Romeo and Cinderella

By mbie07

143K 3.1K 199

{ Romance beyond difference. } He's the good student, she's the worst student. He's quiet, she's loud and ann... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four

Forty five

1.8K 43 7
By mbie07

chapter forty-five | hangover

‘Ouch!’ Dara whined as she pushed Hyunseung away from her who was laughing like an idiot. She glared at him. ‘What the fuck did you just do?!’ she scowled at him. ‘Damn are you planning to remove my scalp?! Why the hell did you need to pull my hair huh!?’ she shouted hissing.

Unnie run away from that red haired mofo! He’s out to do something evil!!

Hyunseung just kept on laughing. ‘Well you’re being really dramatic and it is disgusting me so I have to knock some senses in you,’ he grinned at her. Well I will not argue with this you are being dramatic and such unnie.

Hyunseung quickly received a strong kick on his leg as he winced out in pain rubbing his leg. Serves you right you red haired mofo. Stop asking what’s mofo is, I don’t have any idea either I just picked that out from my old notebooks. Now I wonder where did I got that… err, back to the story.   

‘HOMYGAHD!!’ Dara shouted as she saw Hyunseung hand gripping strands of her hair. And when I say strands, I mean STRANDS with capital S on the end part. ‘Yah! Are you planning to get me bald!!??’ she shouted as she quickly went to snatch her hair on his grip but he was able to flee away from her attack. ‘Yah! This is mine you go get your own hair strands,’ Hyunseung said pushing her away from him while hiding the hair strands on his pocket. And yes people he is a creep!!

‘You’re creeping me!!’ Dara shouted in disgust as she glared at Hyunseung who just stuck his tongue at her. ‘Are you a gay or a witch?’ Dara spat staring at him from head to toe. Hyunseung just batted his lashes as he clasped his hands together while lifting one foot off the ground.  ‘Geez,’ Hyunseung shyly said as he gently tucked his hair behind his ears as Dara stared at him in disgust and was about to vomit in any seconds. ‘I was planning to hide it from you and I was just caught, ahmmp!’ he added with some forced aegyo that is practically begging for you to land your mega super hyper ultimate flying kick straight to his annoying face.

‘You’re disgusting!’ Dara breathed out exasperatedly as she soon broke into laughter holding her stomach. Hyunseung smiled at her as he ruffled her hair making Dara stepped backward in defense as she raised her hands. Hyunseung laughed. ‘I will not pull your hair anymore promise,’ he said still laughing.

Yeah right you will not pull her hair anymore since you already got what you needed. Psh.

‘You know what let’s just eat lunch,’ he said as he draped his arm over her shoulder acting really really close to Dara. Hands off red haired mofo! Dara just rolled her eyes. ‘So where is the cafeteria?’ he asked. ‘I don’t eat in cafeteria,’ Dara answered making him stared at him in confusion. ‘I can’t afford it okay,’ Dara added irritated. ‘Damn, rich bastard,’ she hissed.

‘So where do you eat? You have packed lunch?’ Hyunseung asked. ‘Packed lunch does really exist? I thought television just invented that shizz,’

Dara rolled his eyes. ‘Rich bastard,’ she mumbled as she pushed Hyunseung’s arm off her shoulder and started walking with him quickly following her.

 Hyunseung stared at the whole place like a kid in his first time in the museum. His reactions are way worst than the Bigbang’s. ‘Hey is this place really safe it looks like it’s going to collapse soon?’ he asked whispering at Dara as they sat on an old wooden table and chair waiting for their food to be served. Dara glared at him. ‘Shut up,’ she said smirking. Yeah you shut up red haired mofo.

I seriously need to research what mofo is. Back to story.

They were now eating at one of Dara’s favourite restaurant. Run-down in the verge of collapsing place plus big serving of oh so yummy meat barbecue plus low price equals Dara’s favourite restaurant.  She sighed as she stared at Hyunseung who was still eyeing the whole place with mixture of amazement, worried and curiosity. She used to eat there with her friends but right now, the table and the whole place just felt really empty despite she was there together with Hyunseung.

