who is that - dream x female...

Από dsmp_paigers

5.8K 166 17

dream x female oc - she/her lowercase intended !WARNING! - some chapters may contain -- mentions of smut (p... Περισσότερα

not a update - rest in peace techno <3


280 10 1
Από dsmp_paigers


*after the stream*

the stream went quite good i wasn't trying my hardest so i could of done better runs but i was taking my time chilling. karl and quackity had to leave during the stream so it was just sapnap george and me in a call

"yo dream send makenzie's instagram i wanna check it out" sapnap says

"wait i want to see it too. put it in general chat"

i hesitate but remembered that i told them i would "k" i said and put it in the general chat. the only people who has access to this discord group chat were the people who know about makenzie

*10 seconds later*

"wait clay i'm going to screen share you. i have some questions" sapnap says

*the post*

*soph on the left standing. makenzie in the middle standing. Addi in the shopping cart*

liked by addisonnnn_ and 43 others

@makenzieblack - went snack shopping but soph wanted to do a mini photo shoot 😂

@officialsoph - whyyy did you choose this one out of all the ones we took
          >> @makenzieblack - because it's funny
          >> @officialsoph - I had food in my mouth
>> @addisonnnn_ - you guys are literally right beside each other why are you chatting through a insta post

"one which one is makenzie" sapnap says

"the one in the middle" i say

"wait i know the girl in the cart" george says

"you what now" i say shocked and confused

"yeah the girl in the cart is addison hill. shes a streamer" he says "she builds in minecraft"

"fuck" i said under my breath

"what? you sound worried" sapnap says

"when we met she almost recognized  me" i say

"oh so shes the friend that almost recognized you" sapnap said

"if shes a streamer that makes sense now" i say "whats her user george"

"uhh let me look i haven't watched one of her streams in forever" george said looking for her twitch

"oh here it is and shes live right now doing a q & a with 'the girls' " he said as he linked her channel in discord "it looks like she has only just started"

we all start watching the stream


"so i will be answering some questions in chat if you guys want to put some questions" addison says

she had around 50 viewers but her viewers were very active in chat

"who are the people beside you" addi said reading chat

"this is soph and this is mak" soph waved at the stream. mak didnt really like being in the public eye so it was hard for her to be on stream but she knew that addi really wanted her to join in so she just agreed to at least look like she likes it. mak waved at the camera.

"how long have you guys been friends" addi said reading another question

"what since we were like 5" she said looking at soph and mak for confirmation

"yeah around five maybe four" soph says

"why doesn't mak talk" she laughs after reading someones message

"because shes shy and this is not her expertise. she also isnt a really big on people watching her" addi says


i started to smile because i know mak can be the most energetic and talkative person when she wants to be. like at the fair she was having so much fun and she was so outgoing but now she can barely speak a word

"dream you should text makenzie and see her reaction" sapnap says jokingly

I knew he was joking i still just wanted to do it. i thought it would be funny


mak <3

clay :))
hey what are you up to


i look back at addison's stream and i see mak's face glow red as she reads the text. i start to also blush just looking at her

"why is mak blushing" addison reads chat and turns to look at her looking at her phone


"wait did you actually text her"

"yeah" i say laughing a little under my breath

george and sapnap start laughing as well

"shes totally blushing right now" george says

"what did you say" sapnap asks

"i just asked her what she was doing" i answer back

"has she replied" sapnap asked

"no not yet" i say watching the stream

"let me see" addison says

"why" mak said

"because if you're blushing hard enough for my whole chat to see it must be something important" she says

"its nothing. ill be back in a second" mak says walking out of the room and soph and addi watching

"i bet you its that clay dude we met earlier" soph says

"100% " addison says and then goes back to answering questions




mak <3


"shit shes calling me" i say panicking

"ANSWER IT" george and sapnap both yell

"fine fine"


"hey mak"

"wait put it on speaker phone so we can hear" sapnap yells through the headphones

i put it on speaker so they could hear and not bug me asking what she said afterwards

"hey clay" she says

"so um for some reason i cant stop thinking about the whole ferris wheel thing.. well i actually do know the reason-" she said

"what happened with the ferris wheel" george said

"shut up george i'm trying to hear" sapnap said

"-but anyways what i'm trying to say is tomorrow night my friends and i found this waterfall area that we are going to go cliff jumping. not my idea it was addi and soph's idea they both said it would be 'good content'" mak says

"and i think i forgot to tell you but soph big into instagram modeling and addi's big into live streaming and making youtube videos" she said

