Cold as Fire

By Personalpoison13

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Jimin is an Omega who dreams of becoming a Doctor, but Omegas are not allowed to go to college, they are cons... More

Chapter 1 Omega Life
Chapter 2 The Island
Chapter 3 The Virgin Alphas
Chapter 4 Home sweet Home
Chapter 5 Pheromones
Chapter 6 The Search for Jimin
Chapter 7 Mating
Chapter 8 The Aftermath
Chapter 9 Hate
Chapter 10 To My Child
Chapter 11 The New Journey
Chapter 12 Returning Home
Chapter 14 Going Back
Chapter 15 Breaking News
Chapter 16. Conversation
Chapter 17 Final Chapter
Epilogue Surprise Announcement

Chapter 13 The Plan

7.9K 549 146
By Personalpoison13

Chapter 13

"Hobi, could you opened the window, it's so hot in here" Say Jimin from the kitchen while preparing dinner for both of them.

"Jimin, you know what day is next week, don't you?" Ask his friend. Jimin was to immerse in his cooking skills that didn't pay to much attention.

"Next week?... My graduation" reply Jimin with a smile.

Hoseok just smile at Jimin with kindness, because that's not the important day he was talking about.

"well.. yes, but also... is his first anniversary"

Jimin didn't look at Hobi, he knew exactly what day was it, but he was trying to keep it inside. Didn't want to make big deal about it, not because it wasn't a big deal, but because he didn't feel ready yet, it still hurt so much. It was his baby's first anniversary.

"I know" responds Jimin looking down, sadness in his eyes. But trying to hide it by pretending to be really busy in the kitchen.

Hoseok walk to Jimin and hugged him from behind, letting his chin rest on his shoulder.

"I have a early graduation gift for you" Hobi said, giving Jimin an envelope.

"What is it?"

"Open it"

Jimin dry his hand on the towel that was hanging on his shoulder and open the envelope. Inside he found two airplane tickets to New Zealand.

"What is this?" Ask Jimin

"I'm going with you. We're going to New Zealand tomorrow. From there I got an helicopter that can take you to the island. You can go visit your baby"

Jimin went down on his knees, sobbing. He was so happy, but at the same time his heart was aching.

"I can't believe you did this for me! I don't know how could I ever repay you for everything you have done for me." Jimin said to his best friend between sobbing.


Next day, after 12 hours of flying, Hobi and Jimin arrived to New Zealand, Hobi never been there, it was so beautiful. He was so exited taking picture of everything. Jimin on the other hand, was just happy and nervous to be back after a year.

"Thank you again Hobi" said Jimin sincerely, and hugged his best friend for long time. His best friend was his support, without him, Jimin might have never made it. "I'm so nervous" say Jimin.

"I can tell, you are sweating. Come on let's go to the hotel, you have a helicopter to catch in the morning"

"You're not coming with me?" Ask Jimin confused.

"I will love to go, but I think this it's your moment, you should take some time alone with you baby. I'll be waiting for you here." Suggest his friend. Jimin smile, he hasn't been this happy in so long. He couldn't wait to be in that island again and close to his child.


Meanwhile back in Korea Yoongi and Jungkook were having some beers and talking. Just having a good time between friends.

"Jungkook, why are you still with her?" Ask Yoongi. He still don't understand his relationship with his girlfriend. It was like they just had a relationship for the cameras, but they don't even live together anymore.

"I feel bad for her. She was never able to get her heat cycles. We tried so many treatments and medications, but nothing works. I felt that if I brake up with her, she might think is because of her problem" Jungkook explained.

"Are you planning to stay with her forever because you feel sorry for her? That's not going to make you, or her happy. Don't you think she can feel your absence? You lack of interest?... she is making excuses after excuses for you. She always say that you're always busy, that you're to passionate about your job, that you're always tired. But everyone can see that you two are having a hard time together" said Yoongi. Even though he was a little tipsy from drinking, he was saying the true, and Jungkook knew it.

"If she is not happy, why hasn't she broke up with me?' Ask Jungkook.

"For Omegas it's harder to let go. Usually they hold on until the last moment. You need to tell her, you need to break things up"

"Not all omegas are like that. Jimin broke up with me, he was able to let me go"

"No he didn't, he didn't let you go. You step away." Yoongi said taking the last sip of his beer.

"He could've call me or email me. He knows where I work. I don't know anything about him, not even his phone number."

"How are you expecting for Jimin to call you, when you are still with her. Every news media knows your relationship with her, everyone is expecting the anticipated wedding of the century. Of course Jimin will never get near you. I wouldn't if I was him"

Jungkook when quiet for a moment, looking intensely at his half full bottle of beer. Yoongi was right. Even though all this time he has work so hard in creating the new legislation for Omegas to get an education and job opportunities, because he promise Jimin he would change the world for him and his child, it doesn't meant Jimin knows that he is his biggest and only motivation to make it happen. Jimin can work now as a Doctor without hiding his true identity.

"Here, these are for you. But before you use them, you need to talk to her, talk to your girlfriend, and set her free. Maybe that's what she truly wants, to be free from you." Yoongi give an envelope to his friend.

What is it?" He said, and without waiting for yoongi to answer, he open the envelope. "Two plaint tickets to New Zealand?"

"Yea, I'm going with you. I know it's your baby's first anniversary, you should go. This is on me."

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just hugged his friend so tight that made Yoongi a little uncomfortable.

"Ok, ok. I know, I'm awesome" he said, pushing Jungkook away from him. Jungkook just smile. "Talk to her tonight, don't wait any longer. I'll be waiting for you at the airport tomorrow morning"

Jungkook nodded.

