repay the boy for helping her out, "Yay! Okay, so..." She got out her phone and handed it over, "Could you give me your number and I'll text you with possible dates?"

He nodded, gently taking the phone from her and entering her number before handing it back, "So... Prince's Comics?"

Yeona pocketed her phone, pausing as she let her mind register what he said before nodding, "Oh, yeah. When I first moved here I would come pretty often. This is the first time I've come in a while. What are you doing over in this area? It seems too good to be true to catch you here..." She paused before laughing, "Sorry, I don't even know you so I can't say that. It just seemed like you lived over in the neighborhood where the building is."

He smiled at her little ramble, "I actually don't live over there... I live in this neighborhood."

Her eyes widened, "Wait, really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, over in that direction, actually." He pointed in the direction of where Jugyeong lives, causing her to feel a bit disappointed for a moment.

"I live over in..." She pointed as well, "That direction. Pretty close to Prince's."

His eyes widened much like hers had, "So you live in this neighborhood too? That's so weird, meeting somewhere completely different before meeting here... I usually never come home this way and the one time that I do, I just happen to run into you..."

Yeona laughed, "Fate was kind to me. It knew that I wanted to repay you for helping me out."

He waved her off, "It was nothing, really."

Yeona shook her head but didn't reply to his comment, instead, deciding to cut their conversation short so she could head home, "I'm actually gonna head home. It was nice to see you again and I'll text you!" She started heading across the empty street, "See you!"

He bid her farewell and watched her as she walked away from him, smiling to himself.




ImJu: It's still so awkward between us ever since our argument! NOW HE'S IN MY LIVING ROOM!

ImJu: I am going to die...

Y: The consequences for making me go home alone tonight.

Devine Void: I ended up at Jugyeong's for dinner...

Devine Void: I don't exactly know how.

Devine Void: I think her brother hates me...?

Y: Her brother loves me. Sucks to suck.

Devine Void: ...

Y: Hey! Lunch this weekend @ 1? Saturday?

Y: Also, this is Kim Yeona!

Yeonghwa: That sounds good!

Yeonghwa: Goodnight!


not proof read!

HI! sorry this is soooooooo late. my only excuse: work </3

i had a feeling it would take up a lot of my time, but i didn't realise exactly how much. i only have two weeks left and then i am off to college! hopefully i can post more regularly once i am in college but no promises bc... yknow... school work </3

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a little bit scattered but i tried my best. if you didn't know, we're on ep 5!

i also added three text convos to the end ;-)

ALSO YEONGHWA MADE A VERY FAST REAPPEARANCE but i wanted her to run into him again haha! again, he won't be a love interest for her, but he might form a little crush at first before deciding to just be friends.

I HAVE OFFICIALLY surpassed 55k words for this story... holy crap??? i never thought i would write this much since i never would get past the tenth chapter of a story i'd write, but things change! :-D

again, i hope you enjoyed! vote and comment to boost my ego and see you in the next chapter that will hopefully be posted soon! THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 2K READS??? i super appreciate the love!!

love you all, bye! - haley

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"𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐢𝐭" ...................... 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐰𝐨𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝...
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"Jeon Jungkook I hate youuuuuu!" "Kim Seokjin I hate youuuuu!" "Prince if you allow me I will show you love my whole life! I am willing for having y...
46.7K 2.7K 26
~Dedicated to that special GC fam~ Sure, Han Seojun let Lim Jukyung go at the end of True Beauty. And sure, Kang Sujin apologized for what had happen...
8.1K 360 28
Hurting her friend out of anger, Soojin gets herself on Seojuns bad side. So he elaborates a plan to make her become a better person, and he learns s...