Romeo and Cinderella

By mbie07

143K 3.1K 199

{ Romance beyond difference. } He's the good student, she's the worst student. He's quiet, she's loud and ann... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four

Forty six

1.9K 30 0
By mbie07

chapter forty-six | masked

Her fists were tightly clenching, her nails digging in her palms. She pressed her lips on a thin line stopping it from quivering as she walked her way in the almost empty white corridor of the hospital. She bit her lips as she can feel her heart painfully hammering against her chest and the unwanted stinging in the corner of her eyes, her tears were threatening to fall. She stopped reaching her destination. She looked at the door of his room. Eyes on the number even though she knew it already, she can feel how much she missed him just by thinking that he was behind that door lying sleeping on his bed, body connected in machine and wrapped with some bandages. She felt as if it had been forever. And it has.

She tightly shut her eyes as she did some breathing calming her every inch that was damn pretty much freaking out that very moment. She opened her eyes and stared at the white door, not moving and hands terribly shaking, tears streaming down her cheeks. So this would be goodbye. After this she has to wake up from the fantasy that he could love her, that they could be together. And that instant she finally understood how painful it was to let go a fantasy, something that wonderful for something real, to face the reality.

Tsk. This has always been the reason why she hated reality.

But then he was reality. He used to be reality that she had learn to love until Mr. Reality was corrupted by his own feeling and started to live a fantasy. Gahd! She can’t believe how idiot he was! Choi Seunghyun got to be the biggest idiot slash moron slash stupid slash handsome slash sexy slash mouth watering― oops wrong page. She meant he’s the biggest idiot! Period!

She shook her head tapping both cheeks for instant blush on since retouching is a bit handful, uhm, I mean to wake herself to reality. Shit. I am humourless. Don’t throw anything on me okay!? I’ll kick you! I am serious! I am just trying to lighten the mood. Why so serious? Come on what’s with the drama! Unnie wipe your tears and mucus then just enter the fucking door so we could get this over!

Bom wiped her tears away thankful that she didn’t wear mascara or else she could have look worst than she looked right now. She inhaled deeply sucking the not so healthy of the hospital before grabbing the cold metal knob of the door. She turned it pushing the door open, gently, avoiding noise. It was already one in the morning she felt her heart pumped its way to her throat begging to be thrown out somewhere far to stop feeling the throbbing pain the cold air of his room carries.  The echoing pain of missing him so much and wanting to hug him tightly.

Bom slowly walked her way to him, tears streaming down which were beyond her control as a smile was plastered on her lips. She settled herself on the edge of his bed staring at his sleeping figure. ‘Hey,’ she called to him softly. And that was the only word that came out of her mouth. She felt like her voice just faded away, turned away from her as she stared at his face for the longest time. She stared at every curve of his handsome face, and the movement of his chest which goes up and down. She was just sitting there staring at him at that huge dark room filled with silence blending with the sound of the ECG.

She held his hand and leaned her head on his chest closing her eyes listening to his heartbeat synchronizing with the ECG. She opened her eyes and looked at his sleeping face, fresh batch of new tears streamed down her cheeks wetting his hospital gown. ‘I’m sorry,’ she cried. ‘I’m so sorry,’

‘I know I said that I said that I will love you and will stay by your side and never give up on you that someday I know you’ll love me too but then…’ she breathed wiping her tears using her free hand. ‘Seunghyun… believe me I never wanted to give up on you but then if giving up these damn feelings will make you happy then I will give it up… I’m letting you go,’ she trailed off breathing starting to get heavy. ‘I guess I’m not that cool. No. I’m not cool because I gave up on you,’ she chuckled painfully. She sat down wiping her tears staring at his face for the last time. She squeezed his hand. ‘I love you,’

After forcing every word out of her throat as her heart broke to pieces, she pushed herself to stand up still wiping the stubborn tears that kept on falling. She smiled as she walked her way out of the room, gently closing the door behind. She had bid her goodbye. And maybe there was no turning back anymore.

Soon as the door closed he slowly fluttered his eyes open. He stared blankly in the air for moment as his lips stretched into a smile. It supposed to feel happy but it felt heavy and damn painful. ‘You’re not cool, fairy tale freak,’ he mumbled. ‘You’re no cool,’

‘How do I look?’ she asked as he slit his eyes rubbing his finger on his chin as if he was someone expert. Dara rolled her eyes. Hyunseung smiled giving a thumbs’ up. ‘You look stupid!’ he grinned receiving a loud smack on his head coming straight from Dara. ‘What the fuck?’ she asked gritting as Hyunseung pouted rubbing the back of his head. ‘You could have just told me that you wanted to hear you’re pretty so I could have said it in the first place!’ he whined earning combo multiple and I am redundant smack to his head.

