She's A Toretto

By LoveTheNerd

137K 3K 35

"Tuna on white, no crust, right?" Mia asks as he sits down at the counter. "I don't know. How is it?" The guy... More



2.2K 46 3
By LoveTheNerd


"We swap in parts from Fords, Plymouths, and Cadillacs," A man says in Spanish as he work on a car. "My grandfather bought it in 1957. When he died, it passed to my father. Then my brother, and now to me."
"Dixie?" Dom asks with a smile as he sees his sister.
"Dom," Dixie says before hugging her brother while Brian and Letty hug.
"Buster," Dom says as he and Brian hug while Dixie and Letty hug.
"Look at this," Dixie tells Dom and Letty in Spanish with a smile on her face. "This is an engine from a boat."
"No way!" Letty says with a shocked smile.
"Yeah," The man says before speaking in Spanish. "Whatever it takes to keep it running."
"This is the Cuban spirit," Dom says with a smile still on his face before speaking in Spanish. "Your spirit. Don't ever lose that."
"Dom. Dot," A woman calls as she rushes over to them before speaking in Spanish. "It's your cousin. He's in trouble. Come on!"

"You know I can't make a living without my car," Their cousin, Fernando, tells a man.
"Not my problem, bro," The man, Raldo, states with a shrug before he sees Dom. "Dominic Toretto, I heard about you. Welcome to my island."
"Why you hookin' up my cousin's car?" Dom asks the man, who is attaching a chain to his cousin's car.
"He needed money, I gave it to him," Raldo answers Dom with a shrug. "He can't pay, I take the car."
"I just need a few more days," Fernando pleads.
"'Few more days' wasn't part of the deal," Raldo says with a shake of his head.
"Come on. You make a deal, you gotta live up to it," Dixie tells their cousin.
"You make a deal, you gonna live up to it," Raldo repeats, causing Dom to look at him.
"'Gonna' live up to it?" Dom asks him as he glares at him. "Oh, so you're one of those types. You take everyone's ride, and then ship it back to the States?"
"You should show your people some respect," Letty says in Spanish.
"You watch your mouth," Raldo says as he points at Letty, causing her and Dixie to laugh.
"Now you got a problem," Letty says with a smirk as Dom turns to face Raldo.
"I'm gonna keep it about the cars," Dom says as he points at Raldo.
"I'm really scared," Raldo says sarcastically in Spanish.
"You should be," Dixie tells him in Spanish.
"You want a car, get it the right way," Dom tells him.
"How?" Raldo asks him.
"Race for it," Brian answers him simply.
"I already own it," Raldo states with an eye roll.
"Not that car," Dom says as he points at his cousin's car before turning to point at his car. "Mine."
"Dom, his car is the fastest car on the island," Fernando says quickly. "Do you know what he has under that hood?"
"He knows it doesn't matter what's under a hood," Dixie tells their cousin before turning to look at Raldo with a challenging look. "The only thing that matters is who's behind the wheel."
"You think so?" Raldo asks her with a raised eyebrow.
"I know so," Brian answers him as he stands behind Dixie protectively.
"Then race his car," Raldo challenges them. "And we ain't racing no quarter-mile, here. We race the Cuban mile."
"Done," Dom says accepting the challenge, causing the crowd to cheer.