‘Do you really always eat here?’ Hyunseung asked as Dara hissed. ‘Aishh! You know you could just leave this place is not like I’m forcing you,’ Dara scratched her head as the waiter placed their order on the table with Dara quickly grabbing her metal chopsticks. ‘I’m just asking you know,’ Hyunseung pouted as he held his own chopsticks.

‘I am not rich so I can’t afford the food you people eat,’ she said as she started stuffing her mouth with food. ‘Eh?!’ Hyunseung stared at her in disbelief. ‘If you are not rich how come you study in SFA and how come you are friends with Bigbang? And how come you’re the Kwon Jiyong’s gir―,’ he wasn’t able to finish what he was saying when Dara threw him a death glare.

He swallowed hard. ‘I mean ex girlfriend,’ he continued. Dara sighed drinking from her glass of water. ‘Listen not everyone look at people status in order to be their friends or to love someone,’ she said weakly as she started stuffing her mouth with food as Hyunseung fell silent. He smiled weakly. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled as Dara just nodded at him and with that he started eating. ‘The food tastes good! I mean really, really good,’ he said in surprise.

‘They said the same,’ Dara chuckled as he smiled. ‘Missed them?’ he asked as he continued eating forgetting what poise is as he just stuff his mouth with food. Dara didn’t answered instead she continued eating like the way she used to be.

‘Hey,’ Hyunseung called out as Dara stared at him. Dara rolled her eyes he’s worst than Seungri somehow Seungri knew when to shut up and when to be talkative but him he just can’t shut himself up. ‘What?’ Dara asked pushing the meat she covered with vegetable inside her mouth.

‘I’m just wondering you said a while ago that you have a boyfriend right? A different boyfriend, a boyfriend who isn’t Kwon Jiyong, a boy―,’

‘Yeah yeah I get it! So what if I have a boyfriend?’ she hissed.

‘Well I just wanted to know who is it,’ he asked shrugging. Dara grabbed her glass of water as she drank it in one go. ‘Choi Seunghyun,’ she answered as she started eating. ‘Choi Seunghyun? The TOP guy?’ he asked earning a nod from Dara. ‘I thought he was Bom’s boyfriend,’ he muttered shaking his head in disbelief as Dara stiffened on her place.

She wanted to kick Hyunseung in honesty. She wanted to smash his face on the ground and punch him real hard until all his teeth fall. But she doesn’t have the strength to do so; she can’t even curse him for asking nonsense questions for bringing up all the things she wanted to forget.

She then started stuffing her mouth with food until it was so full then she will chew it hard. ‘I wonder where Bom is,’ she said while chewing. Hyunseung stared at her. ‘Didn’t you know?’ he asked.

No Hyunseung she knew, she knew it that why she was asking right? She was asking because she knew it. Mofo.

Dara eyed him suspiciously that made him brought his two hands in front of him ready for defense. ‘She was the exchange student of your school,’ Hyunseung said before his limbs got tore apart by the girl in front of him who looked like who was about to transform to some huge wolf or something.

Dara just drifted her gaze away as she continued chewing her food. She must be really hurt; Bom must be really hurt for her to accept being an exchange student even in the place she doesn’t want to go back anymore. ‘Just eat, we don’t have time,’ she said as she continued eating.

They were now walking their way back to school. Hyunseung stretched his arms upward. ‘I’m so full!’ he exclaimed. ‘Let’s eat there tomorrow again,’ he smiled at Dara who was just silently walking next to him. Dara nodded. ‘Sure,’ she smiled faintly as she stopped walking in front of a convenient store. ‘What?’ Hyunseung asked. ‘We’re going to be late you know,’

Dara ignored him as she walked inside the convenient store, walked straight to the drinks section and grabbed cans and cans of beer bringing it to the cashier with Hyunseung just following her. ‘Pay,’ she ordered Hyunseung as the guy stared at her in disbelief before glancing at the pile of beers on the cashier. He pointed himself staring back at her. Dara nodded. ‘Pay,’ she repeated.

