By CognizantMind

32.7K 1.7K 643

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


519 32 13
By CognizantMind

That day Jimin went straight to the house and waited for his brother and Annastasia to come back from work. It was at 7:00 pm that they arrived.

"Welcome back!" He opened the door.

"Jiminie? I'm surprised to see you."

"Hyung, I came back early today. Should we do dinner together?"

"No!" Both of them said at the same time. They were behaving like couples who fought a few moments ago.

"Okay!" Jimin felt it was too quick to annoy them for something because they both look kind of mad.

Annastasia quickly walked away to her room. Suga was on his way too followed by Jimin.

"Jiminie? Why are you following me?" He asked glancing back while going to his room.

"Hyung, I need to talk to you."

Suga stopped, " Say,"

"Not here, let's go to your room."

"Ok, come."

Yah!! Kook, I hope you are wrong. My brother is so sweet how can he ever do that to someone. I just can't believe it, but the only way I can is to confront him. I know he won't kick me out. He loves me too much.

"Jimin, I'll change in a min, you sit here. "

"Ok Hyung!"

Jimin sat there like a good little brother, not moving until his Hyung came after getting fresh.

"So, tell me what did you wanted to talk about?"

Suga sat beside Jimin on the couch.

"I-I..umm...I wanted to.."

"Do you want to buy something? Should I ask Annastasia to transfer the money?"

"No! Hyung. A-actually I wanted to talk about.."

Suga kept his hand on Jimin's, "You know right how much I love you, so don't hesitate to ask me anything. Go ahead."

It was indeed as Suga said. After losing everyone, Jimin was kind of his only family left. Even if they weren't blood-related but their relationship was more than a bloodline.

Jimin took a deep breath. " Hyung, it's about Annastasia."

Suga raised his eyebrow in disbelief. Has Jimin started liking her or something?

"What is it Jimin? " Suga asked in a dark tone, he no longer had the affectionate face. He was dead serious.

Jimin understood it but he chooses to go on. " I know what you did with Annastasia, I also know who she is and why she is here."

"You do?" Suga was furthermore surprised. "And who told you?"

"Umm...I can't say that but, Hyung you shouldn't do that to her. She isn't at fault. She is a victim just like you were."

Suga left his hand and was angry now.

"Jimin, it'd be better if you won't indulge yourself in these matters, I told you everything regarding my past because I trust you and I love you like my brother."

"I know Hyung, and I will always be grateful for that, please don't mind my words, but, I feel she is innocent, and an innocent person should never be punished for what others did."

Suga stood up from the couch, " Jimin, that day I saved you from your father because it was necessary, then I kept you with me forever because I thought that was right. So, don't tell me what's wrong or what's right. "

Jimin felt a bit sad. And stood up to exit.

Yoongi sighed and felt worse, he didn't mean to be rude to him. He is never rude to Jimin knowing that how soft he is. So, he goes to his room.

Knocks on his door and as soon as Jimin opens the door he hugs him.

"I'm sorry Jimine, I didn't mean to hurt you." He breaks the hug and looks at his face. Jimin is smiling, looking at his sweet Hyung coming back.

"It's ok Hyung. You were right. I shouldn't interfere in your matters. I'm just a.."

"You are my brother, you can interfere, you can tell me anything you want. Don't worry."

Jimin smiles and nods.

"Goodnight, sleep well my mini." He ruffles his hair and goes back to his room.

Meanwhile, Annastasia is unaware of how she nearly became the reason for the two brothers' fight. Her hand is no close to being better. It will take couple more days. But her will was still there, hanging from the edge of the cliff. Another blow and it will fall deep.

Annastasia tried to sleep, knowing that her Boss will be in her room, any moment. And then he was, entering at the same time.

She immediately woke up seeing the monster in her room. He walked straight towards her bed and sat on the edge.

"I have brought something for you. Want to see?" Suga was acting like he is speaking to his little toy or a small kitten.

Even though she had no interest she had to agree, "Y-yes." She replied like a scardy cat.

Suga took out a whip.

Annastasia's eyeballs popped out looking at it. And she knew she's going to die today. This man is a psycho. He wants to kill me and I don't even know why.

"Do you know what this is used for?"

She nods, it was more of shivering.

"Good girl, Do you know what I'll do with this?"

She nods again and raises her moist eyes to look at him.

"Uh uh! I said no tears. Come stand in front of me."

Her fear came back to her, "Sir, please, I beg you, I didn't do anything this time."

"I had asked you to stay away from men! And you were there in Jungkook's cabin hugging him!!" He yelled.

"Sir, I swear, Mr.Jungkook was the one who called me for work. " She protested.

"Stand here! I don't have time for your lies. "

"I'm not lying, sir. Pleas.."

"I said stand here. Or else.." he warned.

She did as asked. Annastasia stood in front of him facing her back.

And then in a second.

A strong force fell.

She didn't cry or shout because if she did, the whips would increase. Her whole body was shivering with the pain. And then another one came.


Right then and there she fell on the ground. And he as usual went back to his room with no emotions.

As soon as Suga was out, Jimin came from the side room and entered Annastasia's room locking the door. He was waiting for an opportunity to talk to her, but he hid when he saw his brother.

