Desire Of The Soul ...

By tcsxkierra

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Sometimes the heart &' soul turn on one another, leaving the mind left to end the feud.... More

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By tcsxkierra


                  It's been a few week every since the situation happened .. Karen and the other sisters haven't heard anything else from Denise . Lately Karen was acting mean. she was acting insensitive she didn't care what she said anymore , Twinkie invited her to lunch to talk to her . they were twins so Twinkie felt Karen was acting brand new .

Twinkie and Karen sat in the booth at the restaurant, they sat there in silence looking at the menu Twinkie noticed that Karen looked evil it was all in her eyes and in her soul , Twinkie knew Karen was hurt and tired but Twinkie wasn't a violent person she didn't play that .. but Dorinda was the total opposite Twinkie could understand why Dorinda was so overprotective when it came to Karen They all just wanted Karen to be happy and free .

"So Karen i invited you here to talk to you .. you haven't been yourself the past couple of weeks every since the situation y'all told me about with Denise is there anything on your mind ?." Twinkie spoke , Karen took a while to respond .. Twinkie was getting this evil vibe from her she couldn't understand it "I'm fine Twinkie i'm just tired of people taking advantage of me everytime i see Drew i want to breakdown .. i want to hurt him just like he hurt me i didn't deserve any of that i was a great woman to him ." Karen said

"I took him back when he got my sister pregnant twice i did everything that man wanted and for him to abusive me like i'm some bitch on the street hurts my heart i told Drew about me being raped .. he promised to never go over my rules when it came to sex i'm happy with Darius but just because i found a new person who loves me dearly doesn't mean i'm not hurt anymore." Karen added on

Twinkie seen every emotion in Karen's eyes .. she felt bad for her sister she wish she could take it all back because Karen doesn't deserve any of that "Karen i understand your broken , but you can't be going off on everybody i know your at your breaking point but you know mama never taught us to give up .. she taught us to keep pushing and never give up no matter what happens we are here for you so stop shutting us out before we are gone Karen ." Twinkie said

Karen puts the menu down and begins to cry Twinkie sat on the other side and rubbed her back she didn't bother to tell Karen to stop crying because she needed to let it out she's been in pain for years she's been broken for years and Twinkie understood that, she didn't want Karen to be like her and fall into this depression mode . no matter how much you serve your god you will always fall into this space that you don't wanna be in .

They finally ordered there food they sat and laughed with each other , they always connected the most cause they were basically twins . after they finished there food Karen and Twinkie walked to Karen's car , Karen said her goodbyes and dropped twinkie off .

Karen was getting multiple flashbacks when she was driving her head begin to hurt thinking about all the things Drew did .. it was hard not to think about it .


"Karen i told you about not washing theses dishes ." Drew yells as he smacks Karen in her face , Karen begin to burst into tears she was use to it but he would hit her over the littlest things and couldn't understand why .. she did everything to make Drew happy he doesn't even pay attention to there daughter and he's forcing her to have another child when Kierra is only 2 .

"Drew please i'm sorry the dishes will be done in a sec .. you have to remember i'm pregnant Drew i can't do to much please give me a break ." Karen cried "I don't give a damn if you were sick wash the damn dishes bitch !." he says as he punches her in her stomach causing Karen to drop to the ground holding her stomach .

Kierra heard everything and begin to scream like someone was hurting her Drew got so mad when Kierra would cry he threw the tv remote at Kierra's bed room door Kierra began to scream louder "Get that damn baby Karen !." Karen crawled to the room and held Kierra tightly crying .

Karen prayed and prayed , Kierra finally fell asleep Karen was so tired from taking care of her child by herself and doing everything around the house while being pregnant Everything was happening so fast . she just prayed that Drew would stop being so abusive after she had the baby .. she was scared her baby wasn't gonna make it into the world .

Karen got caught up into her thoughts and having major flashbacks she almost ran into a car "Shit ." she yelled as she swerved to the other side of the road trying to catch control of the wheel . Karen finally got to her house and went inside .

Darius was there on the couch writing a song for Dorinda Karen grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch , she laid her head back and thought about everything ..

"What's wrong baby talk to me." Darius says as he pulls her legs onto his lap he knew something was off with Karen because she seemed so stressed and tired, "I went out with Twinkie today we talked and laugh but driving home i was getting all theses flash backs from when Drew would hit me when i was pregnant with J drew .. it was weird and i almost got into a car crash getting so caught up with my thoughts ." Karen vented

"I'm so sorry baby .. i know i can't go back in time and save you but all i can do is be a better man to you and treat you well .. you deserve it after everything you been through i'm sorry he did that to you and your children .. y'all didn't deserve that at all and i'll do anything to make you happy and i'm so glad you didn't get into a car accident that was god right by your side ." Darius said rubbing her legs "Thank you baby i appreciate everything you do ." Karen added on

"I wanted to talk to you about something though .. i was thinking about setting up a nice dinner with you me and my children .. we been dating for 3 months and i want my children to be able to trust you and also get to know the person i'm inlove with ." Karen says blushing "Ma ion got no problem with that but i got a feeling yo son ain't gone care for me you know how son's are they be protective over they mama.. he might think i'm some thug or abusive nigga." Darius says

"Babe i'll talk to him i don't want them to think that about you because you're no where near that .. Kierra might be the most supportive though because she knows what her dad did to me .. i didn't get to tell J drew he might be upset about the whole thing but i forgot to talk to him he's been so busy out of town producing i haven't been able to talk to him ." Karen says rubbing her head

"Well ma.. just talk to him tomorrow on facetime tell him everything and pray he doesn't get upset.. if he willing to meet me i'm willing to meet him but if he not then ain't nothing we can do about it ." Karen pecked Darius lips he was always so supportive and knew what to say .

Darius was thinking about the dinner with His father he didn't want Karen to go but the pass few weeks Karen has been talking about going , he just wants her to be safe .. he know how nice his dad can be and then turn into this evil bitch out of no were but he can't make decisions for Karen if she wants to go and forgive Tyler he's gonna be supportive and be there for her .

It was anything for Karen .

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