speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem...

By alexspotatoes

429K 16.8K 5.4K

She was the average teenager who had a suitable Quirk and desire to become a hero - which was pretty much the... More

1 | welcome to u.a.! a beginner's guide to being a hero
2 | why do old people insist on using weird words?
3 | teamwork is hard
4 | being a class representative is NOT for everybody
5 | off to the rescue! except we get attacked
6 | beware the power of the dark side or whatever
7 | off to the rescue, this time for real
8 | great, the other classes hate us now (thanks, bakugo)
9 | bakugo gives a pep-talk and the child doesn't run off crying
10 | why does bakugo have to keep making the other classes hate us?
11 | i'm not fast enough on a RACE?
12 | sorry for making kirishima break my leg, recovery girl
13 | perverts!
14 | please don't kill her! she's my friend
15 | is it too much quirk energy or the adhd?
16 | sorry for passing out and loosing by default ??
17 | lord explosion murder? it's no good
18 | bunny hero: miruko!
19 | even though he told her not to text . . .
20 | . . . she texted anyway
22 | you're so loud
23 | best jeanist, i choose you!
25 | i force bakugo go give me a fist-pump
26 | villains go shopping, too?
27 | why are boys always so dramatic?
28 | playing in the mud
29 | my sonic pajamas are very comfortable, thank you very much
30 | paris, rome, tokyo
31 | bakugo's definition of destiny is . . . something else
32 | bakugo's knife-skills might be a bit concerning
33 | target, 'kacchan'. how did they even get that name?
34 | i was too slow for the first time of my life (heartbreaking)
35 | we're going to break rules
36 | we're officially breaking rules now
37 | breaking the rules worked! (all might is done for)
38 | we almost get expelled (again)
39 | bakugo's room is very bakugo
40 | bakugo is slowly accepting he has friends
41 | girls fight demons in the toilet (NOT CLICKBAIT)
42 | bakugo does some dumb shit (again) (emotional)
43 | i did NOT sleep with him
44 | how can he be such an idiot?????
45 | kirishima really knows bakugo
46 | mina is MAD (she goes off on bakugo and doesn't get blasted???)
47 | way too much energy, hell, i can't hold it in
48 | no, bakugo, you can't know everything
49 | the mafia really has some nice houses
50 | katsuki demands to know my locaton so he can stalk me (aww he's worried)
51 | katsuki's pep-talks strike again (thanks, bakugo)
52 | bakugo invites his FRIEND and situationship to an island
53 | bakugo is actually a good photographer
54 | why are villains EVERYWHERE?
55 | i actually stay concious this time!
56 | being busy is considered an excuse, actually
57 | surprisingly, my quirk isn't being a banshee
58 | mineta's existence is a crime
59 | drink tea to help you sleep or some shit like that
60 | little kids being mad is sort of funny
61 | leaving your boyfriend alone with your parents is definitely a good idea
62 | apples really are the way to a person's friendship
63 | competing with random people is bakugo's hobby
64 | we go to an island again - let me go to the beach!
65 | i swear i won't cut katsuki in two
66 | apparently, i have a cooler quirk than bakugo
67 | bakugo really can tolerate kids (but only the ones who admire him)
68 | my ego gets shattered!
69 | don't be ashamed about what you read! (unless it's objectively weird)
70 | team work makes the dream work
71 | we're friends with a mass-murderer
72 | i CAN outrun a train, technically
73 | they tell me no for a time-limited mission?
74 | bakugo gets impaled

21 | bakugo's hair goes POOF

6.9K 283 56
By alexspotatoes

''Oh look, it's the heroine.'' Y/n raised an eyebrow at Mina's words as she entered the classroom, putting her earplugs in her bag.

''What heroine,'' Y/n asked, putting her bag next to her desk, then sitting on top of it.

''I mean, you saving those hostages, of course!'' Kirishima spoke from the desk behind hers. ''It was so cool! And you were on the news, too!''

