Romeo and Cinderella

By mbie07

143K 3.1K 199

{ Romance beyond difference. } He's the good student, she's the worst student. He's quiet, she's loud and ann... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four

Thirty nine

1.9K 39 0
By mbie07

chapter thirty nine | under the same sky part two

He stared at her barely blinking as she kept singing, eyes closed as she sang the song straight from her heart. Her tears fell as she felt the memories rushed inside her head followed by questions. Why didn’t she fall for him before? Why did she fail to notice his importance before? She opened her eyes as it met his. Shock was written on his black eyes as she kept on singing, as she battled for her voice to stay firmed. His lips broke into a smile. ‘Cry baby,’ he mouthed making her pout for a bit as she continued singing wiping her tears and mucus away and thank heavens her mascara and make up are water proof. How would she remove her makeup? Beats me I was never the expert in that field. Back to the story guys.

The song finally ended as everyone stood up and clapped their hands for her as they shower her praises. She bowed down in gratitude but she waited for his reaction. He remained sitting closed eyes as he took a sip on his glass of champagne. She frowned as his fist itched to land on his handsome face as of the moment. TOP opened his eyes and drifted it to her he smiled as he clapped his hand. That small act was enough to make her broke into giggles, as every praises from everyone just vanished for only his matters.

The bald Chinese speaking gay quickly made his way to her as he pulled her from the stage. She almost stumbled since she was busy looking at TOP who was back to his cold demeanour. The gay or the bald or the whatever, started introducing him to every guy who was looking interested in her but occasionally glancing at her legs and cleavage that were pretty much flaunting itself right now. Her brows met in the center as her hand was itching to break bones of some dirty and perverted old men.

Both she and the bald gay turned their heads as TOP took off his jacket and placed it gently on Bom to cover her from her totally revealing red dress. ‘Thank you but I’ll take care of my girlfriend now,’ he said in Chinese as Bom tilted her head staring at him completely not understanding his words while the gay bowed down in apologies as everyone stared at him. He rolled his eyes thankful that she can’t understand Chinese or else who knows what this girl would do. Whatever it was one thing’s for sure, it will be nothing but pure embarrassment with a red ribbon tied around it.

He wrapped his arm around her making her blush red as she started giggling giddily while he rolled his eyes. He then guided her back to his seat with her still trying to suppress her giddiness. But on their way to his seat they were blocked by TOP’s good old friend, Mike He. He smiled at him as TOP rolled his eyes knowing how fake it was. Mike was one of TOP’s childhood friends when he stayed in Taiwan for a year, and believe me he’s not even a friend. Well Mike is the competitive type while TOP has always been the cool guy, who happened to be good at almost anything. Well, since he was competitive and he was well two meters away to perfection (while Mighty Gee was already perfect) naturally, he’ll envy him and thus the birth of another rivalry which was originally called friendship.

‘What can I do for you Mike?’ he asked nonchalantly as the latter just smiled and ran his fingers on Bom’s cheeks making the girl squint her eyes on him. Somehow TOP can’t  help not to be thankful on how head over heels she was with him though it was pain in the ass most of the time. ‘Well, I heard you got a date with Rainie on the other day... so don’t throw shit like she’s your girlfriend,’ Mike smiled at him as TOP rolled his eyes for the nth time. ‘You’re just jealous,’ he muttered as he continued walking with Bom aiming for their seat. ‘Me? Jealous? Seriously?’ he said mocking as TOP lazily turned his body to him.

‘TOP we both know the truth, you’re not into girls and you’re not interested with anyone... so why not give the pretty lady to me, she seems precious to you though,’ he said making TOP’s patience as thin as his hair strands. Bom was just glancing back and forth at TOP and at the ugly guy who was talking to him, confused on what the hell they were talking about.

Yah Bom unnie Mike he is not ugly bit─

Ani! I didn’t say anything. I’m nothing but an angel and Mike He is not ugly. Bish.

