slendermans x reader

By Darkbitch666

36.5K 585 204

you and slenderman live together and after one spice romantic night, feelings have occured and a the past beg... More

wanna play?
Game on!
The winner takes it all
Cloud nine and a lovers night
please vote
Playtime is always fun with Slenderman <3
Fucking tease
School sucks
Answers and ownership
Date night and sweet smells
Who am I?! Who are you?
cliffs, bad memories and a hero dressed in black
friends to lovers and unexpected plans
True stories lead to shattered hearts
Hotel rooms reunited
Morning sickness and one happy Jeff
A restful pregnancy doesn't last long
A scare every mother dreads
A slendy family(Ending)

Missed calls and messages leave worried minds

649 14 18
By Darkbitch666

I woke up the next day to see my phone had been going off buzz buzz it went. My head was killing and i was having a goodnight sleep for once, I leaned over and grabbed my phone on charge to see it was from Sebastian, I read the time to see it was 1pm, I wasn't too bothered as me and slendy had the weekend to ourselves anyways. I had 3 new messages and a missed called 

Emo king (Sebastian): Y/n you awake? I really need to talk to you somethings happened and i'm freaking out 

                                               Y/n please wake up its about claude

                                              Oh god oh god your gonna be so pissed at me and him 

I felt so worried and instantly replied 

Y/n: Hey Sebby sorry I was asleep had crazy day yesterday, whats wrong?

Emo king: Y/n thank god your awake, something happened between me and claude at his place and i'm freaking out i really need to talk to you 

y/n: Ok calm down you wanna meet in town and grab a cup of coffee?

Emo king: Yes please ill meet you at mcdonalds instead as i'm starving haven't eaten in 2 days 

y/n: ill be 15 mins gonna get dressed and meet you in town, see you soon and don't panic everything will be fine 

I turn over to see slendy buried into me and cuddled tightly against me and he yawns waking up "mm good morning cutie" I giggle and kiss him "More like good afternoon" He cocked his head and said "Huh but its still dark?" I laugh and kiss his sweet cold lips and say "That's because the curtains are closed silly and I think its gonna be a cold, drizzly and crap weather day but I hope you don't mind I need to go meet sebastian something is wrong he sent me these messages and I need to go see if he is alright." Slenderman looked a little sad at first at the idea of me being busy to spend time together but then smiled and kissed me "My little y/n always looking after everyone" He cuddled me closer to him and yawned "mm i cant wait to have kids with you" I was taken back for a moment and stutter over my thoughts before managing to finally put a sentence together "W w what do you mean slender? ... Slendy bear?" He had fallen asleep and as much as id love to join him I knew I had to meet sebastian, I slid out of slendermans tenticals and went to the wardrobe and slipped on a loose gray tshirt, some black leggings and a loose black blazer I felt smart but wanted to be comfortable too. I grabbed my phone and backpack and my phone and headphones. i ordered a taxi as my bike was a little bit over the cliff and so unable to get to and besides i didn't feel energetic today, i went downstairs and saw Jeff had left a note, i picked it up and it read:

Dear slenderman and y/n,

I've gone out for the day to the woods to plant some traps in case bitch face comes back, don't wait up for me as i'll be out for a while plus need to go get my knife sharpened and test out its sharpness whilst skinning alive some skin crawlers, heard they are making a few appearances around the town and woods. see ya later. 


i smile reading the note, I feel so safe living here and go to the window and see my taxi pull up. I smile and see the weather is gray but not rainy thank goodness. I smile and text sebastian once in the car putting in my headphones. 

Y/n: hey sebby I'm on my way, in the taxi now i'll be there in 10 minutes

sebastian: Hey y/n thank you so much for coming with me and i'm so worried rn claude and me are so screwed omg omg 

y/n: What happened sebastian?

Sebastian: I cant tell you over message, I wanna tell you in person as its hard to explain and well I really wanna see you. 

Y/n: Well I've just arrived are you here yet?

Sebastian: Not yet I'm just down the road can you order me some food please and grab us a table i don't mind anything to eat I just know i need to eat something as i havent eaten in days.

i get out the car and head inside wondering what has happened between slenderman and claude, I hope they haven't fallen out I don't think i can choose between the two. I head to the screen and order twenty chicken nuggets, a big mac meal with large fries and a mcflurry and a large sprite and I ordered sebastian a chicken burger meal and a large fries and a tango as that's sebastians favourite meal and pay for it and wait for my number to be called out, number 666, very cliche and waited for what seemed like forever and seen sebastian call out my name as i turn to talk to him he ran up to me and hugged me tightly and i felt him relax, i hugged him back and when he pulled away I could see how terrible he looked he had bags under his eyes, his clothes looked creased like he been wearing them since we left school and his hair was very messy. I feel sorry for him "Sebby why don't you go grab us a table and ill grab our food" He nods and walks off and heads upstairs and grabs a table, just then our number was called out and I heard a woman gasp and i laugh if the number 666 scares her I wonder how scared she would be if i introduced her to Jeff or slender hehe. I didn't notice it till i grab the food that i had ordered more than usual... hm weird maybe I'm just hungry after yesterdays events. i head upstairs and see sebastian look at his phone worriedly as it kept lighting up. I head over and place the food on the table "Here please eat sebastian you look like you've just risen from the grave also here" I hand him a hairbrush and some wet wipes from my bag to wipe his face and a spray which smells of cookie dough, its my own creation of mixes of scents and water. I smile as he cleans himself up and eats something. "Whats happened sebastian?" He puts down his phone which had been going crazy, and slides it to me I pick it up and see its all from claude, he has 30 messages and 50 missed calls, Jesus whats happened between these two? I look up and see sebastian struggling to speak and playing with his hands. "Y/n before i tell you promise me our friendship wont change" I feel confused and say back "Of course sebastian, i will always be your friend" He takes a deep breath and looks at me and says... 

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