Chapter 9

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Today was a great day to be in Grimmauld Place, or so Regulus thought. He was now 5, and it was March. He enjoyed spring. The trees were many colors, well okay there were flowers. Over the years, his parent learned he was colorblind.

It didn't stop Regulus though. He just got frustrated when people tried to ask him to find things, like the green book.

He was sitting outside, and it was late afternoon. This was a normal spot to find him this time of day. Regulus was waiting. Waiting for his father to comeback from work.

Harry began working as an Auror shortly after the war ended. Regulus, unlike his mother, actually worried about his father everyday. He had read many books about dark wizards, and worried what would happen if his father didn't win. Sure, his father was the greatest wizard he knew, but he knew fighting bad people was hard.

In his lap, Regulus had a new book. He had been reading muggle literature these days. There was a book store nearby that his mother would let him walk to. She knew he was safe, and he would always come right home.

His curiosity was always peaked by the fictional writings of muggles. Today, he was reading 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. This was so far his favorite. Sure, he may be to young to actually understand any of it, but he wasn't a normal kid. He devoured this book.

He had gone back to reading, when his nose picked up a familiar scent. His head popped up.

Harry had his coat draped on his arm, "Regulus!" He exclaimed as always. "What are you reading today?"

"Same as yesterday."

"Still good?"

"Of course, I love it" Regulus explained as he stood up. Regulus had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Dad, Mom has a new scent."

Harry had to chuckle to himself. The two had been keeping something from them. At least until now. Perhaps it was time to actually tell him.

"Come on, lets go inside. We will go ahead and ask her."

Regulus was excited as they ran in. The two went to Seres, which Harry had to pause before they walked to her.

She was resting on a chair, looking a tad pale.

"Seres, are you okay?"

She shook her head no. Harry noticed a bit of glass on her hands.

"Did you fall?"

She gave a nod. He could just tell that she wasn't fully attentive. He looked at Regulus.

"Is Mom okay?"

Harry knew that this wasn't okay. He carefully pulled her into his arms. "Regulus, take hold of my arm. We need to get your mother to St. Mungos." He told him.

Regulus took hold of his father. He was growing worried, his mother was not herself.

They arrived and a Healer took Seres to a room. Harry went to sit back by his son.

"Dad, what's wrong with Mom?"

Harry knew he couldn't keep hiding things from his son. "Your Mom is having another baby."

Regulus furrowed his brow. "Why? After all I caused?"

"You caused nothing. And there isn't any proof that she will have another werewolf." Harry didn't want to get into the fact that they were doing this for him. Astoria and Draco were now having a baby. The reason, Astoria didn't want Draco to be alone. The two had discussed a sibling may be good for their son.

Regulus had trouble making friends. He was so far advanced, that he didn't really get along with others. They had tried Teddy, but Teddy was playing with toys and Regulus thought that was childish. They boy didn't understand he was a child. It was hard to watch him be alone. So to them, it was worth the risk to make sure their son was happy.

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