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Ramsey is looking at her dress for the party before she walks over to the bed, grabbing her bags to leave.
"Going somewhere?" Dixie asks her as she catches her trying to leave. "Guess you're not the only one that can read people."
"Look it's nothing personal," Ramsey says as she walks over to her. "I appreciate what you guys did for me and you seem like a decent group of um... Actually I'm not entirely sure what you are because no one will tell me."
"We're a family," Dixie tells her with a smile.
"Yes," Ramsey says with a chuckle. "Well there's our first problem right there. Not really my style. I don't play well with others. Never have. In case you hadn't noticed my line of work isn't a particularly social pursuit."
"Yet you created a device with the sole purpose of finding people," Dixie says as she shakes her head.
"Listen, God's Eye was a dare to myself to prove how good I was," Ramsey explains to her. "I knew it was dangerous but I had to finish it. Too brilliant. I know I should have destroyed it but..." Ramsey shakes her head with a sigh.
"But you didn't. Seems to me like you was searching for something," Dixie finishes for her. "And now look where we are. You know a girl that runs from everything, I think sooner or later has to take a hard look at themselves and see who she is really running from."
"Says the girl who probably tries to fix everyone," Ramsey says as she walks closer to Dixie in challenge. "She should probably take an equally long look at herself. See who really needs fixing."
"I guess life isn't as binary as you thought," Dixie slightly taunts her.
"What do you want from me Dixie?" Ramsey asks her in slight defeat.
"Stop running for starters," Dixie begins to answer her with a shrug.
"Are you suggesting that I join your team?" Ramsey asks her with a chuckle.
"You haven't earned that yet," Dixie answers her with a smirk. "Also that's not my call but I'm sure you can earn it."
"And I guess you're going to tell me how to do that," Ramsey says with a shake of her head.
"I just did. Stop running," Dixie tells her before looking at her dress. "Nice dress by the way." Dixie leaves the room as Ramsey looks back at her dress.

"Well, well. This is the most mafia I've seen this crew look," Rome says as Dom and Brian walk over to him, Ramsey, and Tej.
"Roman, I'll tell you that's a good thing," Dom says with a smirk.
"Wait. Wait. Wait," Tej says with a smile. "Y'all hear Dom? I hear him, I just don't see him."
"I see him," Rome says as he joins the teasing. "That boy cleaned up on us." Everyone notices Letty and Dixie walking down the stairs before Brian walks over to Dixie in slight shock at her beauty.
"My, my, my. This is a whole nother level, baby," Rome says as they all look at Letty and Dixie.
"What? You boys never seen a girl in a dress before?" Letty questions them with a smirk.
"I mean I have but you know I've never seen you looking quite so..." Rome answers her before turning to Tej. "Is that boluptuous?"
"It's voluptuous with a v," Tej explains to him.
"Oh voluptuous," Rome corrects himself.
"You ready to do this?" Letty asks Dom before leading the way out of the building.

Dixie and Brian enter an elevator to go up to the party. Dixie takes a deep breath as she adjusts her dress, feeling completely out of her element. She looks over to find Brian smiling at her.
"What?" Dixie asks him with a smile. "Is something wrong?"
"There's a billion things wrong," Brian answers her as he stands in front of her. "But not in this moment."
"You look handsome," Dixie says as she feels a blush come to her cheeks before she buttons the top button on Brian's shirt.
"I feel awkward," Brian tells her causing her to laugh.
"You and me both," Dixie says in agreement. Brian gently grabs her hand before she squeezes his hand.  "Brian, I..." The elevator dings causing Brian to let go of her hand.
"You okay?" Brian asks her confused.
"Yeah, fine," Dixie answers him with a smile even though she almost told him the truth.
"Showtime," Brian says before he walks out of the elevator. Dixie exits the elevator a few seconds later before walking in the opposite direction.

"No. No. No. Listen man," Rome says as he walks through the party people. "They're telling me they party like this every day. On this level, they party every day." Letty takes a glass of champagne from a hostess. "This is crazy. I might have to move out here. I think I'm gonna start a new culture. It's called Blarab. You know, like 'black Arab'."
"How are we looking, Tej?" Dom says tired of Rome's banter as he sits at a bar.
"We're almost into position," Tej answers as he and Ramsey walk through the basement. "Okay, so this is how it works. We got to move in sync if we're gonna pull this off. So lets go over it to make sure everyone clearly understands their roles. Roman, that means you."
"You know what, you're being real unprofessional right now, Tej," Rome says offended.
"The God's Eye chip is hidden in a speed drive installed in the prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room vault," Tej explains as he and Ramsey near where they need to be.
"I make 8 plainclothes security," Brian says as he looks around.
"Make it 10 plainclothes," Dixie says on her way down the stairs.
"Not to mention the prince," Dom adds as he looks over at the prince. "And his personal bodyguards."
"Security cameras are clustered by the north wall. That's where the vault is," Brian says as he turns to face Dom.
"We got to get in that vault, we got to tap into the security system, which can be accessed in the prince's bedroom," Tej explains as Letty finishes her champagne.
"All right, guys, I'm going in," Letty tells the team before heading to the prince's bedroom. "Excuse me." Letty walks up to the guard outside the room. The guard starts speaking to her in Arabic. "Oh, I was just looking for the..."
"The party is that way," The guard tells her as he point in the way she had came from. "This room is off limits." Letty hits the guard in the throat, knocking him out before grabbing his key card. She uses the key card before dragging the guard into the room.
"Now, once we're tapped in, Ramsey and I can hack into the network and pop the door so you can get in and get that shit," Tej continues to explain as he and Ramsey start setting up their equipment.
"Wait, wait, wait. You missed a step," Rome says quickly. "What about my steps? What am I supposed to be doing?"
"No, we didn't miss anything," Tej answers him. "You're special teams. So when we need you, do what you do best."
"And that is?" Ramsey asks confused.
"Shine brightly like only Roman Pearce can do," Tej answers her causing Rome to laugh.
"See? Now we talking," Rome says before he takes a sip of champagne.
"All right, Tej, I'm in," Letty says as she walks towards the prince's desk.
"All right, find the phone jack," Tej tells her. "The tap always runs behind that. It's gonna be a 350-megahertz CAT5e cable. They probably got a couple dozen back there but this will be the bonded pair with the plenum coat."
"English, Tej," Letty says as she looks at all of the wires.
"It'll be the orange wire," Dixie sums up for her.
"She's right," Tej says shocked before Letty cuts the orange wire. "All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are in the pilot seat. All right, Roman."
"Do whatever it is you do," Ramsey orders as they watch the cameras.
"It's your birthday, right?" Rome asks a random girl. "Are you Jasmine?"
"Oh, God, no. Not the birthday routine," Tej says in disgust as he cringes.
"Take my hand. Happy birthday to you," Rome says as he helps the girl up. "This way, this way. Excuse me, so sorry. I'm coming through, sorry. Right this way. Listen, excuse me one second." Rome steals a microphone from the Dj. "All right, listen, people. Please, everybody, gather around. Understand something right now. Listen to what I'm talking y'all." All of the guards follow the prince, who starts walking towards Rome. Dom and Brian start making their way to the room that the guards had been in front of. "We are here to celebrate Jasmine's 18th birthday. Happy birthday, my dear." Rome starts singing happy birthday.
"Oh, I wish I didn't see that," Tej says as he cringes again.
"At least you don't have a front row seat," Dixie says as she cringes from her spot at the bar since she was on lookout.
"Ramsey, open it up for us," Dom orders as he and Brian reach the door that leads to the car.
"Copy that," Ramsey says before typing on her computers. "You're in."

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