"i was wondering if you wanted to join. i will probably be on the side lines while they film and take photos considering i'm not really into that stuff. didn't you say you had a roommate maybe you can bring them to keep you entertained and i could meet them if you want or we could do something else or something you want" mak says


i don't know what to say. i would love to hang out with her again but i'm afraid that if i go her friends will either one take photos or videos of me or they will recognize me and make things awkward

"SAY YES" sapnap yelled into his mic to the point i could even hear him across the house

"i don't know if my roommate can make it, he might be busy but s-sure" i cant believe i said that. what the hell did i just sign myself up for

"I'M DEFINITELY GOING" sapnap yells

"but um one thing though, i don't really want to be on camera or anything i'm just not really comfortable with having my face online" i say ignoring what sapnap said

"don't worry i will tell them not to film or take pictures of you" she said

"well i have to get back ill text you the details. talk to you later" mak says

"okay bye mak" i say

"bye clayy" she said. i could hear her smile through the phone.


"i said i am going clay" sapnap says after i hang up on makenzie

"nick people know your face. shes a smart girl, if you go with me she will figure out who i am" i said

"you need to tell her your dream" george says

"i don't need to do anything just yet" i said

"the more you lie to her the harder it will be to tell her the truth" george says

"invite her over right now. says its an emergency" sapnap says

"what!? no i'm not doing that" i say

"i have her friends stream up i will put a message in chat" sapnap says

"don't you fucking dare nick" i say "i'm serious nick don't"

"whats so bad about her knowing" sapnap says

"what so good about her knowing" i say

"lots of things like for example you don't have to lie to her anymore" sapnap said

"george why are you so quiet all the sudden" sapnap says

"because i'm not getting in between this" george said

"because you agree with me" i say

"aghhh actually.." george says

"i agree more with sapnap on this" george says "look dream do you like this girl"

"more than anyone ever" i say

"then tell her" he says

"SEE even george agrees with me" sapnap says

"then what, you really think that after i tell her you really think she wont just ditch me" i said

"if she ditches you then shes not the one for you" george says

i pause for a good 30 seconds thinking

"fine ill do it but i swear if this goes wrong i'm blaming you two" i say



clay :))
hey mak we need to talk do you mind if i come pick you up

mak <3
my friends are over right now. is everything okay??

clay :))
we wont be that long. it will only be like 10 minutes

mak <3
uh okay. do you want to meet somewhere or??

clay :))
ill come pick you up


"im picking her up and bringing her back here to tell her" i said

"wait so i get to meet her" sapnap asked

"yea i guess" i say

"george do you want to stay on call during this" i asked george

"i think im going to head out its getting late and im exhausted" george says

"okay" "talk to you tomorrow then" i said and george left the call



i didn't really want to leave addi and soph but at the same time he never did this so i knew it had to be important. "i have to go.." i told the girls

"what why" they both say

"i don't know.. i just have to go" i say standing up

"don't worry i don't think it will be that long" i said

"you cant just leave without saying anything. how do we know you wont get kidnapped or something worse" addi said. addi was still streaming answering questions and i felt bad for leaving them both in my room and leaving the stream but i had to go. i show them my phone

"its important i'm sorry" i say

"your ditching us for a boy woww" addi says

"oh c'mon. trust me i would stay if i could. and also your streaming so no talking about personal things" i say

"i promise i will be right back"

"fine go be with your boyfrienddd" soph says teasing

"thank you so much" i say grabbing a jacket and walking out

"also hes not my boyfriend" i yell from the hallway outside my room

although i have never been to clay's house he told me earlier that he only lived about 5 minutes away so as i walked out, his car pulled up. i got into the car and he started driving "whats the matter why did you want to talk so urgently"

"i havn't been that honest with you" clay said watching the road

"what do you mean" i started to worry

"i mean not everything i've said has been a lie... in fact most of it has been true but you need to know something about my life.. something big" clay says

"o-ok and by that you mean??" i said

"i'm going to show you but whatever happens just know i did this because i don't want you looking differently towards me" he said

"clay your scaring me whats going on" i said he still wasn't answering my question on whats he was talking about. we pulled up to a house. it was big and it look crazy expensive.