"I appreciate what you're trying to do," Fernando says as Dom takes the hood off of his car. "But my car is the slowest car on the island." Brian takes the bumper and fenders off of the car.
"Was," Dom tells him with a smirk. "Pull the seats, the doors, the battery. If it ain't the motor, take it off."
"Laughing gas?" Fernando asks as Dixie and Letty walk up with a blue canister.
"Nah, Fed. This is Cuban NOS," Letty answers him with a smile.
"You guys are crazy," Fernando says before taking a drink of his Coca Cola. "What are you doing?" Dom takes the tab off of the coke can.
"Poor man's turbo," Dom answers him as he hands the tab to Brian, causing Brian to smile before Brian puts the tab around a tube.
"Pull the vacuum line and hold on," Brian explains as he looks at Dixie with a smile. "Old trick that I play, in case of emergencies."
"You know that's way too much boost for that engine," Letty tells him with a smirk.
"It's gonna be fast," Dom says as Brian connects the tube back.
"It's gonna be a bomb," Dixie argues with him.
"Only needs to go a mile," Dom tells her, causing her to smile. They go to the starting line before Letty and Fernando are given bikes so they can go ahead to stop traffic.
"Are you ready for this, my family?" A woman asks in Spanish as she stands between the two cars. "This is Havana!" The crowd cheers. "Be fast. Be safe. But don't be last. Racers ready! Vámonos!" The drivers take off with Dom slightly trailing behind Raldo, who bumps Dom into a pile of trash as they turn. Dom turns his NOS on as he quickly catches back up to Raldo, who tries to bump Dom into oncoming traffic but Dom swerved out of the way. Letty and Fernando jump a hill before blocking traffic. Dom and the man drive past before Letty and Fernando take off again. Letty and Fernando stop as the other bikers pass them.
"Where are they going?" Fernando asks Letty.
"I don't know. Let's go!" Letty answers before they follow the other bikers. Dom and Raldo bump into each other before driving down two different streets. Dom and Raldo meet back on the same street. One of the bikers runs his bike out into the street causing Dom to run over the bike which slows him down.
"Okay, Buster. Let's see if this works," Dom says before pulling the wire attached to the tab which pulls the tube loose. The car speeds up really fast causing Dom to catch back up to Raldo. The engine on Dom's car catches fire. The windshield busts from the heat of the fire. Dom quickly turns around, driving in reverse before hitting the NOS again. Dom and Raldo are even as they approach the finish line before something explodes in Dom's engine causing him to take the lead as they cross the finish line.
"Look out!" Dom yells at the crowd as he realizes that he doesn't have any breaks. Dom quickly turns the car before jumping out as the car flies into the water. The crowd, especially the kids rush over to Dom.
"Told you it would be a bomb," Dixie says as she playfully shoves Brian on their way over to Letty, who is looking at Dom in shock before he picks a kid up smiling at her. Dom smirks at Letty as the crowd cheers for him. Dom puts the kid down before walking over to Raldo.
"A deal's a deal. You won my car. And you earned my respect," Raldo says handing his keys to Dom, who looks over at Letty, Dixie, and Brian at the respect part.
"I like this guy," Brian says with a smirk as they all remember his first race.
"Keep your car," Dom says as he pushes the keys back to Raldo. "Your respect is good enough for me." Letty walks over to Dom before they wrap an arm around each other. "Yo, cousin. Sorry about your car." Dom throws his keys to his cousin. "Yours was too slow for a Toretto, anyway."
"Your Impala? Are you serious?" Fernando questions him in shock before turning to the crowd who cheers.
"I'll see you around, brother," Dixie says as she gives Dom a hug while Brian and Letty hug before they switch.
"You can count on it," Dom says with a smile. "Take care of her, Buster." Brian nods before they all walk away.

Brian is looking out at the view from his and Dixie's room before Dixie walks over to him, hugging him from behind while kissing his shoulder. Brian turns to face her, kissing her before picking her up. Brian puts her against the wall as they continue to kiss before they make their way to the bed.
"Look at that smile," Brian says after kissing Dixie. "I love it when you smile."
"You make me happy," Dixie tells him as she caress his face with her hand. "And all it took was one tuna sandwich with no crust." Brian laughs as he playfully rolls his eyes at her.
"Mmm, I think this place makes you happy," Brian explains with a smile as he grabs her hand. "It's like it speaks to you."
"You remember that guy, the racer and his dad?" Dixie asks Brian while she smiles at him as she thinks about their daughter, who is with Elena.
"The one with the boat engine under the hood?" Brian asks her as he remembers.
"Yeah!" Dixie says excitedly. "I was looking at them, and I... And I couldn't help but to imagine what you are going to be like." Brian lifts the covers to place his hand on Dixie's stomach. "No, no, no! I'm not pregnant. I'm talking about our little one."
"Is that what you want?" Brian asks her after they kiss.
"It's not about what I want or what you want, I guess. It's about what she wants," Dixie answers him before he kisses her. "Though we should probably give her a name."