As soon as Jimin entered, he was shocked, " Annastasia!!!"

Jimin picked her body lying on the floor, crying, and lay her on the bed to which she sat immediately because her back was burning.

"What happened Anna? " Jimin as much frightened as she was, tried to wipe her tears when she was hiding her crying face.

"N-nothing Jimin I-i am f-fine." A weak broken voice came out of shivering lips. A voice which used to be so bold, can't stand up for itself anymore.

Jimin looked over her back and was horrified , there were two clear bruises like someone whipped her.

"My brother did this to you," Jimin said and looked at her eyes, which said yes.

Jimin soon went downstairs brought a lot of ice. And first aid.

"Annastasia, I need you to lie down on the bed."

"J-jimin, it's fine. You can leave me alone. Because if he finds out you are in my room, he will kill me."

"He won't Anna, please trust me, lie down."

Annastasia was too tired and too much in pain to fight with him, so she lied down on her chest.

Jimin with her permission zipped her dress to her waist and was deeply aching seeing the bruise mark. Before attending her bruise, he clicked few pictures and send them to Namjoon, the only man who can make Suga understand.

Jimin and Namjoon had the same relationship which Suga and Namjoon had. They were great friends. And Jimin knew how much great influence he has on his brother.

After sending the message, Jimin started carefully treating her and tried to alleviate her pain.

Meanwhile, Suga had already sent the video in which he is torturing Annastasia to Namjoon. He then calls him.


"I've sent you the video, you know what to do."

"Yes, boss, I've received it."


"Can I say something to you? Not as a partner but as a friend."

"Yes, Namjoon, sure go ahead."

"It's not worth it Suga."

"What's not worth it?"

"You torturing that girl. She doesn't deserve it. She is a victim of your hate. ".

"I don't understand suddenly, why all the men in my life started empathizing for that bitch."

"Because she is not one. You judge all the women on the same level. But every human is different Suga. Just because she is her daughter, doesn't mean she will be like her. Moreover, if you want I can put two bullets in each one of them and end it right today. "

" No! If I had to kill them with bullets I would have done it when I took them in captivity Namjoon, and I don't know what she is and what she isn't. Every woman is the same for me. And stop being her lawyer, you work for me, not for her."

" Don't forget Suga iam the one who saved you, and I am the one who is helping you to do this, but not at the cost of an innocent's life. You are doing the same thing that your father did to your mother. She was innocent and a victim and this girl is too. Think again Suga. "

"Namjoon, we both have done enough for each other to make it even. Now, you keep doing as I said. I want to torture them. I want to make them feel the same way I and my mother did. And if you can't empathize with my pain. Then don't speak."

"Fine. " Namjoon knew he can't make him understand.

Both of them hang the phone.

The conversation with Namjoon makes him think. Think about his doings. Struggling with his dilemmas he walks to his little black room. And sits in front of a picture all night.

The next morning it's a Sunday. Annastasia is doing breakfast on the table, thinking that Suga has already finished it because it's way past 8:00. But no, Suga woke up late too. And he then comes down to the kitchen plus dining hall to drink something.

Both of them exchanged angry glances and got back to their activity. As Annastasia is facing her back towards the kitchen, Suga gets a glance at her bruised skin with cream all over the area. This scene automatically sends him to that day when his father beat his mother recklessly and he was the one curing her while tears were dropping from both their faces.

The anger of that time made him so mad that he broke the glass that was in his grasp. The sound reached Annastasia's ears and she immediately stood up with a napkin kept on the table, rushing towards him.

Suga remain startled by it before he could do anything, Annastasia held his hand showed it to the running water. Suga was amazed, he was more amazed to see the creases on her forehead. Why does she care?

She then quickly pat dry it with cloth and reached for the first aid.

Meanwhile, he was just looking at her. And couldn't believe, Why?

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, looking at her putting antibiotic on his wound to which he didn't even flinch.

"Because I know how much it hurts." She replied looking back at him, right into those eyes.

"Even though I beat you for two nights. Why do you care if I get a cut?"

"Because Mr.Suga, I am a human. " She replied wrapping the cloth bandage, " Even though you don't think of me as a human, but I am. And I feel things. When I feel things, I act." She finished it.

"Hmm," he scoffed. "You're just after my money, don't act. Don't be fake in front of me. You are so desperate for my money that you're willing to do everything, even get on my bed."

Annastasia had enough of it. Her back was still hurting and her palm wasn't cured, but here she is helping this Monster who gave her all the pain.

"Mr. Suga, do you even know why I want your money? Did you ever ask me why I am so desperate? You didn't! And here you're making your assumptions. I never agreed to sleep with you, you are blackmailing me for it. Leaving me with no choice."

He walks close enough, " Is it, Miss Annastasia, so tell me, why do you need so much money?".

"Because I need to pay my debt and it isn't any normal debt it's in millions, and it'll take me my entire life to pay it. But working in your company will help me reduce it to half of life. That's why I am so desperate Mr.Suga." then she leaves.

But the man, assumes what his mind will eventually.

"Paying debt taken for luxury, what a hoe she is?"

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