''Oh, right. I mean, it's our job as heroes to save people,'' Y/n shrugged.

''Well, yeah, but you got to do actual hero work! I was stuck with patrolling most of the time,'' Mina whined.

''Seriously? Seriously, Bakugo?'' Kirishima and Sero were suddenly dying from laughter, looking at the door. Y/n turned around and saw Bakugo standing there, his hair laying flat on his head.

''Stop laughing!'' Bakugo yelled, his arm twitching. ''My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey, stop laughing! I'll kill you!''

Y/n laughed as she quickly took her phone out of her blazer pocket and opened the camera, snapping a quick picture and sending it to Mina, in case Bakugo deletes it.

''I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!''

''I SAW YOU TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE SPEEDY, FUCKING DELETE IT!'' Bakugo yelled and from his rage, his hair puffed back to normal, which made the whole situation even funnier.

''IT'S BACK!'' Kaminari and Sero laughed, pointing at him.

Bakugo rushed over to Y/n, who was still toppling with laughter and took her phone out of her hand, deleting the picture of himself from her gallery, then heading back to grab Sero and Kirishima by the back of thier blazers. Y/n rolled her eyes at Bakugo, opening her chat with Mina and saving the photo from there.

''Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!'' Sero said, which grabbed Y/n's attention.

''I'm glad you guys made it out alive!'' Kirishima said. ''Seriously.''

Y/n looked towards Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida, all three of them standing around Todoroki's desk. She remembered how Midoriya had sent his location and then in the morning she was reading about the incident.

''I was very worried,'' Momo said.

''I heard Endeavor saved you, right?'' Sato asked.

''That's amazing! As expected from the number two hero!'' said Hagakure.

Todoroki looked down. ''Yeah. He saved us.''

Y/n might not be the best at reading people, but she could tell that something was off with Todoroki's answer. Was there something else? Were they hiding something?

''I saw on the news that the hero killer was connected to the League of Villains,'' Ojiro said. ''Imagining someone that scary coming to USJ freaks me out.''

''He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro?'' Kaminari asked.

''Video? The one of the hero killer?''

''Yeah,'' Kaminari confirmed. ''Seeing that, you can see how he's really single-minded and, like, tenacious. Doesn't it almost make you think he's cool?''

''Kaminari!'' Midoriya spoke and Kaminari realized he'd said that in front of Iida, so he aapologized.

''No, it's fine,'' Iida said, observing his arm. Y/n couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to it. ''It's true that he was tenacious. I understand how people could think he's cool. But he chose pruging as a result of his beliefs. No matter what he thinks, that part is definitely wrong. In order to keep everyone else from turning out like me, I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!''

Y/n smiled slightly, seeing as even though so much had happened to Iida - with his brother and whatever happened in Hosu - he still seemed to be his normal self and strived to be better. She admired that part about him a lot.

''Now, it's time to commence class! Everyone, take your seats!''

That part of Iida, she didnt particularly like.

- - -

''Okay, I'm here!'' All Might spoke as he stood in front of class 1-A, each student clad in their hero costume. ''Anyway, we'll start now. Right. It's hero basic training! Long time no see, boys and girls! How've you been?''

The class stood at the entrance of Field Gamma as All Might explained about the rescure race. He explained that everyone would be put in groups of five - one group of six - and race against the others to be the first one to reach All Might. He informed them that they needed to keep the damage to minimum, looking at Bakugo, who in turn looked away.

''Don't point at me!'' he complained.

Y/n observed the area, thinking of a strategy. She was fast, but she was at a disadvantage here - it was a labyrint, which was designed to confuse her. Unlike people like Bakugo, she couldn't just fly over it. She had to run through the whole place to possibly get to All Might. On top of that, she had to watch out not to collide into walls or pipes.

