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Rome walks out of a house with a plate of meat for the grill as he passes Han, who is sitting on the steps with a corona.
"Don't burn it this time. Please?" Rome says as he walks over to Tej, who is manning the grill. Brian and Dixie walk pass them as Nico walks between them, holding each of their hands. Dixie couldn't believe that her sister had a kid, making her an Aunt.
"Good food," Brian tells Nico with a smile. "The air quality here is lousy, the traffic is bad, but I think you'll learn to like this place."
"Yeah, definitely," Dixie says as they walk over to the garage. "And here you've got your own garage so you can build a car with Uncle Dom, Uncle Brian, and me."
"We'll be building a car?" Brian asks Nico as he picks him up.
"First car better be a Charger, Nico," Dom says as he and Letty stand beside in front of his car while Mia walks over to Brian and Dixie.
"You mean Maxima," Brian says as he looks over at them.
"Like I said, he's a Toretto," Dom says causing Letty and Dixie to laugh.
"You're confusing the kid," Brian tells them before Dom and Letty start walking over to them.
"Mia, Dot, you're gonna let him get away with this?" Dom asks his sisters with a smile.

"You really going to do it? Tokyo?" Rome asks Han as he takes over the grill.
"Yeah, it's just something I gotta do," Han answers him before taking a drink of his beer.
"You know we got your back, whenever you need us," Tej tells him before Rome notices Hobbs and Elena.
"Hey, Mia, you better hide your baby oil," Rome says causing Dixie to smile and shake her head. "I'm just playing."
"You better hide that big ass forehead," Hobbs retorts causing Tej to spit out his beer and Dixie to laugh as she takes Nico from Brian.
"I was just joking but whatever," Rome says offended. "Definitely not that funny."
"It's official," Hobbs says as he stands in front of Dixie, Brian, Mia, Letty, and Dom. "You're all free." Tej and Rome fist bump as Dom notices Elena behind Hobbs, who hands the file to Dom. "It wasn't half bad, having you work for me."
"We all know you were working for me, Hobbs," Dom says with a chuckle.
"Agree to disagree," Brian says causing them all to smile. "Thank you."
"Good luck," Hobbs tells him before Brian, Dixie, and Nico go into the garage and Letty walks over to Elena.

"Elena," Letty says as she reaches her.
"Letty," Elena says with a smile.

"That's got to be awkward," Tej says as he and Rome watch.
"But sexy as hell," Tej and Rome say at the same time.

"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for him," Letty says as they look over at Dom. "For us. It takes an amazing woman."
"He's an amazing guy," Elena says.
"Yeah, he is," Letty says in agreement.
"Try to keep him out of trouble, huh?" Elena asks her.
"Now, you know that's not gonna happen," Letty tells her with a laugh.
"I know," Elena says before Letty walks away.

"Not bad for a cop," Dom says as he takes a step towards Hobbs.
"I never thought I'd trust a criminal," Hobbs says as he takes a step forward, standing beside Dom. "Until next time."
"Until next time," Dom says in agreement before Hobbs starts to walk away.

"Hobbs," Mia says as she walks over to him, causing him to stop. "You're welcome to join us."
"Maybe another time," Hobbs tells her with a smile, since he has somewhere to be. "Maybe I could take you out first?"
"I'd like that," Mia says with a smirk before giving Hobbs a kiss on the cheek.
"Take care," Hobbs tells her before leaving with a smile on his face.

"Elena," Dom says as he walks over to her. "You know you don't have to go."
"All this," Elena says as she glances over at the others. "This is your family. It's who you are." Elena then holds up her badge that is around her neck. "This is my family. This is who I am." Elena kisses Dom on the cheek before she leaves.

"All right, everybody lets eat," Tej calls as he and Rome bring the food to the table.
"Need some help with that?" Letty asks them.
"It's all here. It's done," Rome answers her as he sets down the last plate. Brian pulls out Dixie's chair for her before she sits down with as she smiles at him. "Come on, man, lets get with it." Rome grabs a chip before taking a bite.
"First bite, he's got grace," Brian says as he points at Rome causing Dixie to smile. "House rules, man. House rules."
"It's whatever," Rome says as he sits down.
"Any of this feel familiar to you?" Dom asks Letty as they watch everybody.
"No," Letty answers him. "But it feels like home."
"That's good enough for me," Dom tells her before he sits down.
"All right, y'all. Come on, lets do this," Rome says as Letty sits in Dom's lap.
"Okay Roman," Dom says with a smile. "Bless our table." Everyone, who can, grabs hands as they bow their heads with Brian kissing Dixie's hand a few times causing her to lightly giggle.
"Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. Thank you for our little angel. Thank you for bringing Letty and Dixie home. And most of all, thank you for fast cars."

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