‘She is my girlfriend can you just fuck off,’ TOP hissed trying to be composed or else even the presence of their business partners and even his father won’t save his fucking ass. Mike raised his brow. ‘Really?’ he asked mocking. ‘Yes,’ he hissed as the latter shrug finally snapping his patience. TOP quickly shifted his body facing Bom as he cupped her face and claimed her lips. Bom stood shock and frozen at TOP’s sudden move and when she finally recovered she cupped TOP’s face and pulled him more which shock him. It was supposed to be a quick kiss, just a peck even but now he can’t almost move as Bom was holding him and kissing him and what was surprising he was responding to her kiss. And there they were standing in the club in front of her bastard friend who was claiming to be his rival, locking lips. It was not your ordinary kiss, it was torrid, deep and was deepening each seconds.

Both pulled away from the intense kiss gasping for air as TOP wrapped his arm around Bom’s waist. He brushed his thumb in the corner of her lips wiping the lipstick that was smudge because of their shared kiss. He looked at Mike with an arrogant smirk painted on his still swollen lips. ‘What else do you want?’ he asked as he turned his back from him hanging his arm around Bom’s shoulder as they walk to their seat. But before they could even reach their seat Bom jogged back to Mike.

‘I don’t know what you said or what you did but thank you,’ she giggled as she tiptoed and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks. ‘Ahmm... you’re welcome?’ he said in Korean using a voice full of doubt. ‘Thanks again,’ she said as she dashed back to their table where a fuming TOP was waiting.

‘I SWEAR WHEN WE GOT OUT OF HERE I’M GOING TO RIP YOU IN PIECES YOU UGLY PIG,’ TOP gritted as she stuck her tongue at him while taking her seat. ‘You’ll never ruin my mood you cutie pie,’ she smiled at him as TOP rolled his eyes slumping himself on the black couch. ‘He kissed me~! TOP kissed me~! It was a kiss~! A kiss! Kiss! Kiss! TOP kissed me~!’ Bom started singing as she grabbed the bottle of tequila and pour some on her shot glass and lifted it proposing a toss as TOP rolled his eyes massaging his throbbing temples thanks to one stupid girl we will call Park Bom. Bom shrugged at him as she brought the shot glass close to her lips and was prepared to drink it only to be stop by him.

‘Oh no you’re not drinking! Stop giving me headache!’ he said frustrated. ‘I can handle myself!’ she fired back as she quickly drunk the tequila. She tightly shut her eyes as she felt the burning trails that the hard liquor left in her throat. ‘Park Bom,’ he warned. ‘Shh... I can handle myself,’ she said like cooing a child. He opened his mouth to fire back only to be stop by her. ‘I can really handle myself mom,’ she said giggling as TOP shook his head giving up on her.

20 minutes passed after she assured her of handling herself, yes please take note of the 20 minutes. She was now glowing red, swerving, with droopy eyes and incoherent words coming straight from her mouth. And to be honest it was more than tempting for him to beat her to death for her arrogance about handling herself when she can’t barely stand up right now and if she suddenly threw up heaven forbid but he’ll make sure she will never see the sunrise.

‘Saranghaaaaaeeeeeyooooooo Choi Seunghyun~!’ she sang as she was hanging her arms around his shoulder while he tried to help her, leading her to the exit of the club. ‘You’re going already? It’s just 11:30,’ one of their business partners said as he saw them reaching for the exit, TOP smiled as he bowed down. ‘I have too... I wasn’t able to control my girlfriend... I need to take her home,’ he said politely while smiling and slightly thanking Bom for being a help to get out of that boring party. With that, he was off the hook as he drag her to his car with his driver helping him with Bom.

He rolled his eyes and let go a hiss as he sat next to the totally wasted girl named Park Bom. ‘Can handle my ass,’ he muttered bitterly as Bom grinned next to him. ‘Yah! TOP I love you!!’ she said grinning as he rolled his eyes, she’s a complete nonsense right now. ‘Yah! Are you listening!?’ she exclaimed hitting his arm hard with her hand. ‘Yah! Why did you do that!? Are you trying to bruise me!?’ he retorted earning a stupid grin. He ran his palm over his face. ‘Patience TOP, patience she’s Dara’s precious stupid bestfriend,’ he chanted endlessly inside his head wanting to gain more patience before he pound her to pieces.

‘Yah don’t you believe me?’ she asked as he stared at her nonchalantly. ‘I don’t,’ he answered with honesty as she was left in silence. He drifted his eyes on the window as he stared at the city lights thanking heavens for the miracle that made Park Bom finally shut her mouth. Then his eyes drifted back to her as he heard her soft sobs. He stared at her only to see her about to cry.