‘Ouch! Stop!’ he shouted blocking her arms. Dara huffed crossing her arms over her chest as she rolled her eyes. Of course she knew she looked stupid. There she stood in a proper uniform instead of her rocker type uniform and in a straight long hair together with full bangs, instead of her usual crazy hairstyle  and yes she was ripping her own best friend’s fashion. ‘Tell me why are you doing this again?’ Hyunseung asked.

Dara seriously wants to tear his limbs apart she had been saying the reason for the nth time but he was just damn brainless that nothing seems to register in his fucking brain. She hissed. ‘I told you it’s because Bom finally visited Tabi!’ she burst so close to beating him to death. Hyunseung lift his arms in defense. ‘And so?’ Hyunseung asked. And yes people he is asking for his death.

‘Aishh!’ Dara just huffed as she walked almost losing balance thanks to her high heels. Augh! She can’t believe that she was even wearing high heels instead of her combat boots or any sneakers which doesn’t have the heels you know. She cursed removing the thing off her feet before she lost balance because of them and holding them as she walked her way to the hospital with people staring at her as she was walking grumpily cursing on her bare feet. Hyunseung quickly chase her. ‘Yah! Put your shoes on!’ he shouted at her. She turned to him glaring lifting one arm threatening to smash his beautiful nose with the shoe’s heel if he doesn’t shut up.

‘You should know that I am barely holding myself not to kill you!’ she shouted at him. ‘Just put your shoes on,’ he said stubbornly as Dara quickly gave him a spinning kick which he avoided. ‘You’re underwear’s red,’ he teased laughing as Dara quickly pull down her skirt burning red. She glared at him as Hyunseung swallowed hard. ‘I just guessed! I didn’t know that your underwear is really red,’ he defended pressing his lips tightly preventing himself from laughing before the girl in front of him really rip his body apart.

Dara turned redder as she gritted her teeth. ‘Oops,’ Hyunseung muttered gently as he turned to his left and started running away as Dara was running after him shouting profanities and the methods on how she will kill him.

After minutes Hyunseung stopped running with his hands in front of him stopping Dara as she was dashing towards him with hands in the air prepared to hit him with her high heels. ‘We’re here!’ he grinned huffing. Dara stopped and stared at the door of TOP’s hospital room. She was panting and drenching in sweat. She rolled her eyes and started fixing herself with Hyunseung staring at her arms crossing over his chest. ‘You know you should wear something like that more often. It really suits you unlike the crazy stuffs you’re wearing,’ he said receiving a death glare. ‘You know you should know how to shut that fucking mouth of yours before you find yourself lying in the hospital’s morgue.’ She gritted to him as he rolled his eyes.

‘Anyways,’ Dara changed the topic. ‘Are you sure about the event tonight?’ she asked authoritative. Hyunseung looked at her saluting, standing straight. ‘Ma’am yes, ma’am!’ he said still in his military posture. Dara sighed as she glanced at TOP’s hospital room door. ‘This will work right?’ she asked staring back at Hyunseung. The guy released himself from his tiring position pinching her right cheek. ‘Of course!’ he happily chipped in. Dara slapped his hand away making him whine in pain rubbing the red mark on his arm.

‘So I’ll see you later then,’ Dara said as she turned facing the door. Hyunseung saluted again answering with his stupid, ‘Ma’am, yes ma’am’. Dara held the cold metal knob of the door exhaling audibly. Hyunseung snickered. ‘I’m excited for your break up,’ he said as Dara turned to him with another glare. Hyunseung patted her head. ‘It will work don’t worry,’ he said rather cheerfully that made Dara think that her plan could fail. She sighed. ‘You’re more excited than me,’ she chuckled.

‘Of course! So we can date each other after this!’ he answered with a wide grin as Dara’s face fell. She looked at him with obvious disbelief mixing with horror on her face. Hyunseung laughed hard placing his hand on his stomach. ‘You actually believed!’ he shouted hitting his thigh still laughing hard. ‘Sorry you’re not my type baby,’ he said winking as Dara quickly threw a strong kick landing on his stomach making him slop on the floor.

‘Yah!’ he shouted standing up. Dara rolled her eyes. ‘You’re not my type too and in case you don’t know I have my Jiyong,’ she answered sounding rather arrogant as Hyunseung let out a groan while rolling his eyes. ‘And yes rub to my face that guy of yours,’ he said scratching his head. ‘You know?’ he asked. She shook her head. ‘I don’t,’ she answered flatly making Hyunseung slapped his hand over his face running it exasperatedly on his face.

