Chapter 13

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It was late, the entire household was already asleep. Well not everybody, Seres was awake. She was always awake. This was a normal behavior, every since she was younger. Her ability to have prophetical dreams seemed to always get in the way of a normal life. The dream she had, that stopped the sleep, was to do with a boy falling from a broom. Normally a dream like that wouldn't bother her, but she felt this boy was important to her.

It wasn't until Remus was born, that she knew it was about her own child. Remus was a hyper child. He enjoyed flying, though most days he would fly with Draco more than Harry. It wasn't that Remus didn't like Harry, he just had a strained relationship. Harry was always getting on to him for all types of things. Bringing dead birds in the house, nearly destroying Olivanders. It wasn't his fault he loved chewing wands.

Seres loved all her children, but Remus she was close too. He relied on her the most, to give him the companionship and parental focus he needed.

Seres was washing her hands in the kitchen, after finishing a night of potion brewing. Currently she was working on something to help Astoria. The poor woman was getting weaker, and Seres wanted to help her stay with Draco and Scorpius as long as possible.

She was also working on a continual project, a potion to take the lycanthropy from the blood of a werewolf, removing the curse. That would hopefully mean Regulus could have his health issues resolved, and Remus wouldn't be allergic to himself.

She left the kitchen, checking on the quiet house. Well, it wasn't that quiet. She heard a noise coming form Remus' room. He was the only one that slept on the bottom floor. The other rooms all looked over the cemetery and the old Potter home. Remus could see the ghosts around them, so they made a room for him on the first floor. It did cause some problems. He didn't always feel like a family member, since his siblings slept upstairs. Except for Regulus. When he was home, he had taken to sleeping in one of the sitting rooms on an old antique couch. Nobody understood how that could be comfortable, but it seemed good enough for him.

Seres walked to the room, quietly opening the door. She quietly walked into the room, and went to his bedside.

He was crying in his sleep, so one of the bad dreams he had. He had many of them. And like his mother, many were signs of the future.

She carefully pulled him into her lap, knowing to carefully wake him.

"Remus." She whispered, "Wake up."

He opened his bright green eyes, slow to move a bit. When he saw his mother, he snuggled into her. Wanting to get closer to her.

"Bad dream?" She asked, as her hand rubbed his back.

Remus gave a slow nod. "Yeah, about a scary man."

"What kind of man?"

"Tall, and very pale."

"Did he have a slit as a nose?"

"Yeah, and red eyes. He wore robes that were many shades of green."

Seres bit her lip, and frowned. That was never a good person to see in your dreams.

"That, Remus, was your grandfather."


Seres nodded, setting him back on the bed to look at him better.

"I prefer calling him by his actual name, Tom or Grandfather Riddle. But yes, that was him. Did he say anything to you?"

"He wanted to kill me for being a werewolf, and the son of Harry."

Sometimes the stories about her father got out of hand. Was he a bad man? Yes, he killed just to kill, even wanted to kill a baby, but he was also her father. She knew he loved her, and that he cared about Regulus. Books would never talk about the loyalty to his family he had.

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