Crossed Paths Lead to Better...

By propheticslytherin

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What if Harry didn't marry Ginny? After his first stay in Grimmauld Place he stumbled on his Soulmate? What i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

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By propheticslytherin

Ah, the blissful summer of a 10 year old wizard. Regulus was home again, in the past few years he had been all over the world. Japan, France, Brazil, Australia, Africa, Russia and a secret school in Korea. At this point, he only had a few schools to go. Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, Durmstrang and Uagadou.

Harry had gone to Beauxbatons with his son, but when he came home he had to focus back on work. Not to mention, the surprise addition to the family, Lily. She was kind of a treat. The only girl with a bunch of brothers. Regulus was extra excited for a sister. He had always wanted one. Albus was attached too. Remus however, he really seemed against Lily from the start. He would not hurt her, but he did not want to get to close. There wasn't a real reason for it, except maybe jealousy. Harry enjoyed the frequent tea parties with her as she grew. Albus spent a lot of time watching movies with her.

Since the addition of Lily, they had moved from the wizarding home of Grimmauld Place, into a big home in Godric's Hollow. Both parents agreed that the children would benefit from a life in small community. They also knew a bigger home was a necessity.

Now don't worry, Regulus did not go to any of the other schools alone. When he went to Brazil, he was the talk of the school. Not only because of his age, he had Newt there as a guardian. In Australia he had a great chaperone that had been one of Harry's secretary's. Usually a person would volunteer for the honored task.

Regulus would rather go on his own, he was capable of getting on and off a plane. His parents disagreed each time he would plead for independence.

This year, well this would be different. He would be getting on the train and going to Hogwarts. This would be one of the few schools he would got for a full year. While most kids wanted to go there for their entire schooling, Regulus had long learned the benefits of an international education. He also kept up with classes from each school. Thankfully there were ways to get his assignments early in the year. He maintained the highest marks in each school, and his parents didn't even know. Had they known, they would stop his long hours of studying.

Both Harry and Seres wanted him to be a kid, to enjoy life. Teddy was slowly becoming a friend, now that he stopped playing with toys and had matured to Regulus' liking.

That wasn't Regulus though, he had to gain all the knowledge he could. He had to prove he was the best wizard to date. Overcome and fix all his grandfather had done wrong even.

He was sitting with his window open, waiting for that majestic owl to come from Hogwarts. He had to, if it came in and Remus saw it, Remus would eat it. The kid had a bad habit of eating Ministry owls, pigeons....well birds of any kind. Heck, he once brought in a stag he had somehow killed. At nearly 6 he was an apex predator.

Harry walked into the room, and frowned a bit, "Still now owl?"

"No, no owl. Are you sure Remus hasn't eaten it?" Regulus questioned.

"No, he hasn't. I would've seen the feathers. Besides, he doesn't eat letters." Harry wasn't sure why the owl hadn't come by now. It was already August.

"What if Hogwarts doesn't want me? They didn't want Mother." Regulus sighed, as he let his wand weave between his fingers.

Harry sat down by his son, looking out the window, "I doubt that. Hogwarts would be lucky to have a kid as talented as you. Maybe there was a mistake, because you went to the other schools."

"So, no Hogwarts?" Regulus questioned, as he put his head on his knees.

Harry thought a moment, "Well, how about we go to my office. We can use the floo system to get to McGonagall's Office. I know she's there." Harry paused a moment, "We can then ask her."

Regulus perked up a tad, "Really, we can really go ask?"

"Sure, I mean she can't get mad at me."

"Just because you're Harry Potter, doesn't mean you're immune to trouble."

Harry laughed as he stood back up, pulling Regulus to his feet.

The two went into the office. Two sets of eyes watched as they went to the fireplace. One was a white owl, much like Hedwig. She had been a gift from his kids. The other, an Augery. A bird that Remus once found in Diagon Alley, injured.

They hurried one at a time through the floo system, Harry sending Regulus first.

Regulus stepped into the office. Many Professors looked down at him, as he approached the desk.