‘Just go inside, please, spare the remaining of my brilliant mind,’ he said pushing her. Dara rolled her eyes. ‘Wow, you got mind now, and it’s not just mind. It’s brilliant mind,’ she said in full sarcasm turning the knob and pushing the door open. Hyunseung smiled. ‘Good luck!’ he said as Dara entered the room.

After she entered the room he quickly shoved his hands on his pants’ pockets as he spun on his heel walking his way out of the hospital to set up their stage later for the craziness they will do. He let out a small chuckle but it was stopped soon as he saw Minho waiting for him, leaning coolly on the hospital corridor. ‘Wassup man?’ he asked giving him a high five as Minho stood up receiving the high five.

‘What brought you here?’ he asked hoping he’ll answer that he finally saw a psychiatrist for his retarded brain. ‘I got a new task for you,’ Minho answered plainly as he stared at him rolling his eyes. Great now he’s an errand dog. Just great. It suits you red haired mofo.

‘What is it this time your highness?’ he asked trying not to sound sarcastic before their company falls apart because of that small mistake. ‘I need you to bring her,’ Minho said but was interrupted by him. ‘Her?’ he asked. ‘Park Sandara,’ Minho answered as he let out an ‘oh’ even though he know it was really her.

‘To where?’ he asked. ‘To a beach resort, Friday next week. I’ll message you the rest of the details, I just came here to see if you still got connection with each other,’ Minho explained. ‘Why?’ he asked hoping that he will spare some details. Minho grinned. ‘For a dramatic reunion,’ he answered turning around and waving goodbye as Hyunseung stood there staring at his back as he was walking away. ‘Reunion?’ he asked to himself but quickly brushed his thoughts off with a hiss.

TOP was fiddling with the orange when someone entered his room. He lifted his gaze to her as he stared at her back and her long straight hair and the uniform she was wearing and he knew it was her. ‘Yah! Fairy tale freak! What—,’ he wasn’t able to finish what he was saying when Dara turned around and face him with a smile on her lips. He quickly faked a cough before smiling to her.

‘Dara,’ he called as Dara walked to her trying to not lose her balance thanks to the fucking heels. She sat on the edge of his bed holding his hand with a smile on her lips. Not because she missed him or she was happy to see him but because of what he said a while ago when she entered the room. Though she was a bit wondering that his brain might have been affected by the hospital air, Bom and her have clearly different bodies, yet he mistook it.

‘I think you are expecting someone,’ she said with a smile. TOP quickly shook his head. ‘No I’m not,’ he answered almost choking. ‘What’s with you anyways?’ he asked changing the topic quickly. Dara smiled. ‘Well I think I should start some change in me, don’t you like it?’ she asked as TOP stared at her for a moment and he knew it was not only the clothes that were changed but as well as the way she talks and almost everything.

Dara has been staying with him for almost three hours and he could have sworn that it was the longest hours ever! Dara has always been talkative but right now it was unbearable, she was talking and talking with exaggerated movements and different expressions. She was even blabbing about her huge crush on a lead man on a drama series.

He seriously wanted to tie her on a chair and place some duct tape on her shinny lips. Since when did she begin so damn unbearable that she can put shame on Bom? He blinked as he stared in the blank air. He drifted his eyes on her as she was just keep on talking while peeling an apple. He blinked. She was like Bom. Her hair, her clothes, and the way she talks and the way she cared for him that particular day like he was the only one in the world.

Is she doing it on purpose?

‘Dara,’ he called to her as Dara stopped talking and looked at him. ‘What is it?’ she smiled. ‘Are you…’ he trailed off as Dara stared at him waiting for him to finish what he was saying. ‘I’m what?’ she asked finally not being able to take the suspense of his long pause. He smiled shaking his head. ‘Nothing,’ he mumbled weakly.

Dara smiled. ‘You missed her don’t you?’ she asked placing the small knife and the half peeled apple on the bedside table as TOP looked at her in surprise cheeks painted red. ‘No,’ he answered Dara laughed. ‘Not a good liar there Tabi!’ she chuckled holding his hand.

‘I don’t really miss her. I don’t miss girls who give up,’ he said in a low bitter voice as Dara tightened her hold of his hand. And that was the moment she knew what exactly he was fascinated with her. She smiled to him.

