Romeo and Cinderella

By mbie07

143K 3.1K 199

{ Romance beyond difference. } He's the good student, she's the worst student. He's quiet, she's loud and ann... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four

Thirty one

2K 36 1
By mbie07

CHAPTER Thirty-one:

Mr. Freedom and Ms. Prisoner

Chaerin was still giggling without any particular reason when she slumped herself at the passenger seat of Jiyong's car. Jiyong can only shook his head as he stepped into his car and locked the seatbelt of hers before locking his. She was drunk already and he know whether she liked it or not she will definitely spill things out. 

' So what are the stories you're dying to tell me? ' Jiyong asked as he started the engine of his car and speed away.' Well, let's start when I saw my boyfriend, ' CL said giggling. ' B-boyfriend?! You have a boyfriend? ' Jiyong asked in disbelief. Chaerin nodded with a proud grin on her face. ' Of course I have! And we where together since fifth grade!! ' she exclaimed proudly as she started giggling. Jiyong glanced at her quickly still unable to process what she's saying.

' Well, I would probably sound conceited here but aren't I the one you loved back then? ' Jiyong asked trying to figure things out. Chaerin chuckled at his silly question. ' You did sound conceited! ' she laughed. ' And yes I have loved you but before I left for France I realized few things that was able to change my life! ' she added with a grinn on her face as she began telling him about everything. 

' Remember the last christmas party of the five business dynasty that I attended? ' Chaerin asked as her eyes slited at him. Jiyong just nod his head still focus on the road. ' That's the time I met him. I was crying all by myself at the fountain area. Since father scolded me about lacking manners and charisma. Oh well he was having fun scolding me. Then while I was crying trying to hide from everyone, that was the time he saw me. He asked me the reason for my tears I just waved him off telling him it was none of his business. Then he left me. I was left there for almost five minutes. I thought he left me for good only to see him running back to me. All messed up, with dirt in his face, his hair was disheveled none the less he still has this cute boyish grin in his lips as he proudly handed me a yellow tulips. My favorite flower of all, ' 

' I asked him where did he get that and why is he giving it to me. His grin that was seemingly permanent on his face even widen as he told me that he was always watching me as I admire the yellow tulips in the school. He was attracted to my smile everytime I stared at them, and knowing how much I love them he looked for yellow tulips just to give it to me, to make me stop crying, ' Chaerin paused as a smile drawn in her lips as he recalled every little thing about him. ' From that time on he will never fail to give me yellow tulips, he will climbed the wall, and do crazy things just to give me those yellow tulips. Then he will always be there to crack the silliest down to the stupidest joke to make me laugh while displaying an idiotic smile. He will never forget to tell me how beautiful, smart and great I am. He's the only person who can make me feel special. Silly as it may sound since I was nothing but I child back then but I felt strange emotions when I was with him, '

Chaerin shifted her gaze at the view outside the window as her smile slowly fade. ' Then I started to envy him, on how free he is. On how he can do whatever he wanted, on how he can stand for his own and how he can live his dreams. Why can't I be like him, why can't I feel the freedom he is experiencing. Because of that I started hating him so I pushed him away, I told him hurtful words. I envied him a lot he was Mr. Freedom while I'm Ms. Prisoner. We both move on different worlds. We're world's apart. ' she choked as she started to stutter. ' But then he will never fail to send me those yellow tulips, those small notes. He never left me despite my short comings, ' 

' Before I left for France I met him and we spend a day together. I was sad and I know he is too, but he's trying his best to look happy for me. I gave him the necklace that I have loved all of my life and asked him if he could be my boyfriend. He laughed and said 'No problem! I didn't knew you desire me that much', ' she laughed as Jiyong laughed with him. They both can't believe that it actually happened when they were nothing but bunch of fifth graders. ' I promised him that I will start anew in France, I will be much stronger and I will be much better. So when I return in Korea he will be proud of me. I promised him that he will be the first one that I... w-will call and the first one that I will hug when I return here in Korea. I also made him promise that he must not take the necklace off him, I want to see it when time comes, ' 

She wiped her tears as she let out a bitter chuckle. ' Oppa, I told you before that I will find a man that is much better than you right? ' she asked as she glance at him. Jiyong nodded as he squeezed her hands. ' He is not better than you, he will be nothing compare to you but he will always be the man I wanted to spend hours talking with in the phone, chatting with. The man I wanted to laugh with... to talk to... to eat with... He will always be the man I wanted to marry and have family with. I love him so much, that I was hurting that he was hurting. He was waiting for me, he was waiting for me! But I just broke my promise! ' 

Chaerin finally breakdown as her cry turned into loud weeps. She was crying her everything out, the pain that were left unspoken. She was crying the pain of being held by the chains that her parents tied at her. She was crying that up until now she's nothing but a weak person, a person who can't even find her guts to shout the one she really love. 

