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Vince had a feeling that Brian was a cop so Dom, Dixie, Jesse, and Vince followed Brian from Harry's. When they caught up to him, they found him sneaking into Hector's garage. Vince, Dom, and Dixie are waiting in the shadows as Brian drops back down to the ground. Vince quickly knocks him out with his shotgun.
"He moans like a cop," Vince says as Brian wakes up causing Dixie to roll her eyes.
"Brian, this is one of those times you need to be clear about what you say. Nod if you understand me," Dom explains as he glares at him.
"Nod!" Vince orders as he points the shotgun in Brian's face. Brian nods as Dixie lets out a sigh, thinking this is stupid.
"Sit up," Dom orders. "Tell me what the hell you're doing down here."
"Shit. What I'm doing?" Brian says as he sits up and holds his head. "Dom. I owe you a 10-second car. And what this is about, this is about Race Wars. I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. And on top of that, he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T66 turbos, with NOS and a MoTeC system exhaust."
"So, what are you saying? You're gonna check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?" Dom questions him.
"Yeah. Because, Dom, you know I can't lose again," Brian answers him.
"He's a cop," Vince says. "He's a cop!"
"You a cop?" Dom asks Brian, who shakes his head no. "Let's go for a little ride."
"Walk!" Vince orders Brian as they head to Jesse's car.
"Okay. You stand watch," Dom tells Jesse as he drops them off outside of Tran's garage. Brian helps Dixie over the fence before they climb up to the roof and sneak inside.
"Yo, Dominic. There's no engines," Vince says as they walk over to the cars.
"What are they planning on racing with, hopes and dreams?" Dixie asks sarcastically.
"I don't know, but they're sneaky as shit and they've got enough money to buy anything," Dom explains as his phone rings before he answers it. "What?" Dom answers Jesse. "All right, we got company," Dom says. "Spilner. Dot. Come on. Move!" They quickly hide behind the cars in the back of the garage. Vince pulls out a hand gun as Brian pulls Dixie down beside him. Dixie has to hold back a blush at their closeness and remind herself that Brian is with her sister.
"Let me ask you a question, Ted," Johnny asks as Lance walks Ted over to him at gun point. "Do you see anything wrong here?"
"No," Ted answers before Johnny pushes Ted's head into the hole.
"We got no engines, do we?" Johnny asks him.
"No," Ted answers. "A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium one week before Race Wars, huh?"
"Yeah, probably," Ted answers.
"You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart," Johnny says as he takes off his jacket. "What are you feeling, Lance? A 40-weight? A 50-weight?"
"A 40-weight sounds nice," Lance answers before Johnny throws Ted to the ground. Johnny holds Ted on the ground while putting a hose near his mouth. Lance pumps oil through the hose causing it to pour all over Ted's face and in his mouth. Dixie glares at Johnny as she starts to rush forward but Brian quickly pulls her back while Dom gives her a warning glare.
"Where are they, Ted? Where are they?" Johnny questions Ted.
"Enough!" Ted gets out.
"Where are they?" Johnny asks again.
"They're in a warehouse," Ted answers causing Johnny and Lance to stop with the oil. "They're in a warehouse, man!"
"Ted. Kiss my shoes?" Johnny ask as he wipes his hands off. Ted crawls over to Johnny only to be kicked in the face. "Let's go get our engines." They leave before Dixie, Dom, Vince, and Brian sneak out the way they came in.

After all the sneaking around last night, Brian decided to check in with his boss.
"My superiors are flying in from D.C., in two days. I want something to show. We've got a fence with a lube hose in his mouth automatic weapons, priors on every one of these Asian punks a garage full of DVD players and generally psychotic behavior," Bilkins explains. "Tell me why we shouldn't move on Tran now and figure it out later?"
"Because all we have is behavior. Let me get hard evidence, because what we have now is just..." Brian tries to explain.
"What we have is probable cause. And truckers arming themselves for some good old-fashioned vigilante mayhem," Bilkins argues with him.
"Tell us about Hector, Brian," Tanner says trying to go another way.
"Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break," Muse says causing Brian to roll his eyes.
"Hector's still working on the engines, but the tires don't match," Brian explains as he gets frustrated. "Will somebody just give me a cigarette?"
"Get him a cigarette," Bilkins orders Muse.
"Don't give him one. I thought you quit," Tanner says as he turns to face Brian.
"I did. Just give me one," Brian says as he looks at Bilkins and Muse.
"Get him a cigarette," Bilkins says again.
"No!" Tanner says before changing the subject. "Tell me about Toretto."
"I told you, he's too controlled for this. Going suicidal on semi-trucks? No way," Brian explains as he thinks about the team. "Maybe Vince. But he's too dumb to do it."
"I think Mia is blurring your vision," Muse says with a smirk.
"What did you say?" Brian asks him with a glare.
"I don't blame you. I'd get off on her and her sister's surveillance photos, too," Muse tells them before Brian lunges at Muse. Tanner pulls Brian back while Bilkins pushes Muse to the ground.
"Knock it off!" Bilkins says as he glares at Muse.
"What? Are you going native on me, Brian?" Tanner questions Brian. "Have you read Toretto's file lately?"
"Yeah. I memorized that file," Brian answers him as he glares at Muse.
"Read it again. No, better still, take a look at these," Tanner says before showing them some pictures. "Remember I told you about the guy he nearly beat to death? Toretto did this with a three-quarter-inch torque wrench. He's a model of self-control."
"I need a few more days," Brian tells Tanner before turning to Bilkins. "I need a few more days."

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