He saw McGonagall working on a letter. She looked up at him, pushing her glasses up her nose a bit.

"Hello young man, what are you doing in my office?" She questioned.

"My Dad said we should come, because I haven't gotten my owl." Regulus explained, as he continued looking around the office.

McGonagall's brow narrowed as she stood up, to get a better look at the boy. She soon narrowed down who the father was. Minus his hair being well kept, he was a good reflection of Harry. It did help, that Harry soon slid out of her fireplace.

"You didn't get your owl?" She pondered. "A child as talented as yourself should have." She added.

"You think I'm talented?" Regulus smiled a bit, her opinion meant the world to him. His father had told him many wonderful things about this woman, and in a way Regulus idolized her.

"Of course, not only are you Harry's son, I have heard all about you through the schools you've attended. I must say, I wish we could have had you here sooner. A talent such as your own, can only lead to a promising future."

"So, do you know why he wouldn't get an owl?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure, but I for one want you in my school." She sat back down, and grabbed a fresh parchment. She wrote a formal invitation on it, and handed it back to Regulus. "Now, I don't think you coming in a first year will do. You are way to advanced to be a first year. You've been in school for about 5 years?"

"Yes Professor." Regulus answered, looking over the letter.

"Then a Fifth Year you shall be. I'm sure the O.W.L.S will not be a challenge for you. Which electives are you focused on?"

"Actually all of them, and if it is okay I have been doing work on a class I think this school needs. My God father helps me, and I would like to have an exam developed for it...."

"What class is that?" She asked, with an interested smile. A student had never proposed another class.

"One about half breeds." He told her.

She thought a moment, "I think that would be a fine idea. And maybe when you finish with all of your schooling, you could come back here and make it a permanent class." She offered. As she jotted down a note.

"Teach?" Regulus had never been given career advice from the other schools. Perhaps they thought he wanted to be like his father.

"I think you'd make a fine professor one day. Your father has told me a bit about you, and how you enjoy teaching your siblings. I've also heard you like to tutor students at your other schools."

"I did. But I'm a..."

"I know you're a werewolf. One of our better professors was also one. You shouldn't let that hold you back. I know you haven't so far." She advised.

"Would you mentor me?" Regulus asked.

She smiled back at him, beaming with excitement. "I would love to mold you into a fine professor. Who knows, one day you may make and excellent headmaster." She noted.

Regulus had never thought of that. He had dreams of making the world better, especially for half breeds, but he had never thought of being being in charge of a school like Hogwarts.

"I didn't know I could do that. I always thought my options were still limited." He thought a bit more, "So I can actually start as a Fifth Year?"

"I don't see why not. You have been in school long enough." She thought a bit more, "Which House do you want to be in?" She asked, "Unless you want to be properly sorted."

"No, I don't want to put the hat through that challenge. Besides, Dad says I get a choice. So, I want to be in Slytherin. My goal is to make it an honorable house."

She gave a nod of approval, "I was hoping for Gryffindor, but I get it."

"They're both in my blood, but I don't like Gryffindors. Too many of them are jerks. I know Slytherin has a lot of bad wizards, but they are still usually a family unit."

McGonagall looked at him, "You have Slytherin in your blood?" She looked back at Harry.

Harry didn't say a word. It was always up to his son, what was said and what wasn't.

"But you're a Potter."

"Yes, my father is a Potter. My mother isn't though. It's why I took the last name Riddle. All my siblings were given the same opportunity to pick our last name and I went with Riddle, as did Remus."

She blinked, as she sat down, "So you're saying Voldemort..."

"Is my grandfather."

"I had no idea, Mr. Potter why didn't you say anything?"

"My wife likes to keep that private. I can assure you she is a good person, as it my son."

"Well I'm not distrusting your judgment. I still have full faith in your children, and their future, but that is just almost unbelievable. I thought the girl was...well you know."

"A story she told the Order. But you met her a few times, and she did let the Order meet in her home."

She nodded a bit, before looking at Regulus, "I will never judge you for the crimes of your family, but the world may. I knew your grandfather when he was a student here in the school, and now that I think about it you do look like him."