‘Why don’t you believe me? I’m not lying I really love you... I maybe drunk and for you I am a total nonsense and yes, I’m maybe annoying but I do love you... believe me please,’ she said sobbing as she finally broke into cries. He stared at her as he bit his lips with guilt spreading on his chest. ‘Don’t cry,’ he said trying to coo her but sounding monotous for her making her wail more. ‘I love you... I do... I really do,’ she said crying as he went on panic mode trying to make her stop crying.

‘Listen,’ he said as he gently cupped her face and brush his thumb to wipe her tears. ‘Thank you,’ he trailed off with a sigh. ‘Thank you for loving me,’ he continued staring straight to her eyes as her tears gushed down one more time. She received the most cruel thing to hear from someone you love... a mere thank you. ‘Can’t I have something better like I love you too?’ she asked as her voice stuttered. TOP bit his lips as he slowly bowed down his head. ‘Thank you.... thank you so much,’ he said, chanting it again and again as her tears continued to steamed down her cheeks. She gently removed his hands on her face as she wiped her tears with her arms barely caring about her makeup. He looked up to her as their eyes met. She smiled at him. It was genuine, it was from her heart that it froze him. She let go a sigh.

‘I’m not giving up... I’ll work harder so the next time I tell you I love you... you’ll respond with I love you too not just endless thank you,’ she smiled as his lips curved into a faint smile. ‘Dream on,’ he muttered making her grimace as she started hitting him randomly again. ‘Yah! I’m having my cool moment here!! Keep your side comments with you!! Pabo!’ she exclaimed as TOP let out a chuckle. ‘Cool my ass... you sound stupid,’ he said chuckling. ‘A stupid who fell in love with the stupidest guy in the world,’ he continued in a serious tone as he kept his hands up blocking her random attacks.

‘You’re not stupid. Right now, you’re just far sighted you see things that were far from you yet fail to see the things that were arms away from you. Don’t worry I’ll help you cure your disease,’ she smiled joyfully at him obviously only entertaining the positive thoughts in her. ‘I’d like to see you try,’ he said in a smirk making her hit him again randomly as he burst into laughters.

Then out of the blue, he cupped her face which froze her, then gently he leaned on her as he brushed his lips with hers. Her eyes slowly fluttered close not wanting to think if this was for real or not, if this was a thing brought only by the influence of alcohol but his warm lips and his every move was an enough proof that they were really sharing this. They were really kissing, and she felt so happy that her heart kept on somersaulting inside her chest.

If only he can tell his heart to love her instead... he think he did it long before. But how do you love someone when you already gave your heart to someone who kept neglecting it.


Bom snapped her eyes open as she stood up staring at the whole room. She was quiet at first as she scanned everything around her, then she peeked under her blanket before letting out a gasp. She stared again at the whole room then peeked under the blanket and practically does the same thing over again since her brain can’t seem to process everything right now.

‘Ahhhhhhhh!!!’ she screamed loudly. TOP quickly went to her holding his toothbrush basically he was in the middle of brushing his teeth only to be disturb by a screaming girl. ‘What?’ he asked as Bom stared at him in disbelief. She stared at him as he was standing there on his white bathrobe holding his toothbrush, then she peeked under the blanket again as her lips curved into a smile making TOP roll his eyes. ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!!’ Bom shouted giggling giddily as TOP shook his head and practically he can hear her dirty thoughts. He just turned his back from her and was about to go back to the bathroom when she let out another scream.

‘What now?’ he hissed at her turning his body to her. ‘I can’t remember anything!!  Something happened right? We did IT right? WE. DID. IT. RIGHT??????!!!!!!!’ she asked nervous biting her nails even. TOP rolled his eyes as he shook his head disbelievingly. ‘Wait there,’ he said as he went back to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth. Bom nervously waited for him as she rummaged her brain for a small glimpse of what happened last night. ‘How can you forget it? You stupid why did you forget it?’ she chanted again and again while clutching her hair and racking her body trying to recall everything. I doubt if you can recall a thing.