As Planed by Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi arrived first to New Zealand, a couple of hours later Jimin and Hobi were there as well. Jimin nor Jungkook knew they were so close, even just a couple of doors away from each other at the hotel. Hobi and Yoongi were texting one another all the time, letting them know where they were so no to bump into each other. They need to avoid seen the other just for a few hours.

"Did you talked to her?" Yoongi ask his friend Jungkook, after they finally arrived to New Zealand, and they were having dinner at the hotel bar.

"Yea, I finally did it. I end up telling her the true"

"How did she took it?"

"Angry, disappointed. She did bring up that I was rejecting her for her situation. She threatened me to tell the world about my affair with the Male Omega. She also Slap me... but I'm glad that Jimin's working situation is not illegal anymore, otherwise she would've call the authorities on him. I left the house when she was still angry. I don't know what she is going to do. I hope she doesn't go looking for him. Maybe I should warned him... If I only knew his phone number." Even though Jungkook had a disagreement the night before, he felt relief. He could deal with her later, for now he is just enjoying this moment, and is excitement to go back to the island, and meet with his baby again.


"Jimin, should we order some room service?" Ask Hoseok taking the menu from the nightstand of their Hotel room.

"I thought we were going to the bar to have dinner" Ask Jimin while opening the window. To get some fresh air.

"I'm tired, could we stay in. We have a long day tomorrow" Hobi knew Jungkook was at the bar, Yoongi texted him. So he didn't want to risk it by leaving the room.

"What are you going to do tomorrow, while I'm in the island" Jimin wonder.

"Maybe go shopping, tour the city. I heard there's a theme park of Lord of the Rings. Maybe I could check it out."

"That sound interesting, maybe we could go together when I'm back" commented Jimin.

"Sound like a plan"

"I'm so exited about tomorrow. I can't wait to see my house again. I left everything behind. i wonder if things are just how I left them. i hope I can get to see Soohee"

"Soohee?..." Hobi was puzzled. But before Jimin could answer, Hobi suddenly remembers "OH! The cute dolphin"

"Yea, poor thing, he must've bee so scare, last time we saw him, he was beached and Jungkook saved him, that was the time when I ..." Jimin suddenly remember what happened that terrible day, his smile faded and Hoseok notices.

"Dolphin are very intelligent animals, I bet after he learned what could happened when you swim so close to the beach, he will never do it again."

"I hope so. Haneul loved the squeaking sound of Soohee, every time he make that noise, I could feel Haneul kicking. Soohee loved to rub his nose against my belly, he knew my baby was there."

Hoseok smile tenderly at his best friend, it fill his heart with warmth looking at his best friend remembering those moments. Regardless of what happened to his baby, Jimin always smile when remembering moments on the island. He always talks about the fresh water at the pond, the delicious fruit and fish, so fresh and natural. "You can't get a fresh fish like that in the marker" he always said. Hobi always knew that Jimin wanted to go back at least one more time and properly say goodbye to Haneul. Jimin discuss the possibility of transferring his baby to Seoul. Hobi told him that he would have to discuss this with Jungkook some day, but transferring Haneul from a beautiful paradise, to a concrete jungle, it wasn't ideal. Jimin later agreed.

Next morning Hobi texted Yoongi that they were living first to the heliport, after they took the taxi, Jungkook and Yoongi followed them. Well... Jungkook didn't know they were heading the same direction.

"I'm so nervous, i don't know if I can do this alone, I wish you could come with me" said Jimin hugging his friend so tight.

"Calm down, every is going to be ok. Look at you, you are shaking." Hobi was rubbing Jimin's arms trying to relax him.

"I know I feel so anxious"

"Comes on, it's time. I'll walk you to the helicopter." Hobi was hugging Jimin all the time. It was visible that his best friend was very exited and nervous. Jimin climb up the vehicle, but Hobi seem distracted, looking around like he was waiting for something. Then he help Jimin buckle up. The driver handed Hobi a heavy looking cellphone.

"Here sweetie, with this radio you'll be able to communicate. It has battery for like a week, not that you need a whole week, but you can call me anytime if there's a problem, ok?"

"This is huge" said Jimin taking the big ugly device.

"I know, but the pilot promised me that with this you will get a signal to call.". He said, giving the final hug to his friend, before stepping out. "Have fun" was the last thing he said. But before the Helicopter took off, someone climb into the back seat, next to Jimin.

"One more passenger!" Said the man settling next to him.

Jimin look through the window to his friend Hobi, wondering why there's another passenger with the same destination. Hobi just smile and give him thumbs up, then Jimin look at the guy next to him. He was in complete Shook. The guy next to him who also seem surprised to see him was no other than Jungkook. They both stare at each other like they were seeing a ghost. Then Jimin and Jungkook look to their side of the windows to see their friends that were waving goodbye while the helicopter was taking off. That moment they knew this was all planned to get them together again.

Hobi kept waving at the helicopter, but this was already far away in the air. Yoongi walk next to him, and put an arm around his omega. While hugging him, feeling proud of their plan going perfectly, Yoongi suddenly catch a weird scent, he began to smell Hobi's neck.

"Are you in heat honey?" Ask Yoongi, taking a deep breath of Hobi's scent.

"What?!.. No I'm not" he reply smelling his shirt. He couldn't smell anything. But then again, an omega can't detect another omega's scent. and then it hit him...

"Uh oh!" Say Hobi with worry, while yoongi kept his nose close to his neck smelling the sweet scent of his Hobi in heat. At least that's what he thought that was.

"What?" Ask Yoongi.

"I think we just sent an Alpha with an Omega in heat to the island"

"Lucky bastard" say Yoongi with a smile.

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