‘Aishh!’ Hyunseung hissed pulling out his credit card as he handed it over to the cashier who just received it happily. ‘Hey aren’t you supposed to not sell as beers knowing we are students? Hello we are even wearing our uniform,’ Hyunseung said at the cashier who just smiled at him. ‘We rarely have this big purchase so you’re an exemption sir,’ the cashier answered making Hyunseung slapped his hand on his forehead as he ran his palm over his face.

Dara opened her nth can of beer as she drunk it while staring at the river in front of her. She’s hell sure that she had drink more than six cans but why does it still felt like she was not drinking, she can still feel pain, she can still stop thinking of things she must forget. ‘You know what’s problem with you,’ Hyunseung asked grabbing her can of beer drinking it. ‘And what’s problem with all of you? With Bigbang, with Kwon Jiyong, with Bom and with that TOP guy?’ he continued as Dara stared at him.

‘You are all stubborn! And hell complicated!’ he said smiling as he lay down on the grass staring at the clear blue sky. Way the go red haired mofo! ‘Things should be kept simple, love should never be complicated,’ he smiled. ‘There should be only to love and be loved no more buts and other things! If you loved him then you love him, if you don’t then you don’t! Simple!’

Dara chuckled shaking her head as she lay down beside him. ‘But love isn’t that simple idiot,’ she breathed out staring at the sky. ‘Eengg!’ he exclaimed crossing his arms over his chest making a big letter X. ‘Love is simple, humans are the one complicated and since humans are seemingly attracted to anything complicated they make love complicated,’

‘Aishh! I probably drank too much. I think I’m already drunk,’ Hyunseung chuckled as he shifted his head and stared at Dara who was still staring blankly in the sky. Her tears started to fall on her cheeks as she laughed and wiped it away roughly. ‘Wouldn’t it be better if we don’t feel anything, pain, love or just anything,’ she chuckled. ‘Like being numb or android or anything,’

‘Then you are asking not to be human anymore,’ Hyunseung smiled. ‘You know what? Your problem is pretty simple. Tell Kwon Jiyong that you love him, dumped the TOP guy and this drama is all over!’ Hyunseung said as he sat down spreading his arms. He crossed his arms nodding to his every word. ‘So what do you think Da―,’ he said turning to Dara only to see her sleeping while lying on the ground. He smiled as he stared at her innocent face, red because of the beer and sleeping soundly like a child.

‘No wonder why those two bums are into you,’ he said clicking his tongue. ‘Too bad neither of the two will have you,’ he laughed as he stood up picked up the cans of beer throwing it on the trash can near them. He then scooped Dara up and he gently placed her behind him, piggy backing her as Dara remained sleeping as he walked his way back to their school to get their things although he isn’t sure if they will let them in.

He was stopped on his tracks when he saw a familiar red car. He stepped out of the car as Hyunseung smirked. Minho walked towards them as he stared at Dara’s face. He ran his fingers on her cheeks. ‘Got any sample?’ he asked turning to Hyunseung. Hyunseung fished the hair strands he got inside his pocket. ‘You can also pull some more just to be sure,’ Hyunseung sniggered making Minho laugh. ‘Idiot,’ he muttered as he placed the hair strands inside a plastic.

‘God Hyunseung! Are you planning to get her bald when you pulled her hair,’ Minho asked shaking his head. ‘She asked the same thing,’ Hyunseung laughed. ‘Want some ride?’ Minho asked pointing his car. ‘Nah, I’m fine I still need to go back to SFA anyways,’ Hyunseung answered. ‘With her being like that?’ Minho asked once more receiving a nod from Hyunseung.

‘They’re pretty used to her craziness,’ he laughed. ‘I’ll be going now,’ he added as he started walking aiming for the school as Minho remained standing watching as the two disappeared.

‘Listen we are going to escape from here,’ she whispered to him holding both of his hands wiping his tears. ‘But noona the last time you tried they tried drowning you in the swimming pool,’ he cried. ‘Shh… this time we will succeed you will be able to get out of here,’ she smiled assuring him.