The next morning Dixie left before Brian was awake, to go have breakfast with Dom. Dixie left Brian a note to let him know where she was and that he could go explore if he wanted to. On their way back, Dom and Dixie come across a lady trying to get her car to start.
"We should try to help," Dixie tells her brother with a smile. Dom tries speaking to the lady in Spanish.
"What?" The lady asks him confused.
"Do you need a hand?" Dixie asks her with a small giggle.
"Yeah, I think I do," The lady, named Cipher, answers her with a smile.
"Sounds like you're not getting any fuel," Dom tells her as he walks over to the car.
"Yeah?" Cipher asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Cars are kinda our family's thing," Dixie tells her before joining her brother.
"Probably the shut-off solenoid," Dom explains as he looks at the car. "Let's see if we can get some power to it."
"What brings you both to Cuba?" Cipher asks as Dom works on the car.
"The same thing that brings everyone else to Cuba," Dom answers her with a smile. "Culture, people, the beauty. What brings you to Cuba?"
"Work," Cipher says with a shrug.
"Must be casual Friday," Dixie jokes with her.
"How's the honeymoon going, Dom?" Cipher asks as she leans against the car, taking off her sunglasses. "And the vacation, Dixie?"
"Your fuel relay is missing," Dixie says as she looks at her shocked.
"I know," Cipher says as she holds the fuel relay up.
"I love to play games. We've beaten the best of 'em," Dom says as Cipher walks around the car, putting the fuel relay back. "But I'm kind of in a rush, so if you've got something to say to me..."
"Oh, this is a very different game, that I can assure you both," Cipher tells him as she walks back around them. "This... There's something much greater at work here. This is fate."
"We choose to make our own fate," Dixie says as she crosses her arms across her chest.
"Not today," Cipher states before looking around. "Is this the road you take to your apartment every morning? What else is different, Dom? Was Santiago's closed? Did you have to cross two blocks to go get your Cuban coffees? What is it, black, no sugar?" Dom looks at her slightly shocked before he goes to slightly glaring. "Yeah. I put a lot of work into getting you both here today."
"Well, now that we're here, what do you want?" Dom asks her.
"I want you to work for me," Cipher answers him simply.
"Work for you?" Dixie asks her as if she is crazy with a fake laugh. "Oh, I could've saved you a lot of time, then. See, we don't work for anyone."
"You can't walk away from this, Toretto's," Cipher says as Dom and Dixie turn to walk away. "We're going to have this conversation, one way or the other. You see, that's the funny thing about fate." Dom and Dixie turn back to look at her to see if she is for real. "It's cunning. It can bring you beautiful things, and it can also bring you moments like this." Cipher pulls her phone out before holding it out to Dom, who walks back over to her. Dom takes the phone before Cipher stands beside him as he watches the video on the phone. "Oh, you're both gonna want to work for me. You're gonna betray your brothers and sisters, abandon your code, and shatter your family. You see, your team is about to go up against the only thing they can't handle."
"What's that?" Dom asks her as he doesn't take his eyes off of the phone while Dixie holds back tears and the urge to punch Cipher.
"You two," Cipher answers him as she walks around them. "Oh, and, Dom, Dixie, I wouldn't mention this or Dixie's pregnancy to anyone." Cipher gets in her car before driving away as Dom and Dixie finally look away from the phone.
"You're pregnant?" Dom asks his sister confused.
"I..." Dixie starts but her phone starts ringing. "Hello."
"Congratulations, Miss Toretto," The doctor says on the other end of the phone. "You're pregnant."
"Apparently I am pregnant," Dixie says in shock as she hangs up the phone before tears start to run down her cheeks. "Dom, what are we going to do?"
"We pray that our family doesn't turn their backs on us," Dom answers her as he pulls his sister into a hug.

Dixie is looking at her cross necklace that she had been able to split in half.
"What are you doing?" Brian asks as he walks over to her.
"Fixing my necklace," Dixie tells him with a small smile. "It fell off my neck and split."
"Okay," Brian says before giving her a kiss. "I'm going to go get us some lunch." Dixie nods before he leaves the room. Dixie sighs because she hates lying to him before her phone starts buzzing.
"Hey, Dom," Dixie says once she answers her phone.
"Hey, Dot," Dom replies with a sigh. "Hobbs just called asking for us to get the team and meet him in Berlin."
"Damn, Cipher is good," Dixie says as she shakes her head. "Dom, I'm scared."
"Me too but we have to do this," Dom tells her with a sigh.
"I know," Dixie says as she nods her head, composing herself. "I'll get Brian before meeting you and Letty at the airport."

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