The first group consisted of Midoriya, Iida, Ojiro, Mina and Sero. Y/n stood next to Kirishima and Bakugo as they watched the five race,

''Who do you think will win?'' asked Kirishima, looking at his friends. ''I think it's gonna be Sero.''

''But Ojiro's there, too!'' Kaminari added.

''I think it's gonna be Ashido. She's really athletic!'' Mineta pointed out.

''Deku will be last,'' Bakugo spoke and Y/n turned around from her seat next to Kirishima to look at him.

''Oh, don't be like that! Midoriya has a fair chance!'' Y/n defended her classmate, which caused Bakugo to scoff.

''Even if he's injured, I still think it'll be Iida,'' Uraraka said.

The match started and at first Sero was in the lead, but then Midoriya surpassed him, jumping around the pipes. Y/n squinted her eyes, noticing the familiarity of the moves.

''Hey, Bakugo, aren't those your moves?'' Y/n asked, turning to him.

''Yes,'' he practically growled upon the realization.

At the end, Sero did win, proving Kirishima right. The next match was Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, Uraraka and Y/n. The only one who could possibly beat her here is Bakugo, since he can just blast himself over the field, so she made a mental note to look out for him. Putting on her goggles she waited until All Might had given the signal, then took over through the arena.

It wasn't long until she was hearing Bakugo's blasts. She decided to risk it and go to the top, leaving the safety of the even ground. As she jumped up to try and get a footing on one of the pipes she felt a person collide with her and the two of them fell to the ground, each of them letting out a groan.

''What the hell,'' the familiar, gruff voice spoke with a groan. Y/n looked up and noticed Bakugo laying there, rubbing his head. ''The fuck did you do, Speedy? I'm gonna fucking loose now!''

''I didn't see you!'' Y/n said as she got up. ''Besides, there's still time. See you when I win!''

With her only potential treat down, she took off again. She could see Uraraka on her left and Kirishima on her right, but now that she was back in the game, there was no chance for them.

''FUCKING SPEEDSTER, YOU AREN'T WINNING THAT EASY!'' Bakugo's voice was heard and then the exploding sounds were ringing through the field. It was harder for Y/n to mannuevre on such unniven ground so when she heard Bakugo's yell she turned around to check out the distance, which resulted into her tripping.

Bakugo was in front of her now, but she wasn't about to give up. Tugging her leg free from where it'd caught on a stray pipe, she and gained in on him.

''I WIN!'' both of them yelled as they landed on the platform where All Might stood. The two glared at each other. ''NO, I WAS FIRST!''



All Might cleared his throat and the two teens looked at him. ''Oh, great, All Might's here! Let's ask him who won!''

''Who was fucking first?'' Bakugo asked as she two of them expected his answer.

''Well, you both did come here at the same time,'' All Might said. ''But Young L/n's feet did touch the ground before yours, Young Bakugo.''



Y/n took the band with the words 'Thank you for saving me!' from All Might's hands, putting it on herself and sticking her tongue out to Bakugo, who just grumbled and looked away.

- - -

Y/n took off her shirt, leaving her in only her bra and blue spandex pants as she changed in the girls' locker room. She was conversing with her classmates about the exercise when Jirou shushed them and walked close to the wall, plugging one of her Earphone Jacks into the wall to listen better, though even without that, Y/n could hear Mineta's voice faintly.

''Yaoyorozu's ample yaoyorozu-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Hagakure's floathing underwear1 L/n's nice butt! Uraraka's fine Uraraka-body! Asui's unexpected boobie-''

Jirou plugged her Earphone Jack went into the hole and the next thing they heard were Mineta's screams of agony.

''Thank you, Kyoka!'' Hagakure spoke.

''How despicable,'' Momo said. ''Let us close this up right away!''

Y/n quickly put on her bottom up, closing the buttons and going to the hole, telling Jirou to remove her Earphone Jack. She leaned closer to it and yelled. ''MINETA, YOU PERVERT YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!''

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