And Jiyong can't do anything but watch her, hear her cries and curse in his mind. His grip of the wheel tightened as he feel pain for his friend. As he felt the painful mixture of guilt, pity and love in his chest. 

He wasn't able to pull the reason from her but it's enough to know that she didn't wanted what is going on. It's enough that he knew he was not the only one in pain. What he heard was enough for him to finally do his move and turn around the table. 


It was almost 12 in the midnight and the wind is getting colder by seconds but then you can find two figure in the park. Bom was sitting on the swing while TOP was leaning on its metal pole. The two are still laughing at the stupidest joke that Bom threw in her whole life. Both are drunk. ' Gah! I didn't know you're quite a drinker, ' TOP grinned as he took another sip on the sports drink that he bought with her on the convenient store a while ago. ' Don't judge the book by it's cover. I may look innocent but I love alcohol, ' Bom giggled as she lightly blew on the coffee she was holding. 

When the group decided to go home the two stayed for a while and continued their one on one drinking session. ' Ahh, it's getting cold, ' Bom sighed as she gazed at the stars above. TOP just chuckled as he placed his drink on the top of a wooden table near them. He then removed his black leather jacket and placed it on Bom. Bom smile inwardly to her self. He can really be a gentleman. You just need the to press the right buttons at the right time. Especially TOP is one weird individual. ' Thank you, ' she smiled at him which he returned with a smirk. 

There was a long paused between the two of them as they both stared at the beautiful sky. Then there was a shooting star that passed which made Bom excited that she jump out of her seat good thing the hot coffee didn't spill on her. But then she forgot she's on a high heels which made her lost her balance. Good thing TOP was able to wrapped his arm on her. ' Be careful, you're drunk, ' TOP whispered on her ears. That she can practically feel his breath touching her ears. She can even smell it, it smell alcohol and sports drink but it was a fragrance she'll be looking for the rest of her life. She was red and she can feel that air is leaving her body. 

She then fixed herself and sat down as she took a sip on her half cup of coffee, which spilled a while ago. Then a long paused began again. ' I'm just wondering, ' TOP broke the silence. Bom stared at him but he remained staring at the sky while drinking from the bottle. ' Why did you gave up on Kwon? ' he asked still not looking at her. ' Girls who give up are no cool, ' he smirk at her which made her grimace. 

' I didn't give up on him okay, ' Bom said as he took a sip on her cup of coffee. ' I never fight for him in the first place anyway, ' she added smiling at him making him shook his head. ' You don't really love him and everything was just for a show? ' he asked making Bom shook her head lightly as she stared at the sky. 

' I did feel something for Jiyong oppa, ' she breathed hosnestly. ' I did fell inlove for him a little when he saved me. You know me, half of my life, err, probably I believe in fairytales in my whole life that's why I like prince slash knight type, ' she explained. ' You know what I didn't understand a thing about what you're saying, ' TOP said as he laughed heartly as Bom's heart started skipping a beat. 

' Let me make things easy for you, ' Bom said. ' I just happened to fall inlove with someone and this time this is really love, ' Bom said smiling at him making him silent as they stare each other for the longest time. ' Really? Care to share who the lucky guy is? ' TOP said with a smile on his lips. Bom heave a sigh as she look at the sky. ' I didn't expect to fall for that moronic guy who is insensitive most of the time but gentleman in the time you needed the most. He's the densest creature creeping here on earth! But then with just small words and smile he can melt me away. I probably sound crazy now. But who cares he's the one I chose to love anyway, ' Bom said giggling. 

' And this time I will fight for him, I will not give up. I will make him fall inlove with me. And when I say fall he will fall harder that he will claim that he can't live without me anymore, ' Bom declared as she stood up as TOP just chuckled at her yet was focus in listening to her declarations. ' So can I have the name of the lucky, err, unfortunate guy now? ' TOP asked chuckling. Bom walked towards the trash can and threw the empty cup of coffee she was holding. She then walked towards TOP. They stared each other in the eye, under that beautiful night sky with the cold breeze kissing their skin. 

' I love you Choi Seunghyun, ' Bom said with a smile and with sincerity mirrored in her beautiful eyes. ' It might take forever before you realized what I'm trying to show in my actions, ' she added with a chuckle. 

There was silence as TOP tried to process what she just said. Aishh Tabi dear snapped out of it, yes she confessed. She freakingly confessed so can we get a better reaction now? 

TOP let out a chuckle as he messed up her hair. ' You're too late Fairytale freak, I'm inlove with someone else, ' he smiled timidly at her. ' I know that ofcourse I'm not blind, ' Bom pouted but smiled in seconds. ' And I plan to stay inlove with her and be patient until the day I can call her mine, ' TOP added with an arrogant smirk plastered on his lips. ' Then let me change your plan. Don't try to end the story yet cause everything can change in every rotation of the earth, ' Bom smiled arrogantly at him. 