"where are we" i asked looking out the window at the house

"..my house" clay says getting out of the car

he goes around the car and opens your door "no more ignoring my questions. what the hell are you talking about clay" i say sitting in the car still

"i'm trying to show you now come" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the car. we go in and a cat comes up to clay as he walks in

"this is my cat patches" i go down and pet the cat but clay pulls me back up and starts walking to this room. i'm looking around trying to figure out what is going on right now. 'how the hell can he afford this' i thought to myself looking around the house at all the different things. we get to the room and just stand at the closed door

"in here it will explain everything" he says and opens the door. i go inside to see a whole bunch of what i think is art and what looked like to be a bunch of figurines of the same thing

"whats all this" i ask going up to the art on the wall looking at it

"that is fanart.. of me" he said. i looked at him confused

"fanart?" he grabs my hand and makes me look at him

"my name is clay but people also know me by the n-name dream. i make youtube videos for- for my 24 million followers" he said

"excuse me you're what now"as i said that someone walks into the room

"this is nick my roommate. also known as sapnap online" clay said

"hi i'm nick" he said

"i-i don't know what to say" i said trying to wrap my head around what just happened

"um nick can you give us a second" he said pushing him out of the room and closing the door

"i really do hope this doesn't change anything because i really really like you mak and i just couldn't keep this a secret anymore" clay says

"wait how come you don't have paparazzi or anything like that if you have like over 20 million people who watch you" i asked

"nobody knows my face. that's also why i am hesitant to tell people" he says

"Oh so that's why you were so scared to agree to go to the waterfall place" i said clueing into all the times he dodged questions or got all nervous talking about work

"yea. people may not know my face but people know nicks face so that's also why i said i didn't know if he could go" clay said

"it all makes sense now" i said going back to look at all the art

"so what videos do you make" i asked still trying to understand

"minecraft" he said and grabbed a small figurine off the shelf that was what looked like a minecraft player and hands it to me

"did people really give this to you" i ask amazed at all the stuff

"yeah its pretty cool right"

"here follow me" he said grabbing the figurine out of my hand and placing it back down on the shelf. grabbing my hands again and pulling me out of the room.

he brought me into what looks like his room. he had a huge gaming set up "addi would die to have this setup" i said

"that day you met both of them she wouldn't shut up about how she knew you from somewhere" i said

"we may or may not watched her stream today" he said rubbing his neck in embarrassment. i laughed a little

"oh so your stalking me now" i said jokingly

"no i'm not. my friend george was looking at one of your instagram post and he recognized her so we went and saw she was live that's all" he said

"so your friends were stalking my instagram then huh" i says just joking around

"what- that- no thats not what happend-" his reaction was funny the fact that he got his friend to look at my social media and then got all flustered by me confronting him.

my phone started ringing "speaking of addi look who's facetiming me"






"i'm sorry but there's no way i can keep this whole thing a secret. they know when i'm off and when i'm lying" i said

"i know and i'm fine with them knowing this if you trust them and if they promise they wont go around telling everyone" he said. i smile and answer the call


"why are you taking forever" she yells through the phone

"and where the hell are you" soph says looking over addi's shoulder

"are you streaming still" i ask to make sure she isn't going to leak anything

"no i ended like 5 minutes ago" addi says

"ok well remember how i said it was important that i had to go"


"well" i walk out of the room and into the living room where nick was because i knew addi would recognize him. clay follows behind me, out of my phones view

"who's this" nick says as i pass him my phone

"no fucking way" addi looks close to her phone

"what who is that" soph says confused

"no fucking way. KENZ IS THAT FUCKING SAPNAP" addi yells

"who the hell is sapnap" soph says

"hello?" nick says

"how the hell do you know sapnap and why are you with him" addi said

"ADDI WHO THE HELL IS SAPNAP" soph yelled at addi because she was to busy freaking out at the fact that i was with sapnap

"oh are these are your friends clay was talking about" nick says looking at you

"yea" i said grabbing my phone back

"i knew you would recognize him but that's not even the biggest part" i said

i show them clay as he was grabbing a apple off the counter

"its just your boyfriendd" soph said not getting what i was trying to show

"wait your in a house with sapnap and the guy you went out with the other day. whats his name again oh yeah cl-" addi says starting to clue in


"DREAM?" addi yells

"hey" clay said looking at the phone

addi start screaming through the phone

"i fucking knew i recognized your voice" addi said

"calm down addi you are hurting my ears" i said

"dude i cant believe that my best friend has been dating dream" addi says

"were not dating addi" i say. i could see clay's face change he looked sad that i said that. i hope he knows that i only meant it as we havn't gone on an actual real date considering the fair today wasn't really a date.

"you sure about that cause last time i checked you two kissed" soph says still confused on who sapnap and dream were.

clay looks at me

"ok i'm hanging up now. ill be back soon i think. byeeeee" i hung up before they could say anything else


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