"Mother says that often. My looks favor him and my father. Luckily they are very similar in appearance." He laughed.

"Right, well I will talk to Slughorn. I think you'd make a good Prefect as well. He has nobody he trusts, so I think it will be a great way for you to make the impact you wish to make."

"Thank you, Headmistress. And thank you for making sure I got into the school. I look forward to this year, and all the years in the future we will work together."

"Yes, well why don't you step outside, I want to talk to your father a bit longer."

"May I go to the library?" Regulus asked.

"If you wish, do you know where it is?"

Regulus nodded, and went out the door.

McGonagall turned to Harry, "You have a very bright son."

"I know, who would have thought I would have a son like this." He laughed, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"I just want to know if there's anything else I should know. I want your son to have the best time at Hogwarts. I know he's been everywhere, and werewolves are not common in schools. I've only had Remus Lupin."

Harry now understood the question more.

"He is a bit of an explorer. It's hard to keep him in a room. I can say, however, he isn't a troublemaker like I was. He just loves getting the most out of everything. He spends a lot of time reading, and getting to know some that others would never talk to. For instance, I heard from Newt he made friends with some trolls in Brazil. Nobody had ever spoken with them before." Harry began, "He is a Vegan, and is colorblind. Oh, and allergic to chocolate." Harry added. "Also, and I will discuss this with Hannah, he does have heart problems. They come and go, but his mother has him on a potion regiment mixed with a muggle one. Seems to keep it under control." He paused a moment, "He will never tell you he's not well. He tries to keep that from others."

"I see, that's good to know." She was taking notes of everything Harry mentioned.

"Also, he will only make Vegan based potions. If Slughorn doesn't want to accommodate that, or doesn't know how, my wife will transpose the ingredients in the required book. At this point, I'm near certain Regulus could probably pass even the Potion N.E.W.T.S. But that's because his mother has taught him everything."

She looked up and laughed, "He is truly something special. Who knows, he may do something that changes everything in our world."

"He wants to." Harry sighed, "Anything else?"

"No, that's all. You should probably go get your son, so the two of you can go home. I know the Hogwart's Express is fixing to leave the station. Perhaps you two could take the train home."

"That would be a good idea, a bit of a treat for him." He began to leave the office. "Thank you again, for everything."


Regulus and Harry did end up on the train. Regulus had his nose in a book the entire time, as Harry slept. Madame Pence loved Regulus enough to let him borrow a library book. It was all about dark magic. This book wasn't something he could just get from Diagon Alley.

The train pulled into the station, and the two got off. A few wizards bustled by, and Harry was leading the way off the platform, when he noticed his son wasn't with him. He stopped and turned. Regulus looked as white as a ghost, as he looked around.


"This place, I've seen it before."

"You've never been here." Harry assured him.

"In my dreams, when you have to wake me. Usually Grandmother Lily is here, telling me to turn back. The only difference is, it's white and there are no trains."

Harry was taken back by the description, he had been here when Voldemort hit him with the Killing Curse. Could his son be on Death's Door when he sleeps?

Harry took his son's hand, realizing his fear. "Keep your eyes down, I will get us out of the station. I promise nothing bad will ever happen here, but know that the place in your sleep shouldn't be a fright either."

"But I don't want to die yet." Regulus replied.

"So you think it's where you go before death too?"

Regulus nodded, "I know it's silly to fear death."

"You're a child, you should fear it. Your mother and I are going to make sure that doesn't happen any time soon. You will live for many many more years."

"I guess..."

"I know you've been sick, but we are here to keep you strong. Not to mention, it sounds like my mother is there to keep you going too. And when it's time, we will let you know."

Regulus nodded, keeping his head down, "I at least have to finish school. He laughed.

Harry tried to laugh, at the thought. Loosing his children was a great fear, and sadness. He knew he would lose Regulus one day, but he didn't need to tell his son that. They left hand in hand, on the return back home.

Regulus had his letter in his hand, and his year was in motion, a year of great development.

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