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That night a party is thrown in celebration of having fuel. Dom, Tego, and Santos make their way through the dancing people.
"Mi primo is running security on the airbase," Tego begins in Spanish.
"Says that there's going to be a couple of refueling planes arriving," Santos continues in Spanish. Dom smiles as he shakes his head.
"How's it going?" Han asks as Dom, Tego, and Santos walk up.
"Money, money," Santos says excitedly as Dom opens the bag he had been carrying. He hands a stack to each Tego and Santos, who start chattering in Spanish. As Dom goes to hand Han and Dixie their money, they both give him grim faces. Dom tells Tego and Santos to go have fun while Han motions for his girl to walk away.
"Cops just raided our garage in Baracoa. They were real interested in you," Han tells Dom, causing him to look down.
"Heat's on and we just sent up a flare that's gonna lead them right to us," Dixie explains as she thinks about everyone that is involved and Mia by herself back home.
"I say we move out first thing in the morning," Han suggests causing Dixie to nod.
"Nah, it's me they want. And if they catch me they're throwing big numbers at anybody with me," Dom explains before picking up his beer. "Dot, Han, we had a good run. Time for you two to go do your own thing." They all clink their beers together before taking a drink.
"Heard they're doing some crazy shit in Tokyo. Maybe I'll go there," Han says with a smile causing Dixie to smile before he walks away.
"I think it's time for me to head home," Dixie says causing Dom to nod in agreement before Dixie hugs him. "Stay safe."
"Have you seen Letty?" Dom asks as he looks at Dixie, who motions to the rocks by the water. Dixie left in the dead of night before getting home two days later.
"Mia," Dixie says with a smile as her sister meets her on the porch.
"Dixie!" Mia says excitedly as she pulls her sister into a hug. "I've missed you so much."
"I missed you too," Dixie says as they walk inside. "So, what's new?"
"I've been talking to Vince," Mia tells her with a shy smile.
"And?" Dixie asks her sister excitedly.
"He wants me to go live with him," Mia answers her with a big smile.
"Do you want to?" Dixie asks her sister.
"Yes, I do," Mia says causing Dixie to smile.
"Then you definitely should," Dixie says before pulling her sister into another hug. "I'm so happy for you." A week later, Mia was gone to Rio to be with Vince, leaving Dixie all by herself. For the next six months she busied herself with work as a nurse and working on cars in Buddy's shop. Letty showed up explaining how Dom had left her the same night that Dixie had left the Dominican Republic.

In the days that follow, Letty throws herself into repairing Dom's Charger. Dixie feels it is an unhealthy coping mechanism. In the months that followed, Dixie started noticing Letty coming in at all times of the night causing her to grow worried about her. One night Dixie corners Letty until she explains what she is doing. Dixie is shocked to find out that Letty is undercover for Brian O'Conner to be able to clear Dom's record. The next day, Dixie tracks Brian down.

"You're running Letty?" Dixie says as she walks up to Brian, who is walking away from a hot dog stand.
"Dixie?" Brian asks her shocked to see her. "Letty came to me."
"Then I want in too," Dixie says as her eyes burn in determination.
"No. No way," Brian says as he shakes his head, worried about her safety. "It's too dangerous."
"You don't get to decide what is too dangerous for me," Dixie says as she glares at him. "All of a sudden, you care what happens to me."
"I've always cared. What I did to your family was wrong. I'm sorry. It was... It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do," Brian says as he looks down ashamed.
"I'm sorry, too, Brian. I'm so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to love my sister. I'm so sorry that you ripped my family apart. I'm very sorry for that that was hard for you," Dixie apologizes sarcastically, making her feelings known.
"I lied to you," Brian tells her honestly. "I lied to Dom. I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. It's why the Feds recruited me."
"Maybe you're lying to yourself," Dixie says as she could tell that Brian was going through something. "Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Maybe you're a bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?"
"Every day," Brian answers her, causing her to nod.
"I always wondered, why did you let Dom and me go that day?" Dixie asks him curiously.
"I don't know," Brian answers her, causing her to sigh.
"Either you get me in or I do it myself," Dixie says as she crosses her arms.
"Fine," Brian says, knowing she wouldn't stop.


Dixie and Letty make a delivery with the other drivers before things start to head south. Letty and Dixie quickly duck back into Letty's car before Letty takes off as the other drivers are shot. They are followed as Letty tries to make her way back to the city. Felix, the guy following them, rams into the side of the car causing them to start flipping before the car lands upside down. Dixie crawls out of the car before she stands leaning against the car. Letty crawls out of the car with a bloody head before she freezes as Felix raises his gun at her.
"Letty!" Dixie yells as Felix fires his gun. Felix shoots the gas tank, instead of Letty, causing the car to explode. Dixie and Letty are thrown into the air by the explosion before tumbling down the hill they are on.

Mia decided to return home for the last of her things. She is in the house, wondering where her sister is before the phone rings.
"This is Agent Stasiak, is this Mia Toretto?" Stasiak asks.
"This is Mia," Mia answers confused on why an agent would be calling her.
"I'm sorry to inform you that, Leticia Ortiz has been murdered," Stasiak explains causing Mia to start crying. "As well as Dixie Toretto."
"No!" Mia yells as she hangs up. She slides down the wall as tears begin to flow harder. "No. No. No! Dixie, she's... she's gone. She's dead. My sister." Mia cries until she has no more tears, having lost her other half. Her twin sister. She then did the one thing that she was dreading, she calls Dom. A little Hispanic boy answers the phone before Mia asks for Dom.

Panama City, Panama

Dom is underneath a car as he works on it before a little boy runs up to him. The boy tells him, in Spanish, that he has a phone call. Dom walks over to the phone confused as to who would be calling him.
"Hello," Dom says in Spanish as he answers the phone.
"Dom," Mia says knowing what she had to say next would be rough on him.
"Mia, I told you not to call me here," Dom tells her.
"Dom, it's Letty and Dixie. They've been murdered," Mia says as she chokes back a whole new wave of tears.

Two days after receiving the phone call, the funeral was held.
"We have gathered here to pay our final respects to, Leticia Ortiz and Dixie Toretto. Let us reflect on their journey..." The priest says as Mia cries. Dom stands on the big hill above the cemetery as he watches the funeral. He looks around at all the cops before his eyes land on his remaining sister as she glances in his direction. Mia lets out a sigh as she sees Dom up on the hill before she turns back to the funeral. A few minutes later when she looks back up at the hill she finds Dom gone.

"Facial recognition software matched Toretto about 10 minutes after he crossed the border," Stasiak says as he stands beside Brian, who's eyes hadn't left Dixie's casket. "I don't get it. I thought he'd show." Brian looks up at the hill feeling as if someone had been there.

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