TOP was drying his hair with a towel when he came out of the bathroom only to be welcome by a jumping Bom who threw herself on him still wearing only her under garments and his white polo. ‘We need to do it again... I can’t remember anything let’s do it again,’ she said in a serious tone like the salvation of mankind depends on it. Geez Bom unnie what the cabbage! I mean nothing happened between you and Oppa. You’re delusional.  

‘Yah! Get off me!’ TOP said as he pushed Bom away. ‘Don’t worry we got plenty of time we can re-enact it,’ she said still in a serious tone as she started unbuttoning her polo. ‘Oh no, you unbutton this,’ she said as she buttoned it and went closer to him. ‘You’re crazy,’ he rolled his eyes as he went to the telephone. ‘Besides nothing happened to us,’ he added making her slump on the floor. ‘Nothing?’ she asked faintly as he nodded to here. ‘Nothing,’ he answered with finality making her pout.

‘You’re stupid!!’she wailed as she stood up. ‘And why?’ he asked back. ‘A sexy girl was with you all night and you didn’t do anything!?’ she retorted. ‘I swear if you’re not stupid then I don’t know what to call you!!’ she exclaimed pounding the floor. Yeah oppa! Why didn’t you do anything? I mean though she’s quite stupid she’s still Park Bom, the PARK BOM. ‘Why not call me maybe,’ he said dripping with sarcasm as Bom stared at him disbelieving. ‘Are you trying to pull a joke?’ she asked a bit hesitant. TOP rolled his eyes. ‘No, I’m actually trying to give an inspirational speech here,’ he sarcastically remarked paired with a sarcastic smile.

TOP rolled his eyes. ‘You’re drunk,’ he sighed which made Bom smile. ‘I don’t want to take advantage on a drunk girl,’ he added as he picked up the phone and ordered breakfast for two. ‘I didn’t know you’re a gentleman,’ Bom said biting her lips.

Psh, gentleman my ass. To tell you the truth something almost happened between you two. You were kissing each other rolling in the bed then you fall asleep unnie. Too bad right? Yes, too bad any girl in the planet would die just to spend a night with TOP and you sleep on him. Tsk. Tsk.

Yah you! Don’t tell that to Bom unnie unless you want Oppa to kill you. Understand he’s just a human, a human weak in front of temptation especially if it came with a girl that was tipsy wearing a really revealing blood red dress, with white creamy skin and curves that every man die for. You know what I mean right? I mean who can resist that kind of temptation. Don’t worry oppa, I understand you. We understand you.

‘We’re going back to Seoul today but if you’re willing to stay here... I will even beg you to please stay,’ he said nonchalantly as he sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘And please change your clothes, your change is in the bathroom. You’re an eyesore,’ he said sarcastically making her pout as she stomped to the bathroom not wanting to argue with him anymore since she thinks he’s a plain dumbass who chose to sleep when he could have a wild night with a sexy girl in red which was her. If only she knew. /sigh.

With heart beating loudly in her chest as she heard it shatter to pieces, she stepped inside the dark hotel room with him walking behind her. She will admit she wanted this but now she felt like she was force into this and it breaks her heart more. TOP closed the door and she heard the lock clicked she felt like her breath left her body as her heart stopped pounding inside her chest. She continued walking as she sat on the edge of the bed drifting her eyes on him as he stood there with hand covered with cloth from her dress, head low.

She lifted her arms and offered it to him. ‘I’m ready,’ she said with a smile in a voice trying to stay firm. He took her hand and in seconds she was pinned on the bed with him hovering above her. She stared at him fascination mirroring in her eyes and it made him cringed a bit since he was expecting pity to be in it. But no there was no pity it was just pure admiration. Probably because more than anyone else she’s the one who can understand the feeling of having the fucking unrequited love broke you down into tiny pieces that you don’t even know if you’re going to survive.

‘Don’t move,’ he whispered as he slowly leaned to her. She kept her eyes on him as he watched him leaned on her then her tears unconsciously fall when he buried his face on the crook of her neck and started crying like a child, crying like never before. ‘I’ll be the master tonight,’ he said in between his sob. ‘And I want you to comfort me,’ he added as Bom wrapped her arms around him as he continued crying all the pain he had been keeping inside him since the day he fell in love with her.

And no matter how much he had broke her... seeing him cry, seeing him break down like a lost child who don’t know what to do was more painful than anything else in the world.

She would do anything just to ease his pain even if it means breaking her heart.  

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