‘But you made her give up Seunghyun,’

Dara stared at the huge building in front of her and the light coming straight from the school field. It was filled with flowers and lights in order to create her so called ‘disgusting’ atmosphere in which for normal people like us we call it the ‘romantic’ atmosphere. She cringed not because of the cold wind hitting her body but because of the cheesy music leaking from all the corner of this huge school.

She was stolen from her little trance when she heard a small thud. She looked below and saw Hyunseung safely landing on the ground. He looked up. ‘What are you waiting for jump before the guards saw us!’ he gritted as Dara rolled her eyes. She then jumped landing safely on the Bermuda grass. They soon hid in the bushes taking a small peak at the School’s annual dance. Hyunseung smiled at her. ‘YG International’s really ten times better than SFA,’ he boasted as Dara glared at him.

‘And you’re saying what?’ she asked holding his neck with both of her hands. ‘YG is better than SFA,’ Hyunseung answered with a smug smile. ‘YG is full of bunch of idiots,’ Dara retorted pushing him away. ‘What did you say!?’ Hyunseung exclaimed. ‘Excuse me, but YG is full of decent, elegant people and your SFA is full of trouble makers!’ he fired back at her as Dara just raised her brow.

‘YG is full of fake people and boring people,’ she retorted as Hyunseung glared at her. And there they were staring at each other killing one another inside their head, while they were hiding in the bushes for crashing at YG International’s annual school dance. And yes please continue fighting about your school and forget the reason why you are there! Seriously why is this story full of bunch of idiots!

I mean, like TOP is an idiot for using a guilt trip and being all in this mess when he was clearly attracted to Bom unnie! Dara unnie is an idiot for letting go the Dragon because of guilt! And Jiyong oppa is idiot for letting all of this happened! And Hyunseung red haired mofo is an idiot for following the hotness Lee Minho’s order!!

Ahaha, I’m kidding! I am really kidding you both are great!! The rest are idiots but you two are genius! Ahaha.

Okay let’s go back to the story before I lose one of my limbs or any parts of my body. ‘You know let’s just get dress,’ Hyunseung suggested as Dara agreed. He pulled out a wig from his bag pack. ‘Tell me again why we didn’t get dress before climbing the wall?’ Dara asked as she was fixing the wig. Because you two are idiots! I’m kidding! Come on people where are your sense of humor!! Please unnie spare me!

Anyways after surviving that attack. Dara and the red haired mofo are now prepared. Both of them are dressed in a classic black tuxedo, with Dara wearing a wig. ‘Here wear this,’ Hyunseung said passing a mask to her. ‘Why?’ Dara asked as the latter rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t wear it so people will know that we don’t study here and they will kick our sorry ass for crashing to their party,’ he said flicking his finger on her forehead.

‘Yah!’ she protested snatching the mask from him and wearing it. ‘Aishh! Good thing this year’s theme is masquerade,’ Hyunseung said clicking his tongue as he wrapped his arm over her shoulder in which she slapped away. Hey! Hey! No touching red haired mofo! Hyunseung rolled his eyes. ‘Let’s get to this,’ he said as Dara breathed deeply.

‘This is for the peace of everyone,’ she reminded herself as they were now walking their way to the party. ‘Just relax,’ Hyunseung whispered to her. Dara quickly elbowed him. ‘Shut up, I’m relaxed,’ she said as they entered the party venue and she felt her stomach was being twisted that she felt like she was about to vomit.

‘Relax, no one will eat you,’ Hyunseung chuckled next to her as they kept walking. ‘Unless you removed your mask and revealed that you actually study at SFA,’ he said casually getting a drink from the passing waiter as Dara glared at him itching to choke him to death.

‘Oh just you wait till this night is over,’ she grimly said snatching his drink and gulping it in one go. She blinked as she soon saw Bom sitting in one corner on her beautiful blue dress. She was alone and drinking to herself, making her wonder why she even bothered going there. ‘To be polite,’ Hyunseung said looking at her as Dara let out an exhausted sigh.

She fixed himself as she walked towards her. Bom lifted her gaze to him as she stood there offering her hand. ‘Can I dance with you?’ she asked trying her best to sound like a guy. She even stuttered and choked. Bom looked at her. She smiled. ‘You’re handsome,’ she giggled taking her hand as she stood up.

And shoot! She was fucking taller than her. She grimaced as Bom giggled.  

{author's note:}

first thank you monsterLEA for the lovely banner!! thank you for waiting patiently for this! this is about to end soon haha. i should stop lazying and end this haha. thank you everyone for being with me! hehe :DD dara and bom on YG international dance. this is not edited. i know. OTL sorry got no time ;A; sorry!

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