‘What about you? Aren’t you going to escape?’ he asked as he was about to cry again. She smiled as she hugged her brother. ‘I need to stay here for a bit, but promise me once you escaped go find mom and dad, get me some help so we can be together again, huh Sanghyun?’

The little wiped his tears as he nodded. ‘I promise noona,’ he said in a voice trying to be firm. ‘I’ll be back, I will save you,’ he smiled as she ruffled his hair.

Dara stirred from her sleep as she sat down. She felt her head was somewhat throbbing. She stared all over the place. She sighed after she recognized her room. She then pushed herself to get up and walked her way to her door. She opened it. ‘Mom,’ she called out as she went to their kitchen where she was hearing some noise. ‘Mom, I need to go, I still have to go to Tabi. He must be worried,’ she said as she went to the refrigerator pulling out a pitcher of water.

She was about to get a glass only to be stopped by him who was leaning on the sink handing her an empty glass. ‘Jiyong,’ she whispered as he smiled. ‘Wassup babe?’ he asked smiling as Dara just grabbed the empty glass he was handing. ‘I will be leaving soon…’ she said as she poured the water on the glass. ‘Ah-huh,’ he nodded. Dara glared at him drinking the water.

You know what’s problem with you?

And what’s problem with all of you? With Bigbang, with Kwon Jiyong, with Bom and with that TOP guy?

You are all stubborn! And hell complicated!

 Dara sighed as she pushed herself sitting on the sink staring at him as he was pouring himself a glass of water. She smiled faintly finishing her glass of water. ‘Blonde suits you,’ she said making him turn to her. ‘Really?’ he asked chuckling. ‘Yep,’ she said nodding. Jiyong just drank his water while shaking his head probably in disbelief that she never even tried cursing or shouting at him to get his ass off their house.

Things should be kept simple, love should never be complicated.

Jiyong placed his empty glass on the sink walking to her as he leaned towards her resting both arms on the sink. Dara just closed her eyes and let him claimed her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck as they started kissing, slowly, gently.  Dara tilted her head giving him more access as their kiss deepened. Jiyong wrapped his arms around his waist lifting her as she wrapped her legs over his waist. He then walked to the sofa laying her gently on it as he hovered above her lips still playing with hers.

There should be only to love and be loved no more buts and other things! If you love him then you love him, if you don’t then you don’t! Simple!

‘Jiyong,’ she breathed in between their kiss as she felt his hand hiking up her shirt. She pushed him lightly. As Jiyong pulled away from her leaning his forehead with hers, eyes closed, both breathing heavily. Dara fluttered her eyes open as she stared at him. God knows how much she missed him, how much she was dying to hold him, to feel him skin to skin, to feel his lips against hers as everything fades when he started kissing her.

She smiled as Jiyong slowly fluttered his eyes open. Pain, longing and a whole lot of familiar emotions were swirling in his eyes that she felt her chest constricted.

‘Dara please ju―,’

‘Jiyong,’ she cut him off. ‘I guess it’s your turn to wait… wait for me, I will come back to you and I will never ever leave nor let you go,’ she whispered kissing him on his lips as Jiyong’s eyes were still lock on her. Dara then quickly stood up and walked to their stairs. ‘I’ll wait for you,’ he smiled as their eyes met once more. ‘I waited years a little more waiting won’t hurt right?’ he chuckled making Dara laugh softly.

‘But,’ he trailed off as Dara waited for him to continue. ‘After this can I land one punch on his face?’ he asked as Dara finally laughed out loud. ‘Wait till he fully recovered,’ Dara laughed. ‘Sure, sure,’ Jiyong nodded smiling. ‘Crazy,’ Dara whispered shaking her head as she climbed up the stairs.

‘Dara,’ he called once more making her turn to him. ‘I miss you,’ he smiled making her smile as well. ‘I miss you too, idiot,’ she answered as she dashed her way to her room.

Things should be kept simple, love should never be complicated.

She closed the door of her room as she quickly changed her clothes. Somehow she felt like she should thank Hyunseung. 

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