TOP let out another chuckle as he messed her hair once more. ' So be prepared Choi Seunghyun cause you're going to fall for Park Bom and you'll fall hard! ' she smiled at him. 

' Girls who never give up are cool, ' TOP smiled as he drapped his arms around her and pull her as the walk towards his black Ducati. ' Let's just go home, we don't want you to get colds you still need to make me fall for you, ' he laughed heartly which earned him light smack on his shoulder from a pouting Bom. ' Conceited pretty boy, ' Bom giggled. ' Whatever fairytale freak, ' TOP answered after rolling his eyes. 

On small step at a time, not bad. You can win this Park Bom!



Jiyong gently placed Chaerin on her bed as he removed the lady's boots carefully. He then gently placed the blanket over her as he took his seat at the corner of her bed. He heaved a sigh upon remembering what he heard a day after Chaerin arrived. 

Jiyong can't still believe on why on earth was Chaerin who has been supportive to him and Dara came back to Korea just to push marriage between them. His parents dropped the topic upon hearing him burst. But Chaerin was stubborn that she won't let go of the topic no matter how much they argue. She's even putting their friendship at stake. 

But he knows more than that, he's a genius after all he definitely knew that there is something that's going on. 

One day when he was  walking pass at Chaerin's room he accidentally heard that she is arguing with her mom on the telephone. He definitely knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but he could careless, this might be his only and last chance to know the truth. That's why he quickly went to the kitchen where the other phone that was connected on the same line is placed. Without hesitating he pressed the phone in his ears. HE just wanted to know the truth that Chaerin was keeping from him.

' Chaerin, how's everything? When will be the wedding? Can't you make it faster? ' CL's mom started bombarding her with questions that sounds ridiculous to him. He can't believ that it was her mom who is pushing her to do this things. He once believe that above all her mom was the one who should understand her. 

' Mom, can't I just asked him for a help? Oppa will help us regarding the company. If you want I can also ask him to make it a secret so no one will know, ' Chaerin said saounding exhausted and pleading. 

' We already talked about this Chaerin. You already promised. You should just do what you need to do, ' her mom said coldly.

' But, Mom... ' 

' Chaerin tell me honestly. Do you have a boyfriend? ' her mom sounding like she's about to burst. 

' N-no! I don't have a boyfriend mom! What are you talking about? ' she said sounding all too defensive. 

' So why are you so against this? You don't have a boyfriend? ' 

' It was just... ' 

 ' Does he has a girlfriend? Just tell me if he has a girlfriend! I'll make sure that girl will taste hell that she will leave him behind!! ' her mom burst much to Jiyong's shock. He can't believ that he will actually hear it from her mom whom she taught as nothing but a good mom. He didn't knew she was this desperate. For a company she's willing to bindher daughter even to an eternal sadness. She changed. She's not her mom anymore. 

' No, oppa doesn't have  a girlfriend, ' Chearin said. He could not thank her enough for covering up for him. 

' Good, but I will still check to make sure. Do the plan Chaerin, that's if you want me to still call you my daughter, ' her mom said coldly. He can almost feel himself trembling. Before and until now Chaerin received nothing but wrong treatment from her parents. He wanted to save her, and he will also protect Dara. He will never let her touch even a single strand of her hair. He will make sure of it. But for now he need to save Chaerin first. 

' Yes mom. I'll hung up now still got dinner with oppa. I love you, ' Chaerin said in a voice getting hoarse he knew her tears were about to fall in no time. Her voice, her words are more than proof of it. 

' Bye then, I love you too, ' her mom said almost sounding monotone. Jiyong clenched his fist tightly as he almost slam the phone. He can't believe her mom, she didn't even notice that her daughter's about to cry. He heaved a sigh before he messed up his hair. Her parents need to see her worth. She doesn't deserve any of their stupid treatment. 

' Chae, just wait okay? ' he said with a smile as he stood up and left her room. He then grabbed his phone from his pocket as he dialed a number. Seconds of ringing sounds someon finally pick up the phone. 

' Hello? hyung why did you call, ' the person on the otherline asked. ' We need to talk, ' Jiyong answered as he open the door of his room. ' Is this about noona? ' the guy asked. Jiyong lips stretched into a smile. 

' No, it's about Chaerin, ' Jiyong whispered. There was a long pause between them. ' How did you know about that hyung? ' the guy on the other line asked. 

' Stop asking question Lee Seunghyun. You're Chaerin's boyfriend right? ' Jiyong said with a grin as he sat down on his computer chair and turned on his laptop. ' I d-don't know... ' Seung Ri answered. ' Seungri don't doubt her she loves you, ' Jiyong sighed. ' I'll explain everything tommorow meet me at the address I'm going to send you, ' he added. ' Neh, ' Seung Ri answered. 

He's definitely going to turn the table.

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