Chapter 15

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Harry approached his home, Remus in his arms. The boy still hadn't woken from his prophecy. Harry's only experience with prophecies were with Professor Trelawney, and she had never passed out due to them. He figured Remus situation was due to his age, and the power of the prophecy.

Seres ran out to meet the two of them, she had gotten home early from her outing, and for good reason.

"What happened?" She asked Harry as he walked up.

"Everything was going so well, we were having a great time, and then he fell. I caught him, and he then had a prophetical vision."

Seres held open the door, as Harry carried the boy to his room.

"Is he okay, though?"

"He is still passed out, but otherwise he is okay." Harry laid Remus on his bed, "At least I think he is." Harry sat by his son, keeping an eye on him.

Seres sat on the other side, and began to look Remus over. She had enough practice to be better than the Healers at St. Mungos. She didn't see any injuries, and he was breathing like he was just sleeping.

"He seems okay, most likely just exhausted." She responded, as she brushed his hair from his face. "I have read prophecies can be exhausting."

Harry just kept watching Remus sleep, "It was about your father."

Seres lifted her head, to look at Harry, "What was it?"

"Something about time turning, a spare being spared, and an unseen child killing his father..." Harry was doing his best to remember what his son had said. He knew it would be important, but he also had just watched his son almost die.

Seres began to think through the prophecy. When it came to her father, she knew it was important to keep him gone. Her father was a harder subject than most others.

"What would Cedric have to do with my father?"

"Cedric?" Harry's attention was diverted.

"Didn't you say that father called him the spare?"

Harry looked away, remembering the moment in the graveyard.

"Yes, yes he did. So Cedric is the spare."

"Most likely, I can't be sure, but he was the only one that was referred to as a spare. He was the only one that was a spare and connected to you father." She noted.

Harry began to think some more, "You are probably right."

She began to think more, "You would almost say you had to be the one that died, but which child would kill you is beyond me."

"Unless it's an accident caused by saving Cedric."

"I could see that happening." Seres confirmed. "Whatever it is, we know not to try to prevent it from happening."

"What do you mean?" Harry questioned.

"Well, for example, my father didn't rise to power because he went chasing after the prophecy. Had he not come to kill you as a baby, who knows what would have happened."

"Valid point. So what do we do?"

"We don't let the prophecy leave these walls. We stay vigilant, and that's all we can do to prevent it." Seres recommended, with a sigh. "There really isn't anything else we can do to, but it's still interesting he had this prophecy."

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked, as he got off the bed.

"He's